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Publio Votioes 0 MO3GIEL WOOLLEN FACT . OMPANY a (LIMITED). 1 NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. i f d IHE Directors of the Mosgiel Woollei " X Factory have this day declared an INTSRIJ '" DIVIDEND for the half-yoar at tho rate of 10 pe cent, per annum. .. Warrants for same may be had at the Office of tin Company on and alter Ist ot MAY NEXT. R. S. NICOX.SON, *•,. . Secretary. April 7,lßßjv_] ; AOOBS' GIFT DEPOI , (Opposite Poat-olBce), PRINCES STREET. Whilst thanklrjg the public of Now Zealand for the! patronage during the poat 20 yeara, I have thi pleasure to inform them that, having made mon complete arrangornenta, with Direct Home Manu tacturers, I am now enabled to oQcr to the public A SINGLE ARTICLE AT THE WHOLESALE PRICE. The Stock Is replete with a large assortment o Fancy Goodß, Hall-marked sterling Gold andSilvei Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Glass and Plated Ware Stationery, Cutlery, Toys, and a thoUßand-and-om Knickknacks, the whole forming the MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE COLONY. The following aro a few special quotations :— £ s c Sterling Silver Hall-marked English Hunting Lever (capped and jewelled) .. .. 310 C DoWaltham .. .. •• 8 6 C Do Brooklyn .. .. •• 216 C Ladlea'Silver Gonevas .. ~126 Colonial Gold Wedding Rings and Koopere., 9 C Nickel Alarm Clocks .. .. •• Tea.Sets (40 pleceß) .. .. •• « t Visitors are Invited to Inspect. Country Orders receive Special Attention. Note address: Directly Opposite Post-office. A SINGLE ARTICLE AT THE WHOLESALE PBIOE. B&V KAIPARA CANNED MULLET. THE GREATEST DELICACY OF THE SEASON. THIS delicious fish, pronounced by all to be superior to anything yet placed before tho public, can now bo obtained from the principal atorekeepera throughout the Colony. DAVID BAXTER & CO., 26m Sole Agents for Otago and Southland. DISTILLERS COMPANY (LIMITED), EDINBURGH (Tho Largest Distillers In Britain). OOR old vat'ted GLENFORTH and GLENALMOND WHI9KIES have a world-wide reputation. They are matured in specially selected Sherrybutti, and we guarantee none leavea our stores, either In wood or bottled, UNDER THREH YEARS The Undcralgned are Sole Agents in Now Zoaland for tho above Company, and havo on sale their Glentorth Whisky in quarter-casks, octaves, jars, bottlos, flasks, and hall-flasks; and tholr Glenalmond Whisky in bottl:s, flasks, and half-flasks. ESTHER & LOW, Importers and Goneral Merchants, George siroet. KRUG'S CHAMPAGNE. Admitted by all Connolseura to be-the Finest In the World. Agents for Dunedin: ESTHER & LOW, H m George atroot. Waratah, June 20,1884. To Messrs HATTON & LAWS, Chemists, Launcoston, Tasmania. SIKS i —It affords me great pleasure to add my testimony to the wonderful effects ol AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, which haa cured mo of a very badly ulcerated leg. I had aix wounds which proventod me from followiDg my occupation for two years, during which time I consulted seven different doctors. Three pieces of bone came out, ono being an inch long. After taking six bottlea of AYER'3 SARSAPARILLA I waa able to work. Tho Sarsaparilla was obtained by R. W. Alford from your atore in Launcoßton. M?ke wbatsoover use you llko of this for tho benefit of other sufferers. I am, yours respectfully, (Signed) HESRY A. /LFORD. Sole Agents for New Zealand : KEMPTHORNK, PROSSEB, & CO.'S NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY (LIMIIED). lap RAITHWAITES BOOK ARCADE, Princes street north.—Everybody Invited to walk In and flee the Booka. Tho ■gjiINEST sight in Dunedin. No one .B* asked to buy. Everybody feelß at Home In Bratthwaite's Book ARCADE. 20,000 Books at Braithwaite'a Book Arcade, eo that you can get almost any book you MAY Want. Handbook of New Zoaland Gardonlng at Bralthwaito's Book Arcado,"2s Od-posted Bs. CJCHOOL CHILDREN and Visitors ►3 specially invited to walk through Braithwalte's Book Arcade. jj_ HUCKLEBORY FINN, by Mark Twain, _; Grif, by Farjeon, Sa; O»lled Back, la 3d; Dark Daya, Is 3d; John Bull and his Island, 3a; Doris, by tho author of Molly Bawn, 8a; Michael Davltt's Leaves from a Prlßon Diary; Madam, by Mre Oliphant, 8b; Lady Barker's Lettera to Guy; Ihc Root of All Evil, by Florenco Marryat, 2s 6d; Hotte'e Leviathan, Is Sd; George Eliot's Lite (8 vols.), by Croßs; Ralph Emerson, by 0. W. Holmes; Illustrated Carpenter and Builder (vol. 16), London Journal (now volumoi; Discasea ol Children, by Goodhart; Macaulay's Essaya and Lays (in one volumo), 8a; Women ol the Day, by F. Hay; Jellyfish, Starflßh, and Sea Urchins, by Romanua. Telephone No. 828. The Bost House In Now Zsaland for Booka and Stationery. | Wholesale- and Rotail. JAMES HOBS3URGH, 78 Gporcfl ntrnot, Dunodln. IBati EASTER CARDS.