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Boßinoao Notiooa. MESSRS BARE ATT & CO., HOUS3, LAND, ?UOr'EKTi T, 8U31HT583, ana OKHItRAL COMMISSION AQaNTB, OITT HKGItSTKY OFFIOK AHD EMPLOYMENT JSXOHANOB. 4* ANE >, a MARftIED Ci>tPLE ior a Htailon.-- Full rartlcnlnrn Barratt'a. WA.\TBO, a good Buhini'isa GI.UL a, D-.rmnid. Apiil; Bhar t i, Birratt's WAINiEU, a Biuart BuY, to milk and drlvo a milk-cart Into town; wages, 12a to 16a por wook.—Barratt'a. y-/ ANTED, 2 mnarfc GIRLS, to asaiafc w V In hounework.-Uarratt's. WANTEU, strong LAD, to milk, for Oamaru.—Apply sharp, Barrett's. ANTED, a Good BILLIARDMARKER and WAITER.-Apply sharp, thla morning, Darratt'e. \M ALTING Engagement—Three good v V Fomalo Cooks, two Chief Cookß, two Waitresses, two Housemaids, two Barmaids, one Groom and Gardener, two Bhepherds.—Barratt's. WAITING Engagemont, a good CLERK ; has first-class reference from late employor ; has b»en Boveral years in a.leadlng solicitor's ofllco; has ho objection to a clerkship In a merchant's or solicitor's oilico, either town or country.— Full particulars at Barratl's. TOOK SALE, George street, quarterS- aero of Ground, eight-roomed Houae, ond flverooracd House, Munt bo sold ; a terrain. - Partiallars at Barrett's. rfpo LET, a good SHOP and DWELM LING-uouSE,,(corner of Castle and Hanover streets), auitalilo for a Butcher Shop or Greengrocer. Very low ront.—ltarratii'a. Hap rpO LET, Furnished, a HOUSE at JL Ravonsbourno Pull particulars Barratt's. mO LET, Two Three roomed COTJL TAGtS, Cavorsham; low rents.- Barratt's rWSO LET, Furnished four - roomed _B_ HOUSE, with evory convenience.—Full particular Barratt's. TO FARMERS AND RiBBITERS. MAOK LEY'S TOWER-PROOF GUNPOWDER Is a good ÜBoful powder, being poEßoesed of greater penetrating powor and far cleaner than any 'X'oworproof imported. Manufacturer's Agonta: THE DUNEDIN IRON AKD WOODWARE COMPANY. 4ap "TTTRIGHT'S WEIGHT'S' COAL TAR SOAP. WRIGHTS ForTollctiElthtoomi WRIGHT'S COAL and Nursery. COAL TAB Protects from TAR Fever, Measlea, and SOAP. Smallpox. SOAP. WRIGHT'S OnwßWnJJta""- WEIGHT* COAL ' P«Bcribod by the entire noAr LOAlj Medical PirofeßSion. 00AL TAR TAR Used by the Public for SOAP. Quarter of a Century. SOAP. In purchasing demand WRIGHrS «WKIGHT'S"-rofUße WRIGHT'S nil other imitations. COAL COAL Sold everywhere. TAR Tablets, Bd and Ib. TAB SOAP. Boxes, is Od and Bs. SOAp _ WRIGHT'S WRIGHT'S Coal Tar Soap. 10d Medical. K EATING'S OOUGH LOZENGES. COUGHS. COUGHS. COUGHS. COUGHS. CERTAIN AND SAFE REMEDY. ASTHMA. ASTHMA. ASTHMA. ASTHMA. /CERTAIN AND SAFE REMEDY. \J BRONCHITIS. BROKCHITIS. BRONCHITiS. BRONCHITIS. CERTAIN AND SAFE REMEDY. HOARSENESS. HOARS BNESS. ' HOARSENES3. HOARSENESS. Composed of the purest articles. These Lozenges contain no opium or any deleterious drug; therefore the most delicate can take them with perfect confidence. Their beneficial effect is speedy and certain. This old unfailing family remedy is daily recommended by the most eminent Physicians. (In use nearly 60 years.) Sold by all Chemists, in tins, each having the words "Heating's Cough Lozkkohs" engraven ou the Government stamp. . X EATING'S WORM TABLETS. KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. HEATING'S WORM TABLETS. KEATING'3 WORM TABLET 3. KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. A PURELY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT, both In appearance and taste, furnishing a moso agreeable method of administering the only certain remedy for INTESTINAL or THREAD WORMS. It ia a perfoctly safe and mild preparation, and is especially adapted for Children. Sold in tins by all Druggists. jtop IT SAVED MY LIFE." EXTRACT from letter of 0. Fitzgoiald, Esq., referring to LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE, which is effervescing and tasteless, forming a moot Invigorating, Vitalising, and Refreshing Draught. Dr6 Morgan, Turley, Carr Jickson, and many other medical gentlemen have given unqualified testimony to the importance of the '' discovery and the imrcenso value of THIS GREAT REMEDY, as possessing elements most eoaentlal to the Roatora tiou and Maintenance of Health with perfect Vigour of Body and Mind. Vitalising tho blood, it enables the constitution to resist climatic influences. Gives Instant relief In Headache, Sea or Bilious Sickness, Feverish Colds, Fevers, Smallpox, Measles, and Eruptive or Skin Complaints. To be obtained of any chemist or patent-medicine dealer, and of H. LAMPLOUGH, 113 Holbors, London, W.C. AGENTS For New South Wales—Messrs Elliott Bros., Sydney. Victoria—Messrs Ye fen, Grimwade, and Co., Melbourne. South Austraia- Messrs Faulding and Co., Adelaide. ■ _ _ llau BR J. OOLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE.