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Bußinew Announcement*. ■SIMON BBOTHBBS, SIMON BROTHERS continue to bo famous for " Sxtraoidinary valuo in Boots and Shoes.—Men s Semi Shoes, 12a 9d. TTI3ITOR3, See Them.-Special linos (all eewn) V Gents' Oxford Balmorals, 15s 9J; »uperior Elastics, 15s 9d; Kid Shoes, llj 6d. / CANNOT get the same value elsewhere.—Men's Balmorals (pegged), from 110; Elastics, from 9s; Uppers, 8s 6d. HAVE you seen them I— Ladles' Button Bootß, 8s 6d j superior Imitation Buttons, 7s 9d; splendid Plain Kid Elastics, 6a 9d. /"I ENTLEMEN OP THE CITY, see lateßt shipments VX In Glove and Glace Kid, French Calf, Cloth Tops, to. ; EARMEBS and FAMILIES, remember that Our Owu Make Is moro famous than ever. Splendid Lome Balmorals, 11b Bd. WORKING MEN, Kconomise.-Women's Strong High lace, 9s; Girls and Boys', from 4s 9d; Women's Strong Carpet Slippers, Zs lid. MINEBS, try us for celebrated North British Gum Boots -lowest pricea. Also, Long Kangaroo Laggings. Toßt prices. BE SURE and REMEMBER the Address -.—SIMON BROTHEES, Boot Manufacturers, Goorge street, 6 doors from Octagon. 30ap BBADT-MONKY BIOHABDB. AUTUMN and WINTER TRADE.- Hundreds of Oases opening this week of New and Faßhionable Goods for mHE COMING SEASON.-Beautlful New JacVots, X from lus 6d; Ladies' Ulaters, from 4s lid; Children's Four-in-hands, 3s lid. READY-MONEY RICHARDS.—EndIess Assortment Now Autumn Millinery, Trimmed and untrimmed, at loss than wholesale prices. T>EADY-MONKY RICHARDS.—Twenty cases Black XX Cashmero (French), Homespuns, Scotch Tweeds, Indian Cashmoro—best value in the city. READY-MONEY RICHARDS.—Men's ClotbineSec sample Suits ot all prices in window. Trousers and Vest, 6s lid. READY-MONEY RICHARDS.—Tweed Coats, 6a lid; Boys' Blue Serge Suits, Os lid; Men's Best Colonial Tweed Suits, 39s 6d. READY-MONEY RICHARDS. — Heavy White Blankets (double beds), 12s lid; Finest and Beat Quality, -?2s 8d; 721n Sheeting, 7!jd. READ Y-MONEY RICHARDS.-Curtains, 2s lid; Towels, 2Jd; S6in White Calico, 3Jd ; beautiful. Cretonnes, 6|d. _ T)E AD Y-MONEY RICHARDS.-Six-button Fancy XV Cashmere Gloves, lljd; New Ribbons, New Laces, desperately cheap. READY-MONEY RICHARDS, Goorge street — New Goods for all Departments at prices for the million. «__> J^M 'IANDBKSS. TUST Landed, a new lot of Gants' Boots and Shoes tl in English, French, and Gorman makes. LADIES' High-leg Buttoned, Laced, »nd E.S. Boots and Walking Shoes of every description. SPLENDID assortment of Boys', Girls', and Children's Colonial Boots and Shoes at pricos still lower. NOTE the Addresa-J. M'LANDRBSS, Boot and Shoo Warehouse, next Criterion, opposite the Dresden Piano Bep6t, Princes ttreot. 1* rm ahd ocMiNa, Tji V' F E & O~U MING WERE ono of tho firßt to commenco a _____ _p ENUINE CLEARING SALE at tho end of every VX season, and well doesjtheir READY-MONEY Drapery Warehouse maintain ita roputation as the place from which is to be _ OBTAINED every article at a Reduced Price. They are showing some beautiful SPOT ZEPHYR CAMBRICS at 2Jd per yard, and a very attractive selection of (OHKOK SATEENS, 4Jd per yard. <___ MESSRS FYFE & CUMING do an Immense business in every department. 20d J, MOIXISON AND BON, JMOLLISON and SON have landed, ex Victory, • a large assortment of Cove and West's /CELEBRATED Boota and Shoes, conßlßtlng of Call \j and Cloth Shoes, Cloth and Calf Balmorals; also E.B. IN LADIES' we have Plnet and Otto Herz and Oo.'b Shoes, first quality. In best TTINGLISH MAKES we have Kid Button Balmorals Hi and Elaatic-Bides. In Children's, Kid Button Balmorals and Elaatlc-sldea. OUR STOCK ol Colonial 1b large and ol the very best quality. Evory Article in the Trade MADE TO ORDER of best materials and workmanship. Pricea (according to quality) Btrictly moderate—6 Princes otreot, Dunedln. Tn . W. MELVILLE, BICYOLES, Bicycles. — The "Grand" Bicycle, the " Universal Club," the " British Mall," the " Spoclal Express" Bicycles. BICYCLES.— The "Facile" Safety Bicycle, and others; all tho latest designs. Inspection invited.—Melville, George street. fTIRICYCLES, Tricycles.—The "Salvo," "Rob Roy," X the " Sandringham Club"; lateat designß. Lamps, bells, fittings, &c. WHITE SEWING-MACHINES.—LatesS Improved White has Belt-sotting needle and Beltthreading shuttle. WHEELER and WILSON (straight - needle, double-power Sowing-machines have no shuttlo and no cogwheels. -_ SEWING-MACHINES of all kinds REPAIRED on the promises by W. MELVILLE, engineer and machinist. So Q. OABBIGHAN, /COMPOUND PHOSPHOROUS PILLS (Carrlghan's). V-* The groat Brain Food for decline of power, lmpotency, and general nervous debility. 