—New Designs in large variety in kind and form.—Now Books: Leaves from a Prison Diary (Davitt); New Dictionary of Quotations, with index to more than 16,000 words, 8a 8d; Roget's Thosaurua, Calveit'o Mechanic's Almanac and Workshop Companion, Calvert'a Mechanic's Pocketbook and Annual for Timekeeping 1886; Carponter and Builder (new volume), Huckleberry Finn, 3s-posted 3i 9d; Way of tho World, by D Christie Murray, Us—posted 3s 9d; Flower and Weed (Braddon), 2s 6d—posted 3a 3d; New Volumo Dicks' Englißh Library, 2a; True Tales ot Travel and Adventure, by Jaa. Maciulay, M.A., M.D.; Tact, Push, and Principle, by Thayer, 4a ; A Lon? Lane with a Turning, by S&rah Doudtoy, 6b; Stanley Grahamo, by Gordon Stables, 6s; Juafc In Time (by Mrs Roanoy), Called Back, Dark Days, la 3d-posted la 6d. Novelties In Notopapor and Knvolopos—Ropps, Acodornj of Arts, Quadrlllo, Crocodile, jEsthetlc, Kclectlc, &c. Account-booka made to any pattern, Including th( supply of paper, ruling, printing, numbering, ftc. A choice and large aeloctlon of Account-booke (Imported and own manufacture). Bookbinding ol ovory description. ALEX. BLIGO, Bookseller, Stationer, Bookblndof, 46 George street, Dnnodin. 18J 5_ B 0 N I< • has justreceivod Mark Twain's "Huckloburj Finn," "Doria," "Madamo," byMraOliphant; "Grlf,1 by Forjoon; the new Journals, &c, &c. ACCIDENT INSURANCE TICKETS May bo had at the Bookstall, Dunodln Railway. station. 113 Georgo street, Dunedin. 211 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Tf£TILKINSON ~~AISD KBDDIE, VV IRONMONGERS, 97 Georgo stroot, Dunedin. will sell all Goods at WHOLKSALE PRICES (foi Cash Ohi.t) from APRIL l.and for tho two auccood ing months, as It is absolutely nocoteary to roalißO « large sum of money at once. 1 Goods charged through our books will ho at usua prices, whilo cash buyers will rocolvo a Bubßtantia reduction during April, May, and Juno. Inspection will convince that tho reductions an genulno. W™ Business Announcomonto. Ossh advertisements nndor this head, not tJtceodlDi Blxtem wordo, will bo charged SIXPENCE. J. M'LANDBKBS. T>OOT3! EOOISI BOOTS! EXTRAORDINARY Roductlona in .f-wj'™! »"' Gontlemon'a Boota and Ehocß. All Gocds Ito i marked at prices that will ostonlßh ovoryono. SPECIAL Line of Colonial Boota an-l Bhocß.Gen'a' Balmorals, from 12a; Ladloa' Evenlnt , Shoes, from 6a 6d; Children's Boota and Shoos, Iron IbCJ. , . , CJPLENDID Aesortment of Boyß' and Touths' Booti J5 and Shoes—uneqaallod for wear and durability. ] OTE the Addreas-J. M'LANDRKSS, Boot one Shoe W&rehouoo, Criterion Buildings, No. 2! 1 Princeß street. - _: I HAliIiY AND CO. p TTALLY'B, 95 Georgo Btreot. WE Invito the attention of gontloraon of tasta ti our Grand Display of Scarvos and Glovos fo the Season.—9s George street. . EEELING assured that never beforo waß thero aucl an Immense array and varloty of Novoltioa a ' now exhibited at Hally's. ■ i A ND what Is very important, all at tho right pricos _ _3L —95 George atreet. _^ f TTATS.—A London Stock of higH-claas Hats, ligh P Jtl as a feather, In fad quite models, se ling at 2 ' 9d, 49 6d, 4a9d, 6a 6d, up to 103 6d—Hally s. HIQH-CLASS UNDER^LOTHING.-Splondid lo of Lambswool Shirts and Pants (Hawlok make eelllng at _ 6d, 6s, 6a 6d, ea 6d, up to 10s 6d. HALLY & CO.^ the Popular City Hattorß, 9 George street. "a MISOBLLANEOCS. DUNNING BROS. & LANDORF, P/inces ttreol have on hand a choice and large aaaortment ol PLUMS, Grapeß, Apples, Bananas, Pears, Tomatoei Cocoanuta, and all kinds of seaaop Fruit, lla TNFANTB' Watorproof B!bs.-Bix dozen just t J. hand, 9d each. -Misses Brownlie, milllnori Prlncea Btreet. • NBW Shapes' In Straw Hata (brown, grena and myrtle, 2a 6d; splendid valuo. Corn 10 and Bee. • - X>Y, the Mall.-Froah supply of American Pap< V Jt> ratternß—MiSßßß Brownlio, solo agentß in Ne Zealand. IIP

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 3