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Begqs.—On the ]sth December, at. Sprinc Vale, Waihcila, the wife of Robert licggs, of Belmont, Southland, of a daughter. Cameron.—On the 4th January, at Kiora, High street, Roslyn, the wife of W. R. Cimeron-a boy. Cunninoimme.—On the 25th December, at her residence, Cn-.y street. Port Chalmers, tha wife of John Cunninghams. M.8., of a 3on. Church.—On the SSth December, at Naseby the wife of Dr Church, of a son. . Deans.—Ou tho Gfch January, at her residence, Salmon nonds, Clinton, Mrs ¥. Deans, of a son. I'INLAYSO.v.—On the sst January, ;it St. IMier's Court, Caversham Rise, the wife of 0. D. l'inlayson, of a daughter. Fitzgkiuu).—On the 31st December, at Anderson's JQay, Mrs James Fitzgerald, of a son.

»iiA»Eu.—On the 20th Decomher 181*1, at Upper Lomluii street, tua wife of L. V. Ifmei — a daudiler. CJiiekn.—Oa the 3rd January, at Abbotsford, the wife of E iwiu 11. Gronn, of a boh. llAWcisinm-:.—On tho 7th January, at Ravensbourne. M i; t It. IKwcridgs, of a daiicutcr. Isaacs.—On tho 2u<l January, at Gorrong, Jtoyal terrace, Mrs I'hillip luaace, of a, Bon Kkhsi.—On the 2Wh December, at her resilience, Jftlijorlim-st r«rk, Dunrobin, the wifo of John (I. Kurr, of a daughter. M.AcDo.\.VKti,.—On the 10th December, at Kaitanifata, the wife of George M. (i. MucDonucll,

of ft win. I M'Uii.r..—On the 13th January, at Black Hill Farm, Waikouaiti, the wife of" James M'Gill, jnn., of a daughter. JV/nuK. —On the SISi-d December, at the ! National Bank of Mow Zealand (Limited), Miltou, the wifo of .las. W. i'etrie, of a uou. I'iucb.—On the 10th January, at Gladstone, ! North-East Valley, tbo wife of T. Oivea Price, of ■ liawj-x— On the 20th Docember, at Woodenil farm, Waikouaiti, tbo wifu of J>'ra.ncis Hawei, of a daughter. Both Joins wsll. Kobeiits,—Oa the Bth January, at RockysWe, Cav«rsbuin, the wifo of Alfred Roberta, of. si son. Skin.nkb. — Oi> the 2:!rJ December, at tbo Manse, Wait.ilmna, the wifo of the llev. J. Nkiniser, of,« son. Tk L'aij.—On the (ith January, at " Kaumoana, Lincoln load, Misterton, the wife of Taiawhio T. To Tau, of a daughter. AVuenstkh.—On the Sth Jaouary, at Taiianui, the wife of 0. F. L. Wreristod, of a sou.

Ooiißir.AN—M'Neil.—On the 2nd January, at .St. Mark's Church, Jlalclutba, by the Kov. Canon llodd, William, second sou of Johu Corrifcan, to '.lassie, youngest daughter of John M'Neil, Halislutli*.

Oummiso—M'OnoaAN.—On the 3rd January, at tho residence of thn bride's parents, by the Rev. Jt. .7. Porter, Rev. James Gumming, M.A., Cromwell, eldest son of liev. Alexander Cuufiniug, Forfir, N. 8., to Alary, younsor daughter of James M'trTOs;an. Morniagtou, Dunedin. (JuNNiNfiiusi—Thomson.—Oa the Eu'ch Decerabnr, at the residence of the buck's parents, Waika.ka, by tiie Rev. J. A. AaUer, B A., George William, eldest son of \V. Y. Cunningham, farnior, Wailcoikoj, to Agues liruco, third daushtey of T. 0. Thomson, farmer, Waikaka. Feugusok—Raivi.inso.v.—Qn the Ist January, at tbu North-East Valley Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. D. Borrio, Daniel, eldest aou of Mr T>. Ferguson, Oastle street, to Margaret Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr J. Rtvwlinson, Opoho. Giiues-M'Lkod.—On the 25th December ISM, at the residence of Mr W. Wood, Itattray street by the Rev. J. Gibk Alexander, oluVst sou of Alexander Gillies, Wailtari, to Jessie, eldest daughter of the late Johu M'Leod, wool ciasser, Dunedin. Melbourne aud Glasgow papers please copy.

Hppr>:a—Kdmokd.s.—On tl'.e 2u-1 .Unuar; 18:>5, at the Union Ohiireh, Hniiultim South, by tha Key. s!yduey Hawthorne, Guy Frincia Hooper to Sophia Hamilton (Op.hie), secoad davig'uter of W. temonds, lUmiltSa South.

