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Business Notices. 7. Pr I T to b, • NBW3VHNDO •. Po»ted. Can mpply <*• ' »•dKevlow of Hevlewn ... ... 0 II 0 gSErtJSS^ ::: r. S 8 S S KZiJrr ::: ::: S S S° B » Herald : XS o 115 Family Reader Z ... WO }<} « Oasfieli'B Magazine 10 0 HO Bngllih Sixpenny Illustrated ... 9 0 10 0 OhamberB1 Journal ... ... 10 0 12 8 Auntralian Journal ... ... 8 v 8 0 Boys' Own Paper 1 BO Girls' Own Paper J » » ° Magazine of Muslo ... ... 9 0 lie Family Re«der(quartorty aivteton) 7 6 9 0 Household Wordß „ „ 7 6 0 0 Something to Head,, „ 7 8 » ° London Tit Bits ... ... 8 8 10 6 Detroit Free Prea 8 6 10 6 Glasgow Weekly Ma 11... ... 8 8 10 Foople's Journal (all editions) ... 8 8 10 8 Edinburgh Scotsman ... ... 8 6 10 Lloyd's Weekly (all editions) ... 8 6 10 6 Heynold»'WJ6kly Newspaper ... 8 6 10 6 The Penny Illustrated Paper ... 8 6 10 6 Graphio ... ■•• 35 0 40 0 Illustrated London Kewi ... 3B 0 40 0 The Queen ... ... ... 36 0 « 0 So., 40., at Bame average. OtagoWltnea. 23 0 26 0 ... ... g * »J J Sydney Mall ... n ... » 9 » « BydjsL.3 DWn Rna " »26 0 28 0 Bydne°y Uu ietln '.:: ... 26 0 26 0 Sydney Keferee ... - I 3 ? , .J 8. 0 And all other Auatralaßlan papen at published prioet. ** Quiver (annual volume) ... ■•■ 10 8 SoodWordi ... ... ••• W 8 Boys'ana Girls' Annual ... ... 10 0 . "2 Oaßsell's Magazine ... ••• Hr* ° r* B Maomillan's Sixpenny IHustratea ... 10 0 g S Chambers' Journal ... ... 10 6 3 Sunday at Home ... ... 1| » j O Little Wide Awake ... ... S « S > Sunday ... ... ... 6 J 2 j Little Folk B » M 3 Our Darling! Jj g Chatterbox ... ... ... * 6 g Complete Guide to Work Table ... !6 g 3 Leach's Fancy Work Basket (half- " "" yearly) Vol IV 3 8 Ladfes'Journal ... ... 9 0 Houßehold Wordi ... ... 6 8 Orders must be accompanied by remittance. North-Eaat Valley, Otago. N.SS. 17n

Royal Mail' "OOYAL MAIL LINE OF OOAOHBB J\) (0088 4 CO.) The abova Line o! Ooaohei leava lawrenoa lot Boxbntgb, Clyde, Cromwell, Queerutown, and ill ntermedlate plaoei, every Monday, Wedneiday, an* ■Friday, on arrival of flnt ttaln from Dnnedln returning on the alternate dayi. Leavt Falmenton for Haieby, St. Batharu, Ophlr, and Clyde on Mondayi and Vrldayi i and for Haieby, via Maoraei and Henthom, every Monday Wdne,d.y,.nd*rld.y^ H< OBAUJ ft 00 . WmA O»««i P««! ttwrt. I*wtence.

