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?OEX OHALMKS3. SMwoa Heads, latitu*a -i5.-J7 S., longituds 170.45 m. s\opuM Bay, South Pomt, latiiuia 45.49 S.. longitude 170.39 £. The longitude oj ObsorraHoa Point, Port Chalmers totime .is 11 hoars 22 Canutes 33 seconds e&3t ot Greenwich. tMll4?."?^^ l"'3l -nd 0,2 hoars 50 El&ates Hde, 5 feet 7 leches. StBK-«AIi i? PSSI OSAI-SLSES. Kew Zc&lßsd cs?£3 iuno 5.% nc-on, cslcalatsd la: Sha KerULan of loßgSude, la time II sosita SO chutes «n c! Ctiees-^ish. wili bo ggaai.lsd case s week by .<- »M Bms-wJI dioppißg aj the ir-=«n* o« taaan acac. _A_ bias asjjirSf b» fedSsiaS ih; sasi-Siesi, Port V Oilman ejati*ellos. & Jj»t KKanrc it tio i?.j ;. wfcea »« ttss^3il wUi is scl rss. 11 ll—L»t qatjis: _ . SSS. 26=. is. i, 18—Kei? miix „ _ sib. B7ra. £s. it SB—Slni QKJSW? _ . »sb. SliiS. Gs n 10—Pesij8&_ , . .. ffi. &&. £1 -: Sfr—Apesie o: ; . &c. us Septembei 26-V?::i.-i, X.E.: 7=e»:hec- raiDV. S Un.—Bucmcic;, 59 88; Ihcjiiomot*?- £2 EoaEarcmeter, 29.84: iseTtiraewr. E4 I ?-sj.— Earcrsetar, S9.SO; tbermemcti-r. 50 September S3—At uio Scads, 6.47 p.m. j tt Port DLalmere, 727 p.m.; at l>occdln, hl2 Beautiful S&ar, «.«., ??7 ?ota, Wiiltv. from G&rn&tu. J Mills, went. Vajsanj«ra—2 B=loun, 4 sUeriic ChangchOHr, 8.5., 1725 toss, Younir.Stom Fobchow, via intennedlate portj, Neili aud Co (limited) agents. Wangsnui, schooner, ?8 touS. Liis*. from Grey." mouth. X Ramsay, agent. Mahtn&pus, 5.8., iii tons, Bei:iech. lor the Weat Co**- J Mills, ag e i:u Passenger*: foj Oreymauih —Mr M'&irisjie. For Aiioiiand-iSr DaviiUon. 5.8., 428 lena, Smith, for Tioiiru. J Mills, agent. Te Anaa, as, 1652 tons, M'Gee, for Melbourne, vii the Bluff an J HoU&tt. J Miils, at;eut. Hou Loasos -- llailbcrougii. afclp, 1124 to^ Kid, Q?CE. VTestiaad, Ehip, 1116 tons, Moffaiti WVPC. Oaia&ru, ship, 130g tecs, Maxwell, WSJSG. •-•-■ Pleiades, barque, SS7 tons, Saiten, JQVF, Juna 25. ' Melmore, baiqao, £3i toca, Casey. QUIT, July 9. ;■: Victory, s.s, 2583 toas, EJcoaie. Surafcina, Bbip, 1189 ■ lons, ficdlay, iTQHM. Doric, ss., 4Hi toas, Jenniugs. r FiOM Liraa?oo2.-Cai:a Oiesj, ..irqus, 553 toaa, U'Uao, JCXB, June 7 (via Wellinston). Alkshaw, barque, 673 ton«, WTFJL. JlargareS Gaibraith, ship, 841 tons, Ferguiou. JKLI). Tsca ft! 1«».. Je^le Eeadman, ship, 962 tons, Qlbfioa, JSPC, August 5. .Margaret Gaibraith, 811 lona, Cardea, JELD. FaoK Us* Y.jEs—Katiie, barqse, 60S toes, JQFV, ~.. April 16., Alcsstig, barque, SOS Sobs, EC4IS. June 27. Elinor VeniaD, barque. E7O tens, Kcrrls, JSFK, July 1. ioresa, trig. Abiel Abbott, barque, 589 tons, JQRP. Fbg>± Bosses-Gharlea R Levfls,tar.i3c, 761 Son;, JBLG. Feou KsTCAsTLB-Pilace, barque, 339 toas, SepfeanberlS. sswasos Beautiful Star, lie toas, White, from, with cargo. J Mills, agent. ■ Chaogenem-, 17?4 tana, Young, from Wellington, With cargo. Keill and Co (Ltd), agente. ffanganui, 78 tans, Laing, from Greytnoath, with cargo. X Kamsay, ageut. OOTffASES.. Taiaroa, g«S tons, Suiifeh. lot Tlmata, virlth cargo. J Mills, agent. Te Anan, 10S0' tons, M'Gee, lor the Bluff, with "cargo. J Mills, asrenfc :: IMPORTS. PerWaajranut, lrom Grejmcuth: 63 tona coal, 31 do coke, 24 do horeeshoe3, 52 hides, 31 emoty casks. Per Beautifui Star, from Oamaru: 106 sacks w-icat, ■ 60 casca meat, 50 hides, 7 empty ta3ks, 70 Backs flour, .