6a bottle. * LL WHO SUFFER-FIND SURE RELIEF from t\ Carrighan'B Phosphorous Pills for loss of memory, lack of energy, despondency, lack of nervous force, and manhood. A STHMA POWDER (CARRIGHAN'S).—I will Bend J\. to any asthmatic's address in the Colony a Sample Tin of Powder Free on receipt of 2d stamp. ASTHMA POWDER (CARRIGHAN'S). - Why suffer pain and slooplesß nights when my powder will afford immediate relief and produce a calm sleep I 2s and 8s 6d a tin. FEMALE PILLS.-Dr Gibson's Ponnyroyal and Steel, 8s ed; Dr Bonjoan's, is 6d; Dr Mutter's, 4s 6d; Hooper's, is ; Widow Welch's, Ss Od. EEMOVE all irregularities to which thefemalo sex are liable, and relieve the distressing symptoms that arise from etoppa;o of the proper (unctions. PILES.— Carrighan'B Compound Witch Hazel Ointment, a prompt relief and cure for blind, mucous, bleeding, or external piles in all stages, le6d. Porteouß' Edinburgh Ointment, Is 6d. moOTHACHß.—Carrlghan'e Anodyne. Few anoX dynea glvo such relief to the sufferer as this. Tryjt^ IS; CASTOR OIL, TASTELESS (Carrlghan's).— Children drink it with avidity j peitoctly free from smell. Is. mASTELESS CASTOR OIL (Carrlghin'aJ.-Is the I purest castor oil obtainable, la. XTO MORE SEASICKNESS (Oarrlghan'B Remedy). XI Its wonderful power to arrest Seasickness has long since been eatablished beyond all doubt. 6s bottle. SEASICKNESS.— When my remedy la ÜBod a sea voyage Is made en|oT»blo—appotite Improved, and patient ablo to walk about in somfort WORM SYRUP (" Carrighan'B").-A pleasant, oafo, a,ai effectual remedy; commands an enormouß sale. Never fails. 2s. ' /^(ARrTgHAN'S TEETHING POWDERS Bhould \j be given rogularly to infants of the age of three months to two years, the period of dentition, as they assist nature and eootho the child, preventing convulsions, &c. Price, Is per packet. Full directions on each powder. /COMPOUND DANDELION PILLS, for removing \j heavy, drowsy toolings, swimmings in the head, and headache. Is 6d. WIND and SPASM PILLS (Carrighan's) pevor fall In tho worst cases. Is. TJHEUMATIC MIXTURE (Carrighan's) quickly XL reduces awollon joints, produces comfortable sloop, lnterforos with no duties, is pleasant to tho taste, a deadly onomy to tho root of this malady, and has proved most effective In hundreds of cases. When given a fair trial It has never been known to fail. Can be used with the utmost safety. Price 8s 6d a bottle DOGS. DogB.—MANGE REMEDY (Carrighan'B), a certain cure. 8s 6d. . "p|OGS.—DISTEMPER Cured for 3esßd. T\OGS.-Carrighan's WORM POWDERS, 2s, MY DOG MEDICINES, the rosult of long oxperlonco and careful observation of all complaints to which tho lowor animals are liable, are confidently recommondod as Bale. The MADAME EEPOH'B PILLS, for all diseases ol Urinary Organs in eithor sex, 8a Bd. ADAME EEPOH'S MIXTURE. — For male diseases. Sole agent, is 6d a bottle. NO MORE CORNS.-Tho Russian Com Cure.— The greatest boon ovor offered to tho pnbllc. Ono trial convinces tho most sceptical. Is Od. THE RUSSIAN CORN CURE.—This marvellous dincovory In unequalled by any modern preparation. No certain cure has over been given to the world before the RUSSIAN CORN CURE was made known. Is portoctly painlesß; slmplo in application; dries instantly, and does not adhere to the sock. Is 6d. CORNS 1 CORNS I CORNS !-Dcath to by the uae ot the Russian Corn Ouro. X INSSN-MARKER.—The invention ot Ming BhuJIJ lah, a Japanese Chomlst; requires no heating. Bb. T INEN-MARKER.—Just rocolved. A child can J_ übo It. Dooa not burn tho material. You can carry it In your pockot. 2b. X>OCK CEMENT (Transparent)—Carrighan's.—No XV cement In the world equals it. Shows no colour, and stands boiling hot water. Is bottle. ■STOtIR SEASICKNESS remedy la a splendid cuie.JL Wh. Hism (H&sMe Bros.}, Dunedln. "OKRFUMERY, Soaps, and Toilet Requisites. HAVING rccolvod a largo stock of tho above, wo nre now in a position to supply cheaper than any other bouse in Dunedin. PATENT MEDICINES and Proprietary Articloa at reduced prices/"iRDEES recolved through Telephone 222, BOX 275, P. 0., Dunedin. All communications of a private nature addressed to the absvc Hill receive my prompt attention. rfiUE ABOVE MEDICINES sen* to ANY PART .!_ ot the Colony on receipt ot stamps or Post-0 dtico ordor, with 3d extra loi pontage, except "flu Us." which will be forwarded \>j nil.—a. OARBISHAN, PbavmacouUoal Ohomlit, cornen of Walker and Prin<™ Btreois, Bar.'diE, . i»»p

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7191, 4 March 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7191, 4 March 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7191, 4 March 1885, Page 3