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GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL. I The annual distribution of prizes at the j Crirls' Hu;h School took placo pn t'ae afternoon j ■of the 12th, there being n large number of visitors j upon the occasion. Mr James Allen, M.H.U., j presided, and the iollon-ing members oE the > High Schools Board of Governors were a!so in J sttendsnee:—Tun Vcrv Key. Dean Fitcheti:, I Elessrs J. K. Sinclair and M. Fraer. Amodj the other visitors were Professors Sbaiwi, i Balmond, and Gilray, the Revs. Bryan M. i, King, D. Borrie, L. Harrison, nnd G. Tait | (Melbourne), the Hon. W. M. Bolt, Messrs T. i B. Graham, G. L. Deunist.™, G. Fenwiek, C. \ Havnss, J. Green, M.H.R., 21. Cohen, A. | Grant, D. R. White, M.A., and Colin Mac- J andrew (secretary of the board). Apologies 5 far uon-tctendance were read from the Revs. J. J Gibb, W. A. Diggers, Dr Chilton, Messrs V. \ Goyer, C. R. Otapnum, and the Hou. W. j iJownie Stewart. S .rector's bjepokt. 5 The following report of the rector (Mr A. j Wilson) to the Board of Governors was cirtu- j l&ted among the visitors to the school: — » I have the^honour to report that the total | number of pupils enrolled dnrius the Eesaion « that now cicses is 20;!— i:jJ5 in the upper . school, 51 in t'ae lower, and Bft attending special classes For the four quarters tha numbers have j i>een respectively 193,1!1!!, IS3, and IS7. j Five junior and 31 soniov scholars of the .itduca- J tion Board have been in attendance during the year ; and the Board of Governors have giveu SO Bcholarahips entitling the holders to free ednca- ! iion at the school. Of these, 20 are pupils who j WcJe 50 percent, of obtainable marks at the Edu- | cation Beard's junior scholarship examination, i t am still of opinion that the qusililication for this • j cla<s of scholars is too low. ' Sirs Msckay informs me that 15 boarders have j been enrolled during the year. Of those, live are ; day boarders. j The general work of ths school, as will be seen j by the scheme of work appended to this report, j fcis proceeded very much on the lines followed' ; last year. During the third quarter a special re- \ port on the state of the school was made to the j Board of Governors by the Inspector-general of. ' Schools, and was duly published in the Dnucdin newspapers. . i At the end of last session Bliss Fraser, on being j appointed principal of the Wauganui Girls' College, resigned her position on the staff of this -. school, and Miss B. Jack, B. A., was appointed in her place as assistant teacher of English. At the end of the third quarter Miss .lack resigned her position on the stolf, and Miss Helen Alexander, 8.A., was appointed in her place. It is right that I should express ruy sense of the great loss ths school sustains this year by the resignation of Mis 3 M'Keau. Mis?. M'Kenu has-, proved herself a most capable teacher of mathe- j matics, and lam sure I express the feeling of all her pupils when I say thai, a? a teacher, she has besn as kind as she in; capable. Her fellow teachers will all miss her courteous helpfulness;. and I am glad to have the opportunity of acknowledging for myself the valuable assistance ahe> has given me in the general management of the school. The board has appointed Miss K. Browning, of the Napier Girls' High School, to the position of mathematical mistress rendered vacant by the resignation of Miss M'Kean. I take this opportunity of expressing-my indebtedness to friends who have acted as judges in the various competitions. Mrs Ramsay and Mrs Cupples, who judged the sewing, have given unqualified praise to the work generally, and have assured me that they had great difficulty, amongst so much good work, in deciding which was best. Mr Nerli was Wad enough to act as judge of the drawing competition; and a committee of the , Shakespeare Club spent much time and trouble in*, awarding the club prize for reading. My thanks are further due to friends of theec'Rool Vi'ho have sent me prizes. In addition to ■ the medals provided by tha Board of Governors, I have received prizes from the following donors : Messrs Brown, Ewing, and Go. (silver medal), Messrs Coulls, Culling, and Co., Messrs Wise, Caffin, and Co., the Shakespeare Club, the Otago Art Society, the Otago Institute, the Dux Association, ths School Club, Mrs Mackay, Mrs M. Watson, Mrs J. K. Sinclair, Mrs. Braifhwaite, Miss Fraser, Bey. Dr Watt, ths Hon. W. D. Stewart, Mr A. Burt, and Mr K. Eamsay. Dean Fitchett (tbe chairman, of the Sigh, Schools Board o£ Governors), addressing; thepupils, said: Brealang-up day was to them, Tvelconie. They were a year older than they rare last speech day, and they had not yet. reached that stage of life when the addition of