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Daily Timt's Ciiicc. rro !"=..!.

tlio Jin, wit. of cmtmu-, rirvennu rceo'.vnd tvdnv ott goods cleared t,;i- cousumplion was iJ'.Uiil m ill; jirimnge, .Clul 17» ,Vi;—tut.-il, V:',"3 2s lid. Me»ars M.^Kju I'.tol he.-., (Limi'ed) h»vn received the following cntilvgrair f;om (■heir London oiiieu:Mutton market, Kst, ciimliiv, -lid. Ueef; HliuU|imit'i's, 4,1; lorr'miarUTi. Sjd.

Messrs il'Artliur a :d Co. wlioau huge business relations in A'.islnli.i, New Ze.ilaml, and Iho Bontli Sea Islands, arc sn well knoml. lia»-e, we uiideretßlld, opoiu'rt ii briincli of their business in thinodin, under the management of Mr Alluu JRrond, who. after a long term of ollk'o hiu just severed lib coimeuthn with ilasra Biuj;, Him is and Co.


SvuxKY, February 5. Chick wheat, 2s «d to 2s lud ; uiill'.uc notta, «s scl to :ts 7d. Oau : Feeding s. rl.s, 2j to *i 2d ; milling aorls, ii S:. Jdaij.O: iNnv Zialand, 3s '■'■d. Barley: Ope, 2a (id to 2b M; English, 4s lid (nominal). Bran, 7*d. Pollard, Sd. Peaa : Prussian Blue, Is Oil (nominal). Potalow, £3 to £3 103 per ton. Onions, £i Wj lo b. Butter: Dairy made, (id to Sd ; factory, Mto W. Chfcse (local), "id to 6d. Bacon: Machine cured, 7jd; hand cured, gd ; New Zealand cured, 8d to Sljd. Hams (Now Zealjnd), Ud tollj-d.dull.

JlEiß.iuttyK, February 5. Ther.i is a strong(U maud tor this season's wheat, 3s 7d being offc-rcii without any sellers; old crop is quoted at 3s Od. Flour (inty crop): Stona made. £3 per ton; roller made. £S IS* (with an upward inclination). The old crop oi Hour is quoted at 103 higher. Oats: Calcutta, 2i id ; Danish, I's 7Jd ; Vlcioriitn.Ss IO.Jd; New Zealand, 3s Id. Maize, 3a lid. Bran, llj'l. i'oas.BjOJd. Sugnr : Mauritius, £jj 10j por AnKLAiDE, February 5. Wheat (shipping parcels), 3s 7d. Flour: Stoiiemade to £3 15s; roller-made, JB» 103. Oats (Now Zsaland sorts), 33 2d to 3a 3d. llrrm 7id. Pollard, Bd.


Nai'lkii, yubrimry s.—At the rum farr to d.iy UIOO shtcu were yarded." Owing to the large supply and tho length of the catalogue bidding became sluggish nt tha end of the day, bin, over l'.'ui) were sold. The bidding wua irregular, and prices on the whole nut quite so good as' List year, aged sheep being- unsaleable. Ki'ua woolled Varna were neglected, the run being more in favour of strong woolled sheep than in former years. Konuiey Marsh were sluggish, and there mis a demand for Down bliwii. Tub highest price given was bL'Jrs for a sheep bred locally by Mr Dillon. Patangnta ; tho next .'ilga, lor a rani bred by H.!!. Russell," Waipnktir.m. The principal Imported lots sold as follows :-Keid,<wmuni: Avora-'i stud rums, £17 lf« Od ; lloek, £3 4s 7d ;--general awm-o Si is lid. Menluve, Oam :ru : Stud, £11 5s <)d • lloek' £4 ISa sd;-g ( ,neral average, £■> Ss 6d. Hon. H. Holmes, O.wiaru: Stud only averaged £17 12s Od. A considerable number of imported sheep wore sold before the sale.


