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Pablio Companies. MORWiOH UNION FIP.K INSUR. 4NOS BOCIE¥? Zttijlitsfxt IF3J, Araaont lusaitd ». .< A1b0,655,694. Losses FaM » - «,OM,SOa. IHBUBANOZB effected at lowest enmnt raVei. tOfI3EB fiom OH fad Lightning ocvmi iiLAIUS eetSlid wiih promFtltade lad Übsnlily. Agents for Ot&co, OILUKB, STREET, * HISLOP, Rfttfor »i'«*\. D"»OMIO. tO) mHE UNITED INSURANCE COMPANY, riBX AND MABIS3, CAPITAL „ .., • «<K,OOO. Wiii Unlimited LUkMty of Shareholders. Head Offios i Gocrge street, Sydney. The Undersigned, Agents {or OUgo for above Company, aro umpired to undertake every description ol rite and Haimo Business at the lowest current rates. All lomw settled promptly on tbe spot without refarence to Australia. NEILt * CO. (Umtisd), Aganfa, «!«p Bond »rnw» pnnolln. . HAMBURG-MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF HAMBCKQ. Capital (fully paid up) 2,600,000 marks. THE MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, THE MAGDEBURG REINSURANCE CO. TUB MAGDEBURG GENERAL INSURANCE 00. (with Capital and Reserve Fund amounting to ovor Sixty MUlloca of Marks), aro interested in every risk undertaken. this Company is prepared to take risks against loss or damage by fire on every description of lnsurab'e proporty at the lowest rates. ALL LOSSES will bs promptly ptld in the Colonis soon as claims are adjusted. NEILI BROTHERS, General Agents for New Zetland, ISmr Hlsrb and Htramlrov itmeta. Dunsd' THE TRUSTEES, EXECUTORS. AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). Specially .mpowerod by Act of Parliament to act as EXZCUTOB, TBUSTEB, RBCBIVBS, LIHUIBAIOE, GUARDIAN, COHMHTBII CNDBB IBS LUNATIC'S ACT, and ATTOBNBT usdbe Powib, In the s&mo way as an individual, but unlike an individual the Company never dies nor leaves the country, nor becomes incapacitated, and Its financial position la easily ascertained. Ihla Company is specially qualified, therefore, to act for absentees. Capital, £50,004, in 10,000 Shares of £i E»cfc. Totai Liability, £100,004. Dmwrowi K. B. Cergill, Esq. F. O. NeUI, K-q. I. S. Graham, Esq. John Roberta, Esq. Geo. Joachim, Esq. S. J. Spence, Esq. Jamea Hills, Esq. W LiOEiHos BmpsoM, Manager. Offices Exchaxqi BuiLsraea, Livbepool stkot Dusn>ra. The Company collect rents, dividends, Interest, or other Income, Invest money, negotiate leans, pvrchve and sell real and personal property, manage entales and generally act as Agents. Forms, charges, and all other Information can bo obtained on application at the office of the Company or any of ita agencies 810 NERVOUS DEBILITY. A CURE GUARANTEED. DR .E. O. WES T',S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT, A Guaranteed Specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulslons, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity arid leading to misery, decay, and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in cither box, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain eeU-abose, oi over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment: §s a box, or six boxes (or 255, Bent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with 265, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund tho money If the treatment does not effect a cure Guarantees issued only by JAMES NEIL, Patikt Aim HouoiOFATnio Mbjhotnb Dcot, 96 Geor re street, Dunedln, Who hao been appointed Sole Azent for Otaeo. flau THE REMEDY FOR CURING CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, OROUP, All Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, and Pulmonary Organs. By Ita Faithful Uee CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED When other remedies and physicians have failed to effect a care. Recommended by Physicians, Ministers, and Nurses—ln fact by of cry body who has given it a good trial. IT NEVER FAILS TO BRING RELIEF. Mothers will find it a safe and sure remedy to give their children whan afflicted with Croup. It is harmless to the most delicate child. It contains no Opium in any form. CAtmOH.