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PORT CHALMERS. 'rMe«.—Kiffh wat6r. V and O, i boi-.tii 50 minutes; tide 5 feet 7 inoiioo. PHASKS Oi" THK MOOS. <CaloulateU (ur N->% /.wwuij mean Mmffl. Ja.vuarv. D II M Firet Quarter ... 2.11 SO.- pm. Ful Monn ... to ... 10 l' 3 a ro. Last Quarter ... 17 .. 2 .'2.0 am. M.-W Mmiii ... ... 21 ... '/■ 31 1p m. Perigee, 13 i 5-x 30m p m Ap gee, i'3i 6h aOm p.m. Thk Weathkr: January s.—Wind s> .E We^tli^r fine. Sam. IN'oon. 5 p m. Barometer ... 30.34 30.31 30 31 Thermometer ... 6ti 80 S2 ( At the Heads .... ... 0.7 p.m. Jan. 6 VAc Port Chalmers ... 0.47 p.m. (At Dunedin ... ... 1.32 p.m. AP.RIVALS. Grafton, s.s., 297 tons, Nordstrom,from the North. J Mills, agent. Passengers: Mra waldie. Misses Forbes. K,auo, Wheeler, Messrs Wheeler, Langbein, Luukhail, Mandell, -rvant, Walker. Omvpere, s 3., 352 "tons. Smith, from the West Coist,. J Mills, agent. Passengers: Misses Evans, Milhson, Captain l'urnbull; 2 steerage. W,.ihora. s.^., 1*69 tons, Po ham, irom Sydney, via the Kast Coast. J Mills, ag ut. Passengers — M'Larrn, Hustwick, Ward. Pefctierick, Mnney, Somerville, M'Glashan, Morris.>n, Misdames Dobbie, Sioan and two nhiMren, Kirk and daughter, Heavey and tiaiuhtor; Rev. B and vlrs Comiiu, Captain and Mrs Ponsonby, Mr and Mrs Kdwards, Captain M'La en.Mes rs Marks, Howell, Scott, Starling, Deeheri, *<lallard, Houston, Pir c, Adims, Foiter, Sevihe, Ricketts, Muff, U.ibson, Weigall, Bultean, Masters Urasch i_2) ; 12 sieer.ige. DEPARTURES. Wairarapa, s.s., 102} ons Uuattield, for Sydney, via the Bast Uoa3'. P.isseugera: For Lytteftoi— Miss Helyer, 11 s Calvert, Messrs Troup. Blackie. For Welliu.ton—Airs Ailmau and cuild, Mr and Mrs BlacKaddar. Messrs Martin and For-yth. lor Napier—Mr and Mrs Aauenden ami 2 clnldre \ Mi-s Satten. For Gisbuine—Misaea BlackaUUer (2). For Auckland—Mis es He m tt, Messrs Macmrlaue, Clark, Nell. Court (2) Smith. For Sydney—Mr and Mrs Cam -ron ; and 13 >tearage. IV-kapo s.s ,1 00 11. s, Anderson, for Syduey, via Oamaru and Ceok strait. J Mills, agent. BXPBCTBD ARRIVALS. Prom Loudon — Waimate, ship, 1124 tons, Canese, NMFS. Taranaki, ship, 1130 tons, Gordon, QMWf. Waimea, barque, 818 tons. QSKI); Bencleugh, ship, 1350 tons, Cromarty, PCJH. Fkom Pls-mouth —Coptic, s s., 4163 tons, Kidley, WOQR. Ituapehu, E.M.S., 4163 tons, Greenstreet, VdMH. Fko.h Mauritius .—Northern BeUe, schooner, 215 ons, WVMP. Fhvm Ltv hkpooi,, via WsiuaaTOH —Guinevere, barque, 879 tons. Ford. April 5, JHST. Brier Holme, barque, 891 ton 3, Johnstone, WTRF. FBum u-LA-iuow —Allahabad, Unique, IMS to is, WLNP, July 2. Pleiades, ship, 1040 • tons. Sefcten. MFKP. Trevelyan,ship, 1042 tons. Scottish Bard, barque, 859 tons, Mowat, PNCB. »wn s«» im* AOel Abbot, barque, 560 tons. Kud.Joiephy, 477 tons. William Phillips, barque. Fh >ai CaXcutta. —Thomas Bell, ship. S3? tous, VDCN. Fr >*a Hambu kck—Harmodi us, barque, 491 tons. Spiesen, KFPV(Ootob r3l>. Pnovi BuXuabekg Jasper, barquentine, 232 tous, WVPL (uecember 23j. IMPORIS. Per O.mtpere, from the West Coast: 605 bales wool, 17 pkgs s aidries. . Per Gratton, from the N rth: 195 bales 2 bags wool, 101 pkgs sundries. Per Waihora, from Sydney and the East Coast: 31 cases wive-, 35.'i ba-js's'ignr, 16 sacks peanuts, 1 c.ise tobicco, i b.ix jam, 1 <io luggage, 30 coils rope, 30 cases meats, 40 crates pines, 5(30 pkgs sugar, 2 biles brooms, 105 pkgs sundries. Ex lonic, i'r.un London: 210 ca*es, 3 bales, 2d ca ks, 1 ba ket, 9 ''dis twine. 