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Public Notice- | ■— — i MO3QIE- WOOLLEN FACT OMPANT . (LIMITED). HOTIOB TO SHAREHOLDERS. 'JIHK Directors of the Mosgiel Woollen JL Factory havo tho day declare,! nn INTKKIM DIVIDEND for luo h-U-yoar at the rato of 7.oper cent, pur annum. W»rrant3 for same may ha had at tho Office of tho Company on and after lit ol MAY NEXT. 11. S. NICOLSON, Secretary. April 7,1885. 9»P KAIPARA CANNED MULLET. THE GREATEST DELICACY OF THE 3EASON. THIS delicious fish, pronounced by all to bo superior to anything yet placed beforo tho public, can now bo obtained from tho principal storekeepers throughout tho Colony. DATID, BAXTER & CO.. 25m Sole Agents £or Otajo and Southland. EASTER CARDS.—New Design., in larsto varloty in kind and form.-New Books: Loaves from a Prism Diary (Davltt); New Dictionary of Quotations, with imlux to moio than 16,000 words, 8s 6d ; Kogct'e Thesaurus, Caivert'a Meuhanic'a Almanac and WorksbepC'impamo-.Calvurt'M Mechanic's Pockotbook aud Annual for Tlmekoepiog 1885; .Carnenter and Builder (now volume). Huckleberry Finn, Ba—posted Ss 9d; War of the Wprld, byW Chifcitto Murray, 88~iio.itod 3s'9d; Flower mid Weed (Braddun), „ Gd—posted 2tl 3d; New Yoluuio Dlotes' t>%lieb Library, 2s: True Talc-s of Travel and Adventure, by Jas Macaulny, M.A., 11.D.; Tact, Push, and Principle, by Thajor, 4s-; A Loni; Lane with a Turninjf, by Ssrnh Doud^oy, 6s; Stanley Orahame. by Gordon Stables, 6»; Just In Time (by Mtb Koanoy), Called Hick, Dark L'aya, Is 3i-pobtcd la fld. N0v..1----tioii in iNotop.ipcr rljiJ JSnvelnpes-—ttopps, Academy of Arts, Quadrille, Crocodile, /Eithotlc, Kcloctlo, Sc. Account-boolia made 43 any pattern, Including tbo supply of papor, ruling, printing, nmaberiag, &o. A ohoico and laigo Eelectiou of Account-books (inrpo.r&rf and own manufacture). Bookbinding of evorydescription. ALEX. SLIGO, Boc-collcr, Stationer, Eookblndei, i 5 Hoorgo atrooi. l>Kn>viin. 18_f T E. BONE © has Just rccoivod Mark Twain's "Hucklebury Finn," "Doria," "Madame, jl bjKraO!iph»nt; "Qrlf," by Farjeon; tho new Journals, &c, iic. ACCIDENT INSUE.VNOE TICKETS May be had at tho Bnokotall, Dunodin Railwaystation, 118 Georzo strent, Dunedln. 21f ";KfEW- ZEALAND INDUSTRIAL Xl* . EXHIBITION, 1885. -NOTICK TO INTENDING !• XHIBITOR3. Special Art and Hotte. fndueWal Branches. I ENTRY FORMS cm now bo rccciivoi froni,and must !.n rotumcJ duly flilcd in to tho Uudorsigned pfior to tho 31st last. D. E.-EUNSON, Secretory to tho Local Commlitee, 6 Exchange Court, Princes street, Dunodin. llap ' _____ BREECH-LOADING GUNS. HUZZLE-LO'-DING GUNS. HAMMERLESS GUNS; SPORTISG AND RABBIT POWDER. NEW ZEALAND HARDWARE COMPANY (LIMITED), Cumberland aticot. 