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Wednesday. July 24. Fat Cattle—The number to fcnndthisdny.itßurneido for the week's requirements was less by about oue-hnlf last week's entry, only 115 head being yarded, ranging from very medium to good and liriin9. Prime beef had (lie moit attention, and realised prices about equal to la! o rates; ordinary was not so well competed for, and prices were a sh»de easier. Best bullocks brought £3 10s to £10 10s; medium, £6 15s to £1173 Od; infcrlorand light, £3 10a to £5 153. Cows from £3 5s to £7 17s 6d.— Wright, Stephexsox. and Co. 6old 72 head as follows--On Recount Mr Samuel Gar.'orth (SDreydon Lodge), 10 bullocks at from £9 2s 0d to £7 12s fid ; on account Mr J. Campbell (South Canterbury), G cows at from £717s 6d to £ij 17s Od: onaccount Mr William Ojuiun (MakJkihi). 10 bullorks at from £7 to £6 7b 6d, and 1 cow at £7 7s 6d ; on account Mr J. Morrison (Thi Bush, Dlpton\ 12 bullocks at from £0 76 6d to £5 Ss; ou r.ceount Mr M. Guerin, 7 bullocks at from £6 2s Od to £5 7s 6d,aud 1 £5 ss; and on account Messrs J. Stark, John Blackie, A. Douglas, W. Cross, Mrs Prvde, and others, 25 head at eatisfactory prices.— Gilorgk Todd (on behalf Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited) a"ld on account of Messrs

Harrison, Blaukie, and Spiers bullocks up to £710s, and cows from £5 12s 6d to £7 7s 6d.—Donald Reid and Co. yarded 48, nnd sold on account of Mr J. Stewart (Hakateramea), 4 bullocks—2 at £1010s, lat £9 17s tid, and lat £-110 a jon account of Mr George Ledingham (Mabeno), 7 bullocks at £i 7s 6d to £4; on account of Mr J. T. Donaldson (Hampden), 2 bullocks and 1 heifer at £7 12s 0d to £5 15s; on account of Mr John Sutherland (X.ochend), 4 heifers at £6 5s to £4 2s 6d; on account of Mr Thomaa Kirk (East Taierl), 8 heifera at £5 2s 6d to £3 7s 6d; on account of Mr Jamea Harrison (Strath-Taieri), 5 heifers at Si 17s 6d to £3 53.; oa account of Mr A. Chalmers, 12 bullocks and heifers at £3 17s 6d to £1; on account of Mr William Ehand (Keith Hall estate), 5 prime heavy bullocks at £10.— Hkid, Mact*an, and Co sold 48 head:—On account of Mr W. Quinn (Makikihi), 3 bullocks at £8, 3 at £7; on account of Mr J. MAuley (Portobello), 2 heifers at £4 179 6d, 2 at £3 10s, 2 steers at £4 32s 6d, 1 at £3 17s 6d, 1 cow at £2 7a 8(3 j on account of Mr H. M'Fadgen, 13 head-3 bullocks at £4 17s 63,2 at £3155, 1 cow at £ i 15s, 2at £3 15s, 2at£2 7s 6d, 2at £2 15s ;on account of Mr W. Shand (West Taiori), 16 head-3

bullocks at £7 7s (id. 3 at £7 2s 6d, 2 at £6 12s Cd, 2 at £3 2s 6d, 2 heifers f.t £5 10s, 2 at £5 12s 6d, 1 cow at £1 2s 6(1, I bullock at £3 17s (Jd; on account of a client, 6 steers at £2 3a. F«t Sheep.—422o were penned, including about 400 merino wethers, the rest crossbred, a good proportion of which were wethers, and on the whole good to prime qualicy. There was a good attendance of the trade, -who competed fairly active. There was also Borne demand for export. There was little or no alteration in value for sheep suitable for export, but medium quality was in lest demand, and sold at Blightly lower prices. Best crossbred wethers brought M 3 to 15s; one pen extra heavy, 16s 3d; -ordinary, 9s 3d to 13s 6d; best crossbred ewes, lls 3d to 13s 6d; ordinary, 6s

