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Dr Gordon Hacdonald wrote :—" lam not au applicant for office this year in the hospital, ao I intend to spend a year in England. I have, however, to express my thanks to the trustee s for the term of office I hsvo enjoyed, and to state that I have benefited by my connection with tho hospital, and I trust I have done some benefit to the hospital."—lt was resolved that the lettsr be received, and that the trustees express their satisfaction with tha manner in which Dr Macdouald had performed his duties, and their belief that the hospital had benefited by his sarvicss.

Mr Wills moved—" That Dr Gordon Macdonald being about to proceed to the old country, he be granted n certificate of service to the hospital, as was granted to Dr Msunßell."

The motion was duly seconded and carried,


Tenders for the annual supplies were referred to the House Committee to accept the lowest or most eligible.

Mr Brown gave notice that he would move at next meeting—" That the secretary be instructed to write to the hospital staff asking them if they will be good enough to undertake the supervision of the out-patient department in conjunction with the house surgeon." On the motion of Mr Grbkjt, the trustees recorded on the minute 3 their appreciation of the services rendered to the hospital by the house surgeon, Dr M'Adam. hospital staff.

Mr J. N. Beown oaid ha had pleasure in proposing a cordial vote of thanks to the secretary, matron, tha nursing, and working staff for the care and attention they had devoted to their respective duties during the past year. Tiae staff, amounting in number to 4-7, was a credit to the institution, and every trustee ought to feel proud of it. Tha trustees must always experience feelings of delight when thny observed tfee heal&hy tone and kindly feeling which existed amongst tho members of the working staff, and express the hope that such pleasant relations might long continue. He felt sure that every trustee would join in wishing each and all of them a merry Christmas, a happy New Year, and increasing success from the present onwards.

