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WELLINGTON SUMMER MEETING. (Pkb United Prkss Association.)

Wellington, January 22,

The Wellington Railing Club opened thsir Summer meeting to-d;iy under most favourable? conditions. The weather wa3 everything to bs desired, a light southerly bieezo tempering the Dun's rays. The attendance, too, wai better than has been seen on tha Hutt rftccoourfo tor mauy yeara, quite 4000 fating present, including his Excellency tha Governor and Lnrty Glasgow and a party from Government House. The course wa3 in capital condition, and the improvements recently efftcted by tho club wero greatly admired. The only drawback'to the Buccesa of the meeting was the miserable arrangements made by tha Railway department for the conveyance of tho public to and from tfca course, lirat-class fnre being charged for accommodation in open trucks, and there were groat delays both in p.oing and coming. Both Gray' 3 and Crawford's starting machines were used, under the control of Mr Andrew Young, rod m who was very successful in despatching his fields on even terms, though in one or two instauces horses lost their chanoe through being startled at the tapes. Gray's ( machine was worked at three distances and ran very omoothly, while Crawford's, which was worked at the mile and furlong post, in front of tho stand, elicited loud applause as the 10 horses in the Hack Race moved away almost like a line of cavalry. The racing throughout the day was c£ a very interesting character, and many of the finishes wore exciting. All tha horses on the card weighed out for the Cup, and it is generally voted that seldom, if ever, has there been a better class or a better conditioned lot of thoroughbreds stripped on the Hutt course. The race was a picture to witness, and the manner in which Mah»ki nhob through his field nt tha back of the course was worth a barefooted pilgrimage to nee. Mr Pere's win was a very popular one, and he was heartily congratulated on all sides. Mr Evefct, the bandicapper, also o*me in for considerable kudos for tho manner in which he had brought the horses together. Speculation was brisk nil day, and the sum of £2954, which was put through on the Cup, must be a record for that race. Altogether the sum of £10,481 was registered on the machines, which is an increase of £1461 a3 compared with tha first day of the Summer meeting last year. •: Borne idea of the popularity of the inewting may be gathered from the fact that something like £1000 in small sums was wired to the tecret&ry from all parts of New Zealand for investment, chiefly on the Cup. The gathering, without exception, was the most successful held by the club. Results:— ANNIVERSARY HANDICAP, Of lOOsoVs; second horse lOsovs, One mile. S3l—Hon. J. D. Ormond's br o Spindrift, by Nordenfeldt—Spinnaker, 3yrs, 7.8 (Delaney) 1 119-Hr W. Hutuna's b h Tuhitarata, b'yrs, 6.7, (L. Matthews) 2 854—Sir J. Mailer's b m Dreamland, aped, 9.3 (M'Grath) 3 Also ran: 162 Senator 7.12,169Rev01uti0n7.8, and 199 Planet 7.0. The machine was used, but tha start was not a good one, Spindrift having all the worst, of it; while Planet and Senator, who were quickest on their legs, broke away at a sound pace, and led the field along under the hill, but in turning into the back stretch Senator fell hack' level with Revolution and Dreamland, and allowed Planet to go on with a lensrth advantage, Spindrift and Tuhitarata being a length away from the trio. Hounding by the gate Senator dropped hack, ■while the others moved up to the leader, and U3 the horses turned for home Tuhitarata came with a fast run ou the outside, and suon having Planet in difficulties his victory was loudly proclaimed, but when inside the distance Deltuey shook up the Nordenfeldt colt, and catching Tuhitarata about » chain from home won by a length. Planet was fourth, and Senator last. Time, lmin 45iuc. Dividend, £3 6s. NDRSEK.Y HANDICAP, O£ lOOsovb ; second horse 15sova. For two-year-olds. Six furlongs. 