Cd to 103 6d; merino wethers, 6s 9d to lls Sd. Donald Stho.vach on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold on account of Messrs Ross Bros. (Bushy Park) And others, crossbred wethers and ewes nt quotations. Wniairr, Sikpkkxson, A.SD Co. sold 916 as follows:— On account of Mr T. G. Robertson (Lawrence), 114 crossbred wethers at from IBs to 13s 3d; on account of Mr Thomas Green (Gore), 60 crossbred wethers at from 14s 9d to lus 6d; ou account of Messrs Brvce Kroa. (Lovell's Flat), CO crossbred wetliersat from'l4s (Id to 13s 3d ; on account of Mr J. Wylile (Outram', 71 crossbred wethers at from 148 Cd to 14s 3d, and 42 halfbred ewes at 10s ; on account of Mr J. M'Donald (Tapanui), 63 crossbred wethers at from 13s 3d to 12s 3d; on account of Mr David Andrews (North Taieri), 35 crossbred wethers at! 2s 9d; dn account of Mr S. Bews (Wyndhain), 35 crossbred wethers and maiden ewes at 12s t!d; on account of Mr Eden Bowler (Stirling), 64 crossbred ewes at from 13s 6d to Us; on ac-

count of Mr J. Stoddart (Washdyke), 60 crossbred ewes at from lls 3d to 10s Pd; on account of Mr D. T. ShanS (as administrator of the Otakia estate), 202 quarter-back wethers at from lls 3d to 10s 6d; oa account of Messrs A. and J. Brown (Green Island), 40 crossbredewe3at lls; and on account of Mr W. Smith (Newton), 70 halfbred ewes at 6s 9d.— Gsobge Todd (on behalf of the Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited) sold a draft of prime crossbred wethers, on account cf Mr James Willocks, at 15s 3d • and privately during the week have placed 1100 nt from 10a to, 15s 6d.— Donald Eeid axd Co. jnrded 631, and sold on account Mr George Ledingbam (,'U'aheno), 62 crossbred wethers and enes at 13s6dto I,'isPd; onaccount the New Zealand and Australian Lr.nd Company (Kurow). 138 merino wethers nt 10i 6d to 9s 9d ; on account Mr James Milne (Talerl Beach), 60 crosßbred ewes at 7s 3d to 6s 6d; on account Mr William Wyber (Milton.', 61 crossbred wethers and ewes at Iss 3d to 12a; on account Mr James Wyllie (Outram), 58 crossbred ewes at 12a; on account Mr William Kirkland (Elm Grove), 51 merino wethers nt 5s 0d; on account Messrs A. and J. Brown (Green Island), 22 crossbred ewes at 7s; on account MrS. Hews (Wyndhain), 37 crossbred ■rccthereand ewes at 13s, 75 crosslired ewes at 10s to 6s Zi ; on account Mr Williamß!ackie(GlasgowFarm,KastTaieri).74crossbrodewesnt lls to 10». 52 crossbred eweßatßsßd.— Rkid, Maclean, and Co. sold 1100 as follows :-Ae-

roaut the N. Z, and A. Land Company (Clyderall estate), 476 ewes—Bo three-qnarter-breds at i2s 3d, 30 at lls 6d, 30 at Us; 33 halfbred maiden 'ewes at lls Gd, 38at lls, 33 at 10s 6d, 38 at 103 9d,37 atlOs : 40 lmllbred ewes (mixed ftjjes) at 9s 6d, 40 at 10s, 35 nt fls Od, 45 at 9s; 3d, 45 at 9s 3d ; account Mr i. 0. Gllchrltt (Onmarn)j 120 crossbred ewes—4o at lls Od, 40 at lls 3d,.40 at 10s .(Id; account Mr C. Nicholls (Kunbeka), 18CI halfbred wethers-30 at lls 6d, SO at -■Oa lid", 37at H.n,Mat Ps.Bd; .sceouut Mv C. P. Dunnett(Kel6o),39 mixed Crosfibredsat 10s. M, 25 lialf--brcas'at 61 3d; account-Mr J. Rutherford (Inch Clutha), ,100 light-weight crossbred ewes-61 at 7s 3d, % at %i, 3d; account, Messrs J. and A. Brown (AbbotsforJ), 4) crossbred ewes atßs 9d; account Mr K.M'Leod(Tapanui),3ol!{!ht welghtmixed halfbreds at 8s 9d, 15 merinos at 6s 6d; account 3lr D. Murray (Crichtoh Park), 28 crossbred ewts at IRs 3d, 28 at

