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Sali-3 fcS1 £&di't£'Tk:' aa'fcnafiyssß, Ho&euwa, om« O»PRELIMINARY NOTJOE. FURS! FURS! FURS! From the celebrated Factory of S. B. OL4RK, BRUNSWICK, VICTORIA. Advices Just receivod that the NINIH ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT of FUKS 1? preparing for Shipment. Tbis Conalirument Is said to bo the finest i. oolnt cf quality, und tho largest In point of variety, over yet offered for sale to the Public of Dunedin. Date of sale and full particulars on an early day. M'LANDRESS, HEPBURN, & 00. '__ "»p 9. W. Speeding. TUE3DAY, 21st APRIL, All 2 o'clock. IMPORTANT SALE OF TOWN FREEHOLDS. HILLSIDS TOWNSHIP. 10 Allotments, numbered 1 to 10, all In one block, being part of suburban section SOn, blccU VII, as on public map of Town district, with frontagos to District road, Town Belt, and Phillips street. Also, 1 rood and 19 porches, with Cottages thereon (nearly opposite the residence of Jan. Rattray, E3q.), being part of section 06, block Til, Town 3 district, with uso of right-of-way for all purposes (60 links wide) to Bald land. DM. S P~E D D I N G • In lnstructod to offer tho above valuable properties for poaitlvo sale, st his Rooms, on Tuesday, April 21, at 2 o'clock. Tho above aro woll worthy of notion by invosLors. Convenient terms can be arranged, and all Information obtained at tho Office of tho Auctioneer, ilap SlSfflt-SJEM, S?27Et s THIS DAY, ' SATURDAY, llth APRIL, At 12 o'clock. HOUSE AND LKASEHOLD, Queen street (Lately occupied by Mr Kohn). MONT A~~G U Pif M has receivod instsuetiono from tho Mortgagee to sell by auction, at his Room?, High street, Ttis Day (Saturdny), April 11, at 12 o'clock, The lease of' section 73, block XIX, Queen Btreet, together with tho substantial and eltgant residence lately occupied by Mr Kohn. The leaso is for 21 years from August 1,1878, at £80 per annum, with three-fourths valuation at tho end cf term, or option of renewal. . The leaso may be inspected and further particulars obWnedfcom gIEyWR , QHTf STOUT) & COi Hap Solicitors, Princes street South. TUESDAY, 14th AVKIL, At 2 o'clock. To Clone Consignments. DRIED FRUITS, WINES, BOTTLED ALE, &J.; Also, SUGARS AND GENERiI. MERCHANDISE. MONTAGU PYM will Bell tho above by auction, at his Rooms, High street, on Tuesday, 14ih April, at 2 o clock. Particulars In future advertisements. Bap WEDNESDAY, 16th APRIL, At 3 o'clock. lie JOHN M'LEOD, Bankrupt. MONTAGU P. Y M has recoived Instructions from tho Mortgagees to sell, at his Rooms, High street, on Wednesday, 16th day of April, at 3 o'clock, 460 shares In M'Lood Broo. (Limited), of £12 each, £9 paid up. Terms cash. lOap THURSDAY, the 16th day of APRIL 1886, At half-paat 2 o'clock. Under the conduct of the Registrar at Dunedin ol the Supremo Court of JSew Zealand. MONT a"g U PY M has received instruction!! to offer for sale by public auction, at hio Rooms, High street, Dunodln, Dunedin, at tho above data und hour, The following Projertiis accS In the following Lots:— Lot I—An undivided luoleiy in tho following lands, that Is to Bay: (1) Allotments nutnberod respectively 2,8,7, 8,18,19,21.22, 28 24, 27, and 28, block II; 2, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11,12, 23, 24, 55, and 26, block 111 ; 11, 12 and 13, block IX; 6,17,18,19, 20,21,22 and 23, block XI; 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10, block XII: 1, 2, and 3, block XIII; 2, 3, 1 6, "6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, IS, 14, 15, 16, and 17, block XV, of the township ol Muaselburgh. (2) Sections numbered respectively 79 and 80, and parts of oectiono numbered respectively 70, 78, 81, 82, and 248b, block VII, Town dUtilct, and parts of application numbered 160, and section nnmberod 249r, block VII, Otago PciilDßUla district, containing 43 acres 2 roodo 24 pjlea, more- or less. (3) Parts of flections numbeiod respectively 82, 83, 84, and 86, block VII, Town dibtrlct, and parts of application numbered 160, and section numbered 2d9n, block VII, Otago Peninsula district, containing 12 aciea 8 roods 1-7 poles, moro or leua. (4) Section numbered. 