X, year to one's age was a misfortune. They ■were a year older, but it was not a year wasted; they had done an honest ye^r of work at school tasks. Their diligence was about to ba recognised by the bastowal of prizes; they were, going to receive the congratulation of friends,. &nd, perhsps bast of ali, they would welcome^ the OaiiJtmas vacation which began from to-day. IS was quite natural this • should seem: to them the best and most joyful dsy ot; the school year, and yet on this occasion they were obliged to begin by msutioning an evEal; which had been an occasion of sadness to them. aIL They knew that the High School had losb>. crte of its oldasb and truest and most service-, able friend 3. Long before any of them knew of the High School, and, in the case of most of them, before they were born, the Rev. Dr Stuart was chairman of the Board of Cover--tors, and a most active, and influential member' of the board, and such he coatinued down to the day of his <2e»'.u. Tiiay had heard and read a 'great deal during- the last few months about Dr Stosrb. AU tr.anner of people had besn sayiug all kinds of good thing 3 about him ; j fcut until "tha High Eciiocls met to break up j there yet remained aometbinjj to be said. It ! vrould ba impossible to let this occasion go past | without reference to his Jong and most valuable services to this institution. They had teen accustomed to see Dr Siiuarvpreeent lyear after year; they had always felt quite sure of hiss sympathy with them in their trorlr. and in their play; with their school struggles, snscessea, and failures, and they kuaw that his sympathy *nas unaffected and sincere. They were, therefore, bonad to show tbafc they felt what in a tneasurs all felt —that a great man had fallen in Israel, s.vd, in respact of the High Schools particularly, i:h?,t fcbey had suffered a loss which -would not ba speedily or readily 'repaired. He now dismissed with this word or two a topic which he was bound to mention, but which would not ba so readily dismissed ! from their minds. Now he would call upon Mr ' Allen, who had been appointed by ths University Council as their representative ia succession to the Eev. Dr Stuart on the Board of Governors of the High Schools, to preside over tie gathering and distribute the prizes. The Chairman (33r James Allen, M.H.R.) having delivered an address, distributed the prizes as follows : — CERTIFICATES. Second Form.—Ainie? 31. Angus, English and French; HeleneM. Pels, Kngliah; Helen M. Bt'gg, arithmetic. , ~ , Third Form. — Mary Salmond, English and science; Margaret 0. Fraser, arithmetic; A. Grange Fergus, drawing. Fourth Form. — Catherine B. Donaldson, English ; Margaret C. M'Caw, English ; Clarissa X Shephsrd, French ; Martha K. Torrcmce, Latin and French; Kathleen Graham, mathematics; Ellen Gibson, science; Lesa Bridger, drawing; Hose R. Smith, drawing. $~ ■ Fifth Form.—Ada G. Pateraon, English ; Salary A. Burnside, French; Jes3ie Campbell, Latin; Florence B. mathematics ; Isabella A. Allan, science; Mabel K. Barclay, drawing;; Jeannie Koberteon, drawing. Sixth Fonaß.—Margaret A. Ramsay, English and mathematics; Catheriue M. Eobertson, English; Emily H.V. Ridley, French; Jeannie ' K. Brown, Latin and mathematics; Georgina-A. SI. Bush, science. , • Sixth Form A.—V. Kate Hopcraft, English and French; Beatrice H. Earr, German; May S. j Eamsay, German; Linda C. Fenwick, Latin aud ( science; Winifrede I. Bathgate, mathematics. SPECIAL PRIZES. j Shakespeare Club reading prize —May C. ; Prizes for reading (Mr Hanlon)—Violet 51. ! Greig, Mary A. White. ! - Quotation competition prize— Henrietta 1. Tonkinson. • Prize for best model drawing (Otago Art ; Society's bronze medal)— May S. Kaissay. MUSIC PW/XS. Madame MiiUer's pupils: Margaret C. M Caw. Hiss Longford's pupils : Josephine Allan. ATHLETICS. Lower School. Fives: Doubles—May Sinclair, Annie Hay; Singles—May Sinclair. Uj>ver School. . Fives • Doubles— May C. Barren, Marjone Iv. Turton ; s'Dgles-Katherine E. Baion. Tenßis : Doubles-Baatrice Barr, May S. Puim'say; singles— 31-iy C. Barron. j ' GYJINASTICS. First Form: Jean H. Lusk. Second Form: -Winifred S. Thomson. Third Form: lanny ;33e»g Fourth Form : Fanny H. Fergus. Fifth and Sixth Forms : Ada M. Sinclair. CLASS PRIZES. First Form-English : Jean H. Lusk. French : : Jean H. Lusk. Arithmetic : Elizabeth %. Allau. Writing: F. Myra Harty. Drawing: F. Myra iST-rtv. Fewing: Elizabeth E. Allan. F'l-m -English: Marion A. Borrows. > P ,,;|, • Jiariou A.Borrows. Arithmetic: Marion 1 "Borrows. Writing: Frances Oluleo. Drawing: K. Maud Heycock. Sewing: E. Maud Thirrt'i'orm.