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Prouerticfi for Saio and to Lot. T^ 0 U SAh 10 or hJOA BE. ' iIAYSIVATISH ISSTATK. The Undersigned invite olfer= fur thin line ICulafc, situated mi the Jncih river, Suiit.lilnnd. finest, in the district, being composed entirely of alluvial river Ihit land. All tlie necessary liuHd ings are on the l'roperty. For further particulars apply to THH SCOTTISH AND NHW ZEALAND Sl.iy INVJCSMIHNT. COM ['ANY (LTD.). ' Public 'Companies. OKTIT qiTKKNKI.AND INHUIIANCK UOjU-I'ANY. The Undersigned, Agent,-, for DUNISIMN and OAM AltU, is prepared hi accept every description o MAHINIS lIUJ3INKSS. Including l'rozeiiMwitiiKiilnsLail risk, . A(,.low;est, Current Kates. J. K. HANSON. f;jy ,/ ■ lUnd direct, Dunediii^ f^Y\v"7^V; AhA N D iNSUB AN O X n ■■■'" ' CiWW'AH*. '•IKH'mV'I WAUJNK JtlirKS . Accepted i(.t 1.11 WK S 'i' OVI!!i li X t II ATIS 3. JAMKU U-DOMc, Manager. (imi'Ms High »1.n«i1.. KiiinwUn. illau rfiVUM ~\I ~N~I TK I) INSUIUNOK 1 COHU'ANY CAPITAL... ... ... .» £500,000 With Unlini.tfld Liability of Shareholders. H«ad (Mlioo: (ionri;t'6i.iCTiC, Sydney. Thi)iinders, K ncd, agents lor OlaRO fo above Company, are prepared lo undertake every description of Marine liuiiinoso al the lowost current rates. All Losses settled promptly on tho spot without reference to Australia. NKUjIj and CO. (Limiticd Ajjenls, •Km Dond street, Dunedln. N S U~E A~~ N C E. THIS AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY (Fire, Marine, aid Guarantee). We are prepared to accept Kre. Marine, and Guarantee Risks at Lowest Current Rates. Lossea promptly paid in Dimedin. K. 11. LKAHY & CO., 24s Agents for Dunedin. ■vromviCH union fire insurance SOCIETY. j INSURANCES effected at lowest current rates. LOSSES from Fire and Lightning covered. Claims Settled with Promptitude and Liberality. Agents for Otago, j THK PERPETUAL THUSTBKS, ESTATE. AND AGKNCY COMPANY OP NEW ZEALAND | (LIMITED), j li.ri'THAv sTiiiiiiT, Bu.vitmy. T&.TORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE JCI INSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON and EDINBURGH. Established 1808. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Capital ... ... £2,500,000 0 0 Paid up ... ... .125,000 0 0 Fire Reserve Fund, 15H5... I,(SSt!,4SB 0 0 Net Fire Premiums, ISBS 1,M5,510 11 i Total Losses, 1885 ... (315,228 11 5 Lowest rates, and prompt settlement on the spot. MURRAY, ROISISRTS, and CO., Cbiof Agents for Otago and Southland. Also Agciits for tlie Universal Marine Insurance Company of London. Me'Ucal. -\rOVTHVUL VIGOUR, HAPPY MAI4 JL KIACiE, HEALTHY OFFSPRING: A Medical Treatise by that cmincut French Hospital Physician, Dr UAHOnSKI, showing sufferers how they may cure themselves of Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, He.. &c. Sent by post for six penny (N.Z.) stamps.—Address PARISIAN, P.O. I3ox 76(i, Sydney. " A boon to ail desiring ' odf-cure.' "—Medical Review. 9j ONE BOX of OLAKKK'S 3 i\ i'lLI.3 is warranted f. curi: all tlerangemento of tho urinary organs in either ocx (acquired or constitutional), urav&l, and pains in the back.- Sold in j boxes, 4s tfd each, by all Chemists.—Proprietors ; The Lincoln anil MMliwul o'onntlM Drug Company, Lincoln. England. Wholesale Aleuts: Barclay sii.l Sons, Luiuion ii-.ul a!! thu wholesale bpus.-s SURE RKMIODY FOR BALDNESS. lIICKMAN'S KCLIPSii lIAIK PRODUCER. (Registered.) IMS PREFAHATI;:-:; IiCLII'SES ALL OTHERS. A NKW DISCOVERY For tlie Growtli of Hair on tlie Head and Face, for removing and preventing Dandruff, and arresting the fall of the Hair. It cures any Disease of tlie Scalp, and causes new growtli on the head after being bald for years. Where it has become weak and thin, from whatever cause, it quickly restores it to its natural vigour. Hundreds of Residents in Cbristchurcb can testify to the fact that J. lIICKMAN was COMPLETELY BALD for many years, and alter trying every known remedy without effect, he discovered this wonderful preparation, and by its use has restored his hair. Each Bottle contains supply for one Price, 43, of S. S. UANNISTKR, A. G. PBfCK, WILKIXSON and PETTIT, A. M. LOASBY; Wholesale Agents, N.Z. IHIUG COMPANY. 