188 PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. . "rVTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that .IN) u«ys<Vl KO3CHEV:LLE SKARDON, of Dunedln has thia day been -idmltte!! intn co partnership in ihf) bnsin-83 ol BOBEIIT K. MURRAY and SON. Confpctlnnors and Importera, Dunedin; and that tho Ssid business will bo carrl. d on, as heretofore, umto the style of " ltoboit K. Hurray and Son." Dated at Eunedin, this Ist (iay of April ISBS. RiBKRT G. MURRAY. JOHN R. MURRAY. HENRY R. SKARDON. Witnoss to signatures : • \V. .D. MILXE, Solic.tor, Dumrin. 9ap Bnainma Announce-aentfl-Jaoh ndveriteOKiontß undo? thla hesd, not txceodlng eixteon v?orcß, will bo charged SIXPENCE. J. M'-ANDEESS. T>OOT3! COOTS! B~OIS! EXTBJORDIXAHY It?duvtions in La'fiea' and <ientlemcn's Boot" ami Shoes. All Gocds Komarked at, prlcvo thit will natonleh everyone. SPECIAL Linn of Colonial Boots anrt Shoes.G.'iifH1 Balmorals, frim 12s; Ladies' Evening h'hocs, from 6s 6tl; Children's Boots and Shoos, from isCd. SPLENDID AseortmcPti ol Bays' and Youths' 80-ts and Shoos—unequalled for wear aud durability. NOTff'the Addresß-J. M'LANDRKSS, Boot and Shoo Warchouao, Criterion Buddings, Ifo. 22 Prlnceß street. ■ 14f BIKON BBOTHBHB, SlilOS BROTHER!?.—Determined to Excel.Ladioa1 French Bath Slippers, 3s 6d; Evening Shcesi. froa 6n 6d; Walking, 6a OJ. J" A ROE Direct Importers -See new season's Goods J in I inets, Bcstocke, Otto Hertz, Veruons, Cove and West's, &c. _______ CHOICEST STICK in tho Cit.y. — Udios1 Button, O Lace, and Elaatic-sidcs in Glacci and Glovo K!dß nnd Morijcci. QISION PKiTHFIiS have morltcd ail new Goods O ill Oetitß', Ladios', aud Children's at exceedingly low prices. T AR3K MANUFACTURERS.-Hen's Bttonjr PalJ_ morals, from lls; Wouien'9, Ca; Boys', from 4s 9d ; Wcmoa'p Sllpperg. from 2s lid. EOJTBALL BftLMOBALS-best in the city; only ccc them: uannct obtalu sftmo value elacwhero. Prove it. GYMNASTIC SfTOES - new shipment just received —is up.-SISION IiROTHEKS, Georgo street (six doors from Octroi'). BCap MISS OLOUQH TNVITE3 in«poction of a grand assortment ol JL New Drawing-room Ornauioi.ts just opened. ALSO, solcotion of Crosa-stltch Needlework ln_ newest designs, Embostiud Plush and Satin Goods, WINTRR Wools of all kinds, and Wool Shawls, BaMea' Hoods. Booteoa, Sinslets, Skirts &c. INGRAINED Cotton, New Tranfore, Smoking-r-aps, B aoeß, Sllppere, &c. Country oiders promptly attended to. 2!m EEADI-HONEI BIOHAEDS, f^ RKAT SUCCESS of our Autumn Trade. Crowded IT dally. No wouder.. Lar^e varloty. Biggest Bargains in DunsrHn. C\ HEAT SOCIRSS,- Is6d Iniilan Cwhmeroo. lljd ; VST curioußly fine do, U 6}d; Is 6d Scotch HomoEpuns, la; extra floe, Is 3Jd. RH'DY- MOSEY RICHAUBS.— Is 6dHablSolcth, U|d; spot" to match, la 4Jd ; la Oddoublemillod lltltons, lC|d. SPECIAL PURCHASE. - Cotlonado for Romping Bo.vs' SuitJ. will wear like leathsr; worth 2s 6d, now Is 3JJ.