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i'ORT OJIALMBBS. Tbi) ]o»i;U.mlii of Observation Toint, I'ortClmlincvs, in time is 11 hours 22 uiiir.itca SB sccondu cast ul Greenwich. TIJ.IB-3ALI. AT l'ld'.T CIIAIiMnCS. New Zealand uu'au time at noon, calculated (or Inc. uicriili.lll of loiijfituilc, in time II hours SO luiiinUa ca3t of Grotnwiih, will be 1 ignalltd once a wed! by the time-bail tlrojijiir.g al the instant of mean noon. A blue flay will lie lioibtcd at the uiast-licsd, Port Chalmers signal-station, on tlm t'orcuooa oi tfao claj wbeo the Eiiuo-ai^tial will lie «iven. ■ VIIiVJSS 01' TUB t:OOX. . Dfccnibcr 2—Last quaiter ~ .. 2h. 53r.i -l-.~ „ 10— Sew. moon Sh. 37m (is ~ 17—First quavtor .. .- *b. Si' lu 33- ---„ 24-FilU mooii 3h.41ra.1H. „ 3—Apogee 13h. Cm. Oi. , 18~Periico Vh. Ob-.. OJ. „ Si-Apogee VJh. om. Cs. inn wkayhkk. Deecmbor 12— \\li.ii, S.W.; weathnr, cloudy. S a.m.—l3arniiM.-terJ3O.lS; iil;jiuin'-.ietfr, OS SowiBaroiueter, 30.1C ; ti.bru!oi!"--or, CB. 0 p.m.—Uaroicetcr, 30.14; thfriuomi-J^r. C 4. State of the Bar—Smooth. HIGH WATKR. tifei.-n-.lier IS -At the Hciiits, 4.2 C pin. ; ttS Fort Chalmoia, 5 0 p.m.; at Uuiii'ilio; 5.51 p.m. ARRIVALS. Waitaki, 5.3., 2-'S ton?, Amlersun, from Timaru, J Hills, a-ent. Ouaperu, s.n., £52 tons, il'liitnsli, fr«ru Isottlurn ports, vi:i I.Vi.!,t|.oiil. ' J -Mill.', fljjt'iS. DEPARTCIIHS. /.lor, ac-liooner, CJ touc, isotlmm, for Kapu-r. G Blvrh, uu'eut.- , | ll.iorj, 9.8., lIS tons, rvpiuiirly, for Oiwnaru. J I MUl?;aaei:t. Ki.hauui, 6.8., r>7 ton.-:, f-nndHtroiu, for liivercarfriil. X nmnsay, silent. WniiiUi, U.S., 2iS tons, AntUi'ion, (or Timaru. J .Mills, agent. xxr.-.crmn arrivals. Fucm Lokuos — Loch Dee, barque, 700 tons, Black, JMUP. Septouibc-r 22. Mennock, 757 ionn, Murray, October 1. Westing, 111(5 ton?, Moff»H, October 7. City of I'aris. COO tons, Cuminin^ Oeiobcr 15. Philoracce, 1423 tons, Holmes, October 20. Kimli-a. B-.nan. liivcicaririll, ship, 1242 tons, Muir, SCPM. fnou Ghimov- lluiroto, 5.?., ISOO-tor.s, Oct.obcr 25. Kelson, ship, 1-M7 tons, KKEC, Sepk-inber 24. (;amaru,'"ship, I3CG tons, Wisrht, \VS^G. the Clydb - Kawatira, as , Oalobet V. Kkom l.iVBK:om.-CaiiiUdato, f-ldi), 70a tuns, Laiiletwon, HESJ, September 15. Monti'tiuery O.i»t-e, ITkom' Nkw Yokk -Motley, brit, 501 tons, September 12. Olive Thurloiv, brirouc. Fro.m Bimto.n-Atlantic. FliOM OAlcnrA—Korapls, sl.ip, 915 tons. Gray, WVBK. Faou Fonciiow—Rio Lose, briK, 241 tons, \\ inker, Sepismber 12. ' From Uokukonq-B H Steenken, barque, 235 tons, •September 25. Xuiderhol, soh&oiier, 1»7. ton-s September 27. Victor, liuique, 402 tona. From J/auiiitius ■ Pax, s!,ip, 071 tons, lioae Hill, baniuentiae, 213 tons. Forest King, brigantiue, 172 tons. From Uewcastos—L?tterpouric, bari|UP, November IS. .Earl Derby, banf..e, 881 torjS, Culquh'-U'i, Koysaiber 27. ' Kkom tiik NonTH-EMza Mary, Endeavour.


