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Medical. '\JS EMORY The I'uYS.moaicAi. Aierol Never aUL a\p FonoK-rrraa and O'uhh of Misd-. SUOOIIHS. " Itsuso hasgrcatly strengthened my Natiual Memory."—Hon. W. W. Astor, recent U.S. Minister to Italy. " ProfesßorLolsi.ttogave nin a now Memory." —Judith P. Benjamin, Q.C. "Uy ita Instrumentality I mastered an abstruse and extensive work of Science in one reading. If I had read it 100 (lint's by my natural memory l could not havo known It so well."—o. Sahnon.'Ksq.— New Prospectus Post Freo, with Terms, Testimonials, Ac, from PROFESSOR LOISBTTK, 117 New Oxford Bt., London, Bug. 2Uo \yO RT H A GUINEA A BOX. B KECIIAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILL'I Are admitted by thousands pEECHAM'S PILLS, to he worth a Guinea a Box IJ for Nervous and Bilious DisBEECHAM'S PILLS, orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick hoad* BEECHAM'S PILLS, ache, giddiness, fulness and ■welling after meals, dlzziBF.ECHAM'S PILLS. nos3 and drowsiness, cold chills, fliuhingsor heats,loss BEECHAU'S PILLS, ol appetite, shortness ot breath, costiveness, scurvy, BEECHAM'S PILLS, blotches on tho skin, disturbed i_|noi_>, frightful BEECHAM'S PILLB. dreiuns, and all nervous »nd trembling sensations, 4c. BEECHAM'S PILLS. The flrat dose will five relief in twenty minutes. This la BEECHAM'S PILLS, no Action, for they have done , It In thousands of cases. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Every sufferer ii earnestly Invited to try one box ot BEECHAM'S PILLS, these rills, and thoy will bo acknowledged to be WORTH T>EECHAM'S PILLS. A GUINEA A BOX. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For fenules of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as BEECHAM'S PILLS, a few doses of them carry ofl all humours, and bring about BEECHAM'S PILLS, all that Is required. No female should be without BEECHAM'S PILLS, them. Thore li no medicine to be found to equal BEEBEECHAM'S PILLS. CHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or BEECHAM'S PILLS, irregularity of tho system. If taken according to the BEECHAM'S PILLS, directions given with each box, they will soon restore BEECHAM'S PILLS, females of all ages to sound and robust health. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For a weak stomach, lmBEECHAM'S PILLS, paired digestion, and all disorders ol the liver they act BEECHAM'S PILLS, like " Magic," and a few doses will bo found to work BEECHAM'S PILL 3. wonders upon the most important organs Ib the human BEECHAM'S PILLS, machino. They strengthen the whole muscular system, BEECHAM'S PILLS, restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen BEECHAM'S PILLS, edge of appetite, and arouse ln action with the ROSEBUD BEECHAM'S PILLS, of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. BEECHAM'S PILLS. These are the "FACTS" admitted by thousands, oraBEECHAM'S PILLS, bracing all classes of society, and one of the best guaranBEECHAM'S PILLS, tees to the nervous and debilitated Is that BEECHAM'S BEECHAM'S PILLS. PILLS have the largest sale of any patent medicine in tbe OEECHAM'S PILLS, world. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Prepared only, and sold Wholesalo and IteUil by the BEECHAM'S PILLS, proprietor, T. BEECHAM, Chemist, St. Helen's, LancaB EECHAM'S PILLS, shire, in boxea, ls 1} and 2s Bd each. Scntpost frcefrom BEECHAM'S PILLS, the proprietor, for 16 or 65 stamps. Sold by all drugB EECHAM'S PILLS, gists and piteijt medicine dealers throughout the ColoIDEECHAM'S PILLS. nie». BEECHAM'S PILLS. N.8.-FuiT direction! ire given with each box.

AN EFFICIENT REMEDY In all cases of Bronchial and Pulmonary Affections is AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. As such it is recognised nnd prescribed by the medical profession,sndinmanythousandsof families, forthe past 40 years, it has been regarded as an invaluable household remedy. Ii is a preparal ion that only requires to be taken In very small quantities, and a few doses of it administered in tlw early stages of a COLD or COUGH will effect a speedy euro, and may, very possibly, save life. There ls no doubt whatever that k YER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Has preserved the lives of great numbers of persons by arresting the development of Laryngitis, llrouchitis, Pneumonia, and Pulmonary Consumption, and by the cure of those dangerous maladies. It should be kept ready for use in every family where there are children, as It is a medicine far superior to all otherß In the treatment of Croup, the alleviation of Whooping Cough, and the cure of Colds and Influenza—ailments peculiarly incidental to childhood and youth. Promptitude in dealing with all diseases of thiß class is of the utmost importance. The loss of a singlo day may, iv many casts, entail fatal consequences. Do not waste precious time iv experimenting with medicines of doubtful efficacy while the malady is constantly gaining a deeper hold, but take at ouce the speediest aud most certain to oure, AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Prepared by Dr J. C. Aykr and Co., Lowell, Mass. (1) Sold by all Druggists. lln