Hunt—Stanley.—On the 20th December, at Holy Trinity Church, Gore, by the Vet. Archdeacon Beaumont, William DulfiW HuDt to Ismene Helena, only daughter of the Ilev. T. L. Stanley, of fiore. Johnston—Ouddie.—On the 13th Decembsr, at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Divvfield, by ths Rev. W. Will (assisted by the fey. J. Kirkland), .John, fourth son of the late John Johnston, Fairlidd, to Agnes, younzest daughter of the late Thomas Cuddle, Saddle Hill. Powlrv—Croswklleu.—On the i)th January, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Knv. J. Chapman, Robert Puwley, to Florence Ada, eeeond daughter of G. J. Crosweller, Johnstou street, Milton.

Tennant-Zohrab.—On the 19fch December, at St Mark's Church, Sussex square, by the Rev. R. Coffey, M.A.. assisted by the Yen. Archdeacon Slock, 8.A., John Smaillie Tennant, 8.A., B.Sc., eldest sou of John Tenuant, Dunedin, to Kdith K'liol Moresby, eldest daughter of U. S. Zohrab, Wellington.

Thomson—Oiikyne,— On the 20th December, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. William Will, James, youngest son of William Thonisou, Ksq.. Moss-side, North Xaieri, to Eeasi«, youngest daughter of tbe late James Auohinlßck Gheyne, ftuuedin.—Mri'cilF.LL.-On the Sth January, at ft-. Joseph's CafchsKlnit, by the Key. Father Lynch (ws-st-ri by tlu- Rev. Father Jturnhy), Charlus Mdward Krnest Waller,'of Wycna, Glenorchy, to I/iaisa Mitchell, of Kensington, London.

Aitcheson.—Ou the 12th January, at Fenny View, Heacliff, John, the beloved husband of Mngaret Aitcheson, and eldest aud beloved sou of John and Lydia Aitcheson, of Island Farm, Waikouaiti : aged' 32 years. Deeply regretted. Bayi.ey.—On the 11th January, at Glyda street, Ha.rah Ann, the beloved wife of Kichard Eayley (Into of AVarrington); aged 53 years. . Baskett.—Qn the 2fith toeneinber, Mary, tho dearly biloved daughter of William and 'Mary Baukett'; aged 23 years. Bradley.—-On the Bth January, at her parents' residence, Kaitanscata, Matilda Amelia, aecorid eldest daughter of William aud Isabella Bradley; apsd 17 years and 11 months. Deeply regretted. Ci.AitKE.-On the 30th ' December 1891, at Sunnydale, North-East Valley, Elizabeth Sarah, tha dearly beloved wife of William Joseph Clarke Qate of Cavereham) ; aged 49 yeava. Deeply regretted. Oubrie.—On the 30th December, at Longdsle, Hyde, David M'Cready, second and dearly beloved ?pn of William and Sarah Gurrie ; aged nine years and three months. Deeply regretted. Ckaio.—On tho 2nd January 1895, at the residence of her son (Robert Craig), Round Hill, Anna Cunningham Muir, relict of the late Robert Craig, and mother of Robert, Hugh, aud James Craig and Mrs W. Crawley, Milburn; aged 83 years. Deans.—On the 9th January, at her residence, Salmon Ponds, Clinton, Bmma, the beloved wife of Frank Deans: aged 39 years. Duncan.—On the 30th December, at her residence, Cumberland streat north (after a lingering illness), Jessie,' the dearly beloved wife of Pavid Duncan, coachbuilder; • aged 43 year.3. Deeply regretted. De Zouche.-Ou the 4th November 1594, at C^fton Springs, New York, Dr Isa'ah do Zouche, formerly of Moray place, Dnnedin ; in his fiftysixth year. New Zealand and Australian papers please copy. Kacau—On tho 6th January, at his residence, Albion Hotel, 11-iclaggan street, Gerald ¥. JSagar; I Rgcd 75 years. Fraser.— On the sth January, at liar residence, southern reservoir, after a long und painful illness, Catherine, the beloved wife of John Ifrsscr ; aged 70 years. Falconer.—On tho 29th December 1834, at Napier. William Alexander Cherry Falconer, of H.M. Customs (and late of Dunedin); aged 2D yaurs and 11 months. Deeply regretted. Fen wick.— At Salisbury. (Sngland (by cable_ dated 22nd December), William Kcnwick, of Mseaewoka station, near Oamnru. Gakb.—On the 15th. Jauuary, at his residence, Hii&cliff, Peninsula, Thomas Garr; aged SO years. u.i.t. Gibb,—On the 6th January, at Roxburgh, .Tames Gibb (for uu|ny years' puntpiaii with Messrs Cargill end Auderaon, Teviot station), native of Leitb, Scotland ; aged 76 years. Harding.—O)i the 30th December, at the residence of Mrs Jtowlandson, Lower Russell street, Ellen, eldest daughter of tho lato'T.' W. B. Harding, of Hornsey, Middlesex, and Goldsmiths' Hall, ]>mdoa. Harvey.—On the Gth January (suddenly), James H'irvey, of Stirling ; aged 60 years. Kkwissi.—On tte 2Cth December (suddenly), at his residence, Mail or, Morning ton, William, the beloved husband of Elizabeth Kewish; aged 57 years. Deeply regretted. Lambert.—On the Ist Jauuary IS"*!), at Wellington, Bessie, the beloved wife of William Lambert (manager New York Life Insurance), and sister of Heury and Edward Wilson, of Moagiel; aged 38 years. M.VBB.—On the 11th Jauuary, at Queonstown, Margaret, the eldest and only surviving danghtur 1 of Beaton and Annie Martha Marr (Into of Bal- I clntha and Qlenoniaru); aged 15 years. | Maciluowie. —Uq the 29th ult., at her residence, Allandale road, Sit. Clair, DunediD, N.Z., Betsy Ann Nino! Ferguson, widow of the late William Macildtiwie ; aged 44 years. MACf)ONNErx.—Oa the 22nd December, at Kaitaniiata, Mary, tJie beloved wife of Guor-o M. G. StacDonuell (youngest dauschtui- of Mr and Mrs William Aitchison, of lvaitaugjita); aged 25. Deeply regretted.—Not lost, but gone before. Mills.—On the 15th January, at I.c Cren's terrace, Tiiparu,Robert Ercest, third son of the late Captain Alexander Mills (and late of H.M.S. Rapid and Orlando), and brother of M. F. Mills, Port Chalnier3; in his eighteenth year. Deeply regretted.