Muo:i, 118 tons. Cruiuarry, fro:a Caumru, with c>\r::c J MUla, a-.-eni. VVaitaltl, 228 tons, Anderson, from linmiu, wit.i car'o. J Mills, a-tent. O'tiaierc :<sj tons. M'iutosli, from Westport, with caw. J IHIU, ".-''"t. Caiiler'.iurv 12i5 tons, M'Millan, fmn London, wilh cargo. ~li m.d N /. it A Co, »Ke;i;a. ptllWAkllH. Pioneer, 2i tons, Pra-.t, for To!-To\s, with <:argt>. KaTU v S-™-, 'or lavmiux.ll. M 1101!, 1 Is *■.-»•'. ori,ni;'.i t.v, fur Oamaru, with n-n.'C-e, :'.IO ton', Labirl-c, for Newcastle, in billlast- Muc-.«i->ua:iii-i lluz ett, airenia. iVnitoiii, '2iS toils, Aud-.ia.u, lor Tunuril, with 1.1 TOR S.. Per WailaVi, from Tiniiru : 202 ba'.es wool, .hip "l-i-r o'nnp'-r>, from tho North : I pk.-, P Ilayman ond Co; 1 do, G F Uibb ; G2U tons e-. n., U.S SU j. EXPOHTS. Per Mani, f-r Oum i-u : C phg3 t-s Taranaki; 2 d-.i ex Pinko; Ido en «niia:a,ia ; :-l <io, It-id a:.c) Or.i.v ; fl clv X Itansiy; -I <I-j, J S,-eight an.! Uo ;.0 co, a Doilhy and' U,.; 25 Jo, W I-ai.j. vi.d Co ; a do, liui.l and al'l>rthY (■ •■■!); 31 i!», A Bnaoß and Co ; 1 10, R Wilson -i/d n. j: 1 .it-. -1 U.itnavtt'id C»; 105 d., Scoular and Co; U uo Sins r JlainiUaturiiifc'C>; ■; do N Z Woodwa-e Co ; IS iU; N Z Hudivare -'o ; 20 do, R WiUon aud Co; (j d-,.1 X; 1 do, inoin-9Ot-er'lvaiteki, for '1 •■na.u : 1 boat. G ee---. Per KakHM.i:, f r Imtr.-iiigi-l: 2 pkjr.i, M-i 1-011 and Co ; 95 dn, J X utmy and Oj ; 4 d >, li-.- j.:...... nnd Co ; aoado.Dßas'c-ramlU...; \u», »i li-jna-r.-MHi.rZ eU; il do R 1C yurmy and So:-s; la »!■>, ■■ '' "■> "wait Co; 2 !10, t! and .'.' Z 31 an.) A Co; 103 do, H:. it r. HoJrlir.ll. N col, and Co ; iO do.'.N Z ll»rd»-are Co : 3 do Si! and .\ t'.; 231 do, W and G '111.1101111 and iY>'- 1 do X Knm-.iv: 120 rto, li Wil-on and Co; i'sdo Jllerrv 5 1m Park and Curl,; 4 d.., W,et,v and Co; 8 do, P Havnmn and C.; H9 do. lUlvs, SUe and (.'o ; 0 do, W S:.-oular an.l C:< ; S -io. iSar : ,'O»d 8011'uiid iiwon ; It do, Singer Michine iJo; 3 Uo, It HudV» and Co- 79 u»,A'u.nd T Hurt; 1 do. :'■ Z Drul'CoT 1 d0,'..M,th4,,. Bros ....1 Co; 80 do, ll'Leod Bros; lot da, A Briseoo and Co; lot, Michaclis, Hallenstein, and Fan(ul, S r; 2»> |.ieci-s timber, Ver'p'oncer, for Toi-Tois: 1 pkg, Null and Co (Ltd); fi do, 1> Kcid a--.d Co ; 7 <lo_, Patereqn and Wud; 0 do, N Z Wondware Co; 14 .io Reid and Gray 11 do, Wriv'--.t, Stephoi-s-in, Jild Co; S do, Murray, Robert-), an.l Co; 39 do, Mackorraa ami llazlett; 3 toiu coal, 'Jartin and Watson.