- ' S7 phga, IC2 bags Jat. . ; - Per Chaßgchow, from China: 616 toas tea, IC9 pkgs Chinese goods EXPORTS. Per Taiarca, for Timiru: 306 pKg3,lO sacks Eeadfl bornie tree?, i 63 lacyths pipe. PerTe Anau: For Blaff-9 pkga. For Hobart—l4 tierces bef, 160 sheep. For Melbourne—S9 pirns, 15 casks hides. SHIPPING TELKQKAMS. (PHS OSITHO PBH2S ABSCCIATIOS.J " &7OSLASS, September 25, S&Ued: Rotoiuahina. for Slelboariie, via tba South. ■Passengers: For Wsllngtoa -■- iltssra Lewi9 and Ccocbes aril Uia Stevem. For Ljttelton Mrs "Kustell, Mc-618 Webb, C H Burtoa, Mrs Thoni.oa and child. Wbluxgton, September 25 Wanaka, lor North; ship Peier Stuart, for Portland, Oicgou. Ltttsltok, September 25. Sailed: IliWua, for Port Chalmers; Xaraweia and Wakatipu, for the North. WeATHSR EXCHAS-3S. (?se CTauaa P»ss2 Ass3out;3s.l ; , " Mkllkotos, Septetnbsr-15. . Xevr ZealaacI. —Depression approached the centre et New Zoa'and from N.W.; northsrlj- winds Auatrelu.-Bigh pre-.sure over Victoria; southerly winds, and fee. - Barometers.—Now Zealand: Enamel!, 29 9; Wel- "' Unjrton, 29-7; Biuff, 29 S. ATatialia; PertlauJL So' - Sydney, 30*1. ' HOVBUSSTa OF rrbflOßT ETBAH SHI? OOK- . PASTS S2EAUSES. . THDESEAY, S3PIEMBSE 25. Lyttelton—Tarawera arrircd 9am.; sails 4.30 p.m. for Wellington. Hawea ar-'!ved 11 a.m. from Wellington ; Bails 1 p.m. for Port Chalmers Oatnaru Mahio&pna arrived early. ■ . Auckland—Eotomahana tsllei 12.50 p.m. lor Gisborne. ' | ARRIVAL OP THS CHAKGCHOW. The Chita Steam Navigation Company's b s. Changchow arrived eff the Heads at an early hour yesterday morning-, passing Port Chalmers at 6.30 a m., and proceeding up the Victoria Channel to Duncdin. The Changchcw Is a fine-teokiDC steel vessel, buiit in ISS2 by Messrs Scoti, of Greencck. Her dimensions are •— length, S7llt 3in ; breadth of beam, 24ft 4in ; depfi of hold, 28ft Gin. Her builders aso onEtratted the engines, which are compound icveited cylindrical the diwnetet of the cylinders bsing 30in and 60in tespectively, with a length of stroke cf 42in. Her boilers are ISS-horse power ncmical. She is built as » earsra-canriEg vessel, and therefore ha 9 but a limited amount of accemmodition far passengers, for whoss convenience, however, very comfortable provision has ,bsen made en tte .' main deck. : She steams remarkably well, and made the pa3-a?s fioai Foochcw to Sydney in 19 days. With the exception of her" officers, the crew, numbering 46, are all Chinese. She le!t Foochow at 10.30 a.m. on August 10, experienced light southerly wlnda said flue weather, passing to the strzthwaid of Formcsa, down to the Cato'ine Islands, ■which-were pussed on August 16; thence she met squalla and heivy jaing, and vaitei Sew Inland en the 21st clt, hai slron? S.E. trades with heavy eeas uowa to latitude SO S., and ttence moderate southerly winds ard flue weather to arrival at Sydney on Aus^iat 59; she left again on the 31st. ard proceeded to iie bourne, which port fha left on the 9di inst., but owing to heavy weather was compelled to ancaor inside Pott Phillip Heads until ths evening of tte 10th, when sha weighed and proceeded to 3£a; met stroEg N.K. winds with h?avv Bess during the passige to New Zealand, and arrived at Auckland on She morning of the 17th irst. She left Auckland at 3 p.m. 03 the 19th inst., and arrived At Wellington on the 22nd a* 1.45 a.m, haviig met frith strong W. and S. bead winds on tho passage; lift the latter port at 4 30 p m. on the 23id, with a atroog S.W. wind blowing, which abated towards midnight: arrived off Tiiaroa Heads at 1 o'dce'x yesterday .morning, and came up to the Ratlray street Wharf at 7.£0 tm.