12s;andforMrW.Blackie,19quarter-breds»t7s3d.— John Gbindlky (on behalf of the Farmers' Agency Company, Limited) penned 1253, and sold as followa:—For Mr T. Monaghan (TeHouka, Balalutha), 61 prime crostbred wethers at 16s 3d to 15s; for Mr T. Monaghan (Te Houka, Balclutha), 59 maiden ewes at 133 to 103 9d; for Mr Simon Wright (Balclutha), 113 crossbred wethers at los 3d to 14s 9d; for Mr D. Campbell (Woolshed, Palmerston), 107 small maideu ewes at 10b 3d to 10s 6d; for Mr J. M'Donald (Tapanui), 197 crossbred wethers at 14s 3d; for Mr A. Hlckler (Warepa), 60 crossbred ewes and wethers at 12s to 12s 6d; for Mr Robert Cupples (Otautau), 135 prime crossbreds to 11s 6d; for Mr John B. Palmer (Mount Stuart), 413 crossbred wethers at 14a 6d to

12a ; for Mrs David Kirby Bush), 129 crossbred ewes at 7s to 7s 9d. Fat Lambs.—Only 80 wero panned, and these, were sold at 8s to 9s.—Donald Euro and Co. yarded 50 and sold on account of Mr William Kirkland (Elm Grove), 10 at 9s ; on account of Mr Samuel Bews (Wyndbam), 40 at Bs.—Rked. Maclean, and Co. yarded 30 on account of Mr F. Williamson, and Bold tho aame at 9s.

Pigs.—There was a small entry of these to-day, only 89 being penned, comprising a few of nil sorts. Suckers, stores, and porkers had a fair demand, but baconers were slightly easier. Suckers brought 6s fid to 12s: stores, 17s to 235; porkers, 25s to 34b; baconers, 40s to 51b, a few extra heavy to 61.— Donald Sthonach (on behalf of the New Zealand losn and Mercantile Agency Company Limited) sold 9 at 21s te 33s.—WBraHT, Stepssnson, and Co. sold 37 as follows:— Porkers at from 20s 6d to 31s; and suckers at from 7s 6d to Us; Gkobqk TODDf (on behalf of tho Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited) sold onaccount of Messrs Kirkland, M'Donald, &c, early, privately, and at auction, 71 porkers at from 29s to 40s each.— Dosaid HKn> and Co. sold a few pens at quotations.—Hkid, Maclean, awd Co. sold 21 on account of Mr J. Mollov (Walmate), as followB:—2 at £3 la, 1 at £2 lls, 1 at £2 10s, 2 at £2 Is, 2 at £2 10s, 3 at £2 95, 5 at £1 lla. 6at£l 5b 6d.

Dairy Stock—Reid, Maclean, and Co. sold 10 head for various owners at prices raDglng np to

■Btore Cattle.—A few of these; change hands; In the meantime, however, there is very little animation in the market. At the Burnside salevards any offering do not fall tofindpurchasers, and invariably at prices relatively higher than those obtaining for fat.—John Gmndley (on behalf of the Farmers' Agency Company, Limited) sold privately, to-day, 170 head bullocks.

