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Public Companies. raiH® SBUSTiBSS, EX3KJLJTOKB, JL &3D AQENOY GOSSPABY OF HHW iS3ALASD{LIMJTID.. Specially .mpowosed by Act ol Parliament to act aa kxmotob, Tscsras, Bsoevsb, Ln»un?Aro3, Qtjabiiun, WJMOTTM UHDMt IHB LrjHATIC'S ACT, Rnd AITOttHHY tnip» Powib, in the same way m an individual, but unlike an lndlvidnssl tho Company nover dies nor esyes the county, noj bacomeß incapacitated, and m financial poa'.tloa la oaelly ascertained. This Company is epeclally qneliSed, therefore, to aoj for •btonteaj. SuplSfii, 553,553, ia 15,2*3 Bhajw o! S>a Sack. S3t»l LtabW^ 5i.99,K%. DaBOXSS B. B. CwglU, K«q. P. 0. KsIU, 2aq. 1. 8. Graham, &iq. Jofca Kcberts, 3sq. Sea. Jcaohlm, Sjq. S. J. Spotsee, Ssq. Jwcea Mills, Ssq. 17 tA-jaisoa Bnssoa, SiaaagM.. Offices Kxorieos BuiLEnsas, Livwoab sssbsi Dbhskbi, Tha Company collsoi ronis. dividends, injereri, or oiner income, Unrest raonoy, negotiate loses, parchase and bo! 1 eofcl and personal property, manage es.atea sad generally act t.a Afrenii. Forms, charges, and all oihor lnJormafclon can be obtained on application at the office of tie Ocmpany 0? any ol ita agencies. glo JJ"ORWiCH UNION FIRE INbURA&oa society. INSURANCES effected at lowest current rates* LOSSES from Gas and Lightning covered. CLAIMS Settled with Promptitude and Liberality. Agents for Otago, THE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE, AND AGENCY COMPANY OP NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED, lUlTBA? BTEHBT, DtJNBDIN. rjlEB COLONIAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE BOCIETY, LIMITED. Chief Offices in New Zealand: High Btroet, Sanedin, All Profits belong to the Motobera. JPolfctea Uhcondliibnni, Unchaiiehgenbie, find Ibdeieaßibfo. ikE CbtoiTiAi,.:k'u3:uAii TONTINE,.. JS.y.ES,T MENT POLICY Combines a favourablo INVESTMENT FOB CAPITAL With Lira Absuomscs at Obdinaby Batis. All other forma of Assurance aa usual. H. S. H. LYALL, 12my Secretary. UTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTBALASIA. Established 1809. Incorporated by Act of Parliament. Head Office for New Zealand: 81 Queen street, Auckland. Directobs: Arthur Heather, Esq. A. G. Horton, Esq. Mbdioal Officer : T. B. Kenderdine, Esq., M.B.C.S. England. Bankers: The Bank of Now Zealand. Solicitors : I Mea9re Whltaker, Bussell, and Buddie. Principal Office: Bydhoy, N.S.W. Branch Offices also at Brisbane, Melbourne, and Adelaide. ' BONUS YEAR, 1884. POLICIES effected beforo 30th June 1884 will participate in the DIVISION OS1 PROFITS which-will be made aa at thai date. At the laat Investigation—viz., 80th June 1879—a surplus of £11,000 was shown, outof funds amounting to £112,746, by ah absolutely pure premium valuation. At the close of the present quinquennium it may be confidently expected the INVESTED FUNDS WILL EXCEED £350,000. The Association's Policies are indefeasible from date of issue, and nonforfeitable while surrender value lasts. _ Ita Conservative Management secures business at a Lower Bate of Expenditure than any other Mutual Life Office established in Australia within the laat 80 years, and careful selection of lives has resulted in a remarkable reduction of ita yearly mortality experience, as regards number, amount, and percentage on the existing assurances. For Tables of Rates and full particular apply at the Head Office, or any of the Agencies throughout the Colonies. J. P. SPRING, District Agent lor Otago. 