2f.f jT> H 3 P X Ie R~S A F PRIVATE DISPRNSAKY, PERMANENTLY ESTABLISHED IN WELLINGTON. FOR THE SCIENTIFIC AND SPEEDY CURE OF CHRONIC, HEIiVOUS, AND SPECIAL DISEASES. THE EXPKRT SPECIALIST. I) R S I' B E R Is a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, United Stales. He has devoted a lifetime to, and is acknowledged to be the most Expert Physician in his specialty in the United States. Young Men an*? Middle-a^'d Man who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, I.os* of Energy ami Memory, Eruptions on tho l'aee, Mental Depression, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, fee., &c, will do well to consult Dr Specr. Hospital Experience:—Having been Physician in one of the Leading Hospitals of the United States enables him to treat all troubles with excellent results. He wishes it distinctly understood that lie does not claim to perform impossibilities. He claims only to be a skilled and successful Physician, thoroughly informed in his specialty—Chronic Diseases of Men and Women. All applying to him will receive his honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. He will guarantee a positive cine in every rase he undertakes, or forfeit £200. CouBultalion in office, or by letter, Free. Charges moderate. Examination and Advice Free. Call or Address—Dr H. J. SPEER, Wellington. N.H.—All Medicines necessary for a complete cure can be sent SPEER is thesonly Gazettad^MedicapMa'u^n'New Zealand who advertises as Specialist. For confirmation see Gazette, January 21st, 1836. Address: G.P.0., Wellington. Ifimy A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEBOHAM'S PILLS are admitted by Thousands to be worth a Guinea a Pox for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as wind snd pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss ot tppetite, shortness of breath, costlveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, *c. The Brst dose will give relief In 20 minutes, l'bls 1b no fiction, for theyliave done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these PiUs.and they will beacinowledged WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable as a few doses ot them carry off all gross humours! open all obstructions, and bring about all that Is required. No female should be without them. There is no inedicino to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to tbe directions given with each box they will 6oon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of tlie liver they act like " MAGIC," and a few doseß will be found to work wonders upon tho most important organs in tlie human machine They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of »ppetite, and arouse into notion with the ROSEBUD 31 health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These ar* " FACTS" admitted by tlioulands, embracing nh clhsses of society; aim one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated Is: BEECHAM'S PILLS have the Largest Sale of my patent medicine in the world. Full directions are given with each box. Sold by til Druggißts and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout the Colonies. «{ PILLS \.J FRBB KROM MBRCURY. COCKT.K'S PILLS; VOH iIVHK. PILLS \j FOR BILK. OOOKLE'S I'ILUs YOU IHDISKSTION. /OOOKLiii'a PILLS \j COX HKAimtUUH. PILLS %U I'OH SiCK nVA-jA'-H!-, #^CUKJ,K'H PILLS l.j ton acidity. fnOCJELsCf? F'LLH \j )\! V'iV '.iV'SIIi'WIIKJiK jTIOCELE'S PILLH \^ IS USE EiO!i"l'V-if?VV, YVIMI3. 1:\ iJo:>fti at a lid, ;e !.,"!, i: fi-.1, l\i, .-.mi 'Pit, ■■••: nil K.-.llcl™ Vmidnrs Miriiiisf.'i.iijf. Hit W«rl<3. j —Experiments made by tho German War Oilice have proved that melinite decomposes if kept long, and it is therefore useless for war purposes.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7928, 20 July 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7928, 20 July 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7928, 20 July 1887, Page 4