14S-Hdn. J. D. Ormond's b f Spruce, by Neckersgat—Maritima, 7.4 (Delaney) 1 339-Mr S. J. Mercer's Black and Red, by Maxim—A uualate, 6.12 ... (J. Rue) 2 883-Mr J. A. Holmes's 1) c St. John, by St. .George—Charm, 7.0 [car. 31b over] ■. (O. Smith) 3 Also ran : ISO Heavenly Twin S.B, 51 Dissenter 7.0, 89 Wamote 7.0. As the machine tapes flew upWarnote turned round, and took no part in the race. Dissenter, too, was a little scared, and the others got away a chain before he was set moving. St. John and Black and Red drew away from Spruce ?nd Heavenly Twin, and when half the distance was covered tha latter was apparently beaten. Spruce moved nearer the leaders as they entered the straight. The whips were out on Black and Red and St. John, and th» latter forged ahead about half a length, when Smith stopped riding; but here Spruce put in a decided challenge, and in a' ding-dong race to the post ebe more than held her own, and won by a head; the same distance between second and third. Heavenly Twin was a bad'fourth. Time, lmin 19Jsec. Dividend, £6 10s. WELLINGTON CUP, A piece of plate value lOOsovs, with 400sovs added; second horse 40sovs, and third horse 20«ovs. One mile and a-half. C29-Hr H. Te Kani Pere's br h Mahski. by Ingomar—Steppe} 4yrs, 8.6 (Taylor) 1 380-Mr M. Hobbs's bm Lady Zetland, aged, 8.3 (Oochrane) 2 430—Hon. J. D. Ormond's br g North Atlantic, syre, 7.10 ... (P. White) 3 Also lan : 351 Lottie 8.6, 230 Rosefeldt 8.5, 301 Golden Plover 8.3, 165 Bangipuhi 7.12, 144 V\ eat* mere 7.9, 123 Princess May 8.12, 60 Porepo 6.8, 91 Arius 6.7. Owing to. a crowd fltanding inside the rail by the starting machine it was impossible to see the horses from fie stand, but when the first glimpse was caught of the field Westmere and Rosefeldt were in front, though they were immediately - supplanted by Anus, who led by a length as they passed the stand. , Then .. camo Rosefeldt, Westmere, Lottie, Golden i'lovcr, and lady Zetland, about four lengths separating them irom the leader., Rangipuhi, who was slow to move, brought up the rear, and just in front of - him was Mnhaki. Racing along under the hill Arius was still in front, but Kosefeldt arid Westmere began to drop away, while Princess May ran up second and was just clear of the last-mentioned pair, the others, with the exception of Rangipuhi and Porepo, being in a cluster. Going along the back stretch, Mahaki, Lady Zetland, and Golden Plover joined the leading division, with North Atlantic and Lottie very handy. As tha field Bwept round the turn by the road Arius gave place to Mshaki, who had Lady Zetland, Golden Plover, and North Atlantic aa his nearest opponents; while the others, with the exception of Kosafeldt, Princess May, and Porepo, who were tailing off,, were only a couple of lengths off. Mahaki was first to turn tor home, with Lady Zetland on the outside within a quarter of a length of him ; while North Atlantic, on the rails, was almost at the mare's girths, Golden Ploverjying fourth, and Lottie fifth. When half-way down the straight Lady Zetland's victory was shouted from hundreds of throats; but Mahaki, runeing very truly under , the whip, won all out by half a length. North Atlantic was half a length behind the mare, and then followed Golden Plover, Arius, Lottie, and Raugipuhi, the last two to pass the post being Kosefeldt and Princess May. Time, 2min 3ysec Dividend, £i 4s. As soon as the horseß weighed in L»dy Glasgow ■presented the handsome silver cup to Mr H. Pere, and in a brief speech congratulated the winner. Cheers were given for Lady Glasgow and the Winner. HURDLE HANDICAP, Of SOsovs; second horse lOsovs. Two miles. 