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Tho ordinary meeting of tho Otago Harbour n Board was held yesterday afternoon, and was _\ attended by Messrs H. Gourley (chairman), H. c Guthrie, E. G. Allen, AY. Wright, AY. Barclay, , r J. Carroll, A. Thomson, M. Joel, J. T. Mac- _, kerras, and Dr Drysdale. p financial. The bank book, laid on the table, showed a ' debit balance of L 340 8s 6d. correspondence. •Mr AY. H. Gruit, jun., applied for permission to erect a small slip for tho purpose of beach--1 ing a five-ton yacht on the north sido of the ■ J overbridge at Rothesay.—Referred to the chair- " man, with power to act. J The Ravensbourne Football Club applied for ? permission, which was granted during the pleasure of tho board, to use the reclaimed ground, at Ravensbourne during the football ' season. Mr 11. S. Chipman, agent for the Annie | Reed, wrote complaining that tho ship was ! delayed by consignees not removing their '. goods.—The Secretary stated that the matter ' had been attended to. 1 The manager of the Colonial Bank wrote ; stating that ho had forwarded a cablegram to ' the managing director in London, as requested, - withdrawing the instructions sent to Sir John ■ Coode.—Noted. Mr J. AA r. Faulkner, through Messrs E. C. Reynolds and Co., applied for a lease of half of section 11, Block LXIV, at the upset of Lls per annum.—The application was granted. A telegram was read from the Lyttelton Harbour Board asking for an extension of the charter of dredge 222 for a month, three months, or six months.—The Secretary stated that tho chairman had authorised him to reply : "Charter party arranged with AVellington from 2nd May ; only arrangement could be mado subject to their agreement."—ln reference to the matter the secretary of the AVellington Harbour Board telegraphed stating that ho did not think the board would object to the postponement of the charter for one month.—The Secretary stated that the chairman had further authorised him to wire to the Lyttelton Harbour Board that, subject to the concurrence of the AVellington Board, an extension of the charter would not be objected to.—The proposal of the Lyttelton Board was agreed to. The City Corporation wrote asking for a contribution of 10s towards the cost of the removal of Conolly's house, Frederick street depot, it having cost Ll more than was estimated.—lt was resolved to accede to the request. THE ACCIDENT AT THE nEADS. The Harbourmaster reported the facts of the accident that occurred at the heads last Saturday night, by which a seaman on the barque Sardauah lost his' life. The arduous circumstances under which Pilot Milne and his crew worked on that occasion were referred to in terms of praise. Mr Barclay thought it would be a pity if this matter were lightly passed over by the board, as they stood between the men aud the public, and he considered it would be only right to convey to the men the appreciation that was felt by the public of their brave conduct. The action of the pilot crew was a very fine instance of a duty promptly done and successfully done, and it merited distinct recognition by the board. He would suggest that a special minute be recorded of the board's high appreciation of the men's conduct, and that a copy of the minute be forwarded by the chairman to the members of the crew. The Chairman thaught there was no doubt that the conduct of the men was deserving of the highest commendation, in that at the risk of their own lives they proceeded to sea and succeeded in saving the lives of five drowning men. He thought the board ought to recognise their services, not only by a complimentary note but by something more substantial— (Hear, hear.) The ship had paid to the Hirbour Board L 5 for taking off orders, and L 8 tor taking off a boat on the next day, while the cost to the board of taking off the boat was l'A. He thought it would be only reasonable and nothing more than the heroic conduct of .he men deserved, if they allowed Pilot Milne L 5 and each of the four men L2. He might mention that the pilot crew during the last six months had earned for the board a sum LlO9 for taking off orders to vessels, so that he did not think that the board would be overstepping the bounds of discretion iv voting this money. He would move that the money be given to the crew as he had stated, and that the minute suggested by Mr Barclay be recorded. Mr Barclay contended that the mention of a pecuniary reward took away from the heroic character of the act, and when they said that for saving five men's lives they would give L 2 to each of the crew it was ridiculous. Dr Drysdale: I do not think you will find the pilot crew look at it in that light.— (Laughter.)'1 Mr Carroll seconded the motion. Mr Allen, in supporting the motion, brought under the notice of the board the fact that there was no life-saving apparatus at the heads. For a great number of years there had been a wonderful immunity from casualties on the coast, but they did not know when an accident might occur, and it would reflect a great deal of disgrace on the board if a wreck should occur aud lives be lost through the want of appliaheessHihitt should be .provided by the body in charge of the port. The Chairman thought that Mr Allen's suggestion might be referred to the AVorks Committee to report. The motion was then put and carried. harbourmaster's report. The harbourmaster forwarded his monthly report, in which he stated that during the month there had been so much easterly sea setting in at the entrance of the harbour that it was impossible to get correct soundings. In the new channel across the bank lying off the sandspit a depth of 20ft 6in at low water was still maintained. The shipping returns for February showed that 57 vessels, representing 40,6-18 tons, had arrived, and that 58 vessels, representing 45,597 tons, had taken their departure. The report was received. WORKS COMMITTEE'S REPORT. The AVorks Committee reported re Turnbull, Martin, and Co's letter, asking for a reduction of charges for services rendered to the s.s. Elginshire by the