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Sales »y Auction. THIS MORNING, At 11 o'clock, '50 OASES OBANGES AND LEMONS, BK. BPB DD I X Q © will sell the above-at his Rooms, This Morning, at 11 o'olocb. sj y WEDNESDAY, lOfch INST., At 11 o'clock forenoon, Important to BOOT AND SHOE MERCHANTS AND GENERAL STOREKEEPERS. BM. S F E D D I N G • will sell, at his Booms,, on Wednesday,. 10th. tost., at 11 o'clock, THE EXTENSIVE STOCK; In the Assigned Estate of "THE PALMERSTON NORTH BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURING COMPANY (LIMITED)," Comprising EVERY VARIETY OF BOOTS AND SHOES: Men's, Youths', and Boys'. Women's, Maids, and Girls', All New and Well Assorted. Without any reserve. Catalogues will be forwsrded on application. FRIDAY, 12th JULY, At 2.30 o'clock. On premises, corner Crawford and Water streets, GREAT CLEARING SALE Of SPECIALLY SELECTED WINES, SPIRITS, ALES, STOUT, ! V LAGER BEER, CIGARS, ! MINERAL WATERS, &c, &c. The Stock of the late Henry Rose. , This Stock is all New, end Specially Selected for this Market. Printed Catalogues now ready. PARK, REYNOLDS, & CO. axe instructed by the Executors of the estate of the late Henry Rose to sell by auction : The. whole of his Stock of Wines, Spirits, &0., as above. The very convenient OFFICES and STORE ase to be LET.—Apply to the Auctioneers. ■ SATURDAY, 6th JULY^ >■ At II o'clock. At the Dunedin Horse Saleyacda. Special Sala of Superior DRAUGHT MARES AND GELDINGS. COLTS AND FILLIES. •^nTRIGHT, STEPHENBON, & CO. v w are instructed by various country clients to sell by auction, at above time and place: l 4.5 superior draught Mares and Geldings, Colts and Fillies, 4, 5, and 6 years old 1 A upstanding active spring van Horses, 4 and 5 years. ' 4-jy Medical. NE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or constitutional). Gravel and Pains in the Back, fiuaranteed . free from.Mercury. Sold in boxes, is 6d each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors throughout the world. Proprietors: The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drue Company, Lincoln, England. A WORD ABOUT EUCALYPTUS. A great deal has been said and written about the difficulty of procuring " The Genuine Article." We wish it to be understood that WE HAVI RECEIVED THE HIGHEST AWARDS where, ever we have competed—including the Highest Award at Chicago Exposition. 189S—beating nine competitors. . ' This should be a sufficient Guarantee of the Excellence of our EUCALYITE EXTRACT and our SPECIAL EUCALYPTUS OIL. The Leaves' of our Special Trees only yield about Six Pints of Oil from every Thousand Pounds' Weight of Picked Leaves, while thi leaves of the common peppermint gum trees anc ' other'inferior varieties of Eucalyptus yield frorr. the same quantity of leaves as much as 25 pints. The inducement to make larger profits by usinf poor qualities of "species" is therefore quit* apparent, and fully accounts for the scarcity of th( PURE ARTICLE. Ask for COLEMANE'S GOLD MEDAL EUCALYPTUS. Our Extract is not supplied in Bulk except t< Medical Men. For INFLUENZA this Ext.ract*is an absoluti specific; in fact it acts like rnaffic. Try COLEMANE'S EUCALYPTUS LOZEN GES for Voice and Throat. Ask for COLEMANE & SONS' GOLD MEDAI EUCALYPTUS, and take no other. Sold Everywhere. 1 v. haymTn ss co.. Wholesale Aobhes. DUNSDIN. Boware of Taking any Cheap Put-up Trash A TERRIBLE COUGH. TERRIBLE COUGH. "94 Commercial Road.'Peckham. July 12. " Dear Sir,—l am a poor haood at expressing ny feelings, but I should like to thank you. You lozenges have done wonders in relieving m; .terrible cough. Since I had the operation 0 ' tracheotomy' (the same as the late Bmperor 0 Germany, and, unlike him, thank God,-1 am stil alive) performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital no one could posßibly have bad a more violcn cough; it was so bad at times that it quite ex liansted me. The mucous, which was very copinu and hard, has been softened, and I have been abl to get rid of it without difficulty.