—English : Ruth Salmoud. French {Cl-.s-i E)- Agnes Stewart. Arithmetic: Frances 35 Harland. Science: Phyllis L. Buchanan. "Writing: Ruth Salmond. Drawinc: Florence "fit. Angus, Gwendoline Platts. Sewing: A. Grange Fergus. Ul'X OK 7.OWEIL SCHOOL. Board of Governors' silver medal—Marian M. Slacdonald. , ,„ I Fourth Form.—Eaglioh : Christina C. Middleton (Dux Association prizp), Ajnes Thompson, Elsie Kempthorne. French : Class D—Jeannie llobertson. Latin: Class D—Agnes Stewart, Catherine B. Donaldson. Mathematics : Minnie K. Kingston (Mrs Braithwaite's prize), Catherine i; TJonoldson. Science: Christina C. Middletoc (Hon. W. D. Stewart's prize). Drawing: Agnes J Galloway (Messrs Wise, Caffin, and Co.'s prize), g'ewi-ig: jessio T.I- Stewart, Hose 11. Smith. Cutting out: Kuljy E. Israel (Douglas prize). Fifth Form.—English: "Mary D. Stewart (Miss Vr>te;t's wrize), Isabella A. Allan. French : Class | C "u'ivision I—Jeasiu A. liurt (Mrs Slackay'a J rriz")- Division ll—Marion Xewlandß, Susan C. (i M'Kni«-ht. Latin : Class C—Henrietta T. Ton- i tinson Mathematics: Annie G. Stewart aud "Olive J. Dare, equal (Mr i/.eith Ramsay's prize). Sr-i-nce • Klsie Napier-JJeil. Drawing : Annie U. "S'-ewit* Alice L Grusr. Sewing: Annie G. Cutting out: H.Dora Grant (Douglas ErSK."h Form (LotverJ.-Esslish Flora J. W. TV-e (Dux Association [~-)/..•).. I i^ch: Class I'—iV'^rine M IJn! e:l;ciu (ichool Club prize). LViu :" Clos. E-/-'lora J. AY. Hodges (Rsv. Br AVaxt's prize). Mathematics: Susan 0.0. 'WfTni-ifc Olcssrs Coulls, Cullmfi, and Co.s

prize). Science: Flora .T. AY. Hodges (Otago In- I stitur.u's iirfise). Prawiiifi: Klsic Napier-Bell. I Shrill .form (U\n»-v) -Knulisli: WinUreiie I. IMliritoGMi- A. JUuH's pnzr), Linda, C. Ifonv/iclt. French: Wmifrodc r. P.atlißate and Linda C. Ifenwick, equal (Mrs J. '•'. Sinclair* pri/,2) Latin: Winifrale 1. JJanhgate (Mis if. Watson's prize). Mathematics: Liuila C. Femvick (Messrs Brown, I'lu-inp, and C'o.'s silver medal). Science : WiniErede'l. Efttkgatc (U(.i,<;o laihtute's prize), nux ov tiik school. Board of Governors' gold medal —Annia Bauchop. duxes of Tin-: school. 'J'ao following is a list of the duxes oF tbe scb«ol up to the pieasut liuie :— 3571, Miss Flora Muir; 1572, Miss Isabella ■iharid ; 1873, Miss Georftina Tewsley; 1574, Miss iViKwlniina J. Maokay ; 1875. Miss Isabella ,1. ifisloii and 11.13S Annie M. Burn (equal); IS7O, Miss Isabella 1,. Gillies ; iS77, Miss Mary Montgomery ; IS7S, Miss Margaret Alves; 1579, Miss i'lora Allan ; ISSO, Miss Murion Steel; ISSI, Miss Annie Forbes; ISSI-1, Miss Isabella 0. .T. K. Duncan; ISS3, Miss Mariou Angus Ferguson; ISii, Miss Isabella M'Lsndresa; ISBS, Miss Catherine Moss; ISSfi, Jliss Sylvia Esther GitTord; LSS7. Miss Barbara Mary Wait ; ISSS, Miss Mitli H. Pcarce; ISS'.), Miss liaima M. Jteinforth; tSOO, Miss Margaret N. Gellatly; IS9I, Miss Christina M. Crmckshank and Misa Margaret B. CVmekshank (equal); 18(12, Miss Edith A. Barclay ; ISvS, Miss Catherine Cameron ; ISIU, Misa Annie firiuchop. Mr Wilson, prior to the dux of the school 3oming forward to receive the medal awarded by the Board of Goveirnors, aaid there were ihree girls who would have rnnde admirable duxes, to whom h« would have been glad bo award a medal if any oue of the three could have come up to the lkst. Their names were Freda Ba.fchgi\te, Liuda Fenvrick, and Annie Bauehop. Of the three Annie Bauchop came ftafc. Sb.e was a bo.irdiog scholar, and Dr Ghilton wrote with pardonable pride that she was ft pupil attUR Port Chalmers District High j School before comiDg to the High School. Miss Bauchop had been a pupil of tha High School ior four yeats, and he would vow ask hoc to j come forward arid receive the. medal for the j das o£ the school.—'(Applause.) The Chairman, af'^er presenting the medal, congratulated tha winner of it npou herposifcion in toe school this year. He also expressed the opinion that the other girls to whom Mr Wilson had referred had no reason to be disappointed th?.t (hey had not got a medal. To those girls who had not won prizes, but yet had an inner consciousness that they had done their best uoriug the past tsrui, it wa3, or should be, quite as much satisfaction to them to know that as if they had received some substantial presentation like those given thut afternoon. OTAGO BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL. The annual distribution of prizes awarded to the pupils of the Otago B-ajs' High School and the formal braaking-up for the Christmas holidays took plscs on the 13th inut. Aa usual, thero wes a large attendance oC parents and meeds. Mir J. R. Sinclair presided, aud the following gcntlf'tuiu were present on tha platform : —Dean Fitchetfc, the Rev. G. Teifc (Melbourna), the Rev. .T. Gibb, the Key. W. A. Di£gens, Professor Parker, Dr SJsand, the Hon. W. Donate St«ivart, M.L.C., Mr J. .Allen, 8.T.H.R., Mr J. Green, M.H.R. (chair;nan of the Education