217—Mr J. A. Holmes's b g Clarence, by Tekoa, ae«d,11.2 (Stewart) 1 ISO-Mr J. treeth's eh h Revolt, syrs, 10.3 (Arnott) 2 70—Mr A. M'Kcnzie'a eh m Sedition, 6yrs, 9.3 (Buckeridge) 3 Also ran: 100 Kapua 11.5, 51 Oddfellow 9.0, 252 Auro?, 9.0. Auroa and Revolt led for about half the Journey, vjth Kapua handy, Clarence lying fifth. .Entering the second round Clarence moved up, and at the back of the courae the order was Auroa and Revolt together a length away from Clarence pnd Kapua. As they approached the last hurdle Kapuu fell away, and Clarence closed up. Revolt was first into the straight, but Clarence soon had him in difficulties, and coming on won easily by a .length, lime, 3min sCsec. Dividend, £3 9s. WELTER HANDICAP, ■Of lOOsovs; second horse 15zovs. One mile and a-quarter. 275—Mr R. Kinpan's g g Musket, by Armament —Leita, 6yrs, 10.4 ... ...(R. Kingan) 1 304—Messrs Cress Bros.' Yon Tempsky, aged, 9.7 (Jackson) 2 143-Mr Wi Hutana's b h Tuhitarata, 6yrs (Beale) 3 Aiso ran : 370 Dreamland 11.0, 94 Legislator 9.0. Mneket led paat the Btand,'but was steadied under the hill, and allowed Yon Temp3ky and Legislator to carry on the running, with Dreamland on the outside at their girths. Along the hack Legislator gave place to Tuhitarata, but as the horses approached the road Legislator and Musket came again, and the former was first into the straight. Yon Tempsky shot out in the straight and soon wrested the lead from Legislator, but .Tacksofa was caught napping by Ifingan, who brought the little grey with a great rush and won by half a length. Time, 2min 16sec. Dividend, £3 11s. HACK HANDICAP, Of 75sovs; second horse ISsovs. One mile and a fnrlong. 446—Mr W. Douglas's br c Penrose, by Torpedo —Primrose, 3yrs, 8.0 (Lindsay) 1 178-Mr J. H. Prosser's eh g The Miser, 7.12 (Matthews) 2 27S—Mr A. M'Rae's br g Bouquet, 7.2 • (Ayers) 3 Alao ran ; 147Prince3s'Cole9.9,282 TJmslopogaas B 2 49 Vivaciouß 7.11, 98 Fresh Deal 7.10. 19 Merry Maid 7.9 2(3 Springtime 7.9, and 92 Voltaire 7.8. The Miser and Penrose kd throughout, the latter winning by half a length. Time, lmin GS3ec. Dividend, £3 ss.

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I)ISPOS\T, STAKISS, Of StlsnvD. I 71-Mr J. Freeth's cli m Para", by Tub | rromißr—[field, iiyre, (i.IO(U Matlhows) 1 135-Mrll. Knight's eh m roiusettia, aged, S 10 (M'LoughUo) 2 151—Mr J. Cress's eh m Delusion, 6yrs, 7.10 (Jack Eon) .< These were the only starters. IVirae slipped her field at, the start and was never cavcht, winning easily by i> couple of lengths. No time wo« taken. Dividend, M 10a. The winner was bought in for ffisovs. TEi.EGit.u'u handicap, Of lOOsovs ; second horse IM.iovs. Six furlongs. 303—Mr U. Allah's br h Saracen, by St. George —Fnir Nell, syrs, n.O ... (Cochrano) t 277—Mr ". i\ Tancred's eh g King's Bowman, 7.S ... . (Ayers) t 319-Hr S. J. Mercer's eh f Britomarte, 3yrs, 8 4 (Campbell) 3 Also ran: 341 Searchlight 8.3, ando4 Porepo 7.5. The start was delayed for same time owing to the fractionsness of Searchlight, who kicked Cochrane ou Saracen. This also had the effect of further delaying the start, m the iujurud jockey had to dismount for a few minutes. When the tapes flew aivay I'orepo was almost left at tho Tinst, and lost fully a dozen lengths. King's Bowman was first to move, followed by Britolnarte and Searchlight, and in this order thoy raced for four furlong!!, when Saracen made a forward movement. Kins's Bowman turned into the straight with Britomarte at his heels, hut Karacen was coming fast on the outside, and although the latter made ft gallant effort he could not do more than make a dead heat of it. Britomarto was a fair third. Time, Imin l(i 3-Bsec. dividend: Saracen, £1 19s ; King's Bowman, £2 3s. The owners agreed to divide. There is little doubt that had Cochrane not been kicked on the foot by Searchlight, Saracen would have wop. HAWKE'S BAY AUTUMN MEETING. (Pus United Peehs Association.) Nmuer, January 22. The following nominations were received to-night for the events at the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club's Autumn meeting :— Hawke's Bay Cm>.