The vote was carried unanimously,


~,.,., , . ""noouu iioaiou in me ceremonials Actuated by the success which the mosi lustaad of doing this, to use an erstwhile bisrecent experiment of shipping live stock to torie phrase, "the fumes of the charapvae tlngland has met with, breeders here are deter- bemg st jll ; n his nostrils," he dolivered a bitter mined to go into the more extensively, party speech, in which ha said he would rather End they are meeting with every encourage- take the word of the chairman of the btraqnefc pent irora the shipowners, who find it difficult tnaa » the I O U's of some of those gentlemen in these times to obtain charters for their cargo- who-said the Premie.' was not to bs relied on." carrying vessels. A meeting cf the newly- He referred to " the sappers and miners oUhe formed Liva Stock Export, Association'was held Conservative press " with such hutrad and oouin Sydney on Monday last, when it waa re- tempt as to lead one to imagine that he in ported that freights had been obtained which following in the footsteps of his colleague the would enabls live cattle to be shipped to Lon- Minister for Lands. While pleading for a move don 7/rJi a good margin of profit. One well- generous treatment of himself and his Ministry known Jstw South Wales stock breeder (Mr the Premier forgot to remind his hearer that Key), who was present, decided, on the «the sappers and miners of the Liberal press" Bteeugth of the concession, to get ready a ship- had dose their best to worry the late Sir Harry «aent of choice Angus cattle, weighing about Atkinson into his grave, and to make his 15001b each. Letters were read to show that Government responsible for falling European experiments had preyed that station-raised markets for produce, for indifferent harvests, csttls suffered no more on board ship than allt j e vea the changes in the seasons. She Btall-fed cattle. A oratt prospectus was drawn spsec h wa3 full of debatable matter aad of np, which it was decided to forward to the controvertibie points, which in a poßt-prandial tm Biwnn Etocfcowners of the colony. In the prospectus speech could have been easily avoiri'-d l.y ,„ iJAJML,u. jt is set forth that tbe nsrao of the association turning attention to the thought which'was ,„ t Wednesday, Decbmbbr 19. . is to be the Australian Live Stock Export Asso- uppermost in most men's minds, the renderiu" (Before his Honor Mr Justice Williams.) ciotion, and jfs objects to promote the breeding o l"the Rotorua sanatorium occssaibla to'the „ borough of naseby y. law. tad fattening of siook, aud to £ aaißt in esteb- wor i(], and the benefits thereby likely to accrue w 5tT on appeal from the Maß«t™te's Court at listing a remuaerafcive trade with Europe r-nd to suffering humanity. Instead of this th« Sir Pobert Stout «. mMW A ™ h^ a \( nf +1, nl-Vn- '•fm-ifrif.s in Itit.q i-r-m-lr Tf in r\t»iM-ir «£■>/? * ( * t» • j.t, • 1 1 - 1 ,- ■ )3lr AiUDeiL OtOUTi appeared Oil DStlSilt Of the OuhCT countries in 1113 t.tntir. proposed to Premier gave the ram to hzscombativ«m*-incts. appellant, tha Naseby Borough Council and Mr obtain and circul-^ rci .ab!e_ information an<3 dea i t wit h his political opponents without McCarthy (of Naseby) on behalf of the respondeut! relercnce to breeding, ii'-temng, ana exporting gloves. Even, it seema, in oillins; him " the John Law. cattle, to keepja cicss touch with shipping strong man of the Ministry," while Mr BaUsaco In t Ws case jt appeared that the respondent, companies, to torm s b-CEch. in London, to wa .j alive, they were uot paying him a com- w ° is tlle occupier of land in the borough of 2;eop salesmen in England and elsewhere posted nlimpivt but worp simnlv -rl-narVd by 1 ri<>«iri> Naseby, asked iv May 18S7 for permission to make up Uto the BU pp]y of stable stock available S^h^d^^f L^r^H^ for espor ,to end^vour to remove any resinc- &xIA to c £, e diMeHsioDS in fcbe Gabiuet , m «f» s™^ for Myto^htaeW M turn* on trade m the colomssi or in countries to Tne open i U g c .f the Rotorua railway aud the smithy. Ths matter was referred by the council VTiiich stock may be cent, «nd to endeavour to arrangements connected therewith were carried to the Water Committee, who recommended that eotam reasonable siippins freights. out without a ■ hitch. Mr Seddon claimed Law be permitted to make the connection by SHE UNEMPLOYED AGITATION credit for having carried the enterprise to com- TKVV e extra expense and also a double rate. .Sir G. H. Eeid. the P«mier of N 6W South pletion ; «ad this he may fairly and jastiy do, J^ S^Xn \h™ co^cU ™^d?r£niu«™ Wales, is finding it evsn more difficult; to plsuse for ms Conservative pr.idecp.fSMS in Oihce wire fix i ng a rate of £ S per atmum , to take effect as the Labour party tuau the Victorian Premier. dls Posed to halt at Tarukeuga and 'leave a from the Ist April preceding. Law got no notice Mr Turner, it will be r.:n,e.,.ob ß recl, almost as dr, earT coaching ride o{ nrae miles to be under- of this till August He kept on using the water, Boon as he had accepted office was pestered «?ben »t the end of the journey.. It appears SortTetowtintthifja eoridTrrf hp,l,™ * 3 TC ; t -_ a Pr ,, v . lt \rr>~ f-r.ii Hip nm-TrmWr-r 1 .