M'Swan.—On the 7th January, after a few hours' illness, Margaret, beloved wife of A. M'Swan, eoacbdriver, Clyde ; aged 35 ye:ir3. Morrison.—Oh tha ISth January, at the residence of his mother, "Upper York place, Robert Morrison, solicitor ; aged 40 years. Neilson.—On the 7th January, at her mother's residence, Albany street, Janet, the belovud wife of S. Neil?on, Kavensbouyne, and daughter of Mary »Dfl the late Mr James Robertson, Albany street, Dunedin; aged 27 years. Deeply regretted. OncmSTON.—On the 30th December, at Waikaia, James Orchiston (late of Aberdeen); aged SO years. Orr.—On the Slat December lS94,fat Inyercargill, Mary Lydia, eldtst beloved daughter of James end Flora M. Orr; aged 23 years. " Only fallen asleep in Jesus ' for the little while j between." Robertson.—On the 25th December, at Bannockburn, Sara Kobertson, relict of the late |J. W Kobertson, hotelkeeper, Bannockburn; aged 43 years. (Native of Ayr.) I Roberts. —On the Bth January, at Rookysid«, Cavoroham, the infant eon of Alfred and Lizzie Roberts. Stevenson.— O.i tbe Bth January, at the Dunedin Hospital (the result of an accident at Port Chalmers), John, son of Charles Stevenson, of Port Chalmers ; aged IS years. Spkosen.—On the 13th of January 1R95, at her pareuts' residence, Spencs street, Milton, of rheumatic fever, Nellie Marion, second and dearly beloved daughter of Henry and JSUeu Sprosen ; aged 1U years and 10 " Asleep iv Jesus.' " He will gather, he will gather The gems for His kingdom, All tne pure ones, all the bright ones, His loved ai:d His own." I IN MEMOMAM. Davidson. —In lovicg memory of my dear ilanj'hter Annie, who died at Balclutha, January 15. 18il3. K.I. V. li'ji.CONElc—ln loving memory of my dear mother, Marion Murray, who fell asleep in Jesus at 51 Queen street, Jidinburgh, Christmas evening 1833; aged 7t> years. Our loved ones before, Lord, Their troubles are o'er, Lord. I'll meet them once more | At Thy coming again. —A. R. Falconer, Dunedin Sailors' Re3t. j Henderson. —In loving memory of Donald Eeuderaon, who died at his residence, Lausdowue, Komahapa, on the 29th December 1889. j Henderson. —In loving remombrance of Mary i Mackay, only daughter of Margaret and H. 11. Henderson, Beaumont. Died 29th Decembar 1S&S; aged 15 years and nina mouths. Intended iv j Southern Cemetery, Dunwlin.—lst Coin cliap. i, j verso 7. i

J'OUTEit.—ln memory of my dear brother, .lamns PortKr, who departed this life on December 20, 181)2. I mourn fur him—my team do (low ; Hut sweet the pu'i-ious thou^'bt to know He is now releued from grief and pain: My tea is his eternal gain. —Inserted by hia loving Bister.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10263, 22 January 1895, Page 7

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BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10263, 22 January 1895, Page 7

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10263, 22 January 1895, Page 7