The s.B. Beautffui Star arrived at Port Chalmers at 9.10 p.m. on Wednesday. She left Oamaru at 3.40 p.m., and experienced light N.K. winds and dr'-zzlisg rain throughout the passage. Tie schooner Wacgamii, from Greymouth, arrlvei at Pert Cfcalmera yesterday morning. She left the Grey on tha 17th icst, with light southerly winds which carried her to Kocks Point on th« 18th; thence ■ha had strong S.W. winds, aad cleared Cook Strait en the 19th, but me^tia: a strong ga'e, she ran into Port Uaderwood on the SJlhinai. for shelter. She left again on U>e 21st, and earned N.W. wincU down' to Banks Pentnto!a, which Ehe passed on the next day; thence she bid Ujht variable vnr.ds tmtil the 22nd, when she took a TS.W. breeze, which carried her abreast of Waimate River on the same night, when she met southerly Kinds which veered rouad to N.E. and brought her up to tha" Headj at midnight She anchored until daybreak yesterday, and then Billed up to Port Chalmars, mooring alongside the George street Pier at 10 a.m. The 88. Te Anau sailed yesterday afternoon for Valbooxns, vU the BluS and Hobart.

The s.s. faiaroa left Dunedin wharf at 5 p.m. yea ttrday for

Uie brigantine Paraell was towed dow from Dun*din f.Kterday by the s.s. Plucky. Ihe «. Hahin&pua left htc ou Wednesday evening for the Weut Coast.

The Fortrose correspondent of the Southland Times -writes: The cc. Ino struck en the bar when goimr ■Out last week, scd she bnne for some time, but by jeitisccing her deck load of timber, aided by extta eteam, she eot out to los. aud proceeded on her way to Dusedin."

Tha Daily Telegraph ot September 12 says: *• Amongst the passengers by the French mail steamer lrom Sydney was Mr J. H. Want, bairisier, and owner of the IH-£aicd yacht Mignonette, concern ng -which 80 fearful & story has been told by wire from jßngUnd. Mr Want recently proceeded to Eng.aad to oiicha3B a yacht, and out of SOOO others, picked ouf tio Mignonette as bei&g tha strongest and best saa-boat. She was of 40 ton* mcasurtire it, ya-vl-rlgged, ac<i had been con3tructei for rruisioer in the vicinity of ttw Dogger Bank and tha North Sea, her timbers being eqiil ia strength t> a boat of twics her dtrnensions. Oplain Dudley, an experienced yacht niiinjf-mastsr, waa appji^ited to bring her out to Sydney, with a crew of four men and a boy. Mr Want statr; that he cannot conceive it possible for the Mignonette to have been lost in the way described, an£ binta at much saaver clicumstancea in connect:.oa with ths matter. The* Mkconette. he affirms, cou'd live in any leather, and, bcleßS sha was dismasted, could be depended on to make the voyage equally as well as a I&rge ship wcu'd. Mr Wast expects to obtain faither"information concerning the fate of the in a few days."

