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I Miscellaneous Wants. ■ETTTANTED, TENDEBS for the LEASE (nine year V V of those Prernise3 In Princes street, nearl; opposite D. M. Spedding's auction-room, conslstln of TWO SHOPS and DWKLLING-HOUSE (five roon and Ecullery), with yard attached, at present in tt occupation of B. K. Glllau, bootmaker, and Dornwe and lionnie, butchers. ' Poß3esalon given middle of Apiil. I" Apply by letter to , Hop D. WOOD, Balclutha. ANTED KNOWN,-MISS ROS3, Ladies' Hail dreaser, has Resumed Business, adjoinln Turkish Eitba, Moray place.—Combings and Tangle Hair worked into any style^ 11« WANTED KNOWN,— Country customors, do nc forget OREAT SALE at City Boot Palaci Stick muit be sold. WANTED KNOWN,-Gymnastic Shoes, all sizei from 33 6d; also Tennis Shoos, from 4a 6d.Clty Boot Palace. 0 XJT ANTED KNOWN,-We havo had a lot of ou Vv new Winter Goods, and marked at Sal 1 Price. WASTED KNOWN,—Gooda alrnoat given awaj Inspect for yourselves. MOBt Legitimat 0 Boot S»Io ever held. 1 \}U^ lirm KNOWN,-Addro3S is City Boot Palace ' V v Qeorijo gtroet. Bo auro you go to the rlgh i Bhop__ : OJANTED KNOWN,-Last Few Days of Sale W Last Days! La?t Days 11 - CITY EOOI - PALACE, 7li Gaoigo ettect. 2Sji * TSTANTED KNOWN, Great roduction in the prto " ?V of HAlß.—Madame M'Qaoon, Ladloa' Hair lircsser, 62 George stro9i-. 8 ripo SELL (Dalkeith), largo HOUSE; every con JL venioEco; tram passes the door.-Apply Camp boll'a Market, Moray place. ' npo SE(jL, nt Campbell's Market, Moray place , JL Dinner and Tea Sets. Remember, tho whole must be aold - Great Bargains. f^\ REAT SALE of Lidka' DRESSES st Campbell'! O" Market—the Goods must bo sold. UTV/ANTED, tho Lsdlca to come to Campboll'i V¥ Markot. Great Sale evory day at 2 p.m.— ' Moray place. , -%7J&mKD TO BEI.L, WASTE PAPER, la l»rg( V V or ojiisl! fjiiar.Sliieg.—Apply iu tho Publisher. T/*TAMSSD, SHSA2RIOAI, HAHAGEES ane VV Oiheio to know tbal tho OSago D*ily Tlmei oodorirtk^J th3 Poatlugr of (any else) BJvramais, Pactei-:?, »acl cvezy dssoi!j>4lon of PrlnJlnii on Sho most p:omlssns poolSiono In duo Oi4y, On tin horfoai notion. Tgxr&IVSED KNOWN—GretS Bedecilon Jo Piloe.I <j y Dirsln-pipca of ?.'! doacripilocs, FlOTrar-saSa, gsoiak-noic, FouuS&Ses, tiblmney-topa, hs.~ Litr.bartV Wotih-Kaot Va!;o7 PcSSaiy Wntfcs. t&a fflfßffSASuSSii Br3CTAOLEB SPSOTAOLEai . ■^S"7&S__D, Slio V"Ba_-silg»rtod to taiow tba. Siisj 'j'*' c?.e kisvo fi'reckeloa piopsrly td.isted to Bull tbek a'irit?; ai r£S>SSV2-i,sS, Op4iciau /ved Ej:eetao!o^ sni-et to ifco D3i;ed;a Ho^ittl, Ko. 0 fisojpo otfosJ, rn"6 Eraiillan Pebbles, higiilj' rccoc-nsoadod to daffjaiiva viclsss. Alss oa 63ls—Sykea1 HydJO—oiots, Utej do, fl.-.tsbsioEasiorS; Tho!_OKe4a»s, Ancsold EiitoaseSors, 'ssx^uls, v"ivJ2iiob3, Shipa' OaraKaMSD, ' SolUiO—cScra, LB.cio_cJies'fi, M»Sfc«ia&s!<:&l SaaSra--1 Kienti!, Siold CfeK-co, Tc'.o^sspcß, ho, K.B.—Al! !Eir.3s n« OuSlsal jiu<l KRiflimikiictl Iq. gtmniTOiia han.