Koputai, that after reading the reports of the harbourmaster and the tug master it would be seen that the tug was ordered by urgent telegram, and left the same night as soon as she could be got ready; that the following day the harbourmaster, in reply to the question of charges, notified them to be L 5 per hour from the time of leaving to returning, and that ho objection was then made. The statement that she was laying in Timaru harbour "the greater part" of the 110£ hours is incorrect, the log book showing that she was under steam night and day the whole time, and only was in harbour 28£ hours altogether, inclusive of the time there and on trips backwards and forwards from and to the wreck. As to the tow rope damaged, it was virtually a new one, and is now so destroyed as to be unfit to trust to for towing purposes. The committee find that the cost to the board of the service ! rendered, without any allowance for insurance risk or for capital, will amount to L 174-, and under all the circumstances consider the charge of L 5 per hour a reasonable one, and one that ought not to be reduced. As to the hawser, if a new one as good as the one the Koputai had on board when she left Port Chalmers be supplied, it is recommended that the damaged one be handed over and the L3O deducted.—lt was recommended that the "lagging" of the Koputai's boilers be done, and that condenser tubes and indiarubber valves for the Plucky be ordered through Mr Darling, as heretofore — The following recommendations by the inspector were approved: That the Priestman crane be .placed on the hull of the Iron Age, and that the paddle-boxes, wheels, and shafts be removed ; that tenders be called for dismantling the derricks and for removing piles and timber of old bridge at Logan Point.—The inspector .of works having reported that the nuisance at Eden street is caused by a Corporation drain discharging on to the board's property, it is recommended that a letter be sent to the corporation.—As to the corporation's letter re another fishermen's stage, it was stated that the present stage was erected in 1883 by the board wheTi there was no sewer there and when the latter had a different outlet The sewer was brought there by the corporation, which is the cause of the practice, well described as a " disgusting one and most dangerous to the health of the community—viz., of rinsing the fish in sewage water." The committee are of opinion that the. chief burden of removing the staging rests with the corporation, but to expedite so very desirable a reform, recommend the board to contribute LlO, and agree to the removal of the staging and the use of the timber in erecting the new one.—As to the Under-secretary of Public AVorks' letter re the extension of a sewer at Port Chalmers, a reply had been sent that "the AVorks Committee will recommend the board to offer no opposition to the Government extending the sewer.—As to replacing beacon carried away by the s.s. Rotorua: As the beacon has been reconstructed of stronger material, and cost L3B lis, the cost otily of the former beacon (L 25) be charged against the owners, as recommended.—The charter agreement of Dredge 222 to AVellington for six months had been completed ; the work to commence as soon as possible after the 2nd May, when the Lyttelton charter terminates. It will jbe necessary for the board to consider the question of Captain Stewart's leave of absence before the. Wellington charter is entered on. A complaint of abusive language being used to the crane driver has been dealt with byauthority of the chairman, and his action approved. Messrs Turnbull, Martin, and Co.'s letter, referred to in the report, complained of the board's account for services rendered by the i tug Koputai to the steamer Elginshire from ' the 9th to tho 14th March—llo£ hours at L 5 per hour. They stated that the tug was lying in Timaru harbour for the greater part of the time, when no risk was incurred, and that they ought not to be charged L 5 per hour. They also considered that the charge for damage to the hawser was excessive—the estimate made by Captain Ticehurst, Lloyds' surveyor, being only L 10; and they requested the board to make a considerable reduction in the account. The Harbourmaster forwarded a memo* . randum on the subject, in which ho stated that the outlay <m tbe par^ of tfee board, without

any charge for insurance risk or capital invested in the boat, was L 174 9s 7il. Replying to tho latter of Mr Moore, agent in Dnnedin for i' Messrs Turnbull, Martin, and Co., tho harbours master wrote: " I herewith attach tho master's report of tho trip, which shows he lay at Timaru on five different occasions, and tho timo ' amounts in all to 23£ hours, but she was lying " there at the disposal of Mr Moore. AVith reference to the 1-30 charged for damage to tow line, I think the charge fair and equitable, i seeing the rope was as good as new when it left here, and now it is so much chafed and a piece broken that it is utterly valueless as a l tow-line for the Koputai, and will require to be - replaced at a cost of not less than L 50." Ap- ; ponded was a -copy of the master's log, which - showed that the Koputai was uuder steam for the whole time, and that she was at work night • and day with the exception of a few hours on i the return from each trip back and forward from Timaru salvaging. Tho report was adopted on tho motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr Carroll, EINANCE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. The Finance Committee recommended accepting Jlr Tunnage's offer to pay L 2 x)er month, beginning on April 2, but in future dues to bo paid before tho goods are shipped. In reference to tho letters of Messrs J. R. Scott and Findlay and Co. re charging double dues oa certain produce, tho committee recommended that the board's officers be .instructed to interpret tho bye-laws so that all butter, cheese, grain,..tin)ber, &c. arriving coastwiso for export shall only be charged transhipment rates when landed at and immediately shipped from the wharves. In reference to