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Medical. YOUTHFUL VIGOUIS, HAITY MAR KIAGE, HEALTHY OFFSPRING: J Medlual Trciitiso hy Hint eminent French Hospitn I'hysiulan, Ur RAIiONSKI, BhoM-ing BiilTcrnrs lien they may euro thrmeelvca of Nurvoiifl Debility, l,(ia Manhood, &<!., .to. Sent, li.v post fur six puuu (N.Z.) stamps.—Address PARISIAN, 1.0. Box 7IK Sydney. "A boon to all diwini' ' sulf-eura.'"—Medic; Review. jij () 10 X X M 0 V A I ""RJEIX'S BOTANIC DISPENSARY. AFTER 10 Years of Successful liusiiiof carried on in our present Premises, wnW TQ>EMOVING to our Own at 71 Cfcore JLftJ street, 11 Doors Farther South (name side). T7|7"E expect to bo Removed by the end c V T present Month, when \vu hope our fmSTOMEJiS will Kive us ;i Call. AY \_V wish to remind nil Suffering from CIOLD, Imiigmul Hrnncliiiil Affections th: J our Jloliiniu Medicines nru 11 Certain Cine. its, INIMITABLE Magio Hair Vigour (Hay kins')— Greatest Restorer extant, Is, la Od, m; 4s (Id.—MO George street, Dunedin. CERTICURA Healing Ointment (Hay kinsI)— Cures ulcerated legs of long atitiulin Numbers of testimonials, Is lid and as (id. OTHERS Kail; Hawkins' Corticura Pi Remedy iioi-cr fails to euro. Sufferers ehou try it. Trice, 2a (id. BK M'DADE'S Stool and Fonnyroy: Pills, .'ls 6d Uox ; thousands testify to tlic efficacy; indispeneablo to ladies. MRS HAWKINS' Female Pills relici . nil diseases to which ladies are subject. PKICE, 2s Gd, 3s (id, and 5s Box; To warded to address on receipt of Btnmps i postal order. ADVICE FRElC—Consult personally ( by letter MHS LOUISA HAWIUN Medical Herbalist, 140 George street, Duncdi Send stamp for reply. 18 in. i? 3 V X 3C X s..f ruivate dispensary, permanently established ik wellington. for the scientific and speedy cur of chronic, nervous, and special diseases. the expert specialist, D It SPUE 11 Is a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Ha yard Collego, United States. He has devoted a lif time to, and Is acknowledged to l>e the most Expe Physician in his specialty in tho United State Young Men niu] Miudlo-aged Men who suffer fro Nervous and Physical Debility, Loss of Energy ai Memory, Eruptions on the Face, Mental Dopressio Kidney and Bladder Troubles, &c.,&c, will do Wf to coiißiilt Dr Spcer. Hospital Experience:—Having been Physician ] one of the Leading Hospitals of tho United Stab enables him to treat all troubles with excellent r Eults. Ho wishes it distinctly understood that 1 does not claim to perform impossibilities. Ho clam only to bo a skilled and successful Physioin: thoroughly informed in his specialty—Chronic Di eaBCB of Men and Women. All applying to him wi receive his honest opinion of their complaint!, fi experimenting. Ho will guarantee a positive cm in every case lie undertakes, or forfeit £200. Coi sultation in office, or by letter, Free. Charges mod rate. Examination and Advice Free. Call or A. dress—Dr It. J. SPEER, Wellington. N.H.—A , Medicines necessary for a complete euro can be soi . secure from observation on receipt ot symptoms. I SPEER is the only Gazetted Medical Man in Ne 1 Zealand who advertises as Specialist. For confirm Mon sea Gazette, January 2M, 1886. Address: G.P.0., Wellington. lflrn . 'TOTQR THB BLOGD IS THE LlifE -&- C J. A !i X B 3 fTOIUuD-PAJKED 81.00 B BIIIDIIS THB &F.K&T BLOOD PURHTIEHnndRBSTOREi Hac the LAHGKST SALE of any Mediclno in the World. l?or oleaiulug and oloaring tho blood Jrom all i| lifes, It cannot bo too higly reoomroendcu. Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin DHukbub, and nre» < fill hinds, it in r, never-foiling and permanent onro : St Cares Old Sores. r • Cures Ulcerated Sores on Uin Heck. Caret Ulcerated Soro Legi. Cure* Blackheads, or Plmplei on Mia I'aat Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin D!s6asee. Cures Glandular Swellingi. Clears the Blood from all impnrs matter. From whatever cause arising. Af thl« mixture is 2)lea3aut to the taste, and wai rantod free from anything Injurious to tho moi delicate constitution oi either ocx, the proprletoi •oliolt Bufforora to givo It a trial to tost its value. Thousands ol Tostlmonialu from all Parts. Sold in Bottles, 2» 9d each, and in oases, contaii Ing six times the quautity, Us each—sufficient t i efleot a permanent cure in the majority of loni ; ttandlng caßOj—by a l! Clumlsts and Patent Mod 1 cine Vendort throughout the world. 3ole Proprietors, THH LIHCOLN AND MIDLAND OOUHTIE I DKUQ COMPAHy, LINCOLN, EK&LAHD. Trade Hark—"BLOOD MIXTURH." Biport Agents—All tho London V/holeialo Hon Ageutu for New Zealand: KBMPTHOBHH, PKOSSKR, and CO., Wholesale Druggists, nPEBDIET and AHCKLABD. ! T>OWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEEI pOWELL'S BALSAM OP ANISEED. pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED Due de Montabor writes :— " Chateau de Montabor, Aveyrou. ; '' Sir,—Having suffered for some time from ai i obstinate cough, accompanied with fever, con Millions headaches, and sleepless nights, I re solved, after having vainly tried several othe: medicines, to have recourse to your Balsam o Aniseed. I cannot resist, Sir, the desire o i making you acquainted with the really marvel lons results which I derived from it. From tin first dose I felt great relief, the bad symptom' grew feebler, the irritation of the throat wni calming down, and I recovered the sleep whicl nearly left me. The third dose relieved me com plctely, and I am now completely restored to im health. ; " Receive, Sir, with the expression of my gra titude, the assurance of my distinguished Eenti mcutß. "DUO DE MOSTADOB." 