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— Two families, consisting, of 20 person 3, together with a greyhound, eight puppies, and a pony, were recently found living at Pevensey, England, in two rooms of a disused coastguard cottage, which had; neither doots nor windows. JSno's Eiturr Salt. —" I travel by rail between twenty and thirty thousand miles each year, and in my opinion there is uo mode of travelling so debilitating to the human system aa that. For a long time I suffered from nervousness, sluggish liver, indigestion, flatulence, and most o£ the ailineuts common to those who travel a great deal. Alter trying many, and all more or less worthless, remedies, I ■was induced to try your FKUIT SALT, and since doing so (nine months ago) I may indeed say I am a new man, and now I never consider my portmanteau packed unless there is a bottle of END'S FRUIT SALT in it. I think it right to recommend it in every way—hence this letter — for I am sure it needs but to be tried, and no traveller would think of being without so great a friend in all cases of need. I enclose my card, and am faithfully yours, Truth, the Trossachs Hotel, Lake Kabune. Callander, N. 8., 27th June 1853." CAUTION. —Legal rights are protected in every civilised country. Examine each bottle and see the Capsule is Marked "ENO'S FRUIT SALT." Without it you have been imposed on by worthless imitations Sold by all Chemists.—[Advs.]

[Secretaries ara. particularly requested to send in their notifications by 8 p.m. on Thursdays.] TO-MORRO^FIX TURES. ■Rugby. ' senior flag. Alhambri v. Dunedin, at the Caledonian grouni. — Alliambra : Ross, Gardener, Currie, M'Alister, Webber, Haigi M'Kewen (captain) Thompson, Kennedy, Lowry, Caburn, Higsins, Aitken, it' Arthur, Given. rmnedin : Stohr, Stephenson, Richardson. M'Kenzie, Keogh, Mason, Malcolm, Martirj, Tootbill, King, Kogerson, Isaacs, T')ouli; Maclean, Wntkins. Union v. Caveraham, at St." Clltir.—Union: Larkins, Lutnb, Irarie, W. Gibson, Harris, Smith, Armstrong, Alexander, Douglas, Harris, Minn, Munro. Ritchie, Stewart (2)., Cayersharn : Lang (2i, M'Kei-row, Urquhart, Lawiy, M'lCeisey, Burgess, Hnbson, Cavanash, Stalker, Coxon, Smith, Whelan, Briggs, M'Laren; emergencies— Olson,- Peebles, Simpson. Goodmau. : Pirates v. Kaikorai, at Bishopscourt.—Pirates: Macarthur, Rhand, Macassey, Gregg, Neill, Cavttr, Priest (captain), "Farquharson,' Burt, Inder, Moller, Young, Morris, Kirkcaldy, Macdonald. Kaikorai: King, Armit, Cunningham, Woods, Duncan, Sinclair, Torrance (2), Wilkinson (2), BalUintyne, Kelley, Kinvig, Hill, Davie. University v. Ziugari-Richmond, at Moriteeillo. University : Neil, Stephens. MaccUnald, Tuvton, Cran, Snow, Shand, Pla'.tp. Foote, Gibson, Miller, Simmers, M'Nab, ■ O'Neill,.1 Cameron. ZingariRichmond : Clarke, Isaic, Fordjce, Cunningham, Williamson, Fordyce, M'Parlane (captain), Hobbs, Gardner, Lane, Spiers, Smith, Caradus, Campbell, Delahunty ; emergencies—Bradley, Austin. JUNlbli. ■FLA.G. , ' ■ ■ . Slelrose v. : Pirates.: Second, at. Carisbrnok.— Melrose: Blackie, Treston, ..Wallace. Hume, Lambeth, Murdoch, Philips', Carr, Lambeth, Coates, Highley, White.'Dodds,' Sayers, Watson ; emergency—M'Luod. Pirates : Allan, Roberts, Hay, Gordon, Gaulter, M'Guiness, Holmes, John, ston, M'Leod. Salhiond, Hislop (captain), Thomson, Orbell, Bett, M. Priest; emergencies—James, Ppraggon, Scolon, Statham. Melrose leave the Octagon at 2.30 sharp. '. : University Second v. Union Second, on North ground.