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Business Announcements. FYFK AND CCMINQ. GENUINE CLEARISG SALE at Fyfo and Cnmiug's, tno Ready-Money Drapers, 92 and 91 George Btreet. V ADIES' Ribbed Hose, were Is 6d—rrduaed to 6d J-J pair ; Ribbooa, la 6d—reduced to 3 yards for 13. mWOBUTTON KidGlovea, la; 4 Buttona, 13 11J-1 ' _S_ and 2s Gd; Sprins-top Fur-lined Call Gloves, 2i Ud pair. DRESS Tweeds, 2s: lid dozon; Cashmere*, llfd yard ; Velveteens, la 6£d ; Black Broehe Silke, 23 lid 3'ard—grand lot of patterns. fpoWELS, 13 lid dozen ; Toilets, 81i ; Sheetings, 1. B}d; Calicoes, very stout, 2Jd yard; Coloured Blankets, 4s ltd piir. 4~IARPETS, 7|d; very wide Felt Carpet, la lOd \J yard; Stair C'arpeta, C|d; Bed Qqilta, 2s lid. REMNANTS Lace, Ribbons, Trimmings, Fringes, &c. at less than half cost price. COUNTRY Orderß will receive prompt and careful \J attention. Patterns sent free by post. EYFE & CUMING'S Gsnuine Clearing Sale, 92 and 94 George street. 20ju CTAOO E.OAN-OITB'IOB, X SO LSND-luterontTonShffllagß. f\ 10 LSKD—lnterest SvvenSy ahilllnga. g«>-a-iU ■ . @1 X TO LEKD—lniezest Thirty Shillings. gittfl TO LEND—IntewBS Forty Shillings. ESKLY PAYMENTS of Ono Shilling In the Pound.—Otago Loan ssnd Diacount Ofßco, opposits Carroll's Hotol, 26 Goorifo street. 16a JACOBfI' GIST DE?dT. /pi IFT DEPOT.—Eh?h£idS'i3 Silvor English EucMn? %3i -LBvers, £8173Gd. * rf^s IFT DS?o2.—aothojh&a'a Silver English HuntXX ing Lovers, £4 17b fid.' C< IFT DEPOI. — Asnarlcan VTalth&nig, SHvas if Huntora, £315 a; Gold do, £8 10a. ORDERS for abovo forwarded to any part New Zealand upon receipt Post-office order. iCi IST DEPOT baa tho largest tssoitmenS of Gold O* and Silver Jowellery IN Now Zoaland. Every artlclo guaranteed ekeiling quality, and at unprecedentedly low prices. EROM Venice direct.—Roman Pearl Beads, Nocklaces, Earrings, Brooches, Bracelets, Comba, Hairpins, S4a THE above are unbreakable, very chaste for evenlng wear, and vary fashionable at Home. OIFD DEPOT.—Celebrated Nickel Alarm Clock forwarded on rccoipt o! 10a 6d to any addreos. PREVIOUS to purchasing Fancy Goods, Jewellery, ftc. visit GIFT "DEPOT, opposite Posteffico. 18]» G. OABRiaHAN. NOTICE.— In coneequence of the greatly-reduced prices of all Tinctures, I am now Compounding all Frescriptiona at greatiy-reduced prices, and will continue to sell PATENT MEDICINES at the 10-vest possible price, thus making my shop the Cheapest Place of Business in the trade. AS usual, I make no extra charge on Prescriptions compounded at any hour of the Night. ALL my Medicinal Preparationl) are obtainable at the following Places and itores, where a Large ABsoitment is kopt '.— CtOUTH DUNEDIN.-1. Jackson, Storekeeper, corner O Main and Masandrew roads. "jl/TOSGIEL.—Mes«9 Wilson Bros., Storekeepers. TPVARLEY.—A. J. Larking, Storekeeper. /TjUTßAM.—Messrs H. Wilson and Co., Merchants. KJ "IT'AIKORAI.—G. S. Matheson, Kaikorai Store. /^REAT KING2STREET.-C. B. Miller, Water-of-UT LeithStora. T^TOBTH-EAST VALLEY.—T. E. Dernier, Chemist, J.II coiner of Black's road. "OAVENSBOURNE. — Wm. Barclay and Co., Xl> Grocers. 'DOriIESAY.-Wm. Barclay and Co. QUNNY.~ IDE.—G. S. Matheson, Drnper and Provision VJ Merchant. /^AVERSIIAM.- Peter Rutherford, Merchant. KEW and ST. CLAIR.—A. J. Larking, Kew Store Cargillroad. QT. KILDA.-I. Jackson, Storekeeper. "jl/rORNINGTON.-Peter, Storekeeper. WORM SYRUP effectually destroys all kinds of Worms; pleasant, and quite harmless. 2s. ■\TOUR WORM SYRUPwas splendid in its effect. JL bunging about 50 worms from my child.—H, N. Moorb, Palmereton. "■: ■ /IARRIGHAN'S CHILBLAIN OINTMENT is now \J acknowledged by the entlro Colony to be the moßt valuable and effective cure that has ever beon discovered for the chilblain sufferer. Ib. ■feTO MORE SEASICKSfESS (Carrighan'a Remedy). -L^ Its wendevtta power 4o arrest Seaaicknesa h»3 long 6ineo bean, ostabliflhad beyond dl doubt. 6s bottle. IHAVS found your SEASICKNESS remedy to surpass anything to prevent that horrid feeling. It is a perfect and C9itain cure.—Kennedy Wymb St Clair. • ; ■ YOUR SEASICKNESS remedy ia a splendid cure.Wm. Hastib (Hastießros.), Dunedin. BOGS i DOGS 1 - Oarrighaa'a Hauge Bemedy (flu'd), a csriain euro, 83 Sd; Distemper, 8a Medicines to EiilJ any coraplalnt to which tho lower ariimalD are liable. YOUR MANGE REMEDY effected a rapid cure with my dog.—Wm. Low, Saddler, Mosgiel. A QUICK CURE was effected with your MANGE REMEDY on my dcg.