Boacd), Mr M. J. S. ilackanaie, Mr A. C. Beeg, Mr (J. L. Dsnuigtisu, Mr M. I?raer, Mr A. "Wilson, Mr A. Bntt, acid Iflr P. Bailing. Apologies were rec<riv«d iroin Mr D. Pinkerton, M.H.R., the Rev. D. Some, Dr Fulton, tit Stonhousp, his Worship tha Mayor (Mr H. 8. Fish), Mr J. H. Chupanun, aad Mr C. B. Chapman < Tho Very Rev. Dean I'itchett said : Boy 3of the High School, —On th'jaa oecasiona, as far back, 1 think, aa any of us caa recollect, tha thicl' i)laco has been taken and the firifc words have been said by otte who during the past year hsis been removed from us by death. After all that has been said elsewhere in Dr Stuart's honour there is no used that anything should be said here to-day, except in recognition of his cerviceG to these institutions —the Boys' aad Girls' High Snhools of Duuedin. Dr Stuart had to do with tha fonndiug of these iwliools. He watched over their development vriih paternal pride, and in their servioo he never spared himfielf. Last year, two or three days before your speech d«y, I visited Dr Stui'.rfc, then very ill and in bad, and I tainted to him the possibility that he would not find himself able to come to your speech day on the trcsking-np of the school, but lie scouted the suggestion, aud said, " I will bo tbere, I will be there." And hs was here. I think he must iiave felt it was for the last tima. I have often teen him presiding over meetingo oE the Board cf Governors, when any other man in" a like state of health would have kept his sick chsinber. The Board of Governors have noted with catisfaction Chat the boys and tho staff of thesehool, out of affection for their old chairman, have erected within tho walls of the school ii memorial brass. That memorial brass which you have put tip will send down the came of Br Stuart and the mention of his grent services to these schools to successive generations of High School boys aa long as the schools endure. For the inscription of that brass I think you might have borrowed the famous epitsph on the tomb of Sir Christopher Wren— " Si momimentum requiHs circumspice. If jou seek my monument, look around yon.— (Applause.) Within the walls of the High School that would have been an exceedingly suitable inscription fora memorial toDr Stuart, It is fitting also that I make mention of the personal domestic sorrow thai; has bofriHen. toe masters during the year. I refer to the deaths of Mrs Belcher and Mrs Thomson, i Bobh ladies were well known to ths school. Mm JSelcJieT'a kindly heart and gracious mauoer hacl endeared her to you all. Mrs Thomson, wiiiltif; sha lived for several years at the rectory on the hill, to many a lonely boy out of the country was a second mother.—(Applause.) You will not forget them, and I have given to Dr Belchsr aud to Mr Thomson your gincare sympathy in their cad beieavement. EuS notr, bays, I am about to ask to {.-.reside over thie gathering one of youroelvss, Mr Sinclair. Hois a member of the Board of Gorercorg, but lie is not the less au old High Soh'jol boy.—(Appianse.) In that chararter I see you nru prepared to give him a vary warm welcome. Mr Sinclair will take the chair, will address yon, and will distributethe prizes —(Applause.) THE RECTOIt'S HBTOItT.. The Rector (tne Rev. Dr Kelchi'r) was then requested to present his report, auil ici doing bo said: The first duty that devolves me is in congratulate the boys upon the fact that the:e is presiding over them to-day one who. in the spirit at least, as ha 3 already been pointed out, belongs emphatically to their ovmimuiter. Ttiis is tha second occasion, so far as I can recall, that an old boy has presided on t'lin occasion. The previous instanrie is thp.t of Jtc Tiiaima Hislop, who at that time ws.s Minister for Education, and who wts rtown here come years ago, being accompanied by a distinguished old boy, Mr Harry Bell, one of the. uieonbora fur tfit; City of Wellington. There is nothing, I. am sure, that would encourage boys more tiian t;i sse that, after passing through a strain of academical life and going nut into the world, they are able to win for themst-.lves 'uiKki positions that they gain recognition fvoui their fellow citizens and are asked to once More enter within its walls and discharge the <luti«.i that devolve upon you to-day, mr.