85, and partii of aootlnna numborod respectively 84, 85, and 248a, block VII, Town district, and parto of application numbcrod 2494, and Bcction numbered 219a, block VII, Otago Peninsula district, containing SI acres 1 rood 15 poles, more or less, subject to all existing r!ghts-of-way over theso parts of Grovo aud Hi»;h streets on the plan of tho townßhlp of Mus elburgh intersecting the samo. Tho fee-simple of the following lands :-(6) Allotment numbored 9, block XIII, Township of Musselburgh. (6) Part of section numbered S5, block VII, Town district, and part of application numbered 2494, block YII, Ota?o Ponineula district, containing 82 poles, more or le3S. (7) Farts of sections numbered respectively li and 85, blook VII, Town district, and parts of applications numbered 160 and 2494, and section numbered 240r, block VII, Otago Peninsula district, containing 2 acres 11 poles, moro or Icm, oxcepting heroout that portion being a rallway-Btalion. These premises are offerod undor "Tho Land Transfer Act Amendment Act 1880," In exercise of tho power of sale conferred by memo. Of mortgage Ho 6600, but subject as to the wholo premises, except allotments numbered respectively 2 and 8, block XV, township of Musselburgh, to prior memo, of mortgage No. 1120. Lot ll—An undivided moloty, and all other, if »ny other, tho estato and Interest of tho mortgagor In part of sections numbored respectively 70 and 71, block VII, Town district, containing 2 acres 2 roods 83 polos, more or less, Bubject ao to part thereof to deed of lease No. 16,448, from Adam Begg to Robert Cadzow. These premises are offered undor " The Property Law Consolidation Act 1883," in exerclso of the power of sale conferred by deed of mortgage No. 43,806, but subject to prior deed o2 mortgage No. 38,313. Lot lII—An undivided third sharo, and all other, If any othor, tho estate and Interest of the mortgagor In sections numbered jespoctively 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13,14,16,16,17, and 18, block XLVII; 1, 2 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, 9,10,11,12,13, 14,16,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 20, block XLVIII, on the plan of a portion of the land reclaimed from the harßour of Dunedin. Theso premises aro offered under the last-montloncd Act, In exercise of the power of ualo conferred by deed of mortgago No. 48,896. Lot IV—Tho fee-Blmplo of uections numbered respectively 66, 68, 60, and 62, North-East Valley district, and part of application numbored 1885, block IX, North Harbour and Blueskln district. These premises are offered under "Tbo Land Transfer Act Amendment Act 1880," in exerclso of the power of eMa conferred by memo, of mortgage No. 10,494, but b'Ubject to prior momo. of mortage No. 8189. For particulars and conditions of sale apply is THE AUCTIONEER; Or KENYON b HOSKING, Solicitors, 81m Princes Btroet, Dunedin. FREE SELECTION. /Vi'AGO HARBOUR BOARD MASSES. Apply HONTAGU iPYM, Sim Auctioneer, High street. James Samson and Co. THIS DAY, SATURDAY, llth APRIL, At 2 o'clock, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE1, PIANO, &<l. JAMES SAMSON and 00. have been favoured with Instructions from the Owner to sell by auction, at their Rooms, His Household Furniture, Including-Drawing-room suite in haircloth, oval table, pler.^lass, fender and firelrons, Brussels carpet, whatnot, tea-table, vases, ornaments, pictures, choffonier, chest of drawora, . double and tingle iron bedsteads, paillasses, hair mUtroß*, feathor bed, wash- ■ Btacds and ware, dressing-tables, lookingglasses, nardrobo, cano chairs, kitchen tables, kitchen sofa, tirnepioce, linoleum, kitchen and cooking utensils, kitchen range,' 20 bags onions. Also, One piece of mantle cloth, with allfaulta. llap G. 11. Barnes. THIS DAY. IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT, DUNEDIN. IRON AND WOODWARE COMPANY, Plaintiffs, And HENRY THOMAS, Dotendant. "RTOTIOE 18 HEREBY GIVSN that JS the GOODS and CHATTELS of the aboveBktned Defendant, consisting of Kitchen Utensils, Carpenter's Tools, Stewpanß, Boilers, and a quantity of sundries, will be SOLD by Public Auction This Day (SATURDAY), the Jlth day of April 1836, at the Ralllffa Office, eitoted In Water street, unless the Wurmnt bo sooner satisfied. Teraß cash. a. H. BARNES, i. n BftMS.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 4