2 trunks, V truss. Ex Rimutaka, from Loudon: 13 boxes, 1 tin, 1 crate, 1 chest, 1 s >ck, 10 pkgs From Welingion: 6 s fungus, 7 do rags, 4 crates, lo cases watars, 2J pkgs samples, 10 piles, 17 pkgs sundries. » SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. (Pbb Ujtitkd Press Association.) Auckland, Janua-y 5. Sailed: Penguin, from ihe Passengeis— Messrs J C Taunt, lil-aphy, Williams, S.-runners Yo ing, Mountf-irt, Dannluirr, F.iulder, Williamson; Coleman, (irove, Holmes, .tfesdames Thomson, Firth, Gibb. Faulder, Vi'ckman and infant, bidgecoiube, Henderson, Horsfoid, MUse» Hanby, Kowlaud, Smith, and 7 stus.age.

Wellixgvon, January 5. Sailed: Ttitorua, for the South. Passe igers— Mesdimes Dubbie, Whitehou-e, fctawkine, Archibald, Carroll, Ku ter, aud M Doll, Misses Thorns n, Hob-rtsoti; Wtiitehoise, Archibald, Wnerler. Browu,lee. Pc rce, aud Hawkins, Mes rs Colclo gh, Kincaid (2), Sayell, Fiyger, Walker, iloau, Whitehouse. Co ien. Wile •cks," nannadou, D-iualdsou, Smith. Btfid, and Ithlnd. (Kkuter's Telegrams.) , 3YD.\\Ei' f January 5. Sailed: Wakatipu, for Wellington. Plymouth, January 3. Arrived: P. and O.'a Tasmania., from Australia (November 18). ADELAIDE. January 6. The Orient Company's steamer Iberia, with the ontwird mails (IJ eember 3rd), arrived this afternoon. MOVEMENTS OF THB UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY'S FLEET. WkDN'ESDAr, JASUAKY 5. . Nelson.—Mahinapua arrived 2 a.m. from Wellington ; sailed no n for We tport. New t'lymoiith.—Penguin arrived early from Manuka i; sai.ed 7 a.m. lor Nelson. #u-s-I'.—Kotomali.ina arrived 6 a.m. from Auck- ' laud; sailed uoou f.-r Sydney. » ■' ■ « ' . Captain Tnrpri, of the Aorangi, left by' the Rimutaka for w ere he takes, command ot that steuner. Captain Sutciff, who brought th« Rimutaka out this voyage, ia to tuke command of the Ao angi. Capt.iiu Hallett. late t t ie Kiiuutaka. has, we v i 'erstand, b eu appointed •hip* husband for the New Zealand bhipping Cornpa .y in London. Wellington Pr^fS. Tiie s.h. Grafton, from the North, arr'ved at Port Cha me' Sat 4 *m. \esterday. She left Wellingto at 11 20 am of. th* 2 A insV. H d S.E. winds and head seas. until sh<s passed the Kaikouras, and reached Lyttelton at 7 a-m. of the 3rd lust.; lett, njriiir .top ra.,c» 1 dat Akaroa, and left that port »t 11.30 ii.m., ar'iving at Timaru at 9 a.m. of the 4t.h ; left ag*i tnt 5 p.m., and arriv d»s ab ive. W, thank Mr C. K. luruer (the purser) for report and flies. Tr.e s.s. Omapere, from the West Coast, arrived a: Port Chalmers at 6 a.m. yesterday She left Gey mouth at 11.3J p.m. ontue3'th ult.. aud reached Nel-onitUp.m.oitheS st; sailed a^ ho'..ilater.andreached Weiiington*tlO •.m.outhelai inst..; Wt again at noon, aud an ived off I'imaru <t 9 p.m. of the 2nd inst,.: lett again at 6p.m. ;.