WKDHBSDAV, FiDRUARY 0. Fat Cattle.-For to-diiy's market at Biunsido 10S head wire yarded, principally light weigh'", cattle, only ii few pens being heavyweights. As socks on hand hud been reduced there was better competition, aud prices for best quality were about los a liend better than list week, but medium showed no improvement, llsst bullocks told from £7 to £7 10.1; medium, £6 to £ij 10a; light weights, £3 to £o 10a — Ukohce Todd (oh behalf ol the Mutual Agenev Comp:my of New Zealand, Limited) sold on account of Messrs John Bruce and others, light Heights at quotations. — Donald Keid akd Co, yarded 51 head, and sold on amount of Mrs M-ilaster (Wnihola), S bullock) a; £7 103 to £(i, J cows at £j 7s lid to £1; on noc.nmt of Mr D. Sutherland (1-ochend:, IS heifors from £1 to £3 10s ;on account of Mr :. Irvino. 1 cow at £3 ;on account ot Mr H. Lelth (Portobello), 1 cow at £5 6s; on account of Mr it. Mitchell (Portobello), 1 cow at £3 17s 0>l; on accomii, of Mr William Young (L'urnknmil), 1 bullock at £1 7s "Id. 2 cows at £4 1-Js «d to £.i 103; on aejouuf, of Mr Tliomas Kirk (East Taieri), 4 bullocks at £o to £J 17s (id, 1 cowa at £4 10s to £3 16s; on account of .Mr William Lindsay (Greytown), 4 bullocks at £5 17s (id to £a lOs, 2 heifers at £3 5s ; on account of Mrs Francis (t'ortobello), 1 cow at £2 2a 6d; on account of Mr William Shaud (Keith il.ll), 7 bullocks at £7 5a to £5 ss, 1 cow »t £3 10s; on nec-.unt of Messrs Mi.ay, M'Donald, Lrith and oilurs, !l tie-ul at £l 0.5 to £3 Wi.— John- Okix-dlkv. (on bel.Mf of the Farmers' Agency Oompany, Limited), ynrded «3 head and sold as follows-. -For the I!-.-»tev Estate Company, 10 bullocks at £?, 15 hcifsrj at £512 a (id to £1 Ills; for Mr John Liavidsou (Olepopo), 7 steers at £3 17s Cd; for Mr George Hutliven (Mo^giel). 0 stsers at£3 loa; for MiHsrs lCnox Jims. (TII9 Hush), ,'i steers at £i 6s; for ilr Alaxiiulor Sutherland (Otnkia), 9 heifers at. £5 is t?d to £1 5s ; lor Mr Henry Palmer (Otukia) S hcifeis at £4 lw; for Mr William Shand (Keith Hall;, S bullocks at £7 10 to £•> 153 ; for Jit King (Portobello), 1 bull at £1 53 Bd ; for Mr David Sutherland (Lnahradj, 3 heifers v.t £2 17s tid.Wkight, Stki":ikxsc)x, and C-'o. sold -13 head as follows:-O.i account o{ Mr diaries Dove (Middlemarch), 23 bullocks at up to £6 173 lid ; on account of Mr James 'Ihompson (Greytown), 12 bullocks at from £4 7s Cd to M .s Bd, aud 1 cow at £4 2s (3d; and en account of Messrs .lames Thomson, A. M'Lennnn, J. Todd, J. J. MAuley (Portobello) S. Townl-y, and others, 12 head at quotations.— Kkid, Maclean.and Co. yarded aud disposed of 55 head on account of the *Vtw Zealand and Australian Laud Company (Eden-isle estate), J heifers at £0 7s 6d, 4 at £6, 3 at £ti 7s 6d, 3 at £•), 3 at £5 ss, 4 at £5 10s, Tnr-ara estate —1 heilers at £•) 7s Od, 3 at £5 12s lid, 2at £5 15s, 2 at £i 10i, 1 nfc £ti 10s; account the Waimalo estate, 2 heiture at £tj 17s (id, 4 nt £5 ss, 4 at £117 sod, 4at .£1 los ;on account of other owners, 4 heifers passed, 4 head mixed cattle sold at current rates.