the Local Bodies' Audit Bill the committee made the following recommendations: — In clause 6, the power of overdraft to lie limited to a sum not exceeding the amount of the previous half-year's ordinary revenue instead of a whole year as proposed, the committee are of opinion that local bodies having short terms of existence should not have power given them to swallow up a whole year's revenue properly belonging to the administration of their successors. Clause 9 proposes to alter tlie financial year from 31st December to 31st March. AVhen formerly it was as proposed, it was found that the latter date ma le it inconvenient to prepare accounts and information for Parliament. If changed, next year's accounts will include 15 months' receipts and IS months' payment of interest on loans. Prefer financial year to close 31st December as at present. Clause 11 provides for two separate half-yearly statements and an annual account. One halfyearly statement and oue annual accouut should be sufficient. The multiplying unnecessarily of returns is a fruitful source of increasing the staff and cost of administration of public bodies. Clause 14 proposes to embody a very autocratic power in tlie hands of the Auditor-General without any provision for a simple, healthy check or curb. Recommend the clause to read as printed down to the end of paragraph in 27th line, then strike out the next paragraph to the end of tbe 34th line, and substitute for it the following:—"Provided always that when any difference of opinion may arise between the Audit Office and the local authority as to the requirements of law, allocation of charges, or legality thereof, such difference or differences may be submitted by either party to the Supreme Court of the district for the decision of the judge thereof, whose decision shall be final and binding upon both parties." The next paragraph to read: "The court may in its discretion order that any or all of the costs of and incidental to such application shall be paid : by the party against whom the court's decision i may be given. The committee are of opinion that _ the accountant or treasurer, being a paid officer of . the local body, ought not to be recognised as having an independent status in relation to the I Audit department, and, therefore, all reference to ! such office should be struck out; and, again, i that if the Audit department is given a right to 1 apply to tho Supreme Court, that right should be mutual, so that if the Audit department delayed ■ action or hung up the settlement of any dispute the local body should be in a position to force a i settlement. 1 Clause 30.—Paragraph 4 is recommended to be i struck out. If the local body is found to be wrong I they may be made to pay costs; but if the Audit 1 department is found to be wrong the provision of this paragraph would relieve that department from costs. The committee are of opinion that ' both sides should be made liable. AA'hoever is 3 found wrong by the Supreme Court should be - amenable to costs, as it would tend to prevent c frivolous or careless action on either side. i

Mr Mackerras, in moving the adoption of the report, said that as the recommendations of the Finance Committee were supported by reasons, he did not think it necessary to occupy the time of the board with any remarks. Mr Allen observed that it would cripple a good many local authorities if their power of overdraft were limited to the amount of the previous half-year's revenue. Mr Carroll supported the views of Mr Allen on this point, and The report was adopted with the addition of the words "as at present in this Harbour Board" after the words "power of overdraft to be limited" in the recommendation respecting clause 6 of the Local Bodies Audit Bill. THE LOWER HARBOUR CHANNEL. The Chairman said that before Dr Drysdale's notice of motion was dealt with he would like to say that since last meeting he had received a petition, signed by six members of the board, asking him to withhold the telegram withdrawing instructions to the late Sir John Coode's office with respect to the harbour. He received that requisition on the day of the AVorks Committee's meeting, and he there stated that if he complied with that request he would be committing himself to a course which the board had decided not to adopt—that was to say, the information would have been Home before this meeting, and that being so, he did not think he would have been justified in complying with the request. One of the six members whs signed the requisition had also fallen in with this view. Dr Drysdale then moved, according to notice—"That the opinion of Sir Johu Coode's successors be taken by the board on the question formerly submitted to Sir John Coode." Mr Allen seconded the motion, and in doing so suggested that Mr Blaekett, who was now stationed in London, should be associated with the firm of Coode, Matthews, arid Co. in preparing a report on the state of the harbour. After some discussion, in the course of which Mr Guthrie, who at the last meeting had supported the proposal to take the advice of Sir John Coode's successors, stated he was not nowin favour of rescinding what was done at the last meeting, Mr Barclay moved as an amendment— "That the board call in the services of Mr Napier Bell, and that ho be asked to consider the reports, with other data in the possession of the board, and supply them with advice in regard thereto." Mr Mackerras seconded the motion. The-Chaibman suggested that Mr Barclay should associate Mr Leslie Reynolds with Mr Napier Bell. Mr Joel questioned whether it was necessary to get an opinion from anyone at all; it would only stir up debateable matter. The amendment was then put and carried by 5 to' 4, and ou being put as the substantive motion it was carried—Messrs Carroll and Joel objecting.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 9390, 1 April 1892, Page 3

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HARBOUR BOARD Otago Daily Times, Issue 9390, 1 April 1892, Page 3

HARBOUR BOARD Otago Daily Times, Issue 9390, 1 April 1892, Page 3