ENGLISH SHIPPING. Thefot&ricg is a list of Shaw, Earill, and Albion Companv'd vessels saliud and on the berth for New Zealand, fjrom Leaden and Glasgow, up to 14th Auga*:— ■ For Auckland.—Eerjnioie, Robert?, eajled July 18; Oainaru, Maxwell, to eiil Auxrnst 18; Lady Jccelyn, ti follow. For Wellington.—Trevelyan, Roberts, sailed August 2;. Helen De^ny, James, to sail Au^ast 21. Lyttrilton.—Canterbury, M'Milbn, tailed Ansust 2 ; Wava Queen, Kelly, to sail September 10. ■ Otago —Malborougl;, Hitd, failed July 19; Jesaia Headman, Gibson, sailed August 6, from Glasgow; Westlard. llofiatt, to fallow from London; Margaret iGalbralth.Carden, to follow from Glaegow.


Per Mescrs P. Henderson and Cc-.'a Jessie Beadman, Captain Gibson, from Glssipw August fi, ard Gcesnoek August 6, lor Port Chalmars, New ZeaHcd consigned to the Srnish and New Zealand &£orl<va?e and Agency Compi^y (Limited): Saloon Rev 3 3 and H» Cameron, Miss Smith and fami'y of Captiiii Anderson. Steerage—Robert Bsdjfer, Henrj- Bodgcr, Jaiara Rodger, Janet Kodger, Andrew Teller, Martin JCGtail, Catherine M'Grail, Jfrs Robertson, Arthur Robertson, Jimea Smith, John F Stevenson, Alexander M'Le&n. Flora M'Gowaa, James Bell, Johanna Fletcher, John Jackson. Ancia M'Fariane| Joseph Stewart, Martfci Alan, John S Brown acd family, Kotert Mailer and wife, Mr Mailer, Richard .Thompson, John Thompson, Mr Todd.

SKASTEOUS COLLISION IN THE THAMES. • X^"roln c European Mai], August 8.)

Shortly after midnight on August 2 the steamship "Dlone, of Stockton, Captain Hood master, on her way Aovn the river, bound for Khidlesborough, was in cjllis on near the O?en's Baoy with another steamer, ■■the Camden, of Londra, en her way up tha river from •F*lmouth, in tow of twt> fcjgr. The Diondeanktwo '-or threa mtnu'ea affer being etrcfk. Ten of her crew and Feven passengers wc?e tlrsw.'.ed. The captalr— , mho received some irjarics in the hesd froir- falling ' me. cka?e —with nine cf the craw acd seven passengers, were saved by various boats and landed at Graves■end. Mr Dives, a passsrger on board the Dione, -la glvin; a narrative of the sad occurrence, i •B&ya: For some time I have been School Board i officer at Stxfctoo. A week ago I went on a I iollday, with my wife and two ehildren-a boy three |

years ot age ao.i v b.-tijy throe uionths o!d.. Our dagtK natiou at that time Vftia Portsmouth; and having spent our time pleawutiy we too's train to London, and embarked on board the Dioao, at Free Trade Wharf, for Stocktou. All went well until the fatality which took place bereft mo of my wife and child, my Httlo boy bting saved. The piloc-boit left us cfl GraveoMid Pier, and we proceeded steadily. The place cf which we struck was about tyro miles and u-ba:J from tto t-iar, directly in mid-channc!. Tea minutes before the collialan I was on deok, my wife and chudreu being below. The night was clear, and, as far as I remember, our proper lights were burning. AC SO minutes a'ler 12 I waj ta:k.u<r to my wifa, the cliildien having gone to reas. I had scarcely undressed, and was closing fixe scuttles to prevent the wa'.er from coccini; iv. A sound something like a heavy scraping followed, which I for a I moment imagined wa» causod by our running agiound. I did noi feel particularly alarmed, hut nevertheless tan up ou deck. Even iv that short tiuia was level wiih the deck, and I at cnee shouted to my wife, " Eliza, ruaka haste, we're going down." 1 seizbd her by the arm, and also my ooy, my wife holding the baby close to her. The next sesond we were in the water. Beiog an excellent swimmer, I believed that I could sate them. Scarcely had I btruckcut, however, beforoa epar cut me over the eye. I let go my grasp for a mement, and they were swept from me. The vessel which struck us was piloted by tjfo tugs, and they rendered all tha assistance in their power. I was picked up by one of the tugs, and was overjoyed to see. my little son, who waa seized while floating,on the hatch of tho Dione, but how he got there is is impossible for me ta say; his e3Bape was marvelloU3 In less than two minutes the whele thing wasover. Th?re were simply oue or two shrieks from the womtn, and down she went. The next moment all was siiect as death.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7056, 26 September 1884, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 7056, 26 September 1884, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 7056, 26 September 1884, Page 2