-,/! that there was a soa^foji ot truth m the state- ceurt oeiow tnat tnis ±» could not be charged w.Un depu^tioco norn cue unemplojeu, aaa s-'-tion of malrontpnfc Naiivp^ excepting uuder by-law. The magistrate derided threatened with sll norts or delays and annoy- pent tns-t - s.aion 01 malcontent; Wativea in bis favour on that point, holding that a by-law Bncott iv the House if he did uot immediately to organisa a counter demonstration, must be the formiat ioa. of such anlction relist works. Ua vs.-, snuViently but th« adveuo oi tha Permaaent iorce nipped Sir R. Stout, havinß stated the facts of the Btronp-mi'ioed io re-nafc this iudirecb influenca the Proifcct m tixe bud- Toelr P rote>t against case, submitted that the decision of the magistvhich it was sought to impose ucon him, and the adr eut of, ths " i ™n h°rse." iDt? Ratorua trate was erroneous; that a by-law was not neces-f-'no ,^t»Hnn i'fi'-'ii Vr Rfin milrt 7ln^ Vn.o was to b;V7a takfc" a. rather heroic and ar&ra.itus ■ sary "> *aat tnlß was admittedly on the evidence icde^t £t & form_n«mes y . to prostrate thom.elve, on the i MWZS 't£e net until the other cr.y ih.t he ventured to rai« for the leoomotive and train to p, S3 over. HOSPITAL TRUSTEES $£&£wi [ cZo^ions ActTS 1 byiwwas show his teeth. A deputation oa the day iv Had the agitators earned ouc their intentions, j liuariiii-U liiUDll.i.O. not R necessary preoedent t o making y a p,.;^ question raited oa him and complained that Wjre woulQ aavß bevn bu£ a a6eP ' irom tae <" ' agreement under that section. Secondly, lie conthe Colonial Sscrstary in promising to give snbume to the rii?icnlous, for Inspsctor Kmer- Ths m onthly meeting oJ the Hospital' t™ded that there was a defence on the merits. -I the^lWnent .ore, M« 8 P. Miller^ JN Brown, W Wil.s, c arge -- w^ned but that when th.y got to ths spot the engineer Wish atl their bravado, the Maoris have ?. J. Cuioll, W. Wnght, S. Myers, J. Eobin, asreera( , n t he must pay vhatertr charge the leiused to employ them. As representatives o£ : wholo?oaie horror of the lockup. _ ! H. Clark, and J. Green. borough, made. the workers of Sydney they claimed considers- Aa a soru oi set-ot^lor hiving been good election of chairman, . Mr M'Carthy argued that it was never in- ,■_ ~ ~uo j,»r,r- ~f H w fJnvprnmcrit M- °nough to allow the pasehas to bnug the rail- J . ~ ... „ ~. ~ tended by the Municipal Corporations Act that Rrfrf 11-ri ■ fi aM tLt the Government h^d W»J to Rotorua' ths Natives plied the P,eu lla r | On the motion of Mr Kobin. seconded by Mr a council should have an arbitrary or capricious Reid, m reply, said t^at the government had, ; reqU! . Bts o f al l klnds-fot the Native aD ! Wkigiit. Mr P. Miller was ic-electod chairman, power of charging whatever rates they pleUd for out ot reasonable hours, receded thr-je dspul*- , d „ a .., " wa nW iMc Miller, in returning thf.nks for being an extraordinary supply, or of either entering tjors, and their only reward was languago f c , ,\ ;. -J „„£"■* a pwa\ re-elected, said he was quits prepared to occupy into or refusins to enter into an agreement witfi tantamount-to sedition. Soa,e speakers h»d fcd ba' llmls t ta- tXrom the h^ position of chairman for another year, but requiring such a supply. If Euoh wu*a fc> adopt towards the iriaip.oy -8, to . ;B ,, hip of Rot:Oruai corapfills;vtion for Ifttid for J take the position next ye«r. bmiuaaa-kl to one raau and £100 to SSrthe.- rbut wj' nm* ™ I n™ ™ °° railway purposes, and for suppressing troubles I house committee's repout. and injustice might bs worked in that way. He browoe:.ten. i.iO brovernmtn u woma bke &t Mak6j . llt t}lß repeal of the Thermal Act, 1 The House Comtmcfcee reported inter alia contended that so long as the circumstances reteat no jiiftii wzre starved, aoa would f trio to Auckland by rail, alleged that the Otago Anglers' Association had set n>a>ned the same as when the extra supply was tt^Wfcs^fJ^rs R.s«i±-jLft£Sr*si: sS'S'JSfAtwwy: =5S=SSaSri ss^saasr^jSysc ss.a.rstsrjjja sea: isss bSS-jit? sff j,s aswiaaS&SSaSS Btood, however, thaa tae would net M] . Se ; idon Drom ; sef i Ki^i Taekati, chair- payment of amount passed by the board for that if Law was liable at all it was for an extracllob'this matter to be worked up into au.