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Business Announcements. PTPK AND OUMINO. (OENUINE CLEARING SALE at Fyfa and 'iX Cmning'a, tho Ready-Money Draper*, 92 and 94 Georgo sSreot. LADIES' Ribbed Hose, were Is 6d—reduced to 6d _pair ; Ribbons, 13 6d—reduced to 3 yarda for la. | rpWOBUTrON Kid Gloves, la; 4 Buttons, Is 11JJ X and 2s Cd; Spring-top Fut-lined Calf Gloves, 2s 6d pair. DRESS Tweeds, 2s lid dozen; Cashmore', llfd yard ; Velveteens, Is B£d; Black Broche Silks, 2s lid yard—grand lot of patterns. moWELS, Is lid dozen; Toilets, BJd; Sheetings, JL B|d; Calicoes, very stout, 2Jd yard; Coloured Blankets, 4a lid pair. /CARPETS, 7|d; very wide Felt Carpet, Is lOd \J yard; Stair Carpets, 6jd; Bed Quilts, 2a lid. "OEMNANTS Lace, Ribbons, Trimminga, Fringes, .X) &c. at less than half cost price. COUNTRY Orders will receive prompt and careful \j attention. Patterns Bent free by post. EYFE & CUMING'S Genuine Clearing Sale, 92 and 94 George street. 20ju OTAQO tOAN-OmOS, Si Si "SO LEND-Intereat Ten Ehillinga. &?y> /5-| f\ XO LSND—lnterest Twenty ShllUnge. jj-J E TO L3ND—lnterest Thirty ShUlinga. J&€}f\ TO LEND—lntel Gat Forty Shillings. csa>^avi WEEKLY PAYMENTS' of One Shilling in the Pound.—Otago Loan and Discount Office, oppoaito Carroll's Hotel, 28 George strost. I6u JACOBS' GliT DEPdT, ft !FT DEPOT.—Shrhardtl's Silver English Hunting Levara, £3 17b 6d. eIFT DEPOT.—Eotharham's Sliyer iEnslleh HnnSlng Lovera, £4170 6d. f*% IFT D2POT. — Amssiesri Walihams, Silver Q" Huntora, £3 IBs; Gold do, £8 10a. ORDERS for above forwarded to any p&rl New Zealand upon receipt Post-office order. >P IFT DEPOT has the largest assortment ot Gold \X »nd Silver Jewellery IN Ne'7 Zealand. Every article guaranteed sterling quality, and at unpreeedentedly low prices. TfTiROM Venice direct.—Roman Pearl Beads, NeckJD laces, Earrings, Brooches, Bracelets, Combs, Halrpinß, Sin ' rs\BS. above aro unbreakable, vory chasie for evenJL ing wear, and vary fashionable at Home. (TUFT DEPOT.—Celebrated Nickel Alarm Clock forwarded on receipt of 10s Cd to any address. "injREVIOUS to purchasing Fancy Gooda, JewelJL lery, So. visit GIFT DEPOT, opposite Poatsffioe. ■ 18j» Q. OABRIQHAN. TVTOTICE.—In consequence of the greatly-reduced ..N prices of all Tinctures, lam now Compounding all Prescriptions at greatly-reduced prices, and will continue to sell PATKNT MEDICINES at the lowett tosbible price, thus making my shop the Cheapest Place ot Busineaa in tho trade. AS usual, I make no extra charge on Proscriptions compounded at any hour of the Night. ALL my Medicinal P<eparation« are obtainable at the following Places and fctores, where a Large ABaottment J8 kept:— SOUTH DUNEDIN.-1. Jackson,Storekeeper,corner Main and Macandrew roads. TI/TOSGIEL.—Mcssre Wilson Bros., Storekeepers. T"\ARLEY.—A. J. Larking, Storekeeper. /"VUTRAM.—Messrs H. Wilson and Co., Morchants. T7"AIKORAI.—G. S. Mattcson, Kaikorai Store. GREAT KINGISTREET.-C. B. Miller, Water-of-Leith Store. ■ - "TVTORTH-EAST VALLEY.-T. E. Dermer, Chemist, ±\ corner of Black's road. XJAVENSBOURNE. — Wm. Barclay and Co., Xv Grocers. "T3OTHESAY.—Wm. Barclay and Co. SUNNYS IDE.—G. S. Matheson, Draper and Provision Merchant. /"IAVERSHAM.-Peter Rutherford, Merchant. T7"EW a°d ST. CLAIR.—A. J. Larking, Kew Store. J-V Cargillroad. QT. KILDA.-I. Jackson, Storekeeper. TMTORNINGTO.N.-Peter Ruthetford, Storekeeper. WORM SYRUP effectually destroys all kinds of Worms; pleasant, and quite harmless. 2s. ■\TOUR WORM SYRUPwas splendid in its effect, JL bringing about 50 worms from my child. H. N. Moorb, Palmeraton. (MARRIGHAN'S CHILBLAIN OINTMENT is now \J acknowledged by the entire Colony to be the most valuable and effective cure that has ever been discovered for the chilblain sufferer, la. -JKJ-O MORE SEASICKNESS (Csrrlgnan's Remsdy). ±^i Ite wandeKul power iio arrest Seasickness h»s long since besn eatablißhed beyond »11 doubt. 6s bottle. I HAVE found your SEASICKNESS remedy to aurpasa anything to prevent that horrid feeline. It is a perfect and certain cure.—Kennedy Wylie St Clalr. ' ' "VTOUR SEASICKNESS remedy is a Bplendid cure — JL Wu_Hastie (Hastie_Bros.), Dunedin. BOG 3 : DOGS 1 — Cajrfghan's iiaage Semedy (fluid), a cerialn euro, fis Sd; DUSemper, Bs. Medicines to Buli any complaint to which tho lower animals ara liable. YOUR MANGE REMEDY effected a rapid cure with my dog—Wm. Low, Saddler, Mosglel. A QUICK CURE was effected with your MANGE REMEDY on my dcg.