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Amusements. T Y.O B U M HALL. Lessee and Manager. Mr E. Fauri. Stage Managor........Mr E. Faust; Jan. TO-NIGHT, TO-NIGHT, Positively the Last Appearance 01. THE WONDERFUL FAUST FAMILY. EKOTIUcTsUCCESS. NEW FEATS, NEW SELECTIONS. NEW FARCE. NEW SONGS. THIS AFTERNOON, QBAND MATINEE (or School Children and Families. Doors open at 2 p.m.; coramonce at 2.80. Admission: Children (Body ot Hall), 6(1; Adulte, Is ; Dress Circle, Children, is/; Adults, 2s. Box Flan at Dresden Piano Warehouse. Day Ticket! at Allen's, tobacconist. Uap Agent, F. KLINQENFIELD. OTAGO EARLY HISTORY SOOIKTr. mHK CONVERSAZIONE of the above JL Society will be held at the UNIVERSITY On FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1856, At 5 p.m. There will bo an exhibition ol numerous objects ot historical and other Interest in varlouß rooms of thi University, consisting ol Maori carvings, implements, ornaments, dresses, &c, pictures Illustrative of the early history ol the Colony and ol typical scenery, the carlleßt Colonial newspapers, books, and other publications. Short addresses will ha dellrorod during the evening by Mr Macandrew, M.H.R. (President), Rev. Dr Stuart, Dr Hocken (Vice-president), and Mr A. C. Begg. Full particulars Id the programme. Tickets, Including refreshments, 2a each. To be had of the principal booksellers, and of Mr Mender* ehauien. It Is particularly deeired that thoee possessing historical Bketches, photographs, or any othor similar objects of interest will (orwatd the same to Dr Hocken for Exhibition. Uap EDMUND SMITH, Hon. Sec. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FAREWELL BENEFIT Tendered to J^JISS MARY HUME, Prior to her Departure from New Zealand. Particulars in future advertisements. Sap HOBBS and GOODWIN, ■ THEATRICAL AND OEHEBMi BILLPOSTERS, OURiSXOHUKOH. _ Font-oglca Aoit;eß3: 'Cox ißf. HOSSOB SO BHK&SSIGAKS AKD OTHEBB. TO ARRAEF&bT&J' ITga cf Uw WolHagtoa EiLL-EQARBS. csmEraalcaia witk ESCKBSI.& BEOSESaa, gssgtietois Sylvius; Pout, «*(*' WeIIiOKOe' SABD3SB ts.WBOXUeV, i StlgkUa Ofesjcbase, Eimihcl ti.. Chrfejchnioh. Meetings, SOUTH CANTERBURY AMATBUR ATHLETIC - CLUB. jpHE HALF-ANNUAL GENERAL X MEETING of tho abovo Club will be held at the Ship Hotel, Timaru, on MONDAY, the 18th insl., at 11 a.m. . ■ BusinoES: Kloction of Members, Consideration of Mr Qray's Notice of Motion, Routlno. ,G. F. CLULEE, Hon. Secretary. Timarn, April 7,1888. Uap A . MEETING of the CREDITORS of Mr STEPHEN STAMP HUTCHISON will be held at tho Office of the New Zealand Hardware Company (Limited), Cumberland sbroet, THIS DAY (BATURDAY), April 11, at 10.30 a.m. IQap D.Y.M.C.A. • , PARLIAMENTARY DEBATING CLUB. COMMENCEMLNX OF NEW SESSION. THE SlTriNGs"oftho HOUSE will bo resumed on WEDNESDAY EVENING next. April 15, at 7.80, in tho Hall of tho Y.M.C.A., lloray pluco, und contlauo thereafter ou -;iU»— Svenluso^" —■ ——;-^ -±-^ — Gentlemen desirous ot joining are requested to loavo their names with the Kcv. J. White, secretary of ths Y.M.0.A., Moray place, on or before Tuesday next. April 14. 