Fat riheep.-2175 were penned to-day, 345 being merinos, crossoreds. Although the supply was light compared with the last fen- weeks, prices showed no improvement, which is to be accounted for by moat of the trade having supplies on hand. Medium quality sold at ab.rat Inst week's quotations, but there being no demand for export prime wether mutton suffered a further decline. IVst wethers snUl from 116 lid to 12s ("no pen extra prime realising 12a lid; ordinary, 8s lid to 10s Gd ; ewe 3, 9s to 10s; inferior, (is to 7s Cd; inerhiO3, 01 to Ss.— Sthonach and Sox sild sheep oil account of Messrs Boss Bros. (Husliy lVrlc). and Wm." Kirkland (hast laien) nt quotations:—Jonx GnixnLEy (ou behall •A tho Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) penned col, and sold as fjliows:—For Mr John Anderson, 314 crossbred ewea and wethers at 110 9ci to 103 ,1d ; fur sir J.ihn Logan 'Popotunoa), 181 crossbred ewes at Ss 3d to 7s 6d; for Mr Alex. JUrown (Mataura), 79 crossbred wethers at 10s Bd, 101 crossbred ewes at 10s to Ss lid; for Mr G. Blackmorc, 50 full-mouth merino ewes at 2s 4d; for Mr J Hanley (To Hoiika), 13croaebred ewes at 93 Gd; for Mr John Sinclair 1 Waihola), 10 crossbred ewes at S3 3d.—Wiusht, Stkphkic-ox axd Co. sold 1133 as fallows:—On account of Messrs H. Price and Son OVr.imat?), 25 prime crossbred wethers at 1.'3 Gil. and 45 crossbred ewes at 9s 3a; ou account of Mr Joseph Clark (Moa Flat estate), 40 prime crossbred wethers at I2s, 95 prime halfbred wethers lls 3d, and IGS cmnrterbred ewes and wethers at from 9s 9d to 9s 6d; on account of Mr .Tames Logan (Greenvale), ISO crossbred wethers at lisSd; on account of .New Zealand Agricultural Company (Waimoi), 141 crossbred wethers at (rom 10a (id to lls Hd, and 50 quarterbred wethers at 10s Ud; on account ol Mr Christian Hille (Kurowl 83 quarterbred wethars at 9s 9d; on account Messrs hlluißros. (Five. hirers estate), 05 prime crosbred uwesattte Bd; on Recount of Mr James Mathesou (Hussell farm). 74 cr.-.stbrea ewes at quotations- on account of Mr A. Lee Smith (Lakeholm), 98 prime crossbred ewes' at from 9s Bd to 10sand on account of Mr Peter Duncau (WaiKouaiti), MS crossbred wethers at from 9s to 9s 3d.— Donald Keid and Co yarded and sold on account of a Southern client, Co crossbred wethers and ewes at 9s 9d to 7s ; ou account of Mr T. White (Merton) 2 crossbred wethers at 10a 3d; on account of Mr William Thomson (Moss Side), 33 crossbred ewes at is 3d ; on account of Mr D. Held (North Taieri), SO crossbred ewes at Ss; on account of Mr M W Fleming (Henley), 29 crossbred ewes at 8s 6d.—Keid Maclean, and Co. yarded and sold 376 as follows: On account of the Waimate Estate, 40 merino wethers at 83, 40 at 7s 6d, 40 at 7s Gd, 45 at 63 9d ; on account of Mr John Bruce (Brighton), 43 crossbred ewes at 9s 3d, 43half- bred ewes at 8s Gd ; on account of Mr D. M'lntosh, 38 merino wethers at ss, 378 at ss, 25 at 4s 3d; and for a client, a small pen of cull ewes at current rates. Fat lambs were in full supply, 1051 being penned most of which were good qu dity. The demand was Rood, prime selling at (rom 83 to 9s 3d, medium 5s to csCd.-MessrsStkonach and Son sold 60 lambs on account of Mr William Kirkland at 7s 9d.-Do.VALb £ B™4 SD Co' ya'ded 332, and sold on account Mr T. White (Merton), 27 at 8s 9d ; on. account Mr It Jefferies (Flag Swamp), 30 at (is 9d; ou account Mr A.. Macanley (Herbert), 51 at Bs to 5s 9d; on account Mr A. Sim (Herbert), 42 prime at 9s 3d to 9s (toa price to-day); on account Mr A. Campbell (Merton) «2 at ss; on account Mr William Thomson (Moss Side), 21 at 63; on account ?Jr I). Reid (North laieri), 26 at 7s; on account Mr A. Lee Smith (Lakeholm), 34 at 7a Od to 7s 6d; on account Mr M. W. Fleminf* (Henley), 31 at 7a.— John Grindlei- (on behalf of the Farmers' Agency Company,1 Limited), punned 232, and sold as follows :-For Mr Maine Godfrey, 44 at 8s to 7s 9d ; for Mr Thos. Lindsay, 80 at 7s t!d to 9s; for Mr John Sinclair, 30 at 7s; for Mr J. Henley, 27 at 6s Gd • lor Mr C. Blackmore, 51 at 4s 3d. -Wmght, Stbphexson, and Co. sold 3Bi as follows:—On account of Mr Alex. Mitchell, 36 (very prime) at 9s 3d ; on account of Mr Peter Whyte, 50 at 8s; and for Mr Peter Duncau (V7aikouaiti), 28U (small) at 5s Ort.—Bkid Maoleax, and Co. sold 122. On account of Mr j' Bruce (Brighton', 25 at 7s 9d, 25 itt 7s Gd, 22at 7s 3d •' on occount of Mr D. Andrew (Mosgiel), 37 at 73,13 at 6s lOd.