—Forme, Scot Free, The Dancer, Stepfeldt, Planet, King Cannibal, Dreamland, Princess May, Goosander, The Stirow, North Atlantic, Spendrift, Lyrebird, Martyrdom, Monte Carlo, Au Sevoir, Liberator, Mahaki, Kangipuhi, Boulanger, Weßtmere, Prime Warden, Lsdy Zetland, Saracen, Koaefeldt, Ua. Railway. Stakes.—lrish Twist, Forme, Krina, St. Kilda. The Dancer, Stepfeldt, Searchlight, Tartan, Princess May, Knhiniede, Goosander, Zanella, The Shrew, Morth Atlantic, Ppendrift, Lyrebird, Martyrdom, Nixie, Orion, St. Clements, Au Kevolr, Salvo, Pompom, Lady Zetland, Saracen, Golden Plover, Ua. FOXTON RACES.' Foxton, January 22. . Splendid weather prevailed, and there was a large attendance at the rnceß. Results :— Flying Handicap.—Trickery 1, Vagrant 2, Tho Toad 3. Time, Imiii 19 3-ssoc. Dividend, £$ 14s. Trial Hurdles.—Canard 1, Aotea 2, Snapcap 3. Time, 2min 17sec. Dividend, £15145. Handicap.—Kahurangl 1, Sproydon 3, Narrate 3. Time, 2min 59 3-ssec. Dividend, £3 His. K.C. Handicap.—Lorelei I, Hotspur 2, Flaneur 3. Won easily. Time, 2mln 45 4-ssec. Dividend, £3 6s. Anniversary Stakes.—Takiwai 1, Vagrant 2, Barman 3. Time, Imin 53sec. Dividend, £2. Electric Handicap.—Puawai 1, Marama 2, Veracity :t. Time, Imin. 6Jsec. Dividend, £7 Is. Stewards' Stakes.—Bushboy 1, Strayshot 2, Hotspur 3. Timu, 2rain 183ee. Dividend, £3. Welter Handicai'.—Juanita 1, Dart Z, Newmarket 3. Time, 2min Ssec. Dividend, £1017s. An Auckland telegram says that Mr Alfred Nathan has received a message from his brother, Mr L. D., in London, apprising him of tb« faot that he had effected the purchase of the stallion Seatun Delav^l, a son of ffielton and Rceedale. Seaton Del&val was foaled in 1879. Beaton Delaval wan purchased us a yearling by the Duke of Portland for 760gs. He is to be shipped to Auckland at an early date. A Wailganui telegram says there was splendid weather for the Caledonian sports, and tho attendance was larger than for the lr.jt five years. Results: — Caledonian Mile Handicap—A. George 1, A. Hallijjan 2, V. Ke?gau 3 ; time, 4min 36seo. 120 yds Hurdle Handicap— H. J. Cameron 1, A.. W.. Watts 2, O. Malone 3. Quarfcer-mile Handicap (open) —A. W. Watts I,''H. H. Ford 2, J. M'Donald 3; time, 51eec. Quarter-mile Amateur Handicap — J. W. Hai-le 1, W. H; Clarke 2, J. O. Bryers 3. Half-mile Race (Open)—P. Kugau 1, A. George 2, O. B. Herman 3. Mile Walk—F. Johansen 1, J. Cavanaiih 2. 100 yds Handicap— C. C. Ward 1, H. A. Kiernsn 2, W. 8/ Corby 3; time, 9 3-s«ec. lOOjda Amateur Handicap —J. W. Harle 1,. G. March 2, W. Beamish 3. 220 yds Handicap—J. M'Donald 1, C. C. Ward 2, D. Ingle 3. 220 yds Amateur Handicap^W. H. Clarke 1, H. F. Tilley 2, h. St. George 3 ; time, 24-see. 086-nrile Bicycle Hsndt-cap-D. Claikson (sor) 1, A. L. Fek 2, T. H. Mingins 3; time, 2min 57seo. Five-mila Bicycle'Race— T. Clarkstsn 1, T. H. Mingins 2; time, 16min 53sec. A Wellington telegram says that at the Friendly Societies' sports H. R. Woon »nd J. Flanagan tiect for the Grand Domonstration Handicap. In the smateur events the Ladies' Bracelet (680 yds) was won by A. J. Patrick (45yds), R. W. Smythe (45yds) second, F. H. Xlarley (25yda) third ; time, 2min Ogsec. Tha bicycle event resulted thus: l?wo miles— L. S. Herbert (40yds) 1, A. Nicholls (350 yds) 2, A. Hunt (85yds) 3; time, smin 45see. Three miles (roadsters)—F. Fabian (290 yds) I,' A. Nioholls (350 yds) 2, A. Hunt (250 yds) 3; time, 9roin 15sco. Four-mile Racß—L. S. Herbeit (100 yds) 1, T. M. Luoy (scr) 2, A. Nitholls (70yd») 3; time, 15min 21^sec. A Melbourne cuble states that Patron baa been scratched for the Australian Cap, and tbat Malachite and Warpaint have been withdrawn from the Newmarket Handicap.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10264, 23 January 1895, Page 3

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10264, 23 January 1895, Page 3

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10264, 23 January 1895, Page 3