Country Sale.—H. Dbivkr and Son report:—We held our first sale of stock, &o. at Combe's yards, Milton, on Tuesday, 23rd inst.,wheu there was a largo number of cheep, cattle, and horses forward, and nearly every lot offered changed hands at satisfactory prices, and more especially for the latter, there being between 30 and 40 horses offered for Bale. The demand vas very brisk, and fully onehalf wtre disposed of at full market rates. Store Sheep.— There are no sales of any consequence now effected. The only business coming under notice at present Is occasional purchases of lines not suitable for killing at the Burnside saleyards, and which are not likely to leave much margin to buyers. land Sales.—During the week Doiuld Btroxaoh (on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantilo Agency Company, limited) Bold, at a satisfactory price, the last agricultural section (130 acres) of the Merino Downs estate. This estate, which comprised in all about 23,000 acres, is now disposed of with the exception of a few small township sections at PuKerau, which are still in the market. Wool.—Since the cablegrams to hand reporting the dose of the colonial wool taleß In London last week, there is nothing new to chronicle. The mall via Snn Francisco confirms the satisfactory information to hand by cablegrams, remarking that the foreign markets are strong, and the wool situation at Home and abroad Is such as to d'note a firm market for some time. At auction this week Donald Stbonach (on behalf of the New Zealand loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited) placed several parcels of back-country greasy wool, and also privately 86 bales washed and aliped crossbred at a satisfactory price. Sheepskins,—An alteration lias been considered desirable in the mode of submitting these by auction to tbe trade, instead pf each auctioneer selling in his turn at his own rooms on Mondays. The skins, as usual, are catalogued on that day, and the buyers have up to 2 o'clock on Tuesday to value. At that hour all tho sales are held In one room, each auctioneer takinu his turn as he may be placd. Accordingly the sales were held on Tuesday in the above fashijn, when a full attendance of the trade was present. A very good demand was experienced, and biddings spirited. All the catalogues were cleared, dry skins fetching equal to late rates, while green eklns, with the exception of spot lots, were scarcely 60 firm. Country dry crossbreds. low to medium, brought Is 2d to 3s 9d; do do merino, Is 3d to 3s 7d; medium to full-woolled crossbreds, 3s lOd to 65,3 d; do do merino, 3s 8d to 6s 9d ; dry pelts, 2d to Is Id; butchers'green crbssbreds—best, Bs ?d, 6s, 5a M. 5s 7d, 5s s<f, 6s 3d, ss, 4s 9d ; good to medium and inferior, i» Id, 3a lid, 3s lOd, 3s 7d, 3s 6d, 3s 4d; green merinos, -is, 3s 9d, 3s 6d, 3s 4d, 3s • lambskiiu, 33 7d, 3s 3d, 3s, 2s 9d, 2s 7d. Rabbltskins.—An active demand is experienced, hut the supply continues light. There is a market for almost an unlimited number, and at equal to late rates. All descriptions are saleable, the auction room being well attended by all in the trade, who compete briskly for all offered. We quote suckers and half.grown at 2|d to 4d; summers, 5d to 8d; black and fawn, 7d to 9d; fair ordinary to good greys, lOd to 11 jd; prime thin pelted, 15d to 16d per lb. .

Hides.—The market continues steady. All coming to hand are freely taken up, but In 'the continued absence of a dfmand for export, prices show no Improvement, The tone is wfaker—more especially with respect to indifferently flayed and light hides. We quoto dry salted hides (Heavy weights, sound and in perfect condition), 2sd to 25d-3d on occasions, but rare; medium, 2M to 2id; l'eht, 2d to 2jd; inferior, ljd to IJd per lt>. Tallow.—There is no alteration to report in the operations of the pant week. The supply in moderate, and all offering finds a ready sale. It h satisfactory toMolicotho Home market firm, and slialiUv advancing. Our London office advises by cablegram as follows :—"There is a good demand. Good raattun

tallow ia worth 27s Od ; good beef do, 25s 9d per cwt, Wequotc prime rendered mutton,l9s to 21s; medium to KOod, 16s to IBs; inferior and mixed, 12s 0d to 15s- i-on"h fat-best caul, 13s to 14s; inferior to medium and cooil, 0s 6J to 12s M per cwt. Gram—Wheats The demand for wheat of any class is exceedingly restricted. Millers areoperating with increased caution, and only purchasing in satisraclionoftheirimmediatcrequirements. Second-class milling has i!O attention whatever for local use, and it is becoming more apparent day by day that until sellers are prepared to meet buyers for shipment, very little headway can ba made in the disposal of Ihisc'ass Fowls'wheat has a fair demand, and all offered at market value is easily placed. We quote prime milling velvet and red straw, 3s 8d to 3a 9d; Tuscan, 3s 1M to 4s; medium to good, 3s 3d to 3s 6d; inferior and whole fowls' wheat, 2s to 3s (ex store).—Oats: The market this week has Bhown less animation, and the business transacted has been unimportant. Both the Sydney and Melbourne markets arereceding.andwhilesellershereadheretolate rates, which are now relatively higher than those obtaining elsewhere, shippers are unable to operate m the meantime; but an impression still prevails that present light stocks will not be sufficient for requirements. is scarcely probable that any very nmter si alteration will be experienced in the price this season. We quot. prime milling, stout and bright, 23fid to 2s lOd; best short bright feed, 2a 7d to 2s 8d ; medium. 2s 5d to 2s id ; lines for seed occasionally, 3s to 3s 3d, sackß extra (ex store). Barley is only in ,-err limited demand, and for malting only the choicest samples Have any attention. M.lling s occasionally inquired for, whilu feed is only saleable at nrices much below those of oats. We quote prime malting, 3a 7d to 3s 9d; medium, 3s 3d to 3s sd; feeil and milling, 2s 3d to 3s 2d (ex store). Gra3s Eeotts.—Hyegrass seed has an improved demand an i moving off slowly, and as the season advances the demand will be more pronounced. We quote best mnehine-dresaea 4s to 4a Gd; undressed, 3s to 3s 9d. Cocksfoot-in good supply, but slow of sale, at for best 4d to 4jd; interior to medium, 2^l to ?|d per Ib. Potatoes.—Owing to deliveries being ona moderate scale, the market continues firm and prices fully maintained. Best Northern are worth 90s to 955; best Southern, 82s 6d to 87s 6d ; inferior, 30s to 65s per ton. Pairy Produce.-—We have no improvement to report in the tone of the market, which continues dull and unsatisfactory. Both cheeße and butter are dull of sale. Quotations nominal. -