-ht. I__ SHOOTING SEASON. ABOLOMON, Pawnbroker, 27 George street, s and National Pawn Office, Rattray street, has FOP. SALE, at low pticoa, every description ol MODEaN FIREARM, of latost pattorns, Includmg: Qibba and Pitt's patent safety hammerless Breechloading Gun. Thla gun is the latest development ol an absolutely sate firearm. Prico In case, with flttlnge complete, £15 to £22108. Double-barrel Breech-loader, top scap action, rebounding loclib, extendod rib, patent foro-end, by Mortimer, Old Bond street, London; choke bore. Price in oak case, with fittings cotnplote, £14 14s. Doublo-barrel Breoeh-loadors, inodorn improved Btyloj, with undev-gusrd, sido lover, or top Bnap action, either with modified choke barrels, left barrel choko, or full choke In both barrels, by Qreener, Hollis, Mortimer, or Webloy, at prices varying from £6 6a to £10 10<j. Very superior double Breech loader, by Piirdey. Single-barrel Brcech-loadcre, rebounding !<VW, choko boro, solid atrlkora. Doublo-barrol Muzzlo-loadors, by Manton, Mortlvnor, aud Punley, from £3 3a to £7. Patent Jtirass Cirtridwo-caaoa for breech-loading guna. Every variety of Breech-loading Ammunition. Purchasers will Und at these establishments the .largest and boat-selected Btock of Gune in New Zoaland to oelect from, Rnd extremely low prices. All kinds of Fitting for breach-loading gune. A. SOLOiiON, National Pawn Office, Unttray street, and 27 George street, Daaedin. 28d WA H 3 S S & B 0 W 8, shas Bna 07 SSB O?_{»O DA»_Y TiM^S oi'i'io3 Js now ir.nMi.zi «!';:: pee ~.\ Ho k:oS csrs^loSe PflcSiDi' Fiwi'.a iia v'i-i Orissy, a v/eU-iKlesSaS Bad sxSoasiva yfiKitet.zA ei Ji'ga &'--i HstaMai L-avins joeasily bf^:: S;irf.:t2 ti slie JabUaff V\;.ui. S.fmj d«««:ll9t5o_ f! t'acu.iorcisl S-'Satlng esdci'lsken r.i»l esacafci! In ti".' fc'Jj'; rtvi1?, tzar sJ o'ata;> >«sf" i'"._j_i_, ju«__.i, -.-cutoFi?, aas! 'iteAJleai wsA Gi avar t'«o-ii;Hc2 esBO/^Ciii, osd uiijlwsd wiati BUo pjuiai-saj fccsstJiiisa ia 'die ciiy. Tiia t'Vopileicre s! '.ho il;'u;s htving p;c-£.o 6o sjsuftS czpcv.'ic Is iis naMha's iiitl orocSuii ci r. Isi'yu nesobes cl hoMdiuga IK th-3 dk-A-i;- cl p'Jßioiii iii nil i?6rfes o! too oii^ csa a ■ ■■;• .;<>o s r>3!il!slty k- Vms p.'k?, of wast \jasSa>iiiftbl3 sVn.vnav* «■-'• iir.riM'.-. r_c Let. Oath Rdvor j'sa_ost3 aadiiv ibits hosd, ;;oS ozcaadljiE Bisicoo nti'ls, v"d 1)3 chssgad BIXK3KOB. mo LOT, two thioe-roomcd COTTAGES.—AppIy tD JL Mr Simon, Kingston Hous«, Caatle street, llap 0 h E T, Tho PREUISKS situate in High street, now in tho occupation of Messrs Baßtings, Lcr.ry, and Co. as ' Offices and Auction-room. llm PPly STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY__ i'O KEROHAWTS AND AGENTS. TO LET, for a term, in Colombo Btreot, Christchurch(contrally6ltuated),near Cathedral Hquare, four well-lighted BOOMS, admirably Buited for Office and Sample-rooms.—Apply KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER. & CO , llap Dunedin or Chriatchurch. TO LET by TENDER, for a term of 14 years, AGRICULTURAL LAND In the neighbourhood of PALMERSTON SOOTH, the piopr-ty of Messrs Allen Brothers. The principal portion of the land to bo let adjoins tho Township of Paluicratan South, and contaiue about 1028 acros* ia proposed to lot in one lot or in the following separate farms : — No. 1.