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PORT CHALMERS. PKiSSS OX THE MOOS. (Calculated for Hew Zealand mesntiaia.) Januabi*. r::: :::1:::?K: Thb Wbathsb. January 13.-Wind N.B. Weather fine. 1 ? a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. j Eurometer «. 3032 SO 30 30-23 j fheraiometoj .., 68 70 73 - KiasWATsa. ( At the Heada ... ... 6.39 p.m. Jan. 14. lAt Port Chalmers ~. 0.19 p.m. {AtDanediu ... ... 7.4 p.a. ARRIVALS. Tnrawera, s.e., 1269 tons, Sinclair, from Melbourne, via Hobart and the Bluff. J Mills, Bgent. Pasaaengers: Meadames Jameß, Campbell and family, . Loames, Baton and family, Montague, Collie, Grant j and family. Hoßallo, Kennedy, Hutton, Benjamin, Starkey, Misses Button. Taylor (2), Barton, Oruick>hHnk, Ashby, Driver. Wrignt, Iverdor (2), Forleste (2), Lorgenx, Savage, Kennedy, Tolhurat, Benjamin, Lewis. Johnston, Findlny, Colonel Templeton, Captain SUrkey, Dr James, Rev Messrs. Cates and | O'Brien, Messrs Turabull. Mountford, M'Donald, . Seisal, Golliu, Johnson, Moorhouse. Ballior, Campballl Belts, Maitsr StJffe, Sargood, Harrison, Eaton, Craigie, Twentyman, Hlckson, Boland (12), Ourrip, Gollior, Strang, Jnmes, Blakemore, Jordan, Hughes, Collie, Morton, Gastley, Grant, Kosaler, Nesbitt (2), Sweet, Rorder, Watson, Ayrton, Campbell and family, Thoma3, Hutton. Berry, Bartram, Huntress, Bowler, Hughes. Murray, Hare, M'Gheo, Moore, Eness; and 36 steerage. ' Invercarglll, a.s., 136 tons, Sundstrom, from the South. X Eamsay, agent. Passengers: Dr Hamaay. Rev Mr Gibb, Messrs Jones and X Ramsßy; and two steerage. Crest ot the Wave, schooner, 53 tone, Connor, from Lyttelton. G Blythe, agent. Doric, R.K.S., 4744 tonai J W. Jennings, H.N.R., from Plymouth, via Teneriffe, Capo Town, and Hobart. Passengers: -For Otago: Second saloonMr and Mrs C P Clarke, Mr and Mrs W Hodgson, Miss Olarks. Measr3 C Hyam. J Quaile; steorago— ■ Misses MLuceb, M Gillespie, MeßtraW Spence, D Lucas, FG J Ford, J Barnet. For Lyttelton: Saloon-Mr and Mrs G H Orbell, Miss B Ford, Bey. T H Tydd, Dr Whltson; second saloon—Mrs and Miss L Lawis; steerage-Mr and Mrs Fuller, Masters Fuller (3), Mesßrs W Johnston, 3 H Treglllas, H Gilbert, J M'Neil. For Wellington: Saloon-Messra W Leitoh, 3 Campbell. H Garland, J A Clark, N Clark, Smith, Whitehcadj Becoud Baloon-Mr ana MroLeMalstw, MeseraH Leioester, A Leicester, J Kennedy; steerage-Mra Waters. Misses Waters (4), Makers Waters <$). Messra S Pocook, P Minoh, W A Donnell, HT W Handcook. A Hold. For Aiiokland: Saloon-Mr end Mra 1! Melville, Mr and Mrs L W Browning, Misses Page, B M Fye, A Potter. Browning. Masters Browning, Melville, Messrs H T Mullican, G W Baldwin. Marquand Gildermeieter j second saloon—Mrs. Miss, and Master Arthur, Messrs Bftln, G M'Kes; steerage—Mr and Mra J Hughes, Misses Hughes (5). M A M'Glinohey, B M'QUnchey. Masters Hujhes (3), Meura J O Gordon, JMilleken.G H Bates, R Da'vles, W Edwards. M Oonnally. For New Plymouth: Second saloon-Mr and Mrs O F. Chubb. Master Chubb, Messrs G F Jone3, O Q Jones. For Kelson: Steerage—Mr E Snook. For Kapler: Steerage-Messrs EL Bird, A Macallum. For Oamaru: Messrs A Copland, W Waiatipu, b.b., 1158 tons, Wheeler, from Auckland, via Lyttelton. J Mills, agent. :"BS?ASTDSRS. . Hauroto, a s., 1376 tons, Nevillo, for Sydney, via Oamnru and Cook; Strait. J Mills, agent. Passengers : For Lyttelton-Misses Hunter and Stracban, Mrs Reid, Messrs Wise, Joyce, and Strachan. lor Csmaru, Mr G M Morria. For Sydney—Mesdamea Allman und family, Thomson and child, Messrs CUrk, Johnson, and Price. Curacoa, H.M.S., 2350 tons, Captain Robert W Stopford, for the Blnff. : BSPaOXBD AHHIVALB. SSOM &sKßoU.—tlmtira, ahip, 1806 tona, Ful'arton, WTB3. P«sae, barque, 1231 tons, Bailey, KJ!?W, October 31. ?aoa T J rvjEarooi..