-T. Doodeward, King street, Dunedin. WITH pleasure I testify to the efficacy of your remedy for " canker of the ear."—Wm. Taylor. Education Office, Dunedin. y °lIR MANGE REMEDY acla admirably Such J remedies as youra should be as widely known as possible.-R. M'Kiknoh, Mount Llnton Station Southland. ' "V7"OUR MANGE REMEDY made a rapid cure of X niy dog.- F. G. Cwsn, Education Office, Dunedia. ASTHMA POWDKR (CARRIGHAN'S). — I will B?nd to any asthmatic's address In the Colony a bample Tin of Powder Free on receipt of 2d stamp. ASTHMA POWDER (CAKRIGHAN'S). - Why Buffer pain and sleepless nights when my powder will sßord immediate relief and produce a cahnßloop! Sa and So 6d a tin. InAVEuaed, and found your ASTHMA POWDER surpasses all other remedies I have tried for that dreadtnl complaint. -Mrs M. Drury, Cavershanj- 14jy PILES.— OMrighan's Compound Witch Hazel OiclraanS, a prompj ralief and euro tor blind mucous, blooding, pi external pUeB in til Btages, Is 6d Portooua' Sdlnbargh Qlnbnant, la 6d. * -jHIEMALS P?LL3.-Dy Gibson's Pennyroyal and JJ Steel, 8s 6d •Dr Bonjoan'a, ia 8d; is a n tter"s 4s 6d; Hooper's, ia ; Widow Welch's, Ba Bd. ■■-. ' rpOOTHAOHK.—CsTrighan'B Anodyno. Few AnoJL dyues give tuoh relief 60 the eußeror as this HejU. Ib. ' ■ jffASTOS OIL, IASSELEag.-Cawighftn'e.—Ohll \J &<tan drink it wlih avidity; perfectly free from smell. Is. fI""*OH?GUHB DANDELION PILLS (Caxrigfcan's) *O" have proved eSoctual In hundroda of cases 0! Ilvsr doyangssaoaS. By post.'ls Bd. :. DANDELION PILLS, for removing \j honxT, drowsy faellngs, Bwimmlngß in the hoad, and liof.dscho. la (id. EYB LOTION.—White Rose (Canighan's). Warranted to cnte any cnae of inflamed eyes, le Bd. mASIKLESS CASTOR OIL (Carrlghsn's).—la the JL pureat csctor oil obtainable. Is. - RINGWOBH OINTMENT (Carriehan'a).—No question of its efficacy; no fear o{ ifca raaulta; and no- danger of Its riso at any Jirao on tho youngeet child. Is 3d. (fiOUGHS and COLDS.— Try One Bottle of lj CARRfGHAN'S BALSAMIC MIXTURES Its effect ia wonderful. "O USS FAN QOSN AND BUNION OURE.-The Xai most wondeiful cure yet found, and perfectly painless la 6d. rf^ORNS, CORNB.—No certain cure haa ever beon %_/ given to tho world until the ET7S3IAN CORN CURE was made known. 1b 8d rjnHE RUSSIAN CORN CURS is the greatest boon J. ever ofiored to the public. A trial will convince the moat sceptical. rpHE RUSSIAN CORN CURE, although oaly riven J. 60 the public of Dunedjn witfiin the last fow montho, hao destroyed t'a.ousandß of corns. rpHE RUSSIAN CORN CURE.—Its extraordinary JL euccess is the wonder of all who have tried it. Is 6d. THE ABOVE MEDICINES sew to ANY PART of the Colony on receipt oj eianips or Post-Office ordor, with 2d extra for postage, except " fluids " which will Ds forwarded by rail.— Q. CARRIGHAN PhstfuiftßQ',Uc&l Ciharatsl. eoini» of W«lker »nd Prfn' ... ,t-,>y n.,*^,* , t(> U. MABSPAU, M MARSHALL, Pharmaoeutical Chemist re- « ceivea shipments of choice Drugß, new Remedies, and Toilet Requisites by every direct steamor. Wholesalo and Retail. - Postal addresses: No. 64 Princes Btreet, or 140 George street, Dunedin. A BSOLUTELY TASTELESS Italian Castor .Oil - ±3L A large oor.B'.g-nment just to hand, specially pvoparod lor ladies' uoa. la. Wrlto for Bamnlo gratis. ■ r ' moOTHACHE is In most cases instantaneously X stopped by using Odontalgicon, a sovereign roinedy. 18. , A COATED TONGUE, with Bour taato, is caused . by the Btomaoh being deranged. Speoia Tincture of Podopbyllum will remove "tho bad taste and roatoro tho appetite, la, MUEZNI'3 Camphor Pillules are a honoohold remedy fo? Coltla in tha Head, Diarrhaia, &c. laOd. CURA CLAVA is the best Corn Curo overpu4be« fore the public. Painleea in application. i 8 cd. ifiASTANA VKqCA.-Just received, a~fresh congnment oi thiß wonderfully eaccessful rem«dy • ior Whooping Cough. 9.3. TUST L/VNDSD, ex so. John Elder, via Sydney, a ?J cpnsißnmonii ol hlpth-claas French Toilet Soaps, exquLgltoly perlunied. F> 171RYTHR0XYL0N COOA. - Woll. authenticated JLU c.» 903 are recordfid in which its use was bucobsful in relieving the depression following the susjen--1 Han of alcohol and opium. 2s 6d. isap

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7002, 25 July 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7002, 25 July 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7002, 25 July 1884, Page 3