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Fikst Day—Feiiruary 22.

I'ao championship athletic meeting was held on tte Jtecteatioa ground at Napier. The following are the results :—

250stds Fi-at Championship. — Present champion, H. M. lloeveo (0.A.A.C.) World's amateur record, 24 3-ssec, W. T. Mucpherson (N.S.W.) New Zealand amateur record, 24 3-!* ec, W. T. Macphenson (N.S.W.) Best New Zealand championship performance, 24 3-636 C, W. T. Macphcrso>i(N.B.W.) Standard, 26 3-ssec.

VINAI. HEAT. h. Broad (Canterbury A.A.C.) 1 A. Jones (Auckland A.A.C.) 2 P. J. Nathan (Wellington A.A.C.) 3 The other three also started. Won by a foot. Hali'-jiile Bicycle Championship.—New Zealand and Australian record, lmin 7§Sec, E. A. Reynolds (A. A. and CO.). Present champion, A. C. Wilniot (N.C.8.0.) Standard, lmin llsec. : FINAL HEAT. B.Reynolds (Auckland)- 1 •H. J. Pither (Canterbury)' 2

C.H. Jones (Canterbury) 3 Won by several lengths. Time, lmiu 9|sfcc. Three-mile Walking. Championship.-Present champion F. H. Creamer (A.A.A. and CO.) World's amateur record, 21min 9Jaec, F. H. Murray (New York). New Zealand amateur record and beat New Zualand championship performance, 2:smin lejsec, H. S. Cocks (O.A.AC.) Standard, 23uiin 30sec. F.H. Creamer (Auckland A.A.C.) 1 A. Brady (Auckland A.A.C.) 2 W. Talbut (Wellington A.A.C.) also started. Won by three yards. Time, 23min'40>ec.

Half-mile Championship.—Present champion, W. A. Low (D.A.A.0.) World's amateur record, lmin Bijfsec, F. J. K. Cross (Oxford). New Zealand amateur record and best New Zealand championship performance, 2min, D. Wood (C.A.A.C.) Standard, 2min 2 3 ec. W. A..Low(DimedinA.A.C.) 1 A. M. Stuart (Wellington A.A.0.) ... ... 2 K. J. Hunter (H.8.A.A.C.) 3

A. J. Weekes (Manawatu), J. Bull (Auckland] D. Wood (Chriatchurch), H. Hayhow (Napier) and W. Rudirmu (Napier) alao ran. Won by : dozen yards. Time, 2min 2sec.

High Jump CiumpionshiS>.—Present champion, . H. S. Bailey (Wa'nganui A.A.C.) World's amateur record, 6ft 4ita, W; J. Sweeney (American). New Zealand amateur record, sft Sin, H. S. Bailey: (Wanganui A.A.C.) Heat New Zealand championship performance, , sft Bio. F. Meyrick (M.A.A.C.) and K. Gore (W.A.A.C.) Standard. sft Tin. 11. S. Bailey (Wanftanul A.A.C.), sft 7Jin ... 1 P. J. Brown (Canterbury A.A.C.), sft 6}in ... 2 IS. Laurie (Auckland A.A.OJ, sft JJin ... 1... 3 R. Gore (Wellington) sft 4in, F. C. White (Napier) sft 3}in, Kingaley (Wanganui) sft 2in also jumped. ' 4 Five-mile Bicycle Championship. — Present champion, A. C. Wilmot (N.C.8.C.) New Zealand record, 12tniu 4%sec, K. Crow (D.C.C.). Australian record, 12min 2lßec, W. L. Kerr (N.S.W.) Standard, 12min 34ssc. H. J. Pither'(Pioneer 8.C.) 1 E. Reynolds (Auckland A.A.C.) • ... 2 C. H. Jones (Pioneer 8.C.) ... 3

H, Surman (Auckland), W. Pilkinston (Auckland), J. O. Shorland (Chriatchurch), T. M. Lucy (Wellington), Jamas Caughloy (Napier), Jamea Cowell (Napier), C. Hall (Timaru), S. R. Stcdman (Uunedin) also ran.