-*-Ladstook. barquo, 857 tona,/, ;■ Lettern. QIKB, October 1. Hudson, birquo, 818 tons, WSi'D _ ; Psoa fJi.ißSOW.—Banes, barqu6, 999 tona, Buoborow, HMFK, September 17 (put into Bahia, and left that port November 22). Invoroargill, ship, 1310 tons. Muir, WLSH, Bovember 7. Glealora, barque, 1881 tons, Wood. Fkom Ksw Yobs.—Valparaiso, barquo, 488 tons, Ahrens, LFDV, September 18. Ooncordia, barque, 652 tona, LMBO. Mikado, barque, 843 tons, DLX. Gleneida, barque, 784 tons. Cowan, JSQG. From ths OnHaTEBFiKLD Gkoup.—Camille, brl«3ntinß. Fnoa Axqoa Bay.—Highland Glen, barquo, 035 tons.'Dawson. WVJ?O. From MiViUTirs.—Kate Tatham, barquentine, j 275 tona, Mtraro, VGLM, 10th December. Aurljjn, 1 ?wrqii",- S7O ftons, Stone, JHCL. Alcestla, barque, i-JSftns.iiO.Prevost, HCMH. j IMPOKTS. [Special NOTICE.-Consignees desirouß of having their names appear In this part of our columns, together with their consignments, may have the same Inserted on payment oi a small charge.] Per Tftrawern, from Melbourne and Hobart: 346 cases fruit, 55 bags bark, 2104 bags sugar, 14 casks, 26 cases spirits, 74 .do wine, 10 bngs oaionß, 20 caseß paraffin, 81 cask3.loo pkgs sundries. Per Invercarglll, from tho South: 40,000 ft timber, 10 tons cheese. * . SHIPPING TBLSGKAES. Auckland, January 13.—Arrived : Wairararm, from Sydney.'- Fasseagers—34 for Auckland. For Napier—Lieutenant Kales, Mr Sloan, and two BtcerBKe. For Lyltelton—Messrs G Harrison, and A Waahman. For Dunediu—Mlsa Panton, Messrs Harri3 and Stuart. The vessel had a fresh S, and B. breeze on the passage. Melboubnk, January 13.—Sailed : S.s. Pakeha, enrouie for Hew Zoaland. Lyttkiton, January 13.- Arrived: Fengtiln, from Dunedin. Sailed: Yacht PaEtimo, for Wellington; Brunuer, for Dunedin; Manapouri, for Melbourne and the South. Pajsengera—Mra Walker, Messrs Cracksn (2), Lea, Dicken, Hosb (2), Walker, and Vingler. London, January 13.—Arrivod: Barque Helen Denny, from Lyttelton (October 16); ship Knight of St. Michael, from Lyttelton (October 6); barquo Asßmore, from Timaru (September 15); barque Largo Bay, from Lyttelton (September 25), ■■ ft . . The a.a, Wakitipn, Captain Wheeler, from Auckland, via Lyttelton, arrived at Port Chalmers at 3 p.m. yesterday and passed up to Dunedin. H.M.S. Curacoa sailed at 4 p.m. yesterday for tho The s.fl. Taierl steamed down to Port Chalmers yesterday morning and went alongside the H.M.S. Dorio and took in cargo for the North. The B,s. Hauroto left the Port Chalmers wharf yeßterday afternoon with pasiengers and "oargo for Sydney, via Oamaru and Cook Straits. Tho's.s. Tnrawera, Captain B. Sinoialr, from Melbourne, via Hobart and-Bluff Harbour, arrived at Port Chnlraera at 6 a.m. yesterday, bringing 112 Bnloon and 86 steerage passengers, with 140 tona of cargo for thia port. She left the whart at wilHamstown at 4.50 p.m. on the 6th. pnssed Port Philip Heaoßat7.3sp.m. same day, and Wilson's Promontory at 4 35 a m., and Swan Island at 3.50 p.m. on the 7th, arriving at Hobart at 11 a.m. on the Bth ; lett again at 3 30 p.m. and arrived at Blnff 7.30 a.m. on tho 12th ; leaving again at i p.m., and arriving as sbovo, •Iho b.». Invercargill returned to Port Ohalmera at 8 a.m. yesterday from hermaiden trip to the We6t Coast. Captain Sundstrom reports that she left Invercargill on her outward trip for the sounds nt 30 33 a.m. ot the Bth inst., had strong westerly v/lnds up to 9 p.m., when it backed to N.W., and increased to a hard gale; Bho anchored off Coal Island at 2.30 a.m. of tho 9th inst., and having ] landed pacsongera and mails, left again at 8 a.m. of that day; encountered a furious gale from N.N.W., and breasted Cape Providence