1. INOLIS WRIGHT, flap _ _ _ Oierk of the House. ' 'Lectnrss. T EC T U RE. HEW ZEALAND MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION. Under the auspices of the above, PROFESSOR J. MAINWARING BROWN Will Lecture in the Y.M.O.A. Rooms On MONDAY EVENING FIRST, ISth INST. . ', Subject: "The Report of the Technical Education Commission." The Lecture will bo followed by a discussion on " Tho beet means of extending Technical Education In New Zealand," in which a Lumber of Gentlemon will take part. Ladlei are invited. The chair will be token at 8 o'clock. Uap P. R. EUNSON, Secretary. WATCH THIS! -—— MRS LEAVITT, Ottho WOMEN'S TEMP£RANOE UNION, Will give ADDRESSES EVERY AFTERNOON and EVENING In : GREAT KING STREET INDEPENDENT CHURCH. THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON, at 8 o'clockSubject:" Heredity of Alcohol." All Invited. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, 8 o'elock.-Addreei to Young Ladleg. Mr J. Lowh in the Chair. Admission by Ticket, Freo to Reserved Seats. Public invited to the remainder of the building. Uap J^IOJ TJ_M H A L L. De J. L. YORK, "The Ingerßoll ot the. Wost," will commence a ' COURSE OF LECTURES In the above Hall on SUNDAY, APRIL 12. Subject: " The Science of Life, or How to be Happy." Selections by the Orchestra. Doorg open at 7; commence at 7.50 p.m. Admission: Circle and Front Seats, ■ Is: Back Seats, 6d. ■ The CHILDREN'S LYCEUM will meet in future on SUNDAY MORNINGS, at 11 o'clock. Visitors are ' cordially Invited to attend. U»p MR MATTHEW BURNETT. Tbo celebrated Yorkshire Evangelist and Social Reformer, ' Will conduct aSIX DAYS' MISSION In tho GARRISON HA L L, ■ Comisdncing TUESDAY, APRIL U. Admission Free. All cordially invited. A collection at each Meeting to defray expenses. A limited number of Chairs will be reserved, Is each. The first night of the Mission, a TORCHLIGHT FKOCESSION will loavo tho Garrison Hair at 7.16, returning at a-quarter to S. All Temperance friends are Invited to take part. Scats will be reserved for those taking part In tho Procession. Full particulars In future advertisement. Uap Religious. T3EADINGS FROM PAPERS XV by JOSEPH PARKER, D.D., Of the City Temple, London. The above will bo given in tho Garrison Hall on SUNDAY EVENINGS, APRIL 12 and 19, By Mr A. BRUNTON. Subject—" Faith: Why is It Essential to my Salvation?" Commence at 8.45 sharp. Choir sings from 0.80. AdmlSßion by Ticket. Freewill offerings to defray expenses. Uap /"IREAT KING STREET INDEPEN\JT DENT CHURCH. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES on SUNDAY, Apill 12, at 11 a.m.—Rev. J. Bcckenham and Mrs Loavitt. AFTERNOON,CHILDREN'S SERVICE at Bo'clock— Ro?. Dr Koßßby. EVENING SERVICE at 8.80-Rev. J. Ryley, Port Chalmers. The Tea and Public Meeting Is postponed from 14th inst, to Tueßday, 7,lst inst. . lUp A MONTH'S MISSION, commencing on SUNDAY, April 12 (d.v.), conducted by Mr VT. CORRIE'.JOHNSTON. Three ' Mooting! on Sundays in tho Princess Theatre. Afternoons, at 8 -A series of Bible Readings ; Evening, from 0.46 ti117.15-Gospel Addresses; Evening, from 8 to9— Addresses on the Coming of tbo Lord and Dlspen> satlonal Truth. Four Evenings daring the Week, at 7.E0 (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thundays, and Fridays), in tho AthoDseum Ha'l, Uap ■ WOBDB FOR SIXPENOB.—' J- \9 Bltuatlons Wanted, Houim to L*l Foi M* fee, ius Hid at tbli rat* f«i CAIH QNLT.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 1