Fat I'ig3.—Total of all sorts was only 48, for which there was Rood competition. Daconers sold from 35s to dos; stores, 15s to 255; suckers, 8i to 10s — Geobgis T.idd, on behalf of the Mutual Agency Company of New Zwilnnd (Limited), sold 3 at 41s 3 at 353 ad, and 3 at 375 6d.—Donald Held and Oo yarded 15 on account of Mr William Kirklaud (Elm Grove), and sold 5 suckers at Bs, 3 at 9s 6d, aud 7 at 83 6d.—Messrs Stronach and Son Gold a draft of pigs on account of Mr William Charters (Taieri)at quotations.—Whisht, Stephessoh. and Co. sold 18 at quotations.—Heid. Maclean, and Co. sold a few pens of weaners at from 8a to 13s.

Score Cattle. -Down to the present moment Uie market h«s been adversely affected by the ye y low priceo ruling for fat Btock, The demand is not improving, and to effect sules very much lower prices than those lately asked wonld have to be accented The season is now so tar advanced and feed drvinir tip. very little busing is likely to be tranmcted till after harvest, when, no doubt, supplies will be required for winter feeding.

Store Sheep.—There is a good deal of inquiry experieuced in connection with these; quite a number of purchasers are quietly feeling the market. Full lists ara now presented, and no doubt an increased business will result. A.t the moment, however buyers aro reticsnt, being under the impression that later on their supplies maybe had at lower figures. In the meantime the demand is mostly for young sheen of bjth sexes, crossbred and merino, chiefly the former.John Giiindley (on behalf of the Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) 60ld, privately, during the week 13U0 crossbred lambs at 5s Gil, 2000 two-tooth wethers at 10s. 250 aged ewes at Ss M.— During (.he past week Heid, Maclean, and 00. have sold 3')00of different daises, representing lines in the YVynnimni, Wnkoiialtl, Palmaretou. Whare Flat, and Wairuate districts.

Stud Stock.—Keid, Ma Co. haw placed tor shipment 150 otud aud flock rams to Northern buyers.