at 11 am.; kept away for Challiy Inlet ai;d come to anchor at North Port! ut noon of the asme day. The weather moderated, ! and the wind shifted to S.W. on the morning of the ' 10th inst., and at 5 a.m. she weighed anchor ana proceeded on the trip; entered Ducky Sound at 830 a.m., passed round Eesolution Island, throughActv>ron Passage, and pas«ed out by way of Breaktea Suund, reaching the head' of Ullford Sound at 8.45 rim., and making fast to tha buoy at the Bowen Falls at 10 p.m. of that day. After landing pasßencara and mails she left again at 11 a.m. next day ; had fine clear tky with fresh S.W. breezo, and at 0.30 p.m. Bteamed through Thompson Sound, passed out by Doubtful Sound, and anchored off Coal Island at 11,30 p.m.; left again at 445 next morning, and reschel the Bluff at 220 p.m. of tuat dey, the 12th hut ; landed mails and passengers; left again at 330 p.m., and had moderate B. to N.E. winds and arrived at Dunedln as above. Wo are informed by Captain Snnditrom, of the s.B Invercargill, that the b.b. Kabanul, which waa despatched to tbe relief of Mr J. Hutch's party of sailers at the Macquarle Islands, only left Stewart Island on December 25tb, going east about, with the wiud at S.W. She could, therefore, only havo reach-id Pegasus Inlet that night; while it; could hardly be potslble she should leave agaio until after the wind shifted to the northward on Now Year's Day; that breeze could only carry her down to the Auckland Islands, and as strong gales were prevailing, it is not likely Captain Bf at would leave with the Kakanui from the Auckland until about the 12th inst. Captain aundstrum expects to see her nt the Bluff about Friday or Saturday coming. The schooner Crest of the Wave, from Ljttelton, arrived at Dunedln at noon yesterday, and waa berthed at theEattray street wharf. ARRIVAL OF THE DORIC. Ttio Shaw, Say.ill, and Albion Company's Bteamer Doric,!from Plymouth, via Tenerlffe, Capetown, and Hobart, arrived off Taiaroa Heads at 7.48 p.m. on the 12th inst., and anchored until yesterday morning, whm she ateamed inßide the heada at 430 a.m., nnder the charge of Pilot M'Donsld. On ateaming up the harbour sho was met by the Customs boat, aiid the answera relative to the health of all ot board being satisfactory she waa passed ana cleared in, continuing her course, and wai berthed alongside tho George street pier al 5.20 p.m., when her passengers landed and bui nti once commenced to discharge her cargo into thi railway truokß. Tb c Doric is ati 11 under the oommanc of Captain .T. W. Jennings, R.N.8.. who brings wltr him the following oilicera:-Mr W. Sowden, chief Mr J. Ilreen. second; Mr J. Thornton, third; M; W. Oalvert, fourth; aurgeon, Dr J. H. Pugh; purser Mr I'airclough; and chief steward, Mr C. Harris The Dorio brings 1850 tona of cargo. 773 tons of whicl is for the Port, 350 tona for Lyttelton. 450 tona fo Wellington, 100 tona for Auckland, tho remalnde being for coastal porta, in addition to 27 saloon, 2 second saloon, and 52 steerage passengorß, 13 0 whom are for Duuedio, 17 for Lyttelton, 25 fn <- Wellington. 38 fur Auckland, 5 for New Plymouth 2 for Hapier, 'i for Oamaru, and 1 for Nelson bavins' lauded at Hotart 247 tons of cargo »n< GO pasMUjrera. liia health of all on board ba been excellent, nnd no casualty occurred to rear tit nis3?2». which bus bten » very pleasant one. Th Ssral amußi-monla in tho shape of concerts, dances So. woro freely Indulged in; and OhriatrcaaDay vie. kept up in true Bu2li=h stylo, tiio saloon boil; ilreswd witb holly and the usual festive decorationi Divinoaervlce waa held in the morning end a ooncei civen In tho evening. At dinner tho health ( Captain Jcnninga and hla officsra wa« proposed au duly honoured. Daring the voyage divine sorvk