-Vice-Chancelior Sir W. Pago Wood stated publicly In Court that Dr J. Collio Browno was undoubtedly tho inventor of Chlorodyne, that the whole story of the defondant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and ho regretted to Bay it had been sworn to.—Timco, July 13th, 1861. Dr J. Collis Browno'a Chlorodyno.—The Right Hon. Earl Russoll communicated to the College of Physicians and J. T. Davenport that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any service in cholera waa Chlorodyne.—Seo Lancet, December Slet, ISG4. Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyno "is prescribed by ucorea of orthodox practitionors. Of course it would not bo thus singularly popular did it not 'supply a want and fill a place. —Medical Times, January 12th, 1800. Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyno is the boßt and most certain remedy in coughs, colds, asthma, consumption, neuralgia, rheumatism, &c. Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne is a certain cure for cholera, dysentery, diarrhosa, colic, &c. Dr J. CoIIIb Browno s Chlorodyne.—Caution: None genuine without tho words "Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne" on the Government stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Solo manufacturer, J. T. Davenport, 38 Great Russell street, London. Sold in bottles at Is ljd, 2b 9d, 4s Cd, and Us. 9ju SJROU'S INJECTION—Hygienic, InS.? falliblo, and Prosorvatlvo.—Cures promptly without additional means all recent or chronic discharges of tho urinary organs. Sold In Paris by J. FERRE (successor to Brou), Pharmadon, 102 Rue Richeliou. In Dunodln by KEMPIHORNE, PROSSER, & CO.'S NEW 2EA25Ju LAND DRUQ CO. (LTD). OEE Box of CLABKE'S B 41 PILLS 19 warrantod to euro ail dorßngemcnts of the urinary oriraus In oltkor sex (acquired or constitu loual), Kiavol, and paius lv tho back. -Sold in boxes li"Bd each, by all Ohomlots. Proprietors : Tho Lin coin and Midland Counties Drug Compuny, Lincoln, ICngli'.nd. Wholosulo Agsnts, Barcliy and Sons, LonInn. vul.Kll «li> whntnoiln hAn^vi a wonderful medicine. beeohalts pills. Are admitted by Thousands to be worth a Quira* i Boxfor Bilious Mid Nervous Disordors such »3 wind and oaln in the stomach, sick hcadaoho, giddiness, fulness Ind swcllinir after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of he»t, loss of appetite,"shortness of breath, costivenoss, scurvy, blotches on tho skm, disturbed sleep, frightful droams, and all nervous and troubling sensations, Sc. The first do»e will eive relief in twenty minutes. This la no fiction, for thoy hnvo iloiie it lii thouaands of cases. Every lufferer is earnestly Invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills aro Invaluable, as » few doses of them carry off all gross humors, open .11 obstructions, and bring about all that Is required. No fomalo should be without thorn. There Is no modiclnntobo found to equal BEECH AM'S PILLS for romoving »ny obstruction or irregularity of tho aystom. If taken according to the directions given with each box thoy will soon restore femalot of Ml »ges to sound »nd robust health. For » weak stomach, Impaired digestion, »nd all disorders of tho liver, thoy set like "MAGIC," and a fow doses will bo found to work wonders upon tho most Important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular syntom, restore the loiiK-loßt complexion, bring back tho keon edw of ■ppotite, and otoubo Into action with tho ROSEBUD of health thu whole physical energy of the human framo. Those aro " FACTS " whnlftod by thousands, embracing all classes of «oolety, Mid one of tho best (rnanmtocs to tho nervous ami debllltatoil Is, CIiECHAM'S PILLS have tho largest wlo of any Jiati'iit medicine In tho world. .. Full directions are given with each box. Sold by »nDruggists »od F»ieut Medlolus dalora throughout the Coloaloi, « # " .-■*.tvmi:..A . jl*u«*fpp. -tHWUfrVT-' •"• •■*

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7224, 13 April 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7224, 13 April 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7224, 13 April 1885, Page 4