Country fcatos.-GEonoK Todd (on behalf of the Mu.ual Agency Company of New Zealad. Limited) SltaTl .' iltCuom y""5. Balclulha on 'lui'silny, 4th inst. The entry cnmnrio..(i 9in, aheep and lambs. There was a fill «TSVLp f buyers, and nearly all the lots werVioM at foSowln J prices-viz.: Crossbred wethers, lus dd to £id? do ewes, 0j 3d to lls fid; lambs. 6s to it ■$'■ nonets, from (is to 11s Bd. " "a •

Property.—On .Saturday last, February 1 a etin» undo;- instructions from Mrs Pitt's trustees Him Maclean, and Co, offered at the new store- Jetty street, tho following sections in the Warrin^'on estate. There was not a large attendance, but most of those present had evidently eomo for buslm-s inasmuch as the bulk of the property offered found buyers. Subjoined is iho result of the salo: -Lot. 1 The homestead block comprising 42 J. lr 25p, with dwelling house and other buildings thereon, found x purchaser in Mr D.'Kllgour, at £19 10s |.er acre; lot a, comprising 4a 2r 1 lp,;sold at £20 per acre to Mr K. iergussou; lot 3, comprising la 2r 12p, £15 the section, to Mr K. Fergusson ; lot 4, comprising about lr with omall cottage thereon, sold at £50 to Mr Jaj. Perry. Lots S, a, 7, and 8, sections of about lreach were passed at tho sale, but will no doubt bs S"ld during the next fuw '.;ays

Woo!.—Since last week's report we are advised by cable of the opening of tho first series of colonial wool sale 3iv London for this year. 'Ihere was a largo fitlundiuiUHof Home mid foreign buyers, and cumpetition w,is. uuinukd. Fo.- liiu poou-r clasocs of wool there has bt-i-ii n dtolincot id per 11), also for merino, but cnmbri'd retrains iirtu. 'I'hn fourth series of local mUa will bo held In tho Chamber of Omnmeice Hall fids dny (Tiniroday), 6th inst., eomnieneini! f.t Iv o'clock shaip, when there will, no doubt, bo n full ptttiU'Jaiico of Imyers. Shcspsliins.—At tho weekly auctions on Tuesday last lull eataloguea were submitted. The trade was well represent! d and all lots sold as follows:-Coun-try diy crossbred* (low to medium) brought 13 M to ;i» lid; do do merino, Is 2d to 3s 7d; medium to flillwoollcd cruasbrcilii, Is Id to (ia Od ; do do merino, .'lj lOd to Ss 9d; dry polts, 3d to Is Id ; green crossbred polts, lit for miitmaking, 2s 3d, 2.1 M, Id, 2b; others, la lid, Is lOd, Is Dd, Is 7(1, Is Ud, lo 3d, la 3(1, Is 2d ; green lambskins, Us 3d. 2s SW, 2s Bd, 2s Od, 2s 3d, 2s, Is lid, 16 W, Isßd, Iv 7(1, Issd.

Kabbitskius —It is wry satisfactory to note that the lirat, tales for Mils year opened well iv London on tho iilst lilt. I'iivate tel grama to hand report n rino of Id per lb on best descriptions. Fair ordinary to good also advanced l£d per lb. Locally busineeo ia restricted to small and inferior lines only, and wo have no 6ales now of any consequence to note, but there aro always buyers 'for shipment for any lots coming forward.

Hides.—Local requirements absorb all coming forward, so that there la but little room for shippers to ilo much business. Tim market Is miulUml, prices remninlni; about the same aa those current during the iiitat low months -viz.: For best extra heavy weights, 2}d to 3d; medium to heavy, 2Jd to iijd; light, 2d to 2Jd ; Inferior, ljd to l}d per Ib. Tallow.—There is no alteration to report. Prices remain tho oame aa last week's quotations. A fair demand exists, anil consignments coming forward lira taken up by local buyers ami readily placed, unless reserves aio prohibitive. We quote inferior and mixed, 13s to 15a ; medium to good, 115s to 18s; best rendered mutton, 19a to 20s. Hough fat: Ilest mutton, 113 to Vis tfd; inferior to medium, 9s to 10s per cwt. drain.—Wheat; The past week lias been quito as < uiet as tho preceding one. Inquiries aro rmall, and Ihimonlv for extra prinio'smalt (.iirccls at reduced rates. Medium milling qualities are offering more plentifully with but little demand; fowl wheat (whole) is also very plentiful, and a good deal easier in pries. We quote prime milling Tuscan 2) 103 to 3s; b,-sl red st.iaw and velvet., as 8d to 2s lOd; medium to good, nominal, Ua 5d to 2s Oil; inferior to medium, 2s to L>s 5d (ex store).- Oats : The market forthfseis exceedingly Hat, going from bad to worse, nud prices daily ln'coin ng weaker, and considering thii quantity still in stove, wilhlhe daily arrivals, it would appear ai if the bottom w is not yetreached. There seems to bo no demand for shipment. The purchases now bulng made aro mostly for local consumption. A few odd lots are occasionally taken up to hold. At public auction this wee'-t several lots v. ere disposed of, small retail parcels reaching up to Is lid; while ordinary parcels of gond feed to prime milling rouged fiom ia'SJd to Is 5d (sacks extra, ex stum).—Barley: There was no demand whatever at auction this week for several parcels offered, and the kit. had to be passed in unsold; quotations nominal. Grass Seed.-Tho market does not show much animation. T.'.ero aro buyers of ryegrass seedwhother machine dressed or undresßca—but th(-ro is no improvement in price. We quote dressed, 3s to 3s 6d ; undressed, Is M to Ss (sacks extra).—Cocksfoot has no demand up to the present worth noticing ; quotations nominal,

