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Wanted Known, ID piTY BOOT PALAO 71 Giiouojt SrnEKT. WE WANT YOU to GRASP TIIO STARTLING FACT That the ~~ BOOTS DAMAGED in the CELLARS of the 0.8. '■ Will bo - ALL E A for SATURDAY. 28 ' In addition, tho GREAT CLEARING SALE 21 Is 8 STILL GOING ON 16 At the 13 CITY BOOT PALACE, ~" 71 Gkokhk Street. " 20a T7ILOODS. FLOODS.-Selling This Day, Sargooi .. J? Son, and Ewen's Stock (damaged by water). " A.and'J.luglia. 23a Wflj.i-I'JSi) ICWOWN,—Groat Eeductlon In Prloi Drain-pipes of all deaoriptlonß, Flowor-poti J Seakalo-pots, Vases, Fountains, Chimney-tops, 40.Lambert"» North-Kast Valley Pottery Work.. 3 WANTED KNOWN,—Every Homo Comfort a Mrs Silk' 3 Eailway Temperance Hotel, 01 „ posite railway station. Liberal table; good beds 2 bathß. Smoking and reading rooms Prices strictl moderate. Passengers called for early trains. Breal !■ fast ready at 7 a.m. Ifm. 3 T7ILOODS. FLOODS.-Selling This Day, SargooO V Son, and Ewen's Stock (damaged by water).A.andT.lnglis. 23al VXTANTED KNOWN-0. JOHNSON and CO.'i VV Great Annual Stocktaking Sale of Draper and Clothing /COMMENCES on Saturday, 17th inst., and wil Kj be continued for one month, BARGAINS in Ladies' Costumes—4os ones re duced to 10s 6d and 15s; they must go. f "OARGAINS in Ladies' Ulsters—2s lid, 3s lid Jj 5s 6d ; formerly 7s 6d to 20s. Girls' ditto from Is 6d. BARGAINS in Millinery.—Ladies'goodTrlmmec Velvet Bonnets, 2s lid, 4s lid; formerly 15i to 25b. 3 TSARGAINS in Men's and Bovb' Tweed Suits. r I Jj Men's, 20a; Boys' Knicker Suits, 3s lid. 15h i VT7"ANTED to Know,—Where to buy the cheapesl t W and best Wood and Coal. Why, the Co 1 operative Coal Co., of course. IT€7"ANTED Known,—That weSell the cheapestanc VV best Coal in Dunedin.—Co-operative Coal Co ■\II7ANTED Known,—That we send whatever Coa' VV is ordered. 117 ANTED Known,—That the Address of the COW OPERATIVE COAL CO. is No. 4 Farley'f 1 Hall, Princes street. «J5 T?\LOODS. FLOODS.-Seiling This Day, Sargood, "" Son, and Ewen'a Stock (damaged by water).----1 A. and T. Inglis. 23a" TAMES HUNTER, Pastrycook, Oonfectioneer, Wholesale and Retail Biscuit Manufacturer, late Binnie's, HOPES bvkeeping only FIRST-CLASS GOODS to secure a Bhnro of Publio Patronage. Soireeß, arties, and Balls catered for. ' TX7"EDDING, Birthday, and Christening Cakes r\ made to Order. Tea, Coffee, &c, alwaye ready. 87 George Btreet, Dunedin. "VT B —Our Tea and Coffee are the best procurable I>. in Dunedin. .^ OPEOTAOLESI SPKOTAOLBSI SPECTACLES I 0 Wanted, the Weak-aighted to know that they can have Speofcaolea properly adapted tq suit their aiehts, at PEROIVAL'S, Optician and Speotaole--1 maker to the Dunedin Hoßpltal, No. 9 George reet PureßradlianPebbles.highlyreoommended fordefeotivevlslonn. Alao on Sale—Sykes'Hydi'Ometers, Glasi do, Sacoharometers, Thermometer., Aneroid Barometers, Sextants, Quadrants, Ships' ompaßses, Sallnometers, Lactometers, Mathematical Initrumenti, Field Glasses, Telescope!, &o. Human Artificial Eyes in Stock. N.B.—AH kind, of Optloal and Mathematical In--1 trumenti bought. llm QHOOTING S Bj|A SO N. A. SOLOMON, Pawnbroker, 27 George itreet, and National Fawn Office, Eattray .treet, ha« 'FOE SALI! at low prloei, every description of MODERN [BBAEMS, of latest patterns, inoluding: Qlbbi and Pitt's patent safetyhammeHess BreeohloadinK Sun.. Thii gun il the lateit development of a-i ».b«olutely safe firearm. Prioe In oa»e, with flttingii complete, £15 to £22101. Double-barrel Breeoh-loader, top .nap aotlon, rebounding locki, extended rib, patent fora-end, by i- Mmer, Old Bond street, London; choke bore. Price in oak case, with fittings oomplete, £1414 i. Doubie-barrel Breech-loader., modem Improved : itylei, with under-guard, lido lever, or top snap aation eithor'with modified ohoke barrel., left barrel ohoke, or lull choke in both barrel!, by Greener, HOUII, Mortimer, or Webley, at prioe. varying from 85 81 to £1010.. ~,,;, Very inperior double Breeoh-loader, by Purdey. Singio-barrel Breeoh-loader., rebounding look., ohoke bore. loliditrikers. .„.■„„ Double-barrel Muizle-loaderi, by Manton, Mortl- ■ mer, and Purdey, from £3 3» to £7. Patent Bran Cartridge-caow 1( breeoh-loadlng ■ ffum Every variety of breech-loading Ammunition. • Purohaien will and at theie establishment! the 1 largest and best-ieleoted itook of Gum In New Zealand to ieleot from, at extremely low prloei. 1 AH kind, of fitting, for breech-loading gun.. A SOLOMON, National Pawn Offloo, B»ttr»y ' itra«t. nnd ST Goo?