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Medical. I ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 PILL 3 is warranted to cure all derangements of the urinary organs in. either ccx (.acquired or constitutional;, gravel, and pains In the back.—Soldfln boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists.—Proprietors: The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England. Wholesale Agents: Barclay and Sons, London and all the wholesale houses. —— : : lyr erv ov s debility. Dr B. C. Wkst's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay, and death, Premature Old Age, Bar-: renness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse, or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 5s 6d a box, or six boxes for 27s 6d, sent by mail prepaid on receipt oi price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with 27s 6d, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JOHN C. WEST and CO., 65 Market Street, Svdnky. JAMBS NBIL, Herbalist, Sole Agent, Dunedin, New Zealand. Circular sent free on application. . . £100 K-l wA■- D' We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, or Costiveuess.we cannot cure with West's Vegetable-Liver Piixs when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and neverf ail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar-coated pills, ls 3d, For sale by all Druggists.. Beware of counterfeits aud imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST and CO., 65 Market Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Sold by JAMBS NEIL, Herbalist, Dunedin, New Zealand. .-. Sent prepaid by post on receipt of ls 3d per box in stamps. w w w WEST'S WORLD'S WONDER Or FAMILY LINIMENT. Infallible remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia Lumbago, Gout, Sprains, Cuts, Bur us, Scalds Bruißes, Headache, Mumps, Hip Disease, Whiti Swelling, Felons, Chilblains, Whitlows, Chappet Hands, Frozen Feet, Bites of Insects, Sore Throat and all diseases requiring external application. Sole by all Chemists and Dealers. Price, Is 3d and 2a 6d per bottle, JOHN C. WEST and CO., Sole Proprietors, Sydney, Chicago, and Toronto,. ; ' "• Sold by JAMES NEIL, Herbalist, Dunedin, New Zealand. 19ji "T7USR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE, JCCLA B X B S WORLD-FAME) BLOOD MIZTD B 1 THB GBHAT BLOOD PURIFIER andBBSTOBHH Hai the LARGEST SALB of any Medicine in the World. Vor cleansing and clearing the blood from all It itles, it cannot be too hlgly recommended.Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and lorei'■ o all kind*, tt it a never-failing and permanent cure. It Curei Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimplei on tha Fioe. Cures Scurvy Sores. Caret Cancerous Uloert. Cure* Blood and Skin Disease*, Cure* Glandular Swellings. Clean the Blood from alf impure matter. From whatever cause arising. Ai this mixture it pleasant to the taste, and wai ranted free from anything Injurious to the'moi delicate constitution of either sex, the .proprietor solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test Its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all Parts. Sold ln Bottles, 2s 9d each, and in cases, contain . Ing six times tho quantity, lis each—sufficient t effect a permanent cure in the majority of long standing cases—by all Chemists and Patent Mcd! cine Vendors throughout the world. Sole Proprietor!, THB LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIHI DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Trade Mark—"BLOOD MIXTURE." Hxport Agents—All the London Wholesale Hou Agents for New Zealand: KBMPTHORNB, PROSSBR, and 00., Wholesale Druggists, DUNBDIN and AUCKLAND. /CONSUMPTION CURABLE " MR G. T. CONGREVE ON CONSUMPTION And ITS SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT, Showing that direful disease to be curable In ,a its stages; with observations on ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS; Ac." (From the Christian Herald, March 31,1886.) " MR G. T. CONGREVE'S TREATMENT of COB SUMPTION and OTHER CHEST DISEASES continues to be made a great blessing to sufferer! \ and wide, in every part of the Kingdom." "The world and we ourselves owe him a debt c gratitude. Not long since we placed a young lad under his care, who has recovered her health, ani we need only point to the cases (Mr Congreve i publishing one every week), many of which hai been given up as past all hope." " There can be no doubt that for Consumption ani other chest complaints Mr Congreve is a specialist c the i first order and stands unrivalled. Certain! there has been no other discovery in medical soienc from which the consumptive patient may gather s much hope as from hiß." ■ — "The one hundred and thirty-three cases ■which Ar recorded In Mr Congreve's book are a most convlneln, testimony; but what have been long a marvel ar ;the cases of cure which have been published fo several years past in the weekly journals (our owi included), one every week."