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PORT CHALMERS. ' TIMB-BAU. AT JfOBT CIUiXaiSKB. New Zealand menu time at noon, calculated for the meridian of longitude, in time 11 hours 50 minutes east of Greenwich, will be signalled once n weak by a time-ball dropping at the instant of mean noon. q, iaiaron Heads,latitude 45.47 S.,longitnde 170.46 Sl 8. Koputal Bay, South Point, latitude 45.49 S.. long:tude 170.39 B. 1 ides.—High water, F and 0, 2 hour* 60 minute*; tide * feet 7 inches. A blue Qag will be hoisted at the mast-head, Port Chalmers signal-station, on tho forenoon of the day when the time-»ig"«' w"' *>* (riven. Thk Weather. January 3.—Wind jv .M. Weath»r fine. 8 am. Noon. spm, Barometer ... 30.26 30.26 .'i0.32 Thermometer ... «» 7<; 18 Hxaß Watw. (At the Heads ... ... 0.43 p.m. ( Jan.-l' lAt Port Chalmers ...10.28 p.m. > (At Dunedin ... ...11.13 p.m. DEPARTURE. Haweß, 8.5.. 462 tons, Hansby, for Northern ports, J. Mills, agent. ♦ SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. (Phb United Pkkss association.) Auckland, January 3. Sailed: Jnnrt Nicholl, for Tonga. Arrived-. Kimutai'a, from Wellington; Maripo9a. Capl am Hay ward, from Sydney. She left Sydney at 5 p in • 11 December 29, anil arrives on January 2 at 6.10 p.m. Passengers: For Auckland—Mr Churnsliie, # Dr J D.novan, D G old, F. C. Washborue; 15 faloo'll and 2S steerage in transit for 'Frisco. Thft R.M.3. Maripisa leit this eve .ing for Snn Franisco wt• 55 passengpr->. Among he through passengers is Mr Booth, th« temperance lecturer. Wkllinqvon. January 3. Sailed: WaihoM, for Melbourne via Souih. Passenaers: Miises s'etheriuk, unim-uond, Pinney, M'Glashan, srimerville. Kirk, M-Laren, Archibald. Morrison, Kedban. Mesdames Hosburg, Davies, Lo n and tw.i ciildren, G saett, Elder, Knox, M'Laren Archibald, Gooder. Ponsotiby, W.inl. Mr aud Mrs Maxwell, Mr and Mi-3 Levin, Mr and Mrs Teece, Hey. Decastro, Capt. Ponsonbv, Messre Bowman, Young, E.I war s. Mallard, 'lhnfnton, Drydeni Hookham. Crawford, Se=d. Keese, Whitare, Alder. Uunn, Houston, Startup. Bean.Briggs,Swain, Freewaters Seolt, Pirie, King, Wainwriglit, Has ers Branch (2) Ltttkltow, January 3. Sailed: Aoratigl, Mahinapua, and Koranui, for Wellington; Grafton, for Timaru. Bluff, January 3. The Wairarapa left Melbourne at 5 p.m. on the 39th, passed Port Phillip Heads at 7 10 p.m., and arrived at Hobart at 5 a.m. on the 3lst; left at 1 p.m., passed the Solanders at 5.15 a.m. on the 3rd, and arrivea here at 10 In a.m. Passengers :Mr antt Mrs G Turner, Messrs Henderson,- Salomons, Davies, and Richardson, Misses Fraser. Bertram, and Martell. For Dunedin—Messrs Warren, Walker, Ewing, M'Dougall, M'Q.ueen, and Maltby, Mrs Dobsoa, Miss Thomas. For Lyttelton—Messrs Pilcher, Irvine, and Oakley. Mesdtnaes Irvine and Puller, Misses Fuller, Biiber, and Hay ward. For Wellington—Messrs Ranger, Kitchen, and Roberts, ilr and Mrs Kitchen, Mi- and Mrs Robe, ts, Misses Young and Chorimer. For AuchJand—Mr Simpson, Master Thompson, Mrs Dimoek. For Sydney— Mils Flett. • (}{BUTKJi'S TKLKGHAMS.) Src»fEY, January 3. Arrived (yestsrday afternoon): Manapourl. Melboubxk, Januarys. The P. and O. Company's R.M.S. ISutlej nrrived | &hia morning. ■ ♦ The s.s.Tekapo proceeded to Dnneilin last evening, tendered by the s.s. Plucky. The s.s. Hawea left Dunedin yesterday afternoon for the North. The barquentine William Phillips was towed up to Dunedin yesterday morning by the s.s. Plucky. 'lhe steamers Beautiful Scar, Invercargill, Shag, and Kakauui made excursion trips yesterday. The barquentine Northern Belle was towed up to Dunedin yesterday afternoon by the b.s. Plucky. ARRIVAL OF THE NELSON. . The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's ship Nelson was reported as passing Cape Saunders on Thursday afternoon, and the smart little steam lug Plucky at o ice proceeded outside to tow her in' o the harbour. She was met in the lower harbour by the Customs steam launch, and all being well win promptly entered in by M- R T Macuona'd, the Customs surveyor. The Nelson is still under the command of our old friend