The a.a, Wakstipn, Captain Wheeler, from Auckland, via Lyttelton, arrived at Port Ohalmera at 3 p.m. yesterday and passed up to Dunedin. H.M.S. Curacoa Bailed at 4 p.m. yesterday for tho The s.fl. Taierl steamed down to Port Chalmers yesterday morning and went alongside the H.M.S. Dorio and took in cargo for the North. The B,s. Hauroto left the Port Cnalmera wharf yeßterday afternoon with pasiengers and "oargo for Sydney, via Oamaru and Cook Straits. Tho'a.s. Tnrawera, Captain E. Sinoialr, from Melbourne, via Hobart and-Bluff Harbour, arrived at Port Chnlrnera at 6 a.m. yesterday, bringing 112 Bnloon and 86 steerage passengers, with 140 tona of cargo for thia port. Sho left the whnrt at williamstown at 4.50 p.m. on the 6th. pnssed Port Philip Hearlaat7.3sp.m. same day, and Wilson's Promontory at 4 35 a m., and Swan Island at 3.50 p.m. on the 7th, arriving at Hobart at 11 a.m. on the Bth ; lett again at 3 30 p.m. and arrived at Blnff 7.30 a.m. on tho 12th ; lawlns; again at 4 p.m., and arriving as sbovo, •Iho b.». Invercarfiill returned to Port Ohalmera at 8 a.m. yesterday from hermaiden trip to the We6t Coast. Captain Sundstrom reports that she left Invercargill on her outward trip for the tounds nt 30 33 a.m. ot the Bth inst., had strong westerly v/lnds up to 9 p.m., when it backed to N.W., and increased to a hard gale; Bho anchored off Coal Island at 2.30 a.m. of tho 9th inst., and having landed pacsongera and mails, left again at 8 a.m. of that day; encountered a furious gale from N.N.W., aud breasted Cape Providence at 11 am.; kept away for Challiy Inlet ai;d come to anchor lit North Port ut noon of the asme day. The weather moderated, and the wind shifted to S.W. on the morning of the 10th inst., and at 5 a.m. she weighed anchor ana proceeded on the trip; entered Ducky Sound at 830 a.m., passed round Eesolution Island, through Actv>ron Passage, anil pas«ed out by way of Breaktea Suund, reaching the head' of Ullford Sound at 8.45 rim., and making fast to tha buoy at the Bowen Falls at 10 p.m. of that day. After landing pasßencara and maiia she left again at 11 a.m. next day ; had fine clear tky with fresh S.W. breezo, and at 0.30 p.m. Bteamed through Thompson Sound, passed out by Doubtful Sound, and anchored off Coal Island at 11,30 p.m.; left again at 445 next morning, fmd reschel the Bluff at 220 p.m. of tuat dey, the 12th Intt ; landed mails and pasßengera; left again at 330 p.m., and had moderate B. to N.B. winds and arrived at Dunedln aa above. Wo are informed by Captain Snnditrom, of the s.B Invercargill, that the b.b. Kabanul, which waa despatched to tbe relief of Mr J. Hutch's party of sailers at the Macquarie Islands, only left Stewart Island on December 25tb, going east about, with tho wiud at S.W. She could, therefore, only havo reach-id Pegasus Inlet that night; while it; could hardly be potsible she should leave agaio until after the wind shifted to the northward on Now Year's Day; that breeze could only carry her down to the Auckland lalanda, and aa atrong gales were prevailing, it is not likely Captain Bf at would leave with the Kakanui from the Auckland until about the 12th inst. Captain aundstrum expects to ace her nt the Bluff about Friday or Saturday coming. The schooner Crest of the Wave, from Ljttelton, arrived at Dunedln at noon yesterday, and waa berthed at theEattray street wharf.


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Otago Daily Times, Issue 9012, 14 January 1891, Page 1

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9012, 14 January 1891, Page 1

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9012, 14 January 1891, Page 1