fl'Ae; individual reports of wool, rabbits/cm, or grain brokers can be iiisertei in the Daily Times and Otago Witness at special rates.']

GRAIN AND SEED REFOBT. Messrs Samuel Orr and Co., Stafford street, report for the week ending July 24 as follows:—The weather during the past week has generally been fine, the frost not having- been sufficiently Bevero to interfere with the outside operations necessary for farming at this Season of the year. In the Sonth it Is, howaver, cold, and frost severe. The past week has been marked by an easier tone generally in the grain markets, but more particularly in oats, even though arrivals are a mere bagatelle. Wheat.-Locally there is only a hand-to-mouth business passing, as millers show no disposition to lay in heavy stocks even though lower prices are open to be accepted by agents, and more especially for Southern grown. As to the crop prospects abroad, Kussian exports do not Improve, frost in Canada, floods in the American States, very bad weather in France, doing much mischief; still with all these being unfavourable our London market does not exhibit any signs of animation, though their stocks are light. Sydney, too, is a bit of a drug. With no increase in duty Melbourne might open up ffesh pictures for us, if prices recede a little more. We quote: Prime milling, 3s 9d; Tußcan, 3slod; ordinary, 3s 6d to 3s 7£d; medium, 3s 3d to 3s 6d; fowls' feed, 2s 6d to 3s Id.

Oatß.—These are quiet, but what makes them more co is a disposition on the part of some holders to press Bates by auction, which is most disastrous to growers. When a market is on the downward track It la a wretched policy, which was forcibly exhibited last season. Speculators as a rule have no stocks worth speaking of—so different from former ve«rs; and as they know they are good stock, will purchase when they are ■' thrown" at. them at 2d to 3d a bushel under market value; but then it means a breakdown of the market, which it is often impossible to get made right again. Moreover, our friends on the other side are not slow to know these tilings, and reduce their limits accordingly. These pressing sales can only be obviated by growers holding off till the market is actually in a position to purchase. Melbourne, we all know, haa h large stock, but this year is all in first hands, dealcrs-or, in other words, retailers— who sell to consumers having but little, white the consumption is enormous. The late drop was brought about by small holders, who could not afford to lay out of their money, putting them on the market at reduced prices so as to realise. Knowing all these " ins and outs," and that our own crop is short of former years, we see not the slightest reason for growers to go sacrificing, and more especially when the season is in its infancy. In giving quotations we may say they are nominal—say, for prime milling. 2s lOd ; heavy bright feed, 2s 8d to 2s 9d ; ordinary, 2s6dto 2s 7d.

Barley.—This is very flat, and but little business Chaff .—The market for good clean oaten sheaf is good, as we sold a quantity thisweek for Mr William Muir, Manuka Creek, at £4 2a 6d. Potatoes.—Great complaints are now being made of the quality coming forward, and farmers should guard against sending in any frosted ones, as they can be better utilised by feeding pigs at home than spoiling their whole parcel. We quote: Northerns, £4 los; Southerns, £4 to £1 5.1.

Seeds.—Ryegrasa: Sales are now being made at, for machine dressed—Poverty Bay. 6s 6d to 7s ; local grown (machine dressed), 4s 8d to ss. Cocksfoot : The market, at Home being new open for supplies a good many parcels have found their way there, thus causing prices North to advance, and as the season moves on are likely to harden further. We qnote 2}d to 3Jd, according to quality. Clovers : Our supplies are now to hand per Caitloch and Plcione, and as they have been selected with great care at Homo, we would ask purchasers to compare our samples and prices, as they will be found most favourable with any on the market. Wool.—We are now prepared to make liberal advanceß on large clips for sale in the London market.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 8555, 25 July 1889, Page 2

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 8555, 25 July 1889, Page 2

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 8555, 25 July 1889, Page 2