—University:. Logan. Ulrich. o'Sh.ea, Melville, Thompson, Ulrichi Bardett, Bett, Sale, Orknuy, Fisher, Schumacher, Sfcroet, M'Laren, Campball Union : Ross, Flynri, Rodgera, Grant, Nces, Beadle, Sherrat. Walls, • Dick, Thomson, Lewis, Vofsyth, Ford. Williamson; emergencies— Hunter, Manley, Hislop. Bagley. ■'■ Kaikorai Second v. ZiDgari-Kichmond Second, at Asylum ground,— Kaikorai: Hendersmi, G. Smith, Kdwards, (Jubitt, H. Smith, Mason, M'Donald (2), Broadfoot (2), R. Wilkinson, Baker, M'lntosh, C. Smith, Cross; reserves—Perguason, Smith. Zingari-Richmond : Thompson, Polio-k, Proctor, H. Wmith, Austin, Guthrie, Mahone (captain), Beveridge, Bradley, Smith, Garside, Robson, Ruah, Burke, Gregary ; emergencies— Arthur, Leitli. , ' ■ . Caversham Second v. Warehousemen, at Mnntecillo.—Caversham: Don. GoodDi:in, Yates, Olson, Simpson, Lowden, Clfirk(2).' M'Knnxie (2), I'horne, Kowley, Spenc'e, Dwight, R t'oxoh. Warehousemen : Fish, Gook, Campbell.Dredge, Samson, R«id, Bryant, W. Hutchison, Murray, M. Stalker, M'l)owa11, AVilliams, Cauaghan, Samuels, Sweete ; ressrve—Martin.. : '. JJunedin Second v. Pacific, at Tahuna Park. — r.uneciin: M'Carthy. Shirwell,. Connor, Carter, Stables, Bailey, Hajl,. Pavletioh," Oliver, Sise, Smith, More m, Driver, Grindley, fctablus. Pacific: ,Toa Drumm, D. Bell, Cobir, Stoddatt, Waugh, M'Kay, M'lndoe (captain), Hamhleton, Whelan, G. Brooks, J.O'Raw, W. Davis, Michael, Betting, T. Gilchrist; emergencies — Miscall, M-Cutcheou.Watt. Dunedin meet at Manse street corner at 2.30 sharp, ... .. ... , „ Green Island .v. High School at Burnside. — Green Island: Harraway, Wiinßhi Davidson, Kerr (3), Brown, Canning (2), Moreiand (2), Irvin«, Wilkinson (2),, M'lyor. High School: Hayes, C. J. 51'Kenzie, Booth, Belcher, F. 1). Mackenzie, Fraaer, Fenwiok (captain). Palmer, Studholme, Fisher, Gr?eubai>k, Reade, Allen, Gordon, Hay ; emergencies—Graham, Armour. . Alhambra Second v. Otiikia, at Opoho.—Alhambra: Mitrhsll, J. M'Kftnzie, Lftlliot; Crowe, Bothwick, al'Cnlloch; M'Kewen, T. Johnstone, Gow, Forsyth (i), Jfahey, Bathgate; emergencies— Corson, Schaper, Robertson. . ' • 1 The match Port Chalmers y. Taieri will not be played, owing to no ground being available. ~ OTHER MATCHES. .-.''.' Warehou'emen Second v. Melrose Second, at High School ground.—Warehousemen : GrimaMi, Burton, Hutchis n (captain), Collett, Boa'wood, 'JV.Jtfason, Parkinson, A. Melville, R. Mason, Fletcher, Turn bull, .Martin, Drisnoli, Curtri3R, Mockford, Gibion, Kitchis, Melro3o: Price, Burk, Bolton, Lynp;, Johnston, Whitburn, Sinclair. Dillon, Knox,; Maddax, King, O'Connor, Wilhelmson,-Turner, Pearson, Neilson, Moir. Starv. Pacific Second, on Reclaimed ground.— Star: Meiaung, Reid, Walker, Pateman, Wyllie, AVilson, Hoiily, King (captain), Rowlatt, Thomson (2), Logan, Peterson, Eyre', Elder. Pacific: T. Wilkins, M'Gutcheon, Miscall, P. Davis, R. Gilchriat, M. Butler, Johnston, Sparrow, Harley, Watt, Davidson, W. Gilchrist, Forsyth, Brown, Bain ; emergency—W. Bean. Southern v. Albion. —Southern : Brown, M'Lennan, Buist (captain), Hunter, M'Ker&ey, Wilson, Cormack, Patersoh, Allan, Scott, Miscall, Ruastll, Anderson, M'Gregor, Pellowe. United y.Ster, at St. Kilda.—United : Logan, Bowie, Gibbs, Finlay, Harris, O'Driscoll, Havriis (captain), Hargreaves, Le Brun. llussen, Kindly, Johnston, Gaffney, Morrison, Irvine; emergencies—King, Michael. <■ Association. Northern v. Rangers, at Ndrth-East Vallay.