—(The reader is referre to= the Christian World, Christian Age, Christia: Globe, &c, Ac.) The Author (Mr Congreve, of Coombe Lodge Peckham, London) has been urgently entreat© to make his treatment known in all the Burns] Colonibs. The price of the Book is Sixpbncb ; or Skvknpkncb Post Free. Published by UPTON ft C 0., Auckland, And may be ordered through any Bookseller. TTT ORTH A GUINEA A BOX BEECHAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are admitted by thousandi BEECHAM'S PILLS, to be worth a Guinea a Bo> for Nervous and Bilious Dia BEECHAM'S PILLS, orders, such as wind and pah In tbe stomach, tick head BEECHAII'B PILLS, ache, giddiness, fulness anc < ■welling after meals, dlril BEECHAM'S PILLS, ncsa and drowsiness, cole chills, flushings or heats, lo* BEECHAM'S PILLS. Of appetite, shortness o B; breath, costiveness, scurvy EECHAM'S PILLS, blotche. on ths gicin, dii , turbed tlnav, frightfu BEECHAM'S PILLS, dreams, and aTI nervous anc trembling sensations, Ac BEECHAM'I PILLS. The first dose will give relic in twenty minutes. This ii BEECHAM'g PILLS, no fiction, for they hare don< • _ it in thousands of esses BEECHAM'S PILLB. Every luff.rer is earnestl] _ Invited to try one box ol BEECHAM'S PILLS, these Pill., and they will b« acknowledged to be WOBTE OEECHAM'S PILLS. A GUINEA A BOX. BEECHAM'S FILM. For femauTof all at« B' 7 ;■._.., theec Pills ar* invaluable, v EECHAM'S PILLS, a few dose* of them carry of _ all humour*, and bring aboul BEECHAM'S PILLS, all toa. ta requlrSt N< female should be without BEECHAM'S PILLS, them. There i. no medlcim to be found to equal BEE BEECHAM'S PILLS. CHAM'S : PILLS^r 'ra moving any obstruction oi BEECHAM'S PILLS. IrregufarityVthY ~st.m _ _ H taken according to th« "DEECHAM'S PILLS, direction, given With «*ck tvprpraws put* J° x * ,they. "?. U "^ rirtoM L>EECHAM*B PILLS, female, of all age. te sound A-». and roburi health. OEECHAM'S PILLS. _ TVEEdHAM'S PILLS. A*£s*%£& & BeECHAMS PILLS. -^^S^EI VVTCKPHAITH PIT T* A<m*JmiXl *• to«»* *° WOr. D&J&HAM S PILLS, wonder, upon the most im -.EOHAMS PILLS., machine. They etrengthen . a a _.>a D „ T . Ihe.whol* muwular syßtem, OEECHAM'S PILLS, restore the long-lost com-BFSVHAM-n PiTTp P'Bxl°«>. brln ? back the keen EECHAM S PILLS, edge of appetite, and arouss Bsrvrtsrt*,,* ,>.,,_ •«» action With the ROSEBUD EECHAM'S PILLS, of health the whole physical i-»wwuAir« pttto J5l erffy °'the h«mi«» frame. DEECHAM S PILLS. These are the " FACTS" »d----riPFrHAU's pitt* P l"^ bl emO EECHAM 8 PILLS, bracing all clease. of society, BFFfIHAUXJ PITT* J nd /?*£ fe€ bßit £"•«•»«>• bKUHAM S FILLS, tees to the nervous and deBFFPHAwa pitt* W'M^isthatßEECHAM'S EECHAM S PILLS. PILES have the largest sale gEECHAH'S PILLS. J^l»*«» »•*<&• tatto ID EECHAM'S PILLS. Prepared "o_Jj, and sold T=»FFOHAWfi pit t a Whole.i^ «d Retjul by the IJfcK^IiAMB PILLS, proprietor, T. BEECHAM, t^ttpph a xi'. pit t > C£ Bmi?t,'St. Helen., LancaDEbCHAMS PILLS, shire, in boxes, ls li and 2a i^Bßmriifw n „ T o Meach. Sent post free from DEECHAM'S PILLS, the proprietor^cr 16 or 55 BFFPHAM'<J PITT* *?** , S°ld b * drU«EECHAM S PILLS, rists and patent medicine gEECHAMS PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. N.8.-FnH "direction, are flvea with each box. CTILL TRIUMPHANT! The following Medicines have been for many yean highly approved of by the Publio and a Gold Medal awarded for them at the Chrlstchuroh Exhibition, viz.:— FOR HORSES-. Colic or Gripe Drink Blister Ointment Embrocation Grease Ointment Condition Powders Hoof Oil. Worm Powders FOB DOGS: Distemper Powders Mange Ointment. FOR HUMAN USEi RHEUMATIC BALSAM and Cough Syrup. Bvery Article that bear, my (S.S.) Trade-? >Mark, ( Also my Name, I 8 GUAHAH TKBD. Beware of Spurious Imitation. CAUTION. Whereas S. SLESINGKR, the oldest and most renowned Veterinary Practitioner in the Australian Colonies—who has introducedJMs unfailing remedies and educated the Publio to tisat their own Horses, Cattle, or Dogs by offering his medicines at a very low price (for the different diseases, see circulars)— has, after obtaining a good sale for them, now to caution the Public against Spurious Imitations of his Remedies. Some unprincipled people are trying to push the sale of their abominable rubbish in opposition to the genuine article, and Mr Slteslnger warns his Customers not to be gulled or duped by such S.S. impostors or their agents. See that my Name and Trade Mark Is attached to every V.B. article. J I will shortly give you the names and number of those villains who are now trying to ruin me, U they could, by forcing the sale of the spurious imitations. SAML. SLESINGBR, .. .. . VeterinarySurfeeon.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7777, 22 January 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7777, 22 January 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7777, 22 January 1887, Page 4