*e itreet. Dnneain 83d [. Miscellaneous Want*. ■ Oath advertisement! under thli head, not exceeding : .brteen words, will be charged SIXPBNCB. WAN ISD TO SELL, WASTE PAPER, in large or «,n"llau"ntil,l«i—Apply to the PnhHiher C*l t ftfl Wanted on FREEHOLD SECU--1 gbXXUU EITY, at 7 per cent.—Address D., J P. 0., Clinton, TV/TONEYLENT at current rates in sums to suit 1 JjJL ''borrowers.—Henry Benjamin, London Loan : Society, 3 Manse street. 23au ANTED to Rent, small FURNISHED COTTAGE in Dunedin. Address J. Q., Otagc • aily .Times Office. 21ftli ', TTTANTED, Prices andfull particulars of STOCKi W- ING KNITTING MACHINES. — Addreai • Box 70, Invercargill. 21iu: ' OTRAY CATTLE.—Tho following (if notolaimec O within a fortnight) will bo SOLD to defray excenses:—Brown COW, slit off car, Bquare neai rump; Red COW, black muzzle, springing. novisibl( ' brands- Roan-and-whito HEIFBR, no visibli ' brands • Red COW, black face; no visible brands Red-and-white HEIFER, J.M., bent horn.—D. H JOHNSTON, Fernliill, Wingatni. 23m. ANTED, THEATRICAL MANAGERS anc Othen to know that tha Otago Daily Tlmei . undertake! the Posting of Woodcut! (any size) • Streamers, Poßter., and every doioription of Print Ing on the moit prominent DOtitioni in the City, 01 »bo ihr»+pat nntloo. I i. For Sale Cash aavertliement. under thli head, not exceedlnj I lixteen.words, will be oharged SIXPENCE. \ mo SPOETSMEN.-For Sale, SETTER PUPS 1 X progeny of Imported Dogs.—Crack, Office tin: 1 paper. ' FOR SALE, FARM 116 acres, all fenced; Two roomed House; £250, terms.—Apply.Rollinson B Evausdale, Blueskin. 21ai - TTIOR SALE, Fowler Double-furrow PLOUGH am IJ Farm Tip DRAY; nearly new; cheap.—A O - Kimbell, Stafford street. 2°al FOR SALE, WATCHMAKER'S BUSINESS ii Country Town; doing a fair trade; Stool : mall.—Address B. C, Times Office. IBai APPLE TREES on blight-proof stocks, cheap Macrocarpa, &c — Gordon Brothers, Nortli • East Valley and Anderson'B Bay. - /CHOICE ROSES in great variety, and larg , v Specimen Plants very cheap. Catalogues oi I application -GORDON BROTHERS. 26j - TJUILDING MATEEIALi ~ 15 FOR SALE, - Consisting of Doors, Sashes, Frames, Deal and othe i Joisting, Tasmanian Beams, Iron Girders, Fhtc, " Girders, Sheet Lead, Duchess Slates, Corner Verar ;' dah. Iron' Columns, Shop Fronts, 100,000 Bricks '' Deal Flooring. A complete inventory to be seen, j II contract would be entered into at favourable rate t pmbraoine those materials.—Apply to the Propni • tS? Mr IIEXANDER OAIUNS, Walker street i Duncd"l- - To Let. - Cash advertliement. under thl. head, not exoeedln I, ilxteen wordi, will be charged SIXPENCE. v mo LET, Comfortable Three-roomed COTTAGI X Venetian blinds.—Mr John Simon, Caatlestree L "_ near Hanover street. £3a " rpO LKT Comfortable Three-roomed lIOUSE.----r X J. Selby, Caatle streot, between Hauover an \_ St. Andrew streets. ™ v nno LET, STORK, having frontages to Bond nr - X Crawford streets, adjoining Thomson and Co. j- Factory .-Apply J. and W. Gage. 17a 1 nno LET, SHOP, BAKEHOUSE, DWELLING -, X HOUSI3, Princes street south; immedia n coßßeßsion.—A. Moritzson, Crawford Btreet,Dunedi: « :mOL E . ' - X a very superior and handsomely - finish! d, 12-roomed HOUSE, corner Manor place and Melvil - street, and adjoining Fernhill Club. Gas and wat iv throughout the House. Possession Ist September. T For further particulars apply _ J. HENRY, Agent. m 19au Manor place. il- m O L E ed X the RESIDENCE of Walter Guthrie, Esq., iv present occupied by G. L. Denniston, Esq. Tl - Grounds are well laid out, aud the House is reple 1(i> with every modern convenience, Gas, Hot and Cc - Water throu»hout. BATH : Hot and Cold Plunp m Shower and Spray. GARDEN : Ornamental Shru - berv, I'lower aud Vegetable Gardens, Large Vinerii vr Orchard, Lawn Tennis, Summer-house, Ferner ' Greenhouse. Three-staled Stable and Loose-be Coachhouse, Harness Room, Coachman's Room, Ha loft, Poultry House, &c. The situation cannot surpassed. It stands on an acre of ground at t corner of Walker and Melville streets, and withir Btone's throw of Princes Btreet, adjoining t Fernhill Club, having a splendid view of Duned t'ay and tho Oceau Beach. Possession 10th Octobi X For further particulars apply J. HENRY, Agent, ;j I9nu Manor place,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7648, 23 August 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7648, 23 August 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7648, 23 August 1886, Page 1