28my HpHE MUTUAL ASSURANCE "B- SOCIETY OF VICTORIA (LIMITED). Hesd Office I Ho. ?7 Collins etreot Woe», Melbourne. »OB LIFE ASSURANCE AND ENDOWMENTS. Pollcy-iolders Divide Profile. Head OSes for Middle Island, New Zealand ! COLONIAL BANK BUILDINGS, DUNBDCJ. DIRECTORS! MllißOljaKl I Hon. Thomaß Loader, William Slddo'.ey, Esq. Chairman Hon. Wni. Saylea Frederick M'Coy, Keg. *« '««£• °all°Cb Alex. Morrison, M.A. Secrotwy. Ddhidin i Auosuhd i Hon. w. H. Reynolds Hon. E. Mltcheloon John M. Ritchie, Esq. R. Barstow, Ksq. John Roberts, Esq. D. B. Cruickshank, Eaa. Win. Willa, T. D. Edmonds, Resident Secretary. Resident Secretary, rPHS UNITED ZNSUBAHOB COKP&KY, HBE AHD HABSHB. Wlsfe UnJlEaiSed Liability 85 ahasshsliMß. H«i Ofiee I Seoige ctmi, Bydasy. lbs Doderfignad, Agonta tot Oisgo lor abovs Oomp»ny, era prepared ta nndsriake eyety description ol It«e and Sfaiine Business tt the lowsbS enrsesst sate* All loiwi settled pjosajJSy ea tfcn gost wlihonS lelerence to Ansiralla, HSILI, b ao. (Limited), AeeoSs, '*»» Bend it.Teat ISaanllß. T^rORTH BRITISH AND MBBOAN■JA SILK INSUEANCS COHPANY, LONDON and EDINBURGH. Sstablished 1809. InsoreeiaJed by Boyal Ohartej. .C»p!S»l „ ""—.. £1,000,009 atsrllnj Pwdnp .. _ EOO.OOO Fire Roaerve Fund, 188S ~ 1,874,681 Net Fire Promkraw, 1883 .. 1167,114 Total Looses, ISB2. „. 677,583 Lonesi ntit, and psoaipt oaMlsiaisni on the spot. MURRAY, ROBERTS, ft CO., Chief Agents for Otago »nd Southland. Also A?en3a for tho Universal Marine Inurancs Com. ' pany of London. AMBUEG-MAGDEBURQ FIRK IKSUfiANOa CO. OF HAHBURO. Oapkal (fcUy psid np) 5.530,000 marks. THE MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE MAQDEBUKQ REINSURANCE CO. THE MAGDEBURG GENERAL INSURANCE CO. {with Capital and Reserve Fnnd amctmtine So over Sixty MiUSons of MarSa), He inssreassd In every riait nndprtaken. Ihia Oompany la prepared ia take rlska agjJnst lobs or damage by (iso oa ovesy desoriptloa of inarawble pcoporiy $A ihe iowoei rsios. ALL LOSSK3 will be psompMy paid la the Oslaw ■• eooD k claims aw adjusted. HKILI BROTHERS, I2n>y Qenetal Agoata for Now SenUnd. a. soa&sos owes km (Kes, KBBias, B»d SsjaiaßSacD. We me pjepared So acoepS Sire Eaisn »• wwasa onsasara ra?ks. tstste pitomptty paid In Danodia. BABS3KSB, LSAK¥, ft GO.. 4t?«iSs foi Doao<i|p. IH2 PUBLIC ARS HOTiFIED Xha3 ths COLONIAL INSURANCE COMPANY Undertakes FIRS end KARINS BUSINESS »t the most fnvOGrablo ratss, and KlwKya Bottles Clalotg a prompl &nd BotlE!«,cto?y mumes. A. LEE SMITH, Local Dlroctox. F. E. ELEY, Mnnitssr fo; Otajo. OSlimi OalonU n!r >!»il) t H»i[»; f For Sale, &o. WIILL So 00. (LIMITED, 1$ BOND STREET, DUN2D3H, EAVTS ON SALE AHD 10 ARRIVE :- Csrnjaciß^oolpucko, and Seaming Twino, Now Patnaßice and Ooarso Cnstor Oll^Galvanlsed Barb, Steal, end Iron Fencing Wire, Hops, Brewera' Orystala, Glucose, leuiglass and Corks, Indian and China Teas, Mauritius Sagara, Oilmen's Stores, and Grocoriea of all descriptions | Koiosene, various brands J Boit'led Ales and Stoat, Brandy, Whisky, ©c oev*. Old Tom, nnd Bum (cms and bulk), PqrJfi, Sherrlae; Krag'fl, Roedeier'e, and Pommejy'o Chumpagno, VorgnSau Clarots, Bnrfnnd7, Hock, acd Koeollo. Also, Pcr;*hlo nnd DisJlfinary En^inos, Litise, Planing REd Shaping Machines, &c, by best-kuowa makers. INDENTS executed oa moss favoamble tatms. ADVANCES made ng&lnet Wool, Grain, and ether Produce for ohlnmenS to Homo markets. Agents for " Kangaroo " Line of Veeaols from New York, and Gnsie, Bo&nley, &nd Go.'o Liverpool Line. 3s THHE DUNEDIN IRON AND WOODJL WARE COMPANY. JUST LANDED, WHITE ROSE KEROSENE. 160 Test; Water-white. Superior to all otbor Brands. lOjy ENTALL'S CHAFF-CUTTERS, CORN-CRUSHERS TURNIP-OUTTEKS and HORSE-POWERS RICHMOND & CHANDLER'S CHAFF-CUTTER and CORN-CRUSHERS HUNT & TAWELL'S HORSE-POWERS. Bold by ARTHUR BRISCOE & CO

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7003, 26 July 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7003, 26 July 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7003, 26 July 1884, Page 4