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VaiiUabm Disoovhr? fob the Haib.—lf your hair Is turning grey or white, or (ailing off, uso " The Mexican Hair Kenawer," lor it -will positively restore in every case Grey or White Hair to its original colour, v.ithout leaving the disagreeable smell ol moBt" Restorers." It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, as well as promoting the growth of the hair on halo spots, where tho glands aro notdocayed. Ask your Chemist for " Thb .Mbxioan Haib Kbnbwer," sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 8s 6d pot bottle. Wholesalo depfit, 83 Farringdon road, LonAon.- [Aiwr.l Eno's Fruit Saw acts as simply, yet just as powerfully, on the animal system as sunshine does on the vegetable world. It has a natural action on the organs of digestion, absorption, circulation, respiration, secretion, and excretion, and removes all impurities, thus preserving and restoring health. Caution -Legal rights are protected in every civilised country. Examine each bottle, and Bee that the capsule is marked " Eno's Fruit Salt"; without it you have been imposed on by worthless imitations.— Sold by all Chcmiats. Price, 2a Oc! and 4a 6d. Directions in 16 languages. How to prevent diseaae.-Preparcd only at Kko's Fruit Saw Works, Hatcham, London, 5.8., by J. C. Eno's Patent.— [Advt.] HOIiMWAt'B OIKTMEN'T AND FlI/LS.— Notable Facts.— Intense heat augments tho annoyances of akin di«ease and encourages the development of febrile dlsordors; wherefore they should, as they nmj'j be removed by these detergent and purifying preparations. In stomach complaints, liver affections, pains and spasms of the bowels, Holloway's unguent well rubbed over the affected part immediately gives the greatest ease prevents congestion and inflammation, checks the threatening diarrhoea, and averts incipient cholera. The poorer inhabitants of large cities will find these remedies to be their best friend when any pestilence lwes or when from unknown causes eruptions, boils, abscesses, or ulcerations betoken tho presence of taints or impurities within the system, and call for instant and effective curative medicines.—[Advt.)

Publio Notices. ALL PERSONS having CLAIMS Bgfunßfc tho Estate ol the late Captain JAMES DUNCAN arc requested to forward Accounts to our Office, Exchange Court, Princes strott, bsfore Noon on MONDAY next. ADAlls BROS ., lla ' Solicitors. ... EW ZEALAND INDUSTRIAL ;' EXHIBITION, 1886. NOTICE TO INTENDIKG t XHIBITCH3. ' Special Art and Home Industrial Branches. ENTHY FORMS csn now bo received from, and mußt bo returned duly filled in to the Undersigned prior to th* 31st Inst. D . K . ETJNSON, Secretary to the Local Committee. 6 Exchange Court, Princes atreet, Duntdin. llap TO AROHiTECrS. I COMPETITIVE DESIGNS are in- " -' vited for a Building to bo erected on tho Government Resorvo, corner of Customs and Albert streets, Auckland, suitable fur the accommodation of trie Customs, Land, and Natlvo Depaitmonts of that city. The cost ol tho building Is not to exceed twelve thousand pounds sterling (£12.000). No plan will be approved until the tendor for it ia accepted, affor tho expenditure is authorised by Parliament. A premium of ine hundred pounds (£100) will bo Riven for tho plan approved, which will then becomo the property of the Uovernmenb. Tho Government will not necessarily bo bound to employ the same architect on the construction of the building. Tho Government Reserve is two hundred and fifty links (260 links) facing- Customs s reet and cno hundred and .twenty-five (126 links) to Albert street. Tho designs are to be addressed to the Commissioner ol Customs, Wellington, and to be sent in on or before the lßt JUNK 1886. The plans aro to be Blgncd with a motto, and in a separate soaled envelope tho name representing the motto is to be givon. THOMAS HILL, Collector. Auckland, February 16, 1885 18m TO THE MEMBERS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PKOVIOENT SOCIETY. I BEG to intimate that I am a CANDIDATE for tho office of DIRECTOR to fill tho vacancy which arises on tho Board at the next annual meeting. Yours faithfully, ISAAC ELLI3 IVES. Arcyle Bond, Sydney, March 11, 1886. 81m ri U N 8. BREECH-LOADING GUN3. MUZZLE-LOADING GUNS, HAMMERLESS GUNS. SPORTING AND RABBIT POWDER. NBW ZEALAND HARDWARE COMPANY (LIMITED), Cumberland street. 18a DISSOLUTION O? PARTNERSHIP. TBIS IS TO NOTIFY that the Partnership hitherto subsisting between the Undersigned JOHN R2ID, JAMES WILSON. DUNCAN, aud GEORGE SMH'H DUNCAN, as Estate Agents, Surveyors, "and Civil Engineers, under the firm and style ol REID & DUNCANS, was DISSOLVED insofar aa the eaid George Smith Duncan ia concerned as from tho 31st day of October 1883, and insofar as the said James Wilson Duncan is concorned as from the 7th day ot March inst. All dobtß duo to or owing by the said firm o{ Koid and Duncans will be received and paid by the eaid John Reid, who will from tho 7th March inst. carry on tho business in Mb own right. Dated at DunediD, this 18th day of March 1885. JOUN REID, J. W. DUNCAN. GEOKGK S. DUNCAN (By bis Attorney, J. W. Duncan). Witness to all the signatures : P. Duncan, Solicitor, Dunedin. I>BFERRING to the above, I beg to JAj notify thnt aa from 7th March inst. I have taken my Son, HENRY WILLIAM REID, into PARTNERSHIP, and tho business hitherto carried on under tho stylo of Reid and Duncans will now be carried on by us under the style Of JOHNREID&SON. Mt H, W. Held will devote hla attention chiefly to the Counting-home. Surveying and Engineering will be under the charge of Mr L. O Brai,, Jun., who has an interest in thit branch cf our business. Land, Money, and Valuation business, as hitherto, will be conducted by myself personally. JOHN REID. Dunedin, March 20, 1886. 21? PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ■ftTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that XH HENRY RO3CHEVILLE SKARDON, of Dunedin, has this day been admitted into co partner-, ship in the business of ROBERC K. MURRAY and SON, Confectioners and Importers, Dunedin; and that tho ssid businoss will bo carried on, as heretofore, under the style of " Robtrt K. Murray and Son." Dated at Buncdin, this Ist day of April 1885. ROBERT O. MURRAY. JOHN R. MUK&&Y. HENRY R. SK4RDON. Witness to signatures: W. D. Mime, Solicitor, Duueoiu. Oap DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. T^TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 13 the Partnership existing for some time past botween JOHN CONVVAY EDWARDS and JAMES GLOBSOP, both of Dunodin, as General Agents, &c, Is this day DUsolved by mutual consent. All Accounts duo to and by the above firm will bo paid and received by JAMES GLO3SOP, who will carry on the business. Dated at Dunodin, the seventh day of April 1886. JOHN CONWAY EDWARDS. JAMES GLOSSOP. Witnesses of signatures: O. E. Twinino. Wm. Crosbik. llap NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. A DVERTISERS are notified that Advertisements eont In aftor 11 p.m. for ineortlon In the Otago Dally Times will bo placed In tho Special i Columns preceding the leading articlo, and will bi obarged Extra Rates.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 3