Medical. yi BTHMA.—lnhale the pleasant Fnmes oJ A. Mediolnul Olgarettw preiorHwd by Dr Doug FOB "THB BLOOD IS THB LIFB." r^LARKB'S WORLD-FAMED TJLOOD MIXTURB. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and KBSTOEEB. For CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from ALL IMPURITIES, it oannot bo too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Sourvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, Bczema, and Sorei o! all klndi, It li a never-falling and permanent cnre. 'It Cnret Old Sorei. Ourei Ulcerated Sorei on the Neck. Onrei Ulcerated Sore Legi. Cures Blaokhßada, or Pimples on the Fact. Gnrei Sourvy Sorfi. Oureo Cancerous Uleeri. Curei Blood and Skia DiieaiM. Cores Glandular Swelling!. Clean the Blood from all Impure matter, From whatever oan«e arising. Olarke'i Blood Mixture li the only real Speolflo for Bout and Bheumatto Pains, for it removes the cause from the blood and bones. &s this Mixture is pleasant to the taßte, and warranted free from anything Injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the proprietors lolicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. 'OUO THOUSANDS OP TESTIMONIALS. Clarke's Blood Mixture is sold in Bottleß,2s 9d eaoh, and in oases, containing six times the quantity Us—sufficient to effect a permanenc cure in the ereat majority of long-standing oases. BY ALL OhImISTS AND PARENT fiSDIOINB VBNDOES throughout the world. Proprietors—THß LINCOLN AND MIDLAND OOUNTIBS DRUB GOMPANY.LINOOLN, ENGLAND. Trade Mark- « BLOOD KIXTUEB. UTnm Purohaien of Olarke'i Blood Mixture ihouia lee that they get the genuine artiole. Worthless imitations are sometimes palmed off by unprincipled vendors. The words " Lincoln and Midland Countlei Drue Company, Lincoln, England," are engraved on the Government Stamp! and " Clarke's World-famei Blood Mixture" blown-in the Bottle, WITHOUa WHICH KONB AKB &BNUISB.

WHY Suffer Asthma, Winter Oougbt, Bronchitis' Init»ni Bailaf Dr Doaglii Istum* aiwr<itt» i A WONDERFUL MEDICINE BBHOHAM'S PILLS BBBOHAM'S. PILLS ; BBBOHAM'S PILLS Are nnlversally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Bra for Bilious and Nervons Disorders, suchai Wlndano Pain in the Stomach, Slok Headache, Giddiness, Fullness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness ana Drowsiness, Cold Chilli, Flushings of Heat, Loss ol Appetite, Shortneßi of Breath, Oostlveness, Sourvj and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensationi, *o. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done It in Every sufferer Is earnestly Invited totryoneßo» of these Pills, and they.will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX WORTH A GUINEA A BOX WORTH & GUINEA A BOX. For femalei of all agei they are Invaluable. No female should be without them. There is not a medlolne to be found equal to them for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken acoordlng to the dlreotlom given with eaob box. they will soon restore females of all ages to sound arid'robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their me.! BEEOHAM'S PILLS BBBOHAM'S PILLS BBEOHAM'S FILLS. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver they aot like maglo, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the mostimDOrtant organ! In the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long toat complexion, bring baok the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into aoftou with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy ol the human frame. These are Facts testified continually by member! of all olasiei of looiety, and one of the best Kuarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated Is, leBOHAM'S FILLS tei» «!U Largat SaU of any Patent Medicine in the World.


As a remedy for Conghs In general, Asthma, Bronchial Affeotions, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, So., these Pills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person eive BBEOHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed.

Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEBOHAM, St. Heleni, Lancashire, England, and by all Druggist! and Patent Medlolne Dealer! everywhere.

In Boxbb, Ii lid and 2« 9d Bach. FffLt DIBBOTIoaa AM &ITM WITH BAOH EOI. ASTHMA.— Medical profession sfcronßiy recommend Clg«ette» prepared by Dr Doug-lai.-Sold by all Ohemliti. Wholeiale, Kempthome, Pccnar. and On. Hl° -V 7" 0 U B TOILET Ib Incomplete without a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. To preserve the COLOUB, BEAUTY, and ABUHDAHOB of the Hair,—to free the ucalp from troublesome humours, scurf, and dandruff,—to restore faded, thin, or gray hair to Its former colour and fullneßß,—to promote » new and luxuriant growth,—and to impart to the bair a silken texture and a lasting and delleate fragrance, no other preparation of (the .kind approaches Ayer'« Hair Vigon Suited alike to the NEEDS of both sexes, It is considered " queen of the toilet" by the ariatoeraoy of all lands. Ayer'u Hair Vigor gives to the whiskers, beard, and moustache that Boftness and gloßs so mush admired by the ladies, and though before the public over 30 years, it is still the most POPULAR and FASHIONABLE dressing in the market, being in greater demand than all other similar preparations combined. Clean, safe, and Inexpensive; put up in strong, convenient, and handsome bottles, at once useful and ornamental. A YER'S HAIB VIGOB, Prepared by Dr 3. 0. AYKIJ & CO., Lowell, Mass., U.S.A Druggists and Perfumers.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 9093, 18 April 1891, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 9093, 18 April 1891, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 9093, 18 April 1891, Page 4