—l am, sir. your truly.' J. Hill." A DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY. A DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY. " Routb Park. Cardiff, Soutb Wales. Septeuibfl £8. 1593. "T havn indeed great pluasuro in adding in testimony to your excellent preparation of Goug Lozenges, and I have prescribed it now for th last eight years in my hospitals and privat practice, and found it of preat benefit,. I ofte suffer from Chronic Bronchitis; your Ixraengo 1 the only remedy which gives me .immediate easi Therefore I certainly and most strongly recori mend your Lozenges to the. public who'may suffe from Catarrh. Bronchitis. Vv> inter Cough, or an kind of Pulmonary Irritation. —Yours truly, "A Gasiuki., M.D., L.Pv.C.P. and LM. Edii ' " burgh, L.R.C.S. and LM. Edinburgh." USE HEATING'S LOZKNGKS. USE KEATING'S LOZENGKS. " It is 75 years ago" since; KKATING'S COUG] LOZENGES were first made, and the sale larger than ever, because they are unrivalled i the relief and cure of Winter Cough. Asthma, an Bronchitis ; one alon« gives relief. UTTERLY UNRI'VALLKD. ' . UTTERLY UN RIVALLED. Keating's Cough Lozenges, the Unrivalle „ Remedy for COUGHS, IJOAESENESS, an THROAT TROUBLES, are sold in Tins by a Chemists. . 12a WHEN your liver is out of order, ami yo feel sleepy and languid on rising, wit sour taste in your mouth, tongue coated, and pai between tht shoulders, yon require a course of MARSHALL'S SPECIAL TINCTURE OF POnOPHYLLUM: a remedy that always giver, the relief desirei Its price (Is) pats it within the reach of all. Tl dose is small, and thu results certain. Ten dro] taken on rising, mixed with a Seidlitz Powder i three-quarters of a iuruWer of water, will woi wonders on a Sluggisb Liver. .Bnairtess men, are you evor troubled with hea achea? If you are, get a Packet of Dr CROSi LAND'S celebrated VEGETABLE HEADACH CACKIi'IS, and note the marvellously rapid ma nor in which they act. The worst headaches a cured in 15 or 20 minutes with this remedy. Tc yoxir v/ivoK if they ate suffering. Price, Is 6d abo ■Notk.—iCvery Cachet Stamped "Dr Cros land's." without which none are genuine. VIOLENT, RAGING TOOTHACHB Is CURED by USING MAESHALL'S celebrat< Remedy. UIIONTAiiGIOON. This remedy has now a reputation for Curfr Toothache second to noce. It can be obtained : almost every city and village throughout Ne Zealand. Its merits as a pain destroyer cann be gainsaid. Sold in Bottles at Is. -The Road t6 Rum" CORNS is by applyii MARSHALL'S KTJRA KLAVA. Its succe has no parallel—it stands without a rival in Ne Zeal&nd as a Corn Killer. Bottles, Is. If your feet are distorted and painful with the wretched deformities, use ICUPvA KLAVA, 1 am the Sole Authorised Aeent for COUJ MATTEI'S REMEDIES in this City. All sv plies come direct from the Count's Castle Italy. Having attended all Dr Kennedy's L< tures of Instruction on the use of these valuat Medicines, I am in & position to give corre instructions how they sliouk] be used. So aa make the instructions readily understood th will be all type written. If you are sick, write for a pasipiujst. EVERY REMEDY IN STOCK AT LONDC ■■ PRICES. Also. All the LATEST BOOKS, &c. If you are subject to Colds, take MA SHALL'S COD LIVER OIL BMULSIO made from the Best Norwegian Oil by Spec Emnlsion Machinery imported from London. \ guarantee this Emulsion Equa.l to the Import* It can be made of any de3ired flavour, and spec prices will be given to those taking half a doz bottles. Small Size (as Scott's), 2s ; Large, 33 6 MARSHALL'S PHARMACY, 88 PRINCES STRKET (Next Messrs G. andT. Young's, Jewellers), DUNEDIN rpHB APIAEY : Weakly Seasonable Nob JL by NoYiw.-Osa2;o Witness.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10404, 5 July 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 10404, 5 July 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 10404, 5 July 1895, Page 4