Potatoes.—The demand for these has lately been in favour of buyers, imd still continueß the same. Thi< fiipply exceeds the demand, resulting in a dragging market. At auction this week kidneys sold at 22; I'd to 57s (id per ton. 1 Chaff.—Tho supply this week has been in f xee;s of requirements; sales In consequence are difficult to ifftct at last week's rates. We now quote best screened oaten sheaf (heavy), £1 17s Od po £3; inferior to medium and good, 20s to 50s per ton. Dairy Produce.—There is no new feature in the position of the market to chronicle, the tone of which continues exceedingly Hat. Thero 13 no business of any consiqueuce transpiring. We quote butter, nomirml, od to Od ; factory cheese, large-id to 4|d, small ad, dairy-made 3d to -Id per lb.

IT/ie individual reports of wool, rabbitskin, or grain brokers can lie inserted in the Daily Times and Otano n'iinea at special rates.]


Messrs. Samuki, O«h ±ki) Co., Stafford ttrcel report for tho \vstk ending February 5, as fo! lows :—

The weather during the past week has been of a true harvest character, and consequently the crops ato milling iTCit strides in the. South, and another week wil: see the reaper and binder at work in nearly every district. The crops in tho Tapanui diatricl are very (.'nod indued, but further South the nasty cold weather experiei'ood last mouth retarded anil stinted them materially. Wiieat.—No change whatever in the market for this <vreal, millera working up stocks and buying from hand to month ; and the littlo business transpiring i 3 hardly worth recording. Prime milling 'Xuscau aud velvet, 2s 10s to 3s; medium, 2s 5d to 2s Od; inferior and fowls' feed, 2i to 2s 4d. Outs.—These, we r gret to Gay, have suffered a further drop on tiiu other side, their own crop being on the market in largo quantities, while the feed is utill plentiful. At present they are experiencing tropical weather, which will check the latter and came a greater run on feed grains. The outlook for the coming season is certainly a very gloomy one from present prospects. We quote prime milling, Is 5d to Is fid; heavy bright feed, Is -Id to la sd; inferior and medium, is 2d to Is 3d ; sacks extra. Birley.—No transactions yet to record. Cuaff.-Market is rather over supplied, while the new crop will be in next week. Quotations this week are for prime oaten sheaf, if well cut and screened, £3 to £3 ss. j

I'litatotf, — Ttf-trket over-Bupplied, co prices materially reduced again, and quote best kidneyi up to £3.