1 "ipOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, kc. TjlOE COUGHS, BHONCHITIS, &o. TpiOß COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, &o. MIJ THOMAS A. SHERIDAN, of Elphin, Ireland, writes: " For three days and nights I was a stranger to rest and sleep, racked and almost killed with a hard cough. I tried all kinds of remedies, but to no purpose. At length a friend kindly supplied me with a quarter of a small bottle of your Balsam and told me to try it, which I accordingly did. The result has been miraculous. The cough has almost ceased, and 1 have once more found out (thanks to your Balsam) what it is to enjoy sleep and life." POVYELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED "pOWELLy BALSAM OF ANISEED. T>OWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. pOWELL'S BALSAM OP ANISEED. The following letter has been received by Mr T Powell from William Boards, Esq., an eminent agriculturist and land agent, residing at " Nightingale Hall, Edmonton. "Dear Sir,—l have recently suffered much from a most violent cough, proceeding from a tickling in my chest, which no remedy out of many 1 have reß orted to could allay. My head was constantly aching, and my whole frame was entirely shaken. Having 6een the good effects of your Balsam of Aniseed in several members of my family, I purchased a small bottle, and when going to bed at night took a teaspoonful in two tablespoonfuls of water just warm. The effect was immediate; it arrested the tickling in my chest. I slept well, and arose perfectly restora in the morning, with the exception of debility arising from fatigue by incessant coughing for some days previous. My cough entirely left, and has never returned. Having Binee heard of a lady in the neighbourhood who for a long time had laboured under il most distressing cough, and who had resorted to every remedy within her knowledge, I sent the remainder of the bottle to her, and that long-standing, obstinate, and (as ehe thought) incurable coSgk w as perfectly cured.—l am, dear Sir, yours very truly, " Wm. Boards." FOR ASTHMA, INFLUENZA, &c. "Clou ASTHMA, INFLUENZA, So. TjTOK ASTHMA, INFLUENZA, &o. THE OLDEST and MOSTEFFECTUAL COUGH REMEDY. " H.M. Gunboat Netley, Wick, Scotland. "Dear Sir,—Having had a moat distressing and severe cough, which caused me many sleepless nights and restleßs days, 1 was recommended by his lordship the Karl of Caithness to try your most invaluable Balsam of Auiseed, and I can assure you with the first dose I found immediate relief, even without hariug to suspend my various ditties, and the first small hottlo completely cured me; therefore, I have the greatest conlidence in fully recommending it to the million. (Signed) " W. Li.vzeli., H.M. Gunboat Netley." Lionel Brough, Esq., the eminent actor, writes :—" I think it an invaluable medicine for members of my profession, and have always recommonded it to my brother and sister artistes." POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. : SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND MEDICINE : VENDORS THROUGHOUT IHE WORLD. Wholesale Agents in the Australian and New Zea- : land Colonies:-Sydney-Elliot Brothers, Hoffnimg and Co. Melbourne—Felton, Grimwadc, and ' Co., P. and S Falk, Rocke, Tompsitt, and Co., Rosenthall, Hemmons, Laws, and Co. Brisbane- I Elliott Bros., Berkeley, Taylor, and Co. Adelaide - ' Faulding and Co. "Now" Zealand — Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co., Duuedin, Auckland. Christchurch a and Wellington ; und of Pharmaciens in most of the chief towns of Europe, and of respectable Chemists throughout the world, at Is l|d and i's ad each. A Family Bottles, 11s. PUOMIIETOH, THOMAS POWELL, Blackfriars road, London Obscrve-The words " Thomas Powell, Blackfriars road, London," are, by permission of her Majesty's " Honourable Commissioners of Stamps, engraved in white letters upon a red ground in the Government A 6tamp affixed over the top of each bottle, without which they cannot be genuine; also the trade LION, NET, and MOUSE On the Outside of the Wrapper. "OOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. / pOWELLS BALSAM OF ANISEED. -. pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. ANY IMITATION OK INFRINGEMENT OF OUR TRADE MARK. "LION, NET, and MOUSE,1 WILL HE PROSECUTED WITH 'CUE UTMOST RIUOUR ■■!•' THIS LAW. ASK 'FOR IpOWELL'o UALSAM OF ANISEED, '" RKI-KSB IMITATIONS. ESTABLISHED OVKK SIXIX XEAKS. 2Sjo

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7927, 19 July 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7927, 19 July 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7927, 19 July 1887, Page 4