-igita- ' o{ fcbe L a aiea' Commitree, teat Maori building new laundry. lostrumeuts. which ordinary rate, by reason of his having waived the teiOD. nor would it ha?e anything to ao with n 00 -H t"l-the'-p'«"° >™Hi m— on-v-v cost £2* 18s 4d, had been received bom Bog- non-existence of the by-lav, ; (2) , f that was not so, or rvio hn thpt -am t c I tb d n* th la d 1 d Xhe goods supplied by the tradesmea theyndor the .Rreemont of 1887 Lbvt w». ent'.J^W^^l' m D Ik6lPr& " ngtUepLyear^of^quaUtyand l M^JSiSrlo%Ts.ttt^S&<S *> nin t w tal w i n n i la inp cfidet-%nfrm|eytev complaints n^d bsen received.— o f 1887 was not terminated by the Sot'ce of tm« te f ovc nmp t U ptt t cv t , Jlnm La le Cumtt * kd h U lopl d June 1833; (4) that no agreement as alleged had covthd 1 e1 t n c g ffr ment tt .An icaous vote of thanks to the Anglers' been proved; (5) that if Law was liable at all it vo H n 1 d ott m 111 pm la r tI \ soc at on was entered upon the minutes. could only be for unlawful uses, for which he pi ypl -vh v \ t 0 t rri d A , toT—hei isance committkf.'s kepobt. would be lmblfi not 111 a specific sum of money f C TOll d l/ ° ab? "" , n PP ito 1 Lm-ndh < "•> Kuance G^ittee reported that *• ' %nd r Id t tUt h hd ben tor November, amounting £SQU7» 7d, thit way. The r«ason why the action was bsine inF f PI^IPU^LI TIC 7 PO r p-va crn tb r Hbtho wrep sed for payment. The receipts for the defended by the respondent war, that he did not . .. , (o^ J-n J epl h II ildloa 1 onta <it November ware aa follaw : —Students' know when he might be called upon to pay a re tn 4no n n 1 6 I * he o^m f " 7 7s; in-patients, £57 7s; out-patients, kger snm 6e tat n on n 1 A n I th vl (£7lO sales, £15 10i: donations, £1 5s ;— Sir II btout haying replied, F u £ °[ L " at '1 t»r 4%) 11 l> 10l tot £83 19.' The receipt- for the pr^.t ,J^ nor '"ttmatcd that he would reserve Bill c I >1 Sir t 1 fell ItJrnh pto date were :-In-patients, £49 15s 3e> M EE and othbrs v gherkins v v eh i t p t 11 1 ?oar I 0 n 111 o t patents, £fl 2s; donations, £11 108; fese on apsS fIZ Ihe Koto's Court ! ' e e^ r f 111 to oh 1 n d o.atr 'Mr J O Beilly, £1; Hospital Guild, £10 10s; St. Bathans. « D is.i.ues louu, f, ° , t n . - c t- oecwhcl 1 tonoftl&lmrl cmP<> &$ 18s tid; voluntary contribu- Mr Sim appeared for the sppslknts, Thomas v 1 'rl 71 elthl, rr 1 f / F uo ell ! I £84- 133 Id ;—total, £157 19s lid. The Meis ana others, members of the laudsr Farmers' c"* c fc T Unit i 1 t t flhw dh f £25 had been received from the Hospital } <£?*>• a"< «r M'Cttrthy for tlu. respondent, m , j■ II to'l th t 0 * irard account of icterwt on investment of Ji^' *• Gherk ™. 1«« secretary of the same •mac yofhi rt!l ct C t dr atHcrl C-n b U bequest The amouni had been | In'this case the committee of the club wkil r . of } f 1 c t 1 11 111' iled ofto credit oS tha Campbell interest . Ghnrlcins for the allegod wron»-fnl dot»ntion of *~ l 0 Sef I I blt f. r rtaicc '-The bank paM book showed a credit j certain books and moneys. Counsel for the vecre-I ~ , ~ 1 c 7 1 I , rrol lh nil to b nee of £3215s 6d.—-Adopted. I t:\ry took a preliminary objection, which the! ;' lip , 7", n f fi ' 0 t P 0 t th tw eaolved to thauk the Hospital Guild magistraw upheld this beinc tbat aR the plain- % Oil D ( J i „ „ nt th On pry Ifi acaation tiffs were not claimin« from defendant a beneficial I C L' 1 1 1 f In 1 n not tn erv " acaatl°°;._ .„„,... -„._„ proprietary right, and the action boing for a i 0 1 C 1 t 1 »hp daT th 1 go tub MfcDiCAL staff. tort, and not on a contract, all tho mumberr, C t t n-n t 11 It to 1 c I Ir J sties Williams (chancellor otf*e of t b,. club should have been joined as „ nt v t -n I tI f 1 Is of t c pi n ers ty) wrote on November 1* :— On plaintiffs. The magistrate nonsuited plaiutiffs. |, , f I p d o ftbl n. tofC on 1 r vof I) s bhl of the University of Otago I have to i Appellnnts now said that that decision was 1,1 1 Il'r <■ I *i 1 1 o ruet that, in making the medical appoint- : wrong as a matter of law, and that, apart from V , H .11 t g I p 1 mnl I r the coming year, the trustee* will that question, it was the magistrate's duty to IX !t I t t 0 1 ntha staff a»p>intmenra the presen; . jjg,£^ f , t £■ 1 el ! t cJt 1 tacvlU ' f o£ tae Uiviversity EcUicai School iv i a ]j tug meraWs of tW club, 'J "^oi" xnu" uu'tf :