120 yds Hurdles Championship," over 10 flights 3ft 6in.—Present champion, H. ,W. Batger, W.A.A.C. ' World's amateur record, 15} sec, W. H. Henry (America). '■ New Zealand amateur recdra, ltisec.H.W. Batger (W.AJV.O.) Bast New Zealand" championship performance, iejsec. H. .W. Batger (W.A.A.C.). Standard 1(3.3 : 5«0c..'' ■' ■ :>;"; £ "' •' .' ' "" ■' '"'"final heat;";.' : ' ' '■ W.Martin (Auckland A.A.C.): ... 1 T. S. Harlov (Canterbury A.A.C.) 2 X. Koberts (Auckland).-" .... ..i^;.'.,' ... ... 3 . Won by a'couple of. yards. Time,l6 3-ssec.

Dne-mile Flai: CHiitpioNSUiP.—Present - cham-. pion, C. D. Mofpeth (W.A.A.C). World's amateur record, 4min 17 4-saec, T. P. Conneff ' (America). New Zealand amatonr record, , 4mln 302 sec, P. Morrison (S.C.A.A.C.). Best New Zealand '. championship performance, imin 31Jsec.D. Wood (C.A.A.C.): Standard, . .4min3<fcee. A. Davis (Auckland A.A.C.) ... ... ... 1 W. Rankin(WanKamiiA.A.C.) 2 A. W. 801 l (Manawatu A.A.C.) ..." 3 A. J. Weekes (Manawatu), W. Farquhar, M. O'Connor (AnckUnd), F. C. Anpell (Wellington), M. G. Dadwell (Wellington), C. Price (Napier), H. Hayhow (Napier), ILiMjushall (Napier) also ran.

.Won by eight' or'"ten yards. ■ Time, tmin w2-ssec. :■■'-..;.

Putting the Weight, 161b.—Present champion, O. M'Connack (W7A.A.C.).t World's amateur record, 47ft, G. B. Gray (America). NewZea- |'" land amateur record, 39rt 4in, 0. M'Cormack (W.A.A;C:). Best championship performance, ' 37ft Bin, O'Connor (A; A.A.C.) .-: C. Lduisson (Canterbury A.A.C.). 34ft6in : ... ,1 A. Hepburn (Hawke'n Bay A.A.C.), 32ft 9}in... 2

H. Speedy (Napier, 32ft 7in) and Korepo (Napier, 31ft 6in) also competed.

Very little interest was taken in this event, and the put is much balow previous results.

Ten-mile BiciQfcE; Championship.—Present cham-: pioh. C ,H." Jones (P.B.C:V New Zealand record,'2Smin 20sec;j. O. Shorland.' Australasian record, 24min sSsec, W. L , Kerr (New South Wales). Standard, 2.smin 30aec. H.J. Pither ffioneer Bicycle Club). 1 O. H. J6nes;(Pioneer Bicycle Club). "2 S. Reynolds (Auckland A.A,C.) _ 3

H. Surman (Auckland), J. fc). Shorland (Chriatchurch), James Caughley. (Napier), C. E. Hall (Timaru), and. ,8. ICStedmin (Dnnedin) also started. ' ' '■'. . '■ ■- ' ■

This undoubtedly was the most interesting event of the day, and tho very best cycling event ever seen in Napier. The start was delayed for a time, as it was found that the pneumatic tyre of Reynolds's machine had apparently been tampered with, as a fair-sized tack was found embedded in the gutta-percha. However, the tyre was fixed up, and at about 4-.30 the field were sent away on even terms. A hundred yards from home Jones, .who had ridden a capital race throughout, was loudly proclaimed the winner, but he could not get on terms with Pither, who won by about three or four yards, Reynolds being a fair third, and Caughley fourth. At various times the men were so close together that a sheet would almost have covered the field. Time, 27min 18 3-sseo.

Pole Jump Championship.—Present champion, ,H, 1. KinKsley.OT.A,A.C.) "World's amateur record., lift ,9in, .T. Dickenson (England); New Zealand amateur record, 10ft 2in, W. M. West (GA.A.C.) Beat New Zealand ' championship performance, 10ft iin, W. M. ' ■Wesc(C.'A.A.O.) Standard, 10ft. H.- L.; Kiugsky (Wanganui A.A:C), 10ft Sin •... 1 A. Adsett (Wanganui A.A.C.), 10ft 4in... .... 2

Kingsley essayed 10ft Bin. He got over the bar, but disturbed it in the descent.