— (Applause.) The following is the report of the rector (the Rev. Dr Belcher):— „ ATTENDANCE. Since the date of my last-report 8S boys hays .joined—five in excess of lPi'3; thure Vias been consequently a very slight increase in 'he average attendance as compared with that of tliu previous three years. The total numher ou tha roll for 1594 has been 235. Of these 31 have held scholarships of the Otago Education Board, ami JO get free education on the 50 per cent, standard at scholarship examinations. Three boys have resigned scholarships during the year, while tv.'o free boys have left school. At the beginning of the year the character of the entry disclosed the necessity of discontinuing the Lower Third .Form, so that our Third Form is now practically, in the subjects handled in the primary schools, a continuation class of the Sixth and Fifth Standards. HEALTH. The general health of the school continued very satisfactory until 21st .Tune, when the influenza epidemic made itself very severely felt. The first half of the rear was then drawing to a close, consequently the work of the school was not teriously impeded. During November asain tbe attendance of the junior suction of the school has been somewhat affected by various complaints. Many boys have been withdrawn under medical advice for the remainder of the year. INSPECTION, EXAMINATION, AND RESULTS. It was thought advisablu to have a move thorough aud minute inspection of the school than has been customary on the occasion of the In-specter-general's annual visits, in cor.sriuience of which determination ef the board the, by permission of the Minister tor JEdueation, visited this 3chool in August, and subsequently presented to the board a report dated £sth August. This report, which has sinca beeu laid before both Houses of the General Assembly by command of his Excellency, was considered satisfactory. I desire to say that lam v cry grateful for the remarkable pains the Inspectorgeneral bestowed upon this inquiry and report. There are CO names submitted for examinations now current or impending, while the results of the public examinations of 1S!)3, so far as they atfect boys of this school, are appended herewith. They are very good, and quite up to the average of preceding years—inclmiia?; four junior university scholarships (with first place), four places in the credit division on scholarship papers, two in the medical preliminary division, 10 in the ordinary matriculation pass, four senior provincial scholarships, five places in the civil service examination. The number of candidates now going forward from school direct is lately in excess of any number that I find in previous records of the school. CADETS AND OTIIKR MATTERS. The cadets have been maintained in a high state of eliiciency during the yoar, and were inspected in due course by Colonel Fox, who; spoke of them a.\ having considerably improved since the dute of bis last inspection, when ho highly commended the corps. It would not lie just to emit my sincere thanks to Captain Montgomery for his continued efforts, which succue:! in lcei-ping tha corps id its satisfactory coariiiion, while I would :><M a word of commendation of the spirit of the boys. The fives court is now practically free from debt, and in 1895 I trust to be able to complete tin: cricket ground on t>ie south Birle of the Kchool. Thi3 enterprise will, it is estimated, cost about JEloo—a sum I liouu we shall be able to rait:*. Other matters continue as before. The athletic sports were held in April last, aud provcii very

successful ; the football club flourishes; the magazine is now closing the tenth year of a very useful existence ; while cricket, against many disadvantages, is not without some features of promise. OENEB.AX REMARKS. The year, as the board knows, has been for many reasons one of darkness and difficulty, but X vesture to think that on tbe whole the work has never been since luy time more loyally and thoroughly done. The services of «i good teacher may lint be fully measured by inspections or examinations; it is only to one who is in daily , and hourly contact with his work that his true i value is revealed. I am very thankful to be associated with the body of men who work with We are indebted to tbe Chamber of Commerce, to tbe Otago Institute, to the Otago Art Society, to the Association of Former Duxes, to Messrs Hufgood, Sou, and Ewen, to Mr A. Burt, Mr J R. Sinclair, Mr J. Wilson (Bing, Harris, and Co.), lion. Downie Stewart, M.L.C., for their continued support to the prize funds ; and to Dr Stenhouse, who offers this year a handsome priza for the senior mathematical boy. The award list was as follows :— Annual Prizes, 1804. Dux of School—L. Williams, Board of Governors' gold medal. Junior Dux-H.H. Barton, Board of Governors silver medal. _ Mathematics (Senior)—ll. F. Skey, Dr StenJiouse's prize. Mathematics (Junior) —G. Howes, staff 3 prize. Chemistry— W. H. Thomson, Otago Institute's Arithmetic (Senior)—J. Lang, Chamber of Commorce prize. „, . Arithmetic (Junior)—J. Henderson, Chamber of Commerce prize. Latin (Senior)—L. Williams, Campbell Trust's Latin (Junior)—H. Russell, Mr A. Burt's prize. French (Senior)—J. B. Macdonald, Mr J. R. Sinclair's prize. French (Junior)-6. G. Russell. English (Senior)—G. M. Thomson, Chamber of Commerce prize. Kngliah (Junior)—F. Pilkington, Chamber of Commerce prize. .... Geography— W. Crawford, Otflgo Institutes Drawing—A. R. Grierson, Otago Art Society's I Writing—D. E. Booth, Mr J. Wilson's prize. Gymnastics (Senior)—Jf. Uirich, Messrs Sargojet's prize. j Gymnastics (Junior)—o. Mosley, Messrs Sargood's prize. Challenge Cup (Fives)—A. K. Mackenzie, Hawthorne Trust's prize. Challenge Cup (Cadets)— Private Gow (second timej, Mr G. M. Thomson's prize. Class Prizes General Literature, first half, 1894.