Hoiiirzsoif and Hopkix. grain, produce', and commicsion agents, Manse street, Dunedin, report Ovholesale) lor the week ending February 4 as follows: — Wheat: Market unaltered; Tuscans, 3s to 3s Id ; other sorts, 2s 7d to 2i 10fl. Fowls'wheat: Good whole, 2s 4d to 2s 6d. Barley: Malting, 3s 2d to 3s Id; milling, 2s 6d to 2s lOd. Oats : Milling, Is 7d I to2sSd; good bright feed, la 3d to Is sd. Flour: Timaru roller, £3 10s; town and Uamaru, £8. Oatmeal : Long ton, £9 ss; 2-Vs, £.) Ss. Bran :£2 10s. Sharps: £l. Potatoes-. Kidney, glutted, £2 15s to £3. Pigs: 3Jd. Chaff: Good oaten sheaf, £i lSs to £l 103. Straw (oaten arid wheaten, hydraulic pressed in bales): 355. Clover and ryegrasa hay (hydraulic pressed in bales): £3 sa. Butter: Best salt, 6d. Jfe's: Source. Honey: 4Jd. Cheese: Factory, old,3jd; new, 4sd; Akaroa, 3|dto4d. Hara3 and bacon: Hams, 8d ; flitclies and rolls. Gd. Grass sped : Hyegrrss, 2s 6d to 3s 6d; cocksfoot, 2id to %■• -


Messrs Akthur M'Dosaib AUD Co. report as follows for tho week ending sth inst.:—"A good amount, of business passing, principally in summers aud ' off season,' for which wo offer exceptional rates —a full equivalent to Loudon prices."^


Messrs Remsha.hct anr Co., manufacturers' agents, have received the following cable from their London agents, dated 31st ult,.:—"All descriptions raboitskins advanced Id per Ib; fair demand." In the local market business is quiet, ooly off season parcels coming to hand ; these, however, bring prices fully l|d por lb higher than tost summer. We quote summers up to 7d; half-grown, 4d; suckers, 2Ji [ierlb,net cash.


Xesthhday's Quotations. Stocks. Buyers. Selijchs. Banks: a d. s. <3. Colonial ... .„ .)2 6 43 0 National ... .„ 35 0 36 0 I,'ow Zealand (old ißßue) ... — 110 0 do (new issue) „. — 100 0 Insurance; Colonial ... ,„ 6 10 — Katloual ... ~. 17 0 — Standard ... ~. HO HO Union ... ... 25 6 — Coal: Kfiitanjjata ... ... — 300 0 Weatport ... ... 52 0 — Mercantile: Commercial Property & Jfnc(j — 13 0 Dunedin Fintnce, Loan, and Agency ... ... la 6 — Moagiel Woollen Factory — 80 0 do (new issue) 70 0 77 6 KatioOT.l Mtge and Agency — 11 3 Bioruington iramway ~. 10 6 — How Zealand Heirijjerating — 61 G Hew Zealand Drug ,„ 19 3 19 9 Otago Daily Times ... — 160 0 Itoslyn Tramway ... 30 0 — Otajjo Dredging Oompaiiies -. Big Beach ... ... — 1150 0 Otago Quartz Companies: CrcE5U3 (2s paid up) ... — 19 Eureka (10a paid up) ... — 5 0 A. Bautlkman G. S. Bkodiuck John Dayik A. Hehumam WiiTEK HISLOP I{. H. LIiAKY AND CO. | Lkslie A. Koidian O. S. Hkkyks John Heid and Sons E. O. Heynolds S. 11. Scott C. Thbilmanh. James Uowlisok


M:.i!a close at tlia Chief Post Oflica, Kunedlu (subject U> any necessary alterations), an under :— For Northern Ports of Hen- Zealand, overland, ditilr.ftt 10.30 a.m.rat C.F.O. late lotters, imam's ran. A'ortli train, at II a.m. FmniY, Februaky 7. For Southland, Australian Coloaiee, India, China, Japan, Continent of Europe, United Kingdom, Sx. per Tarawera, at 2.50 p.m. Money orders (for Australian Oolouiou only), registered letters, and newspapers, at 1.50 p.m. Letters for the United Kingdom must be specially addreased, and paid 19 per Joz. Late letters, guard's van, Port Chalmers train, at 3.35 p.m. Saturday, Fbbbuaby S. For Northern ports of New Zealand, per Penguin, at 8 p.m. (Signed) «jy,y, o. HUTU'S OhM Port Office. OMrfPortinattar. Dnuedin, February 5,1890.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 8721, 6 February 1890, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 8721, 6 February 1890, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 8721, 6 February 1890, Page 2