Second Day—Febrpaby 23,

There was a great contrast between the weather for the opening of the meeting and yesterday, when the morning broke dull and threatening. About noon the rain came down in torrents. Time after time the weather broke, and about 1 o'clock it was thought that the elements were going to favour the athletes as a little damp could not have affected the track. At 2 p.m. down came the rain in torrents and the association had the misfortune of seeing the benches, which had been filled on the previous day, vacated. A consultation of the committee decided (ihat every efEort should be made to get the events off if possible, and about 2.15 the bell rang for the heats for the 100 yds Championship, and when these were decided the committee put off the bicycle events for an hour. Jones and one or two others rode slowly and gave the opinion that it would be dangerous to race, as the turns wore likely to bring some men tj> grief. Eventually it was thqught advisable to postpone both the One-mile and Twenty-five-mile bicycle events until Monday afternoon. While the long jump was proceeding the rain again came down in torrents, and the ground at this time was almost a bog, especially where the officials and others were moving. The lime track too was -very wet, and there was no chance of any record or even standards being reached. The Quarter-mile proved what a real good man Low is, and Otago has to thank him for the 10 points standing to her credit. With 32 points winning the championship, Otago?. with a pedestrian of Low's Btamp, has nothing to complain in gaining 10 points for the only two events in which he started. Had Burk, the New Zealand champion over a journey of one mile and three miles, been here, with a couple of representatives in some of the minor events, Otago would not have been far out of the banner.

lOOtds Flat Championship.—Present champion, J. H. Hemptnn (W.A.A.C). "World's amateur record, 9min 0 4-Rspc, J. Onrena, jun. (Detroit A.C.. U.S.A.), W: T. Macpherson (N.S.W.), and J. H. Hempton (H.8.A.A.C.). Standard, lOisec. INAL lIKAT. A: J. Patrick (Wellington)... ... „. ... 1 P. G. Nathan (Wellington) 2 G. A. Holder (Wanganui) ... ' 3 A great battle saw the Wellington men finish almost together. Time, llsec. One-mile Walking Chabipionship.—Present champion, A. Bain, jun. (D A.A.C.). World's Amateur record, 6min 29 3-ssec. F. Murray (America). New Zealand amateur record, 6min 41seo, A. Brady (A.A.A. and C.C.). Best New Zealand championship performance, 6min 52§sec, A. Bain (D.A.A.C.). Standard, 7min ssec. A. Brady (Auckland A.A.C.) ... .„ 1 81.B1. H. Creamer (Auckland A.A.C.) 2 W. T&lbut (Auckland A.A.C.) 3 Won by ten yards. Time, 7min 21 3-ssec. Lokq Jdmp Championship.—Preßent champion, W. Mendelson (S.O_A.A.C.) World's amateur record. 23ft 6Jin, J. Reber (America), and C. B. Pry (England). Best New Zealand amatenr record and best performance, 21ft 2'ui, W. Mendelson (5.0.A,A.0.X SteniSard, 20ft 6in,

.T. L. Ryan (Napier A. A.C.). SOft 4in 1 It. Goro (Wellington A.A.C.), 19ft GJin ... s ... a Good (Wangamii), Laurie (Auckland)^ Brown (Christcnurch) also jumped.

QIMRTBR-MILE FI.AT CHAMPIONSHIP. — Present Champion, W. A. Low (D.A.A.C.) World's amateur record, 473acc, W. Baker (America). New Zealand amateur record and best championship performance, 50gsoc, W. T. Macpherson (N.S.W.) Standard, 5286 C. W. A. Low (Dunertin A.A.C.) 1 E. Fraaer (Napier A.A.C.) 2 G. A. Holder (Wangivnui A.A.0.)... 3 Low (Wanganui), Bull (Auckland), Stuart (Wei, lington), Broad (Chriatchurch), "raw'Bhaw (Dunndin), Hunter (Napier) also ran. Won by ten yards. Time, 53aeo.

Three-mile Flat Championship,—-Present champion, 0. I). Morpeth (W.A.A.0.) World's amateur record, 14min 24sec, Thomas (Bnglund). New Zealand amateur record, ISmin 27} sec, W. R. Burke (D.A.A.C.) Best New Zealand championship performance, 16min S7 45 see, C. L. Morpeth (W.A.A.0.) Standard, 15niin 20sec. A. I. Bell (Manawatu A.A.C.) 1 W. Ranlrin (Wanganui A.A.C.) 2 A. Davis (Auckland A.A.C.) ... 3 Karquhar (Auckland), Angdl and Dodwell (Wellington), Hay, Howe, Marshall, and Grice (Wellington) also ran.

