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Shipping! •^jj^ CHA W, SAVI LL, j|^|^ ALBIOI/cOMPANY tKWBBBi^**1 ;(LIMITED) (Under Postal Contract with the Government foi the Conveyance of her Majesty1! Mails), Will despntob their UOYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS For LONDON as under, Calling at Bio db Janiwo, Tkn-kbiefh, aud Plymouth. Steamer. Ton.. Commander. Do P^Sre. Dat'°OOPTIO ... 4448 Burton Wellington Sep. 19 lonic ... 4367 Kldley — Oct. 17 TArjarr ... 6200 Barlow — Nov. 14 Doric ... 4744 Jennlng, — Deo. 12 1890. Arawa... 6200 Stuart — Jan. 9 And thenoeforward every fourth Thursday. The above Steamer, are of the highest olaa, and •peed, with Saloons amldshipi. Seoond-class and Steerage Accommodation are very superior. RETURN TICKETS and SECOND SALOON PASSAGES at lieduced Kate.. The Steamers of this line are fitted with Coot Chambers for conveyance of Dairy Produoe. The Undersignod are empowered to grant passage! from London or Glasgow to New Zealand, paymenfj for which has boen guaranteed in the Colony. The above will be supplemented by flrst-olat, SjUlinb Vessels. For farther particular, apply to the Agent, i NATIONAL MORTGAGE and AGBNOY COMPANY OF NBW ZEALAND (LIMITED], UALGHTY »nd COMPANY. LIMITED, MURRAY. BOBBHT3, and CO. . In .^<|k mHE P. AND O. STEAM jl|li|3§|^ NAVIGATION COMPANY (Under Oontraot with the Imperial, New South Walei, Vlotorlan, and South Australian Government,) Will despatch the following STEAMERS for L 0 H E O H, Calling at ALBANY, COLOMBO, ADBN, BBINDISI, MALTA, GIBRALTAR, and PLYMOUTH:— Steamers. Tons. Leave Mcl- Leave Sydney, bourne. Adelaide. 1 p.m. Ballaarat ... 4748 Sept. 14 Sept. 20 Sept. 23 Panamatta... 4771 Sept. 28 Oct. 4 Oct. 7 Rosetta ... 3526 Oct. 12 Oct. 18 Oct. 21 Massilla ... 4318 Oct. 26 Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Bates of PASSAGE MONEY from DUNBDIN, via MELBOUBNM :— To London In First Saloon ... £63 to £70 Second „ ... £37 Betum Tloket, from ... ... £60 to £116 In the SECOND SALOON the arrangements have been thoroughly reorganised, and the ACCOMMODATION whloh the Company now offers is unsurpassed. Second Saloon Passengers are provided with Flr«t Saloon Aocommodation in Union S.S. Company's Steamers between New Zealand and Australia. Passage Money can be paid here for Passages from Bngland. Liberal concessions made to families. DALGBTY and COMPANY, LIMITED, Agents In Dnnedln. *%"& itfORDDEUTSOHER g|||g|||* -^ LLOYD riUjIBKESESS^ IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, and ADELAIDE To SOUTHAMPTON, ANTWERP, and BRBMBH, Via Colombo and Suez Canal, Taking Passengers for London, Connecting from ALEXANDRIA by DIRECT MAIL and PASSENGER LINK To BBINDISI and GENOA, Will be despatched as follows (if practicable) i— at ~—. Leave Leave Leave Bteamen. Sydney. Melbourne. Adelaide. Habsburg ...Sept. 11 Sept. 14 Sept. 1G Sailer ... ...Oct. H Oot. 14 Oct. 16 Hohenzollern ... Hoy. 6 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 And thereafter every four weeks. Passage from Dnnedin to Southampton, Antwerp, and Bremen ... £18 to £47 10s. SPECIAL RETURN TICKETS TO JJUEOPB. The Steamers land Passengers at Southampton. Pasßage from Europe oan be prepaid in the Colonies. For Freight or Passage apply to NBILL & CO. (LIMITED), Agents, Dunedln. •|^£ /-10MPAGNIB Jgg|te|§|^ ME3SAGBBIHS HARITIMBB. SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, and ADELAIDB to MARSEILLES (via Suez Canal), thence OverInnd per Rail