' T?°R THK BLOOD IS THE LIFE." X;OLA R X B S womm-viMtai BLOOD MIXTUBB THB GREAT BLOOD PUHIFIEEand RESTORER, Hai the LARGEST SALE of any Medloine in the World. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all Iti Itles, lt cannot be too higly recommended. Sorofula, Sourvy, Bkln Diseasea, and iirei of ill kinds. It Is a nover-failing and permanent oure. It Ourei Old Sorei. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Curei Blackheads, or Plmplea on the Face. Cnrei Scurvy Sores. Curei Cancerous Ulceri. Cures Blood and Skin Diieaiec, Onrei Glandular Swelling!. Clears the Blood from allfmpure matter. From whatever cause arising. At this mixture il pleasant to the taste, and warranted froe from anything injurious to the moit delicate constitution of either sex, the proprietors loliclt sufferers to give It a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all Parti. Sold In Bottles, 2s 9d eaoh, and in cases, containing six times tho quantity, lis each—sufficisnt to elieot a permanent cure ln the majority of longstanding cases—by all Chemists and Patent Mediolne Vendor! throughout tho world. Sole Proprietors, THB LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG OOMPANT, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Trade Mark—"BLOOD MIXTURE." Export Agenti—All the London Wholesale Hon Agenti for New Zealand: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, and CO., Wholesale Druggists, DUNBDIN and AUCKLAND.

©TILL TRIUMPHANT The following Medicines have been for many years highly approved of by the Public and a GotdMedal awarded for them at the Christchurch Exhibition, viz.:— FOR HORSES i Colic or Gripe Drink Blister Ointment Embrocation Grease Ointment Condition Powders Hoof Oil. Worm Powders FOR DOGS: Distemper Powders Mange Ointment. FOR HUMAN USE: RHEUMATIC BALSAM and Cough Syrup. Every Article that bears ray! (S.S.I Traded 5-Mork, (V.S.) Also my Name, Is Guaranteed. Beware of Spurious Imitations CAUTION. Whereas S. SLESINGER, the oldest and most renowned Veterinary Practitioner in the Australian Colonies—who has introduced his unfailing remedies and educated the Public to treat their own HorsOß, Cattle, or Dogs by offering his medicines at a very low price (for the different diseases, see circulars)—has, after obtaining a good sale for them, now to caution the Publio against Spuriouß Imitations of bis Remedies.

Somo unprincipled people are trying to push the sale of their abominable rubbish in opposition to the genuine article, and Mr Slssinger warns his Customers not to be gulled or duped by such S.S. impostors or their ageuts. Sco that my Name and Trade Mark is attached to every V.S. article. I will Bhortly give you the names and number of those villains who are now trying to ruin me, if they could, by forcing the sale of tho spurious imitations, SAML. SLESINGER, Veterinary Surgeon.

/CONSUMPTION CURABLE! "MR G. T. CONGREVE On CONSUMPTION And ITS SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT, Showing that direful disease to be curable in all its Btagcs; with observations ou ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, &C." (From the Christian Herald, March 31,1836.) "MR G, T. CONGREVE'S IREATMENTof CONSUMPTION and OTHER CHEST DISEASES continues to be made a great blessing to sufferers, rand widP, in every part of tho Kingdom," "The world and we ourselves owe him a debt of gratitude. Not long since we placed a young lady under his care,'who has recovered her health, and we need only point to the cases (Mr Congreve is publishing oho every week), many of which had been given up as past all hope." "There can be no doubt thot for Consumption and otlier chest complaints Mr Congreve is a specialist of the first order and stands unrivalled. Certainly there has been no other discovery in medical science from which the consumptive patient may gather bo much hope as from his." " The one hundred and thirty-three cases which aro recorded in MrCongreve'sbookareamostconvincing testimony; but what have been long a marvel are the cases of cure which have been published for several years past in the weekly journals (our own included), one every week."—(The reader is referred to the Christian World, Christian Age, Christian Globe, &0., &c.) The Author (Mr Congreve, of Coombo Lodge, Peckham, .London) has been urgently entreated to make his treatment known in all the BBITISH Colohies. The price of the Book is SiXPHXCKj or Sevkkpence Post Froe, Published by UPTON & 00., Auckland, And may be ordered through any Bookseller. 2flan I

THE FARMERS' PAPER.—The Agricul iural Department of the Otago Wltneu II acknowledged to be unequalliwl by thai of any otbe W<wil_lv In t-.hs, Onlnnv

SPEOIAL SPORTING ATTRACTIONS — In addition to the favoarite Contributor! "Beacon," " Warrior," and " Olympui," the Otago Witness has chatty Letters from Ohrfstohurch on Sporting and Coursing Matters, a Weekly Sporting Sketch selected from Home journals, Football ma Cricket Notei, Dramatic Notea by " Faiquln" end " gcalfox," and Hotel on ell Seaionable Sports.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7721, 16 November 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7721, 16 November 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7721, 16 November 1886, Page 4