Won by 20 yards. Time, ]6min 4gec. QUABTEP.-MILE HIIRDLK CHAMPIONSHIP (10 flights, 4ft Bin). —Present champion, H. W. Batger (W.A/A.C.) World's amateur record, Oljsec, D. Matson (C.A.A.C.) New Zealand amateur record and beat New Zealand championship performance, Blfsoc.H. W. Batsfer (W.A.A.C.) Standard, Kteec. ■ F. H. Harley (Wellington A.A.C.) 1 J. Moir (Canterbury A.A.C.) ... 2 F. S. Harley (Canterbury A.A.C.) 3 Good (Wanjranui), Lord (Wanganui), Roberts (Auckland), Martin (Auckland), Turnbull (Wellington), Curtis (Ohristchurch), and Richardson (Napier) also ran.

Roberts finished an »easy winner, with Martin second, but they ware disqualified, and tho race awarded to the Wellingtonian, who was accorded a hearty reception. Time, 633ec. If the time is correct Roberts must have run a great race in the sodden state of the ground.

Throwing the Hammer (161b) from a 9ft circle. Length of hammer handle 4ft. — Present champion, D. Sl'Connack (W.A.C.C.). World's amateur record, 145 ft 93in, J. S. Mitchell (America). New Zealand amateur .record and best championship performance, 100 ft 3in, M'Oormack (W.A.A.C.) Standard, ■ 100 ft. C: Louisson (Canterbury A.A.C), 75ft 7in ... 1 P. Parsons (Napier A.A.C), 70ft sJin 2 H. Speedy (Napier A.A.C.). 67ft llin , 3 J. Ryan (Napier A.A.C), 55ft 2in 4 THE CHAMPIONSHIP BANNER.

Auckland won the championship banner with 32 points, Canterbury 24. Wauganui 22, Wellington 21, Hawko'a Bay 17, Otago 10, Manawatu 6.

. . Tuibd Day—Fbeeuary 25. . The remaining events of the athletic championship meeting were run off this afternoon. These were the One^mile and Twenty-five-mile Bicycle Championships. Cowell, a local wheelman, who set a. very, sound pace for the competitors in the long-distance bicycling. event, receives the Alliance gold medal for an hour record, during which time he rode 22^ miles and 380 yards; Pither's timo for the event was 67min 23§sec. The times for the various distances wero—Five miles, l^min^ 10 miles, 2Smiu 52 3-ssec; 1b miles, 40iain 8 3-saec; 20 miles, 53tnin 46iec. . . ■

At the gates on Friday and Saturday almost 220 guineas were taken, which, with the entrance fees, &c., swell the proceeds to £260. This should leave the Napier Association a fair profit over the gathering. The following are the results: — One-mile Bicyclr Championship. — Present champion, W. J. S. Hayward (P.8.C.). New Zealand record, 2min IS 3-saec, W. L. Kerr (N.S.W.) Standard, 2min Bsec. FINAL; Pither (Christchurch) ... ... ... _. -\ Jones (Christchurch) . . 2 Hayward (Christchurch) ... ... ... ... 3: Reynolds was the other starter. Pither won by a bare wheel. Time, 2min 26 3-saec.

Twenty- five-MiiJß CuAMPioNsmp. —Present champion. T. C. 11. Rollinahaw (P. 8.0.). •. New Zealand' arid Australian record, lhr Bmin 39sec, J..0. Shorland (P.8.C.). Standard, lhr.6min. H.J. Pither (Pioneerß.C.)... ... 1 C. H. Jonea (Pioneer B.O:) ... ..2 W. J. S.Hayward (Pioneer 8.C.) ... 3

E. Reynolds (Auckland), J. O. Shorland (Christchurch), Jas. Caughley (Napier), Jas. Cowell papier), and C. E. T. Hall (Timaru) also ran. That the raco was appreciated by the public may be seen from the fact that the whole crowd rushed the' ground to congratulate the men who had given the best display of bicycling ever seen here.' The time was 67min 234 sec. ■ • ,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10311, 19 March 1895, Page 3

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ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIP MEETING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10311, 19 March 1895, Page 3

ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIP MEETING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10311, 19 March 1895, Page 3