—Upper V, P. Hagsitt; Lower V, W. Hay; Upper I\, G. G. Russell; Lower IV, P. D. Russell; Remove, W. Maitland; 111, K. Christie. Second half; Upper V, P. Haggitt; Lower V, C. J. Mackenzie ; Upper IV, G. G. Russell; Lower IV, A. K. Andrew ; Remove, 0. Bowling; 111, W. A. Paiker. Mathematics and Science, iirst half.—Upper v. W. M. Thompson; Lowor V, R. Brown; Upper IV, X Newman; Lower IV, H. Robertson ; Keoiovfl, J. Henderson; 111, J. Poote. Second half : Upper V, W. M. Thomson ; Lower V, R. Brown; Upper IV, F. Seelye; Lower IV, A. R. Andrew; Remove, A. G. Johnston; 111, J. Eaather. Former Duxes. Boys who have held the position of dux of the school since its foundation :— 1863 Noel Lee Buchanan; 1884-68, Henry Bell, MA • 1569, Charles Peter Begs; 1870, Alexander Thomas Stuart; 1871, Urnesc Herbert Wilmot and Saul Solomon, B.A. (equal;; 1872, Andrew John Park, 8.A.; 1873, Charles Low, M.8., O.M. ; 1574 Frank Stilling; 1875, William Deans Milne, M A LL.B.; IS7C, Herbert Halliwell; 1877, Alexander Bruce Todd, B. A.; 1878-79, Peter A. Lindsay, 8.A..M.8..C.M. ; 1880, Arthurßrownlie Drabble; 1881, William Alexauder Fleming, M. 8., C M • 18S2, Charles Thomas Little, M.A. and John Somerville, M.8., CM.; 1883, John Rogerson Montgomery, M.A.; ISSI, Adam Begg, M.A.; 1885 Joseph Moaa, M.A.; 18SS, John Bell Thomson M S., CM.; ISB7, John Askew Scott, M.A.; 3888 Thomas JJ. l'earce, M.A.; 1889, Franz V. Sied'eberg, M.A.; 1890, William Marshall Macdonald; 1891, John Gibson; 1892, Alex. D. Wilkinson; 1833, Thomas Dunn; 1894, William Newlands ami John O'Shea (equal); 189 D, Leslie Williams. The prizes were then presented by the Chairman, the priza-winners being heartily cheered by their fellow-pupils. In calling the dus of tto school to the front, the Hector said: Leslie Williams has been in the High School for sight years and a-half. He has baen straight through the school from tbn lowest class as it then was to the position which he has now attained. He is a boy, as I took occasion to inform the Bchool more privately on Monday afternoon of this week—and 1 s»y it now publicly,—ha is a boy who daring that long pcrisd has behaved himself without reproadtt.—(Applause.) In that book which we aro bound to keep wherein offences of the boys are recorded, this boy's name is associated with no offence, except such as would naturally arise onb of a little of that disposition ef which no boy need be ashamed.—(Applause.) The Chaieman, in presenting the medal to the dux, said: William!!, I congratulate you very heartily. The applause of your fellows shows that yon well deserve the position that has been assigned to you, and if anything will enhance the value of the medal to you I am sure it must be the terms in which the rector has spoken to you. I have pleasure in handing yon the medal.-—(Loud applause.) Addresses were delivered by the Chairman (Mr J. B. Sinclair), Mr A. C. Begg (President of tbe Chamber of. Commerce), Professor ! Parker, and the Rev. Mr Tait, of Melbourne. CONVENT HIGH SCHOOL AND ST. JOSEPH'S. The distribution of prizes to the pupils at the DomiaicMi Convent High School, and also at; St. Joseph's School, Dowling street, took place on the 18th inst. in the presence of a considerable number of person*. la connection with the caremony, &n entertainment consisting of vocal and instrumental items was given by the pupils of both schools. The programme ivas opened with a pianoforte selection, the overture of "Tancredi" (Rossini) being played by iSitses Laurence, Bnrke, B. and A. Lewis, JDickeuson, and Listou. During the performance of this item Bishop Morau entered the hall, »nd thorns present iiuinediafely roae to their f cci, t,he children singing a " Viva." A pianoforte i;e!ec.tioi), "Prom foreign parts" (Moszkowtki), by Misses O'Reilly, S. and N. Hall, K. Lynch, JS". and M. Gudgeon, was greatly appreciated, tv« performers acquitting themselves admirably, ttlisa 51i.x0.1l gave CRpital promise in her vocal... solo, " Hymu of the augies" (Gounod)', Miss 11. Blauey conwibuting a violin obbligato, and fchs nthsz items on the pro- ' gramme were : —Chorus, "Foresters, sound the fsbesrful horn," pupils of the St. Joseph's