'SHIPPING- iELEGRAMS. (Pbr Usitid Pr.BSB Association.) Auckland, Dicsmber 12th. Sailed : Hero, e.s , for Fiji ; Te Anau, s.s., fordjdnejr- . RcssEH-, December 12th. The3.s. Arawata left Sydney at 5 y.ic. oril the 7th ■ cxnerienced f.-esh head winds throughout. For Auckla, d-Mr'UM Carthy, M-.ftsn.Wocd, U Hiilier Burro""hs, Mies Moore, Jlr and Jin F.sher, Mrs Parr, Mrs Brown Mewrs Bakor, Burnett, Miss Browning, Bcnf/M"n.t,el Troupe, JlßOomßold. PWloox. Southw«ll Mr and Mrs Ciidinnre, Mr Adnins and son, and lliis Vlvna For Napi-r-Mr and Mrs Brown and family. Fo7WdUwttm-ilr Clark. For (yttelton-Mr miArrived: H..r;a, barque (Captain Wilion), troin T nn/on 9J t'avs out, witn 47 pMßesißcre ; all well. liie Dunedin whaler Splendid is off the Head", win, the aim of her w-ndla-:s broken. She eft tho Chathamv owing to the accident, on Bceembsr 411. h!;e has 44 t ß .is «f sperm and 20 tuns of huinptacK oil cm board, besides a keg cf a.ute gria iho repairs aieo bo done to-morrow, when tie vessel returns to the Uia.Vailed : Mampouri, for Dunedin; Ilawea, for Wo'.--ißgton.. . ■ AMERICAN SHIPPISG. The lamue Olive Thurso sailed for Dmieilin and Auckland on 4th November. Fod Pur.edin-150 cases keroßei>e, 503 coils barbad wire, 10,000 H'utei. For Auckland -SSO cases kerosene, CO eases gasoline, i'tie freight demand for moderate-sized vessels is in rtm of otlerinKS. Vr*EATHEB R!:PJRT. (Psa Uxitkb Prbss asbociatiob.) WELtisoTOX, December 12lh. New Zealand.-Fine weather, v ith fresh northerly wl-d- except in South, whore it has changed to light S. W. ; heavy rain at Bluff at night _ jiustialia.- Pressure resovered. Light ram at Hoiiart wind M.W., otherwise lino, although c-.oudy. S.W. i-inda in south, easterly on west, aud Zealand : Russell, £0 3;' Wellington 301; Bluff. 30.2. Australia: Albany, 2^o; Portland, iO.l; flobart, 30 0; Sydney, 30 0.

HOVBMiam^^^STK^ 81IIP COMTuesday. Dkczmbki 12. Lyttelton-Hiwea. arrived 12.10 a.m. from Akaroa ; 9^-wffi'.'rriJS'7 a.m. from Pieton ; sailed 1p m for Wellington. _ v^iukwi-Taiiirna sailed 11.15 a m. for T.ranaki. XSlwand-Te Anau arrived 9.30 a.m. from Gis-b°Sydne^-tvakaTipu Arrived 8 a.m on Monday from WellingtOH.

The schooner Zior sailed yesterday morning for Wai»akl left Timaru at 5.3) p.m. on the ihh Bvo«rie»ccd light M.W. winds and calms down' iheeoS, id arrived at Port Chalmers at 5 a.m. >e Theds^ Omapere, from the North, via Weatport, arrived'at Port Chalmers at 5.20 a.m. jestorday. " She left Auckland on the 4th inst., "l? d P'^| deU Iu t0 itnßsell- left that port on thetih inßt. at I p.m., andew'erienced fine weather to arrival at Westport fjs »» 00 the 9th inst.; took in 520 tons of coal fnd&t wain at 9 p.m. on the loth inst.; experienced ttrore S \V. winds, with moderate head sea, until uassimr'trttelton, and thence string northerly windlo arrival!: We thank Mr P. A. Mackiueikan (the • P The^s's' 'ino'^ailed at 3.30 p.m. yesterday with .' C!lA'ba'rqiiel Vbomi<fnorth, passed Otajo Heads yester'daThetCs.'B?'JWaitaki left Port Chalmers yesterday afternoon on v special trip to'l iinoru. The « H Maori was have.l out of the Graving Dock yesujrdiy forcuoon, and taileil in the evening for TiRoJKe No. 222 took out a full load of silt from Jvopufai Biy yeuterday. ____««-»

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6501, 13 December 1882, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 6501, 13 December 1882, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 6501, 13 December 1882, Page 2