-T. Doodeward, King street, Dunedin. WITH pleasure I testify to the efficacy of your remedy for " canker of tho ear."—Wm. Taylob. Education Office, Dunedin. YOUR MANGE REMEDY ac!s admirably. Such remedies as youre should ho as widely known as possible.—R. M'Kinnom, Mount Linton Station. Southland. YOUR MANGE REMEDY made' a rapid cure of my dog.-F. G. Owkn, Education Office, Dunedio. - A STHMA POWDHR (CARRIGHAN'S). -1 will -£3L oend to any asthmatic's addreea In the Colony a Sarnplo Iln of Powder Free on receipt of 2d stamp. f THMA POWDER (CARRIGHAN'S). - Why Buffer pain and Dloepless nlghtß when my powder will afford Immediate relief and produce a calm sleep 1 Ss and 8s 6d a tin. , : I HAVE used, and found your ASTHMA POWDER surpasses all other remedies I have tried for that dreadful complaint. -Mrs M. Drdry, Cavergham. 14jy "OlLE3.—Carrighan's Compound Witch Hazel OInSJL ment, a prompt seliel *ud cute for blind, mucous, bleeding, or external piles in all stagas, Is 6d.' Forteous' Edlaburgh Olntmßnt, 1b 6d. EEMALE PILLS.—Dr Gibson's Pennyroyal »nd Steel, Sa ed; Dr Bonjean'e, 4s 6d; Di Hatter's is 6d; Eooper'a, ia ; Widow Welch's, Be 6d. npOOTHAOHK.—Carrighan'B AnodjTio. Pow AnoJL dynes give auch re'.lof to tho Dofler»r %s thlo Tuy!S. It. ' rf^iASTOP. OIL, TASTELESS.—Carrighan'g.—Ohil dren dilnk It with avidity; perfectly free from oraeli. Is. eTiOUPOXTSO DANDELION PH,L3 (Carrlgnan'a) 1J havo proved oSectual la hundreds ot casea oJ liver deraugaisoni. By poat, Is Bd. COXFOUKD DAHDELION PILLS, for removing h6avv, drowsy faellags, swimmiDgs In jhe hetd, and hoadacho. la 6d. EYS LOTION.—White Rosa (Carrighan'o). Warranted to cute aay case of iaflame'd eyes. 1b 6d. mASSELESS CA32OP. OIL (CMrigh»n'a).-l3 the JL purest caator oil obtainable, la. TT» INGWORM OINTMENT (Carriuhan'B).-No qnes- -£_&> *tlon of its efficacy; no Sow of its results; and no danger of its use nil any timo on tho youngest child. lsOd. • (TROUGHS and COLDS. — Try One Bottle of <D CARRIGHAN'S BALSAMIC MIXTURE. Its efloct is wonderful. MUSBIAN CORN AND BUNION QUR-SI.-Tho moat woudor/al cure you found, »ud jperfoctly palnloßs, Is Bd. CORNS, COSN3.—No certain cure has ever been given to tho world until tho "OUSSIAN CORN CURS was made known. Is 6d. JL&i mHE RUSSIAN CORN CURE is the greatest boon A. ever offered to the public. A trial will convince the moßi sceptical. rTYHE RUSSIAN CORN CURE, although only given J. to the public of Dunedin within the last few months, has destroyed thousands of corns. THE RUSSIAN CORN CURE.—Its extraordinary Buccesa is (ha wonder of &11 who have tried It Iflgd. " (TTiHE ABOVE MEDICINES seat to ANY PART JL ol tho Colony on receipt of stamps or Post-Office order, with 2d extra for postage, except " fluids " which will 00 forwarded by rail.—G. CARRIGHAN Phanuacs'.Moal ChomM, rrnmni at Witiror «,„,; p r i D ! *<• :»->•« nß««.'i» , ~ M. HARSHALL, M MARSHALL, Pharmaceutical Chemist, re- • caives shipments of choice Drujra, new KemeiJles, and Toilet Requialtea by every direct steamer. Wholcaalo and Retail. — Postal addresses: No. C 4 Princes street, or 149 George street, Dunedin. A BSOLUTELY TASTELESS Italian Caator Oil.— J2_ A largo consignment just to hand, specially prepared for ladloa' übo. Ib. Wrlto for sample, gratia. moOTHACHE is in most cases Instantaneously JL stopped by using Odontalgicon, a soverolgn retnedy< la. A COATED TONGUE, with sour tnate, Is caused by tha stomach being deranged. Special Tlncturo of Podophyllum will remove the bad tasto and restore tha appetite, le. THS ÜBIKI'S Camphor Pillules are a household remedy XS) for Colds in tha Head, Dlarrhcsa, &c la 6d. G~'TJZ\ CLAVA la 4ho best Corn Cure ever put bofore tho public. Painless in application. Is 6d. _piASTANA VESCA.-Just received, a fresh con\J rfgnmont of this wonderfully suoceesful remedy for Whooping Cou ? h. 2s. ITUST LANDED, ci s s. John Elder, via Sydney, a CJ consignment of hlsh-clasa French Tollot Soans, oxquialtely porfumed. TTiRYTHROXYLON COCA. — Well - authenticated JLLI casoa aro recorded in which its use- waa buccsbbful in relieving tho depression following the ausponBion of alcohol and opium. 2a 6,t1. IBap

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7003, 26 July 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7003, 26 July 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7003, 26 July 1884, Page 3