— Northern : Young, G. ularlc, S. Clarke, Steel, H. Clark, White, Alexander, Sharp, >yilli»m«, Lynn, Tyrrell. Rangers: Kober, M'Lachlan, Hilgendorf, Ash ton. North, Adams. North, Peters, O'Connor, Mlndoe, Harrop. Mornincjton v. Roslyn, at Mornington.—Moruington: Borcows, Thomas, Hughes, Sparrow, Payne, Auder3on, Kingstone, Holgate, P. Garside, Liddle, J. Garside. ' Northern Second v. 'Rangera Second, on Exhibition ground.—Northern : Cook, Irvine, Elder, L. White. Watts, B; Smith, Johuoton, Morrison, Ritchie, Chadwick, H: Smith (captain), Lilly; emergencies — Boyd, Walton. Rangers: Takle, Dobie, Gibb?, Simon, Gilbert, Barry, M'lndoe, Fleming, Pirie, M'Bride, M'Nair; emergencies— Waites, Horcwall. . . ■ , Mornington Second v. Roslyn Second, at Roalyn. -iWorningfcon : W. West, Lind, Sparrow, Nagle, Muir, Mearns, HaU, Colston, Jehnatoue, F, West, J. Anderson, Glaister. Mornington meet at the tram sheds afc 2.15. The Zealandia play a match Probables v. Possibles, on their ground.—Probables : Bennet, Hutton, Bntterfield, Cameron, Kirkwood, Murchisou, Jay, Malcolm, Churchill Hutton, Wise. Possiblss: Wurr, Benfell (2), Dixon, Adams, Turner, Hutton, O'Connell, Quelch, Home, Dixon. Intending members invited to attend. The match Queen's Park v. Thistle will not be played, the latter being unable to get a team. The Queen's Park hold a practice match. At the weekly meeting of the Ofcago Referees' Association last night Messrs J. Baker, J. Downee, F. Foster, A. Restieaux, and J. R. M'Connochie were elected members pro tern. The folioYjing referees were appointed for to-morrow'a matches :— _■ Senior Flag.—Alhambra v. Dunedin, Mr R. M. Falconer: Kaikorai v. Pirates, Mr H. Smeaton ; Union v. Caversham, Mr J. R. Montgomery ; University v. Zingari, Mr A. Downes. Junior Flag.—Warehousemen v. Cuverehsm, Mr J. Jack; Pacific v. DunediD, Mr E\ Foster; High School v. Green Island, Mr W. J. Strong; Pirates v. Melrose, Mr Haydon; Zingari v. Kaiknrai, Mr Cmnpbell; Union v. University, Mr J. Marshall; Taieri v. Port Chalmers, Mr J. R. M Connochie ; Otakia v. Alhambra, Mr Cooper. Melrose Second v. Yfarehousemen Second, Mr J. Uownes. Ai a mseting of • the Association Referees' Club ou Tuesday night the following officebearers were elected for the year :—President, Mr J. Jj. BalmoDd; vice-pre.r.idiint, Bir Arthur White; secretary, Mr G. M. Campbell. The following referees were appointed for Saturday's matches:— Pvoslyn v. Mornington, Mr ,T. L. Salmond; Rangers v. Northevu, Mr J. Findlay; Quean's , Park, v. Thistle, Mr J. Watson; Morningtoa Second v. Roslyn Second, Mr W. Duncan. The Zingari-Kickmond Club are making arrangements to keep the spectators from encroachicg on their ground on Saturday, and it ia to bo hoped that tho spectators fehemselvei will assist by keeping well behied the lines. There will be a tenfc erected on the ground for the convenience of players. In order to raise funds for improving the ground it ia tho intention of fclie club to have collection boxes sont round, and the public will thus have an opportunity of contributing to the funds of the club.

Mrs S. A. Allen's World's Haik Kestoker. is perfection for restoring grey, white, or faded hair to its youthful colour, gloss, and beauty.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10362, 17 May 1895, Page 3

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FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10362, 17 May 1895, Page 3

FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10362, 17 May 1895, Page 3