>f the 3r inst., anl arrived at Oamaru at U p.m. of the same day : sxiled again at midnight, and arrived as bji'e. Experienced hue weather with sm othsei throughout the pa sag ». We thank Mr Brooks (the purser). i jr report and files. The 5.3. Waihora, from Sydney, via the Kas: Coast porta, arrived «t Port Uhalmsrs at 6 am. yesterday. She lett Sydney at 5 p.m. o: the 23rd v t,., and b 'tasteil the l hree Kings at 3 p.m. of the ■'••7th, arrii i g at Auckland at lo a tn. oi the 28i h; left, again at no m on the With ult., called at ana >apler. and reach-d Wellington at lo a.m. on the 2nd iust ; left again nt ft | the 3d. reached Lytteltm at 8 am.* of the 4th, lelt again at. 3.30 pm. and arrived ss übove. We mv indebted to Mr J. iVess Keith (the purser) for repot t file. T' a sB. Tekapo Bt amed down from Dunedin yesterday, and after embarking pas eng-rs sailed in the eve ling f>r Sydney, via Cook strait. The s.s. Wairarapa left Port Chalmers yesterdaj afternoon for Sidney, via the Bast Coast ports am » Auckland. ■-■ iTTheship Nelson is getting on rapidly with the idischtrge of her'inward cargo. Her 'teen decks are entirely clear, aud as usual it is turning out in tfpli-u.iid order. I'hf Bhip Waikato is rapidly filling up. She has ove-160U bales of wool aud skins, with 1600 aacke wheat and 40 pkg< sundries on bo ird. The-hip Marg.rct, Galbraith has oome 3300 bals of wool and sk'ns on boird. '1 he barquentine Northern Belle commenced discharging h-r- argo of tu^ar at the Dunedin cross wharf yesterday. It opened ou in splend'd order. The American barque Gleneida is fast filling up with her cario of oats for London. Her 'tween decks areuearly full. Th-> Americm barquentine William Phillips opened out her cargo yesterday at the Katuay street wharf. THB S S. COPTIC. The following passengers were hoi iked at London fo* New Zealand bythe s.s. Coptic on November 19:— First saloon : For Auckland -Mr and Mrs Drewe t. Mr Adams; for Wellington — Mes rs J Bull and Gollie; for Canterbury—Mr G B Bddwin: for Otawo —Mesdamrs Cotton and J B Low, R v G Bacon, Dr "Und Mrs Withers, and Or Stenlioust-. Se.'oiui sa'oon: for Auckland—Me dames W, od and Vivian Mr H Cranfield, Mr C Chapman aud t*unily. Mr A Blundell aud -'amily; for •■i-borne Miss B B ster ; tor Wellington—Miss L Sweetlaud; for Canterbury— Messrs R Bus.all, P Ha.-ris, and J Stevenson ; mi Utag .—Mesdames W G Al an and Tv ni.ull, Mr aim Mrs Wallace, M-ssrs J Menzies, GShmnon.WWatt, A and B Wayte; for invercirgill -Mr Al xauder no family. Th.rd class: lor Auckland—Mr G Armitage ano family, M«-srs Switzer, Wnite, aud U Day; for Wellington-Miss Hertfort, MrR Hall aid farniU, Messrs A J Davis. J.Hornby, « M*ek, ./.Polkinghorne, Wrayht, Ree^e.and A Wyboinn; fo^ Canterbury—Miss Mason, Mr and Mrs Bone, Me-srs J Har-ey, J Lipscombe, and Hi Snellins:; ior Otago— Mr and Mrs Ferguson, Mr and Mrs Frenne, Mr W L*ne; for Invercargill — Mesdames G and A Brown. _____

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7763, 6 January 1887, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 7763, 6 January 1887, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 7763, 6 January 1887, Page 2