but unjust. While giyiug Colouel Fox every credit for a desire to improve the force, there is no gainsaying the fact that he has an unhappy mannerism which completely neutralises his well meant efforts in that direction. His whole tone and bearing on the occasion referred to was not the most amiable in the world, while the manner in which he trounced i offi^rs in the presence of their men is generally regarded a 8 wholly unpardonable, aud n violation of the spirit, if uotoi' the letter, of the Queen's regulations. The volunteer Force will never be improved by lowering the self-respect of the officers, and making them look fooli?h and contemptible ia the presence of those they command, aa well as in that of the civilian onlookers at volunteer parades. AH hifl inquiries sfoer the celebrated "round robin," alleged to be connected with the desired removal of the local commanding officer proved fruitless, aud it is shrouded ia as much mystery as the circumstsness surrounding the publication of the famous Fox letter. Oololsl Fox, with " brutal fraaknesa" expressed his opinion concerning tlae Auckland volunteer Unco, officers and men, j and the latter, it is bat just to tay, are equally j frank nod outspoken with regard to the gallant I colonel—offi parade. Captain Robertson, of the j City Rifles, iv bis spsecb. at the Caledonian I Society, in acknowledging tbe taast of " The i Volunteers," only said what most of his i comtade3 have been thinking. By the way, I | hear that that galfaut officer has been agkeil by loiter to explain his personal remarks in that spsech, and the public are awaiting the outcome with amused iuiertitt and anxiety, and 1 what Trill happen the outspoken officer. If Colonel Fox had carried his Argus eye to the powder magazine as well as to the volunteer force, he might hive dons the State some service. The -other day the keeper of the Mount Eden magazine blew his brains out, the evidence at the inqutsst showing he was in the habit; of getting drunk sometimes—a phial, a preparatiou of laudanum, ond a half-finished bottle of whisky in the room where the corpse was found telling their own tale. There are tons of powder in shut magazine, and in the event of any accident through drunken carelassnffss, the Mount Eden Gaol, the District Hospital, and half the residences in tha Grafton road would in all probabiliDy be levelled to the ground.