—Richarde. _ f~\ REAT SUCCF.fS.--ls Heavy Whito Flannel, B|d; «OT Is lovely Crotonuos, B|d; Blanketa for double beds, 13s lid. READY-MONEY RICHARDS - Carpet Quilta for br.jV b.cip, 10a 9J; 9-4 Blankets, 7s lid; DouWo-width Twill Sheeting, 7jd. GREAT SUCCESS.—Ladies' Trimmed Hata, 4s lid to Ms; Children's Dolman Ulsters from 2a lid; Ladioa' Ulotors, 6a l.d. CJPEOIAi:. PURCHASE.-Dent's 6a 6d Spring Purn top Olovei. 2s lid ;Is Heavy Ribbed Hooe, 7|d; Cbilr renV do, -lid. _____ GREAT SU-OERS-lOs 6<l Boys' Si-it>, 4s lid; 21» Youths' Suits, Hi lid ; ilen'a Tweed Suits, 133 lid ; Hen's Trousers, 3a lid. I3EADY-MONEY RICHARDS, GEORGE STREET. _ Men's 7s 6d Luinbßwool Pants, _6d; 835B1 Blue Sergo Hate, Is ]0d J ___? OKAS, BHXS. ITarOYSN W!RS SPRING HATSBESgKS.-Nove/ V V gei out of onlar, novel loau their Bhapo, novor need repair. J rjHHEY aro perfectly clean, portable, noiseless, J. clastic, and mado of SScsl-platod Spring Who, and guaranteed for "JifYY-PARS. Highly recomiuonded by medical X\J faculty. Inspection invited.--CHAS. DILLS, ouly maker in t.ho Colony. BIRDCAGES, Seed, Bird Llmo, an.-l every ro cjuislto forbirdo. V/ho!c.alo and Ratail Wire worker. No Rnnrgfl tfrant ?6Jk J, J. PBYOIi. OAA CASE' PLUHS and DAMSONS, cheap, _UU tor Jam; Tv—ataes, Qaineoa, choap.— Piyor, Goorao an'.tJPrluceo^trccfiS; EIPE Bergamot, Beurre, ColoV, Ifars, Napoleon, Lady Ch-htion Bakiug PSARS, cheap. - Pryor, Princes and Gco'go otreoto. 4^AMI3. GAMN. OAUK. — Wild Pigeons, Ducks. O" Teal, You:-g Roosters, Ducks, Ueose, Southland Babbits.—A'< PrjorV. TTTOTHOUSE GRAPHS, Bananas, Cocoanuta, Plnos, XX Lemons, Kock and Wator Melons, cheap. — Ptyor, Prince, and Ocorirj stveete. 6f MBS GILL. MRS GILL haa just opened (ex s.s. Tainui) a case of special novelties in Millinery Bonnets and Trimmed Hata. EX S.S. TAINUI.— 20 dozen Ladios' Felt, Beaver, and Straw Hats, in all tho now shades, from 3s lid. ' EX SS. TAINUI.—3O dozou Children's BoaverHats (lari;o stylish ehatca), Chenllio Aigretteo, flowers, and Girdles, 2d 6d' each; EX S S TAINUI.—The now Banded Corsets, In white r.nd colons; 20 dozen Grey Corsets, excellent value, 3? lid. ; EX S.S. TAINUI.—A very choice assortmoat of Infants' and Children's Pelluooj, in plush and velvet, fi'om 12a Cd. DRESSMAKING, latest styles, (rood fib, modcrato charires. Mourning Depv tment, largest stock In tOWD. MRS GILL, IS and 15 Ptiacoa street. 7_f _I£O__lAN_OUa BHOKTH/iND ! Shorthand.—Learnerß' and Roportiog Classes held KIUUTLY at Kingstrcot School, opposite Ho.'pitaL_ K_P MRB MILTON, St. Ahdrow Rtreek- Cutting and FlKlusf Cflisses »re now Resumed.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7224, 13 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7224, 13 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7224, 13 April 1885, Page 3