-Call for ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, and shun the use of all remedies without merit. As an Expectorant it has no equal. tr For sale by all Medicine Dealers. BATES, SISE, & CO., Agents, Dunedln. "DEAD IT ALL. IT MAY SAvFyOUR LIFE. HOP BITTERS ARE THE PUREST AND BEST MEDICINE EVER MADE. They are composed from HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, and DANDELION. " The Oldest, Best, moat Renowned and Valuable Medicines in the World, and in addition contain all the best and most effective curative properties of all other bitters, being the greatest Liver Regulator, BLOOD PURIFIER, and life and health restoring agent on earth." THEY GIVE NEW LIFE AND VIGOR TO THE AGED AND INFIRM. "To Clergymen, Lawyers, Lawyers, Literary Men, Labourers, Ludie', and all those whose sedentary employments cause irregulaaities of the Blood, Stomach, Bowels, or Kidneys, or who reqnire an Appetiser, Tonic, and mild Stimulant, these BitteH are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic, and stimulating, without intoxicating." " No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, or what the disease or ailment is, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundreds have been caved by so doing at a trifling cost." ASK YOUR DRUGGIST OR PHYSICIAN. " Do not suffer yourself or let rour friends suffer, but use and urgo them to use Hop Bitters." " Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but tho purest and best Medicine ever made, and no peraon or family should be without it." HOP BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO., Melbourne, Australia; Rochester (N.Y., U.S.A.), Toronto, London, Antwerp, Paris. 16n GR IMA UL T & CO., PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, Paris : Rob Viyihxkb, 8 : Paris. DUSART'S SYBUP OF LACTOPHOSPHATE OF LIME. This preparation enriches the blood, strengthens the bones, and improves all the vital energies. Phosphate of Lime is tho substance most necessary to life; indispensable for the formation and nutriment of the bony system a> for the transformation of food into muscular fibre. Without it the body wastes away, and it ii to supply the lack of the lactophosphate-of lime that Dusart's Syrup is so useful, and it is of inestimable benefit for Convalescents, Weak and Old People, and Rickety Children, who find in it tho Calcareous Elements entering into the Constitution of the Bones. Well adapted to Ladies in the Family-way, Wet Nurses (whoso milk it enrichos), and to stop Children's Diarrhcea. ASTHMA I ASTHMA I GRIMAULT & CO.'S INDIAN CIGARETTES. Asthma, Nervous Coughs, Chronic Laryngitis, Hoarsoness, Loss of Voice, Facial Neuralgia, and Insomnia are rapidly relieved by using those Cigarettes. DISEASES OF THE CHEST. GRIMAULT & CO.'S SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME. Persons suffering from Catarrh, Cossnurnox, Colds, or Obstinate Coughs, and generally those afflicted with diseases of the chest, bronchia, or lungs should use Grirrault and Co.'a Syrup of Hypophosphite of Limo, which, prescribed tor years past by tho medical autho'ities of all countries, has invariably effected wonderful cures. By tho use of this Syrup the cough is calmed, nocturnal sweats disappear, aud the appetite rapidly improves—a fact coon demonstrated by an increase of weight and improved appearance Grimadlt's Syrup is of a rose colour, and contained In flat oval bottles. GRIMAULT & CO.'S MATICO CAPSULES AND INJECTION. Renowned physicians prescribe Grlmault's Mafcico as the moat active, and at the same time tho most inoffensive remedy in tho treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Those Capsules havo not, like Copaiba, the inconvenience of giving Nauseas. Tho Injection is uaed in recent and the Capsules in tho more cbromc «^ DACnE , NEURA XGIA. ! GRIMAHLT & CO.'S GUARANA. This medicine owes ita curative virtues to tho great quantity of Caffein which it contains. Dr Wilks, of Guv's Hcsvital, declares in the "British Medical Journal" that Gcarajja acts "like a charm." " Guaraua Powders are a certain romody for Sick Headache."—The " Lanc-.-t," Au*. SI, IJ7S It is tho most valuablo remedy againßt Dlanhosa, Dysentery, and all disorders proceeding from derangement of the Stomach or Bowels

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6792, 21 November 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6792, 21 November 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6792, 21 November 1883, Page 4