School; recitation, " The Brothers," i pupils of St. Joseph's School; harp tolo, "L'Estesi,"Mis3K. Lynch; k's-iergartoa psrforinauce; pianoforte selection, " Bbireso MusiI cales," MiosßS Freed, Maggie M'Ardle, Seslye, ' Rgrußsariitp, A. Listou. avid A. Lewis; song, i "Erin, dear Erin," Kti33es Miscall, Blimey, ' Gudgeon, Liston, Ljnch, O'Driscoll, Hesnan, O'Naill, aud A. Luwis; harp solo, " Ben c ridieolo," Miss Larnach. The Rev. Father Lynch, nt tin interval in the proceedings, said fie bishop did not feel equal to addressing the assemblage, bat had dictated a few words, which ha (Father Lynch) I would read :— My Dear Children,—lt gives me great joy, after so prolonged an absence, 10 find myself amongst | you to-day. I thank you all very heartily for your kind inquiries after my health and for your sympathy, so often expressed during my illness— or perhaps I should more correctly say during my miies of illneases. What I say to you on this point I wish to bs extended to all my friends throughout this colony, Australia, Cape of Good Hope, and even the Home country. It was a source of consolation and strength to me tr> know I that throughout I had the good wishes and prayer of innumerable friends, and I thiuk that I am not presumptuous in feeling the conviction that my restoration to health so far has been an answer to prayer. For this I arc, of course, most grateful to God and thankful to you, to whom I am under great obligations of gratitude. I hope that your good wishes will accompany and aid me until I shall be restored to sufficient vigour of health to labour as of old for religion and education. So much for myself. This is enough of egotism for one day. Now, turning to what more immediately coucerns yourselves, allow me to congratulate you one and all— pupils and teachers—on the great succe.-is of your recent exams. One portioa of the schools has been examined by the official diocesan examiner, and his report to me of the schools he examined here was most satisfactory. He was not only satisfied, but more than satis: fled, and he ended by declaring that the examination at St. Joseph's School was brilliant. The other schools have been examined most minutely by competent and conscientious examiners. The printed questions and the papers containing the answers have been submitted to me, and 1 am happy to be able to state, on competent authority, that their examinations also have been most satisfactory. Iv addition to the usual high-class curriculum, the classes established for the science of teaching, for cookery and all the branches of domestic economy, have also given satisfaction. 1 only wish 1 could speak to you at greater length, but f am impressed with the idea that you will not be too exacting on this occasion. I therefare ask Father Lynch to be so good as to hand you the prizes iv my name and on my behalf. There will be one very pleaßing ft ature in this year's programme. It is the fact that the voting of the pupils of the High School lor the bishop's prize has boen so nearly equal for two girls that he feels called upon to award two prizes this year. He will not be sorry that a similar duty will devolve in the next or the following years either on himself or whoever will hold his place. The following are the prize lists, the Rev. Father Murphy handing the prizes to the youoger and the Rev. Father Lyuch to the more advanced pupils : — CONVENT HIGH SCHOOL. Junior. School. Class I.— Knclish, Gerty Meenan; arithmetic, Clara Morkane; writing, Frances Berncch: religious knowledge, neerilework, and punctual attendance, Nellia Hesford ; order, Gerty Wood ; general improvement, Amy (Jutten. Class 11.—-English (Mrs Liston's prize), A.nnie Liston ; arithmetic. Tessie Connor; English history, Gcraldine O'Connell; general improvement, Alice King; plain and fancy needlework, Olive Lvvrence; politeness and deportment, Mary Cntten ; good conduct, Ethel Freed. Music Prizes.—Pianoforte, G. O'Connell, K. Freed, A. Liston, O. Larnach, J. Griffen, G. Median, and 11. Petrc ; violin, G. Meenan and A. Liston. Senior. School. 1 CLASS I'Jtl/.ES. [ Class Hl.—Silver medallist, Maggio H'Ardle;