to London. The Company's Steamer* (under Postal Oontraot with the Government of France) will be despatched »« follow,, calling at REUNION, SEYCHELLES, ADBH.aud POET SAID:— Steamer,. Ton,. ,*%, JeT ,£& Oceanien 4008 Aug. 25 Aug. 28 Aug. 30 Sydney 4038 Sept. 25 Sept. 28 Sept. |30 Salazie 4037 Oot. 25 Oct. 28 Oct. 30 Speoial Tourlat Tickets from Marseilles to London. Passengers' luggage conveyed free from Marseilles to London. Table wines and beer supplied to all olassea. Every luxury In hot weather. The Seoond Saloon Accommodation la very superior, and the fare has been reduced. Fares: New Zealand to Marseille,—First, £68s Second, £43. No extra tor Canal dues. Betnrn Sloketi at greatly reduced rates. SBILL 4 CO. (LIMITED), Agents, Dunedln. -Jjj^K /-IHINA NAVIGATION Jgsfylj^ COMPANY (LIMITED). FOR HONGKONG, VIA WELLINGTON. The Company's fine Steamer WHAMPOA Will be despatched from Dunedin THIS DAY (TUESDAY), 10th INST., At 3 p.m. For particulars of Freight and Passage apply to NBILL & CO. (LIMITED), 27au Agentß. T>ARQUE NANNY, FROM NEW YORK. Captain MULLER, of the barque Nanny, HEHBBY GIVES NOTICE that he will not be RESPONSIBLE for any DEBTS contracted by any Member of his Crew, and cautions all persons against Giving them Credit. »0» -Ss-Ai /CAMPBELL and CRUST, jßSSrilfeh:. \J NEW ZEALAND fWYffliStfi EXPRESS COMPANY, «*»*■**'"' CUSTOMS, SHIPPING, and EXPBE3S FOBWAEDING AGENTS. Branches: Wellington, Christohurch, and Inveroargill. Agencieß throughout the Colony, Australia, Britain, So. Parcels, Packages, &c, delivered at any address In the World at Through and Fixed Kates. To 31b 71b 141b 281b sßlb 1121b Chriatchuroh... 9d Is 3d 2s 3d 4s Od 6s Od 6, Od Invereargill ... Bd 1b Od Is6d 2s 6d 3s 6d 4b 6d Oaraaru ... fld 9d lsOd Is 6d 2s Od 3s 6d Timaru ... 6d lsOd la6d 2s 9d 4s Od 4s 6d 31b 201b 601b 1001b To Auoklaud ) Bach addi- (2s6d 3s 6<i 4, 6d „ Napier ...Mo tionallb up^2s6d 4a Od 4, 6d „ WeUington } to 91b, 3d. (2s 6d 3s 6(1 UOd And upward, at slight increase. Paroks fob Grbat Britain and Irsland i lib, Is j and 6d per lb additional. Agent, for Great Britain ... W. B. Button and Co. Melbourne ... F. Tate „ Sydney ... Sydney Trarufer Co. O.O.D.—Amonnt of Invoices collected against delivery of goodß on small oommlßaicn. 7r Melbourne Advertisements. "XTO MORE BAD EYE S." Three Prize Medals Awarded. THE " STAR" (Registered) KYK LOTION Is a certain and speedy Cure for every Affection of the Eyes j it never fails to Cure, and gives Instantaneous Belief. It has no equal for curing Sandy Blight, Inflammation, Weak Eyes, Red Eyelids, Fly Blight, and for Strengthening and Preserving (.he Eyesight. The " Star Kye Lotion " is Marvellous in Its Effect. The Star Eye Lotion can be applied tn the eyes of animals with equal nuccesß. Sold everywhere, 2s 6d a Dottle. Sole Proprietor: A. BOSSOMAIER, Optician, London; and Sallsburv Buildings, Eourke Btreet West, Melbourne. 25b CATTO'S OLD HIGHLAND WHISKY is the Oldest and Beat to be had. Full-sizi'd Bottles. loan SHAG POINT COAL. A trial only requlred.—Order of Mr Eaton, at the Kailway Station. I2au 'LEOD BROTHERS' (LIMITED) Gold Medal Candles are equal to any imported . brands. 24au SHAG POINT COAL is the cheapest and most economical household coal. 12au

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 8595, 10 September 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 8595, 10 September 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 8595, 10 September 1889, Page 1