the following subjects :—Lecturer on medicine, Mr Sim commenced to argue the question of lccbnrer on surgery, lecturer on diseases of law involved, wteii women ; and also Ih.t the lecturer on r^ pathology may be pathologist to the hospital. Mr si^.s { nt of vi sri that l jt n)j , lt , |C The Chancellor also wrote under date weM tn i u , ar flrst what was to be sui(J from the December 3 :—" With reference to the fermij.l other side application made to the Hospital Trustees with Mr M'Uarthy having indued the matter for the reepeai; to the appointment of university re«rmndent, lecturers ou the hospital staff, I should wish to . U" Honor without ca ling on Mr Sim, gaye point out that although applications for the l^l^^p^S^uinso^behklf lectureship in surgery have boeu aaverfcised lor, of themselves and others in respect of a beneficial the office is held by Dr Brown up to April proprietary right. They claim that certain pronext. May I say that our council fully iierty belongs to them, and they claim to have appreciate the assistance hitherto afforded by possession of it. No doubt the action, being in the trustees to the Medical School, and truot the nature of *v action for detinue, is founded that the trustees will give the present appli- $^ y^ Mld^thaTth^Mh catioa their favourable consideration. rule whic!l corresponds to section G2 of A deputation from the University Couucil t ] ie Mu.r:iserates (!otirt Act, does not apply to connisting of the Chancellor, Mr James Allan, actions for tort. But the wide expression used lil.ll R., and Dr Hocken also waited on the in that judgment must be confined to the trustees with reference to the subjact. jurtieuls.r ciicuji^tancßs of the case and one, Mr Justice Williams stated that Dr Birnett lf "ol both, or those jnagments refers tn the had beeu appointed lecturer on surger,, and he word^that in'c^Xre need htnlly say that in the interests ot the tUe Court of Chancery can exciciae jurisdiction Medical School he should be connected with the t\ VM the rule does apply. In the case of Lloyd v. staff of the hospital, or at anyrate have some Loaring an-action very similar to the pressnt was recognised position in connection with the brought into the Gouit of Chancery, and Lord hospital. The council selected Dr Barnett as Kldon stated as his opinion th»t the court had much on *cconnt of his t e a,hin ? capacity, n sT?ZJL^^ m lt£ which, of course, was essential to the poet, as , )ehal{ o{ thßll ,, )e i ves and ot her members to rehis nigh qualifications aa a eurgeon. cover possession of certain ornaments aod articles Mr ALLisif and Dr Hookek also addressed balongiug to tha lodge. It seems io me, thereth« trusteea upon the aubjtct of the appoint- fore, that in the presunt case, though the actinn mouts, f.ft«ar which is feunded in a tort, yet it is in respect to a The Chairman intimated that the trustees beneficial prop.ietary right, and it action intended to mala, the appointments tbat after- t^'^Sin? and In noon, and what had been said by the depute- vhich thttt coart wouW hnve a ilow«d some of tion would be taken into consideration. the plaintiffs to appear before the court aa repreTha deputation them thanked the trustees sentativea of the rest, the whole body of the plainand withdraw. tiffn being a numerous body. I think thnt the

appeal should be allowed, with ousts (£8 Ss)

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10237, 20 December 1894, Page 6 (Supplement)

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DR GORDON MACDONALD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10237, 20 December 1894, Page 6 (Supplement)

DR GORDON MACDONALD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10237, 20 December 1894, Page 6 (Supplement)