Capiain Banoatyne, who is to be complimented on the; very neat order in which he brings the good ship into port. Her officers are—Mr Mathers, chief; Mr Stewart, second: Mr Munroe, third. She brings 2000 tons of cargo, of which 1200 ton* are measurement and the remainder deadweight, and will proceed to Dunedin to discharge. We 'are indebted to Captain Bannatyne for (,he report of her passage out, from which it appears she left the London docks at 4 a.m. on the 22nd September .and towed to Gravesend, where 954 packages of powder were taken in, and left again at 5 p.m . of th« same da , and towed to the North Foreland, where siil was set to a light N.B. breeze, which only took herns far as Start Point, were strong southerly and S.W. winds set in, tlie vessel finally taking her departure! from St. Agues at midnight on the 27th. rftrong S. and S.W. winds were experienced across the Bay, accompanied with heavy h°ad seas, the vessel being c>mpell-d to carry small ■»il during the great r part of the time ; ad indeed up till the loth October there was little chnnce of m iking a passage, when on that day the winds came a*ay northerly and north-west, aud lasted till the 30th degree of north latitude was reaahtd. A day's calm followed, and the next day the first of the N.B. trades were <elt. They proved light and we>c w 11 to the n rthward, and were all done in 12 N. Calms and light N.W. to S.W. airs set in afterwards, which took her as far as 4 N., where the S.B. trades ware picked up; and the equator was crossed on the 28th of October'in the 2Sth degree of west longitude. The S.B. trades were light all through, well to ■ the southward, and were all dune ia lafc 22 S. Light southerly winds set in for the next few days; the wind afterwards shifting to the northward and N.W., and blew strong for a few days, which gave her a good hitch along, ln-aoces-iibie Island andTrhtan d'Acuuha were sighted 01 the 12th November, and was there becalmed for four days. 'lhe meiidian of Greenwich was o-ossed on the 2lst November, and the usual Ve^rUes were picked up; the Cape of Good Mo^ft was breasted on the 25th, in Int. 41 S., and the Crozets 00. the 2nd December, in lat. 43 S. On 'kttie sth December, in lat. 44 S. and long. 67 8., a stro g revolving storm was felt, starting at N.E. and veering to the westward. It blew with hurricane force, and the Btiip ■ was brouuhr. to the wind for la hourß. Moderate N.W. winds were afterwards experienced till off the coast of Australia, and • euwin was passed on 14th December, and the island »f Tasmania on the 20th, the ship heing then in 47 S. Here a chang< Bft in,' the wind shifting to the south.«ard and blowing hard, and hauling to the eastward and 8.N.1i afterwards, and falling very light with a lot of fot and dirty wet weather, with little variation till the 35th, when light westerly airs and veering to the southward, where it blew with moderate force with - thi^k weather. The Snares were sighted on Monday 27tli, at 6 a.m Calms then set in and very lighi westerly airs till off Stewart Island, when the \viuc came from the northward, N.E., .and very light »nd unsteady. The Nuggets wa- passed at midnigh on th* 29th "with very light S.W. airs aud falling t( a calm. The barque Asterion, from London U Napiir, all well, "ww spoken between the Nugget and Cape Saundera, wb> re the wind hauled tn thi •outhwttrd and SB., very light, and arrived off tin ' heads at 6 a.m. The long passage is to be accounte< tor in -.eeting S. and S.W. winds afCor leavng, thi calms off Tristan d'Acunha, and again off Tasmanii and from the Snares up. Spok-the Italian barqu L.f.K.H.. 66 days from Philadelphia to Anjer, ii lit. 28 3. 6.58 W.. all well. The NeUon bring 3 som :*} tons of gunpowder, and'this being dischargei »t Port Chalmers she proceeds to Dnnedin, am will the,re put out the bulk of her cargo.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7761, 4 January 1887, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 7761, 4 January 1887, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 7761, 4 January 1887, Page 2