English history (second prizo), Hannah Price; recitation, Isabel Seelye; Scripture history,, h.afcie Woods : religious knowledge (second pnza), Maud Brett Class IV.-Silver medallist, Maggie OTOscoll; English composition, Sate Lynch ; rea.dsu«, Bella cSv.-Silver medallist, Mary BnwHey : treehand drawing (first prize), Alice Awed.; English' history (first prize), Mary Bradley. COURS SUI'RRIEUR. Gold medallist (dux), Maria M'Carthy. Keligious knowledge, Mary O'Meill. GKNRKAL PHIZES. , r Pedagogics. - Gold medal, awarded *to MaryMiscall. .Silver medal, competed for by Jithel and Jlaegie Gudgeon, Kate Lynch, Johanna Connor, Ida Kemshardt, Tessie O'jKeai, Mary Burke, Mary Bluney, Alice Freed • won by Johanna Connor. Both these medals the gift of Very Key. P. Lynch. Hon. mention in pedagogics, Maria M'Oavthy, Mary Bradley, Maggie ODriacoll, Mary Litton, Mary Meenan, Bertha and Ada Lewis, Jeaunie Wood, Minnie. Burns Dowe Purton, Gladys Larnach, Polly Wallace, Agnes 'fierman.— First prize, Lena itemshardt; second prize, Nettie De Beer. T ... French.—Sophie Hall. Honours : Mary O Neill, Bertha and Ada Lewis. , . Honotirs iv Latin.—Maria M'Carthy, Sophie Hall Mary O'Neill, Ida Kamnhardt, JHaryßwily, K Maggie O'Oriscoll, Agnes Connor, Maggie recitation.-Winnie Tucker, Maggie Gudceon (Mr Pertin's prize), Tso,bel Seelye. Cookery and domestic economy (Fa-ther Lynch* prizt).-Glftdy Larnach. Hon. mention : Mb-ol KnA Mue"-ie Gudgeon Annie Walsh, J»ne Wood, Mary ultou, «c 6'Driscoll, Ethel Lawrence, M. iJlaney, K. Woods, Minnie Biuna, Maggie Mlta^in a king.-Gladys Larnach,. Maggie O'Driscoll, and Ethel Gudgeon. , , _ Mending and darning.-Mana M'Carthy. Hon. Hon. mentioa : Tessie O'Neill and Mary Meenan. Mountraellick work -Jane Wood. Hon.m*ntion : Bsrtha Lewis, Nettie De Beer, Mary Listen, Florrie Christie, Kate Donnelly., Alhambra work.—Bertha I^ewis. Art needlework.-X. GudgeonandMaryHeenan Hon. mention: M. Blanw, J. Wo"d-J e c 3!|® O'Neill, Tessie Connor, Gladys Larnnoh, Maggie O'DriscoU, Mary O'Neill, M»4tff'e «>idgeon, Loniaai Cross Mary Listou, Echol La\vrence. - ■■■ Ort^r^e^'K^ Donnelly; seconds PTKegular and punctual attendance (Father1' Lynch's nrizl:).—Nettie De Beer. Class sWing.-Louie Cross Hon. mention^ Msegie O'Driscoll, Minnie, Jesne, and Kate B,S, Fiorrie Christie, Nettie De Beer, Mary ■Singing (first prize, Father Murphy's gift).— Mary Miscall. „. , , Flower modelling ia wax.—Caroline Vial and Ada Lewis. Flower modelling in paper.—Bertha Lswis. Fainting in oils and water colours.—Bertiia ami Ada Lewis. Barbjtine.-Bertha Lewis. Kenßiagton embroidery pamtiDg.—Ethel Hart, j Drawing (Fr.thcr Lynch's prize).-Mary Listou. Hon. mantion in painting and drawing.: Mrs W. Palmer, C Vial, Maggie Gudgeon, MaryO fteilly, Sophie Hall, Kate Lynch, Mary Listen. Dancing and calisthenics.— -\ursie Walso. Attention to school rulss.—Ethel Gudgeon. MUSIC PRIZES. Silver medals (the gift of the Oreaden Company) were awarded for excellence in music to Mary O'Reilly and Maggie Gudgeon. - The nun?,' prizes for music were awarded to Kate Lynch, Ethel Gudgeon, Mare Burke, Annie Uickenson, Gladys Larnach, Ethel Lawrence, j Isabel Seelye, Maggie M'Ardle. Tessie O Neill. ! Harp and piano (Mrs Liston's prize)-K.ate Lynch. Gladys Larnach. GOLD MKDAI,, ETC. Gold medal (dux), nuns' prizfi, awarded for excellence iv all claas subjects (Anglian, lancuage and literature, Latin, and mathematics)— Maria M'Carthy. The wreath for amiability was awarded by the votes of her cominniousto Miss Maria M Gatthy, who receives aIBO a beautiful silver medal presented by Mr Solomon. Sophia Hall was awarded a prize by the nuns for excellence in English, French, Latin, mathematics, and religious knowledge, and for coming closo after Maria M'Carthy in the number of her companions votes for amiability. MEDALLISTS OF 1893. Dux—Miss >'lora Hart. Class V—Miss Ida Rcrasbardt. Class lll—Miss Mary Meenan. Kxcellence in music—Mianes Sophie and Nellie Hall. KINDERGARTEN. Preparatory Class. — Attendance, Miss Mary Hesford ; reading and music, Gerty Pollock; spelling and music, Mildred Ceary ; general improvement, Kate Kane ; mental arithmetic, Louisa Creagh ; music, Maggie Knox ; recitation, Alley Connor; general improvement, Nellie M'Ewen. First Stage.—Spelling, Ethel Wood; reading, Eosie Konsiter ; .mental Arithmetic, Mary O'Rorke; general improvement, Maggio Moffett; religious knowledge, Cissie Eaffernan; general improvement, Nora Murray. Second Stage.—Reading and kindergarten drawing, Kathleen Connor; singing and embroidery,. Ethel M'Donnfll : general improvement and leatherette work, Beatrice Creagh; writing and stick laying, Ray Wyinks ; clay modelling, John Tobin ; card embroidery, Madge M'Donald; tablet laying, Mercedes M'Donald; bead counting, Mary Murphy ; stick laying, Cissy Carters; paper cutting, Flossie Smith; paper folding, Nellie Smith ; bead work, Nora M'Carthy ; pricking work, Nellie Packer ; basket work, Marion Roche ; brick building, Arthur Herbert; straw work, Oberon Carters; paper plaiting, Willie Roche .

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10240, 24 December 1894, Page 6

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SCHOOL VACATIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10240, 24 December 1894, Page 6

SCHOOL VACATIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10240, 24 December 1894, Page 6