-Contalnlng 259a 3r 31p, boiDg sectionß 63, 64, 65, and part 66, block IV, Moerakl district No. 2.—Containing 104a Br 24p, being part of and 67, block IV, Moeralsl District No. 8.- Containing 106s lr 23p, being section CS and part 6/, block IV, Moeraki district No. 4.—Containing 136a 5r SBp, beinc; Eection 6£ a.-.d parts 60 und bi, block IV, Moeraki district Noi 6.—Containing 2GCa lr 33p, being sections 33, ! 2 of 24, 36, aad part 36, block HI, Moeraki : district No. 6.—Containing 136a 2r 38p, being ecctlon 33 and part 30, block 111, Moeraki district. Tho other Land to bo Lot Is known as the WOOL ' SUED FARM, lately occupied by Mr Brunton, anc ' contains about 533 acre3, being eectioue 12,13,14,16, 18, and 36, block I_, Mooraki district. Plans of tho land, also particulars and conditlono oi letting, may bo seen at tho Offices of Tho Truatees : Executora, and Agency Company of New Zealand Liverpool street, Duneuin; and at Mr Johnaton'i Store, Falmcrsion South. Further information m»y be obtained on applicatioi to tho Agent, with whom tenders are to bo lodged or or beforo the 21st of AP--11L next, addressed I F. GRAHAM, ) Agent for Allen Brothora, j Great Kiug etroet, liunedln. ) Tho highoat or any tender not necessarily accepted ■ 31u TO INVKSTORS, BREWERS, AND HOTEL--3 KEIiPEKS. 3 ' rjiHE SHIP HOTEL, TIMAKU * • TO LET. 1 Tho Proprietor being about to rctlro from bu9lneE In Tiraaru, the above Hotel, which is known far am J wide aa one of tho best houses in South Canterbury, 1 now to let. It la Bituato in the most aclivo business part of th Town, la three storeja high, contalno tho bott accom roodation, Is elaborately furnished, and the alto is ii the healthiest part of tho town. It commaada ■ complete vlow of tho harbour, from which it ia dlstan '. about 400 yardo, and In tho imracdiata vicinity ol th p Railway-station snd Post-oflUe, being within twe - minutes' walk of each plaes. :- The attention of the Public is respectfully drawn t * this announcement. The Hotel can v/lth every confidence ba recom ? mended aa one of tho best speculations now In th market. Tho rental ia moderate, a small capital i ;' only required, snd the investment will without dout ;'. prove a thoroughly paying ono to whoever may till the placo. It ia patronised by tho elite of the Souther: listrict, aud hoa gained through its prcaunt proprietc ~ (whoso reasons for Riving It up can bo fully explained S » nams which only can "be got by these whose stric ■t attention to business and unfailing courtesy to ever " comer haa been proved, r For particulars &3 to rent, or any further inform! tion which may bo required, apply to D. M'GUINNESS, ? Proprietor; WM. SAVAGE, Hotelbroker, l- Christchurch; Or R. R TATLOR, P Wine Merchant, ; 2_p Timaro. * rp 0 L E ■' JKNTBAL PREMISES ~ (Oppoalto Customhoußi'). " Apply s > NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF ct °p NEW ZSALAND.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7223, 11 April 1885, Page 1