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Medical. CEORETS OF LIFE AND HEALTH. FBBE BY POST for Bix New Zealand Penny Stamps, a Medical Treatise by an eminent Frßnon Hospital Physician, 30 years a Parisian Specialist (now retired), showing sufferers how they may oure themselves of Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, So., &c, without consulting a medical man.—Addreiß PARISIAN, P.O. Box 7("6, Sydney. , , "A boon to all desiring 'eelf-ourt. '"—Modlcal Kevlew. 13my ONE BOX OK CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS Is warranted to onre all dl«oharges from the Urinary Organ» In either sox (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, and Paiiu In the Baok. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold In boxes, 4s 6d oaoh, by all ohemlßtß and patent medicine vondori throughout the world. Proprietors: The Llnooln and Midland Oountiea Drug Company, Lincoln. Mngland. 23mi SUFFERERS from DEAFNESS, BLINDNBSSS, and all DISKASBS of the BAB, EYE, and THKOAT, and all Chronic Derangement; of the Blood and Nervous System, should have nothing to do with any other Bystem of treatment before perusing Dr RAYMOND'S elaborate and masterly writing on the subject. These valuable publications may be had at the office of the Otaoo iUily Times, price Is, or 13d 1b stampß. Works acknowledged by the Princesß of Wales. Consultation fee, perBonally or by letter, £1 (exclusive of medicine). MELBOURNE. I?" a G G G 8 „ Blif G has given Q» a Q universal «atlsQ G G faction in the G GG cure of G. I G Cures In G prescribe it and G lto6D«ys. G feel cafe in red £ oom mending it G rh O Guaranteed not t» to all Bufferers. OScj cause Stricture. A.J. Stokbb, ( ;pqffl M.D., G ° Mfd.^mly by the GGQG Decatur, 111. G Evans Chkmicai, Co., GG a Cincinnati, Ohio. G Price, 5». G G By Post, 6b 6ii. G G — B n n G Sold by DrugTrade tfQaHß tt Mark. giiti. WILKINSON & Co., AGBKTS, Prlooct street. STEEDMAN'S SOOTHING POWDERS FOB CHILDKBH CUTTI»O TKETH. OATJTIOH JmTpUBOHASEBS. The value ef thii well-known Family Medicine has been largely tested In all puts of the world, and by illgradesof society, for upwards of 50 years. Its well-earned extensive vie has Induced Spurious Imitations—tome of whlji In outward appearance lo closely resembl* the original as to have deceived many purohaseri. The Proprietor therefore feels It due to the public to give a speolal caution against the me of suoh imitation. Purchasers are therefore requested carefully to observe the four following distinctive characteristic*, without which none are genuine:— Ist. In every oase tfae werds JoHH Stmdmah, Obimist, Wjj-wobth, Sinmax, are engraved on the Government Stamp affked to oach packet. 2nd. Eton Single Powder hai directions (or the law, aad the words, "John Steedman, Giemiit, Walwerth, Surrey," printed thereon. 3rd. The bum Stmtaan It »lw»yi spelt with 4th. Th« jnanufaotnre la OMtM M solely »t Waiworth, Burrey. Bold In paokets t» all ChanM* and Medleln* Vendors at Is ltd u4 9sM each. SMdby Kear thonn, ProMec, •»* Go., Don«4ln, ■«!■*>. 4 WONDERFUL MBDIOINB BBBOHAM'S PILLB BBBOHAH'S PILLS BBBOHAM'S PILLS Are universally admitted to be worth a Golneaa Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, suoh is Wind and Pain In the Stomach, Slok Headache, Giddiness, Fullness and Swelling after Meals, Dlulneii am Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Oostlveness, Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, So. The first dose will give relief In twenty minutes. This Is no notion, lot they hart done it In countless oases. Every sufferer Is earnestly Invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX WOBTH A ODINBA A BOX WOBTH A GUINEA A BOX For females of all ages they are Invaluable. No female should be without them. There is not » medicine to be found equal to them for removing any obstruction or Irregularity of the system. If taken aooording to the directions given with each box, they will won restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved bj thousands who have tried them, and found the benefit* which are ensured by their us*. BBBOHAM'S PILLS BHBOHAM^LLS^^^ For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver they aot like maglo, and a few doses will be founi to work wonders on the most Important organs in the human maohine. Thei strengthen the whole musoular system, restore th> long lost oomplexion, bring baok the keen edge c appetite, and arouse Into action with the rosebud ol nealth the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are Facts testiaed continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated I<, BKBOHAM'S FILLS has* M* imtftA Slit tf any Pattnt Afidititu in tto WtrU. BEEOHAM'S MAGIO COUGH PILLB BBBCHAM'S MAGIO COUGH PILLS BBBOHAM'3 MAGIO COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs In general, Asthmi. Bronohlal Affeotlom, Hoarsaness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, ftc. these Pills stand unrivalled. They are the best eve.. offered to the public and will ipeedlly remove that cense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of resti Let any person uive BBBOHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and th most violent cough will In a short time be removed. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail, b\ the Proprietor, THOMAS BBBOHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, and by all Druggists anil Patent lledlolne Dealers everywhere. Ik Boim, l* ltd in a* td mum. Fuel Dawmoxt am eirur wnw Bach Box. T V E R' S PILLS have long held the lead as the best of all Cathartics. The skill with which their purely vegetable compo nents are united, their mildness and efficacy, and their delicate sugar-coating make them universally popular. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, regulate and strengthen the assimilative organs, and asßist in forming pure and vigorous blood. For constipation, dizziness, sick-headache, drowsiness, flatulence.dyspepßla.and loss of appetite, AYBR'S PILLS are a prompt and POTENT EBMEDY. They also afford relief in oases of gout, rheumatlßm, piles, neuralgia, jaundice, bilioußneas, female weakneßS, and all complaints caused by sluggishness of the liver and vitiated blood. For travellers by land or water, they are indispensable; and, as a standard family medicine, are everywhere recommended by leading physicians. Containing neither calomel nor any other injurious drug, their use is unattended with no ill effects. They are put up securely in glass bottles, and retain their efficacy for any length of time, in any climate. AVER'S PILLS, Prepared by Dr J. C. AYBB & CO., Lowell, Mass, U.S.A. Sold by Druggistß and Medicine Vendora. OCKLE'S PILLS ' FBEB FHOM MBBOUEY. QOOKLE'S PILLS , 0R LIVBI , | (QOCKLE'S PILLS QOOKLE'S PILLS COCKLE'S PILLS WBJauamlUm C OCKLE' SMLLS FOB SICK HBADACHK. PILLS rOK AOIDm . COCKLE'S PILLS IN USB EVERYWHERE. COCKLE'S PILLS IN USB 88 YBABS. In Boxes, at la ljd, 2a Bd, 4s 6d, Us, and 22s Of all Medicine Vendors throughout the World.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 8597, 12 September 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 8597, 12 September 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 8597, 12 September 1889, Page 4