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Business Notices, THE WONDERFUL " fXf E R T H E I M" SEWING) MACHINES. A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. At nil times and ovcrywhcro In those Colonies aro public companies and institutions proilering to talco care of your money. They will pay you generous interest, or thoy hold out expectations of tempting profit. Banking, Insurance, mining, manufacturing, mercantile, land and loan coinpunics, building, cooperative, and other aociotioa, nil the air with rosy promises. And for thoso who havo ample mcaim, success will likely ouough attend upon good judgment, for "money makes money." Meantime you must life and lie clothed, and hero permit us respectfully to impress you with an investment which will oven KARN ITSELF, and which will all along make better proportionate profits than any other disposition, of capital whatsoever. Every homo, and ovcry porson iv It, ceaselessly demand the products of tho busy needle. The houselinen and upholstery require attention, and now garments are ever needed. Ottcn the housewife stitches until her ayui become weary, till her upino and her fingers ache, yet she cannot ovcrtako her work She muot purchase ready-mnde articles at tho shops inferior to and more expensive than those which she might produce herself had she only tho liwt requisite of a household—viz., a WERTIIKIM SEWING IIAOHINK. This is the investment which will EARN ITS OWN COST and continue long after to yield you most ample profits. . An Investment which will create itpell should ba indeed remarkable, and hero we desire to point out that it is not necessary to pay CASK DOWN for a WERTHEISI MACHINE. You may obtain It by very small weekly or monthly instalments, no matter where you live, an thus it wid SAVE money to clear its own cost, exactly as if you were working for another person and receiving payment, and, of course, a means of livelihood lv this very way is found by many thousands of persona who might- otherwise bo holplosa. Little hand-sewing is now poiform»d, for the product of tho labour is ao very small in comparison with the patience and time expended upon it; moreover tho stooping posture which necessary, with tho head bent downwards and the arms more or loss conBtraincd, and tho sustained demand upon tho eyesight, aro injurious. It is impossible, utterly impossible, for a lady to stitch so ilnely aud delicately and accurately by hand as she can by tho WONDERFUL WERTIIEIM MACHINES. A moment's examination of the work whichjmyone|rnay perform with them will convinco her of that. We will give her No. 200 cotton, and she snail mako with the WEKTHEIM NEW FAMILY MACHINE 32 stitches to tho inch, at the rate of 500 a minute. (A good operator will make 1000 a minute.) Eachstitoh will be faultlessly accurate, and in tho precise place where it was intended to go. Very dolieato materials, which would rather suffer by handling, may bo stitched upon the WERTHEIM without marking or disturbance. *he may even thread the needle and shut le with her own hair, and embroider initials upon a cambric haudkerchi4. In tho other extreme, she may u>e the same WERTHEIM NEW FAMILY MACHINE with a nine-cord thvead(used in bootmaking) for sowing occasionally leather, or any such heavy work that can be needed in a family. Many folds of tweed or thickest moleskin, 20 folds of unwashed calico with any sizo of cotton or thread, she may sew with utmost oaso and rapidity. The baby's tiny clothing, upon which mothers love to display their choicest handiwork, the boys' tweed suits, the drawing-room carpet, may all be stitched by the WONDERFUL WERTHEIM MACHINE. Examples of all kinds ol sewing required in dresses, millinery, underclothing, tailoring, and upholstery will be shown and explained ut our offices free of charge. To ladies who are delicate, we wish te say that the foot-pressure ncces-ary to drive tho WERTHEIM NEW FAMILY MACHINE is so slight that the mere weight of the limbs is more than sufttciet.t. The ankles alone need to move, the remaiudor of the nnucular system being entirely at'rest. This comfort ia partly attained by providing a fly-wheel under the table, which also imparts increased power to the mochanietn. Instead of the constrained and stooping poaturc already alluded to in connection with hand-sewing, the operator rests her hands upon the table and can change her position at pleasure Tho stitches do not require close watching, so that no strain whatever is made upon the oyesight. Yet wo can produce sewing so fine that the stitchea can only bo counted with the aid of a microscope. Scores of doctors and surgeons have purchased Machines from our Australian oflices for use in thoir own families, and always with satisfaction. For ladies whoso predilection is in favour of a hand-machine, wo supply one which is particularly easy to drive, and it is much swifter than the kinds ordinarily In use. Until the introduction of the WERTIIEIM, an advance upon hand-sewing had been made to a limited extent by the use of American and Glasgow-made Machines of flimsy construction. The chief aim and object of tho manufacturers of these has consistently been to reduce quality, and cheapen the cost of production, until it has become the practice to make the shuttle sma'l and soft, the works generally slight aud attenuated. Twenty years ago the wonder was that a sewing-machine should sew at all I And often, now, it is amusing to see the gratified surprise of a lady possessing one of the Yankee notions aforesaid at finding that sho can actually sew two pieces of stuff together with an ordinary straight seam. Usually "the feed" needs a little assistance by pulling, and not without missed stitches here and there, but the astounding fact U that "it sews." Now the day of these makeshifts is over. Her machine should accomplish ALL kinda of sewing, or it is behind the age and should be discarded. With the WERTHEIM NEW FAMILY MACHINE, whether for hand or foot use, you can hem any width, mako double scams or fell?, kilt, braid, stitch with chenille, Berlin wool, or gold osrd, and such like for fanoy work. You may make a pretty lace stitch, tuck ever so finely, bind dre3ses, coats, or carpets; sew on trimmings without guiding, make frilling, ruffling, or ruching, quilt, weave your own braid with any combination of colours and stitch it on at the same time; mike thick woollen doormats, embroidered antimacassars, window curtains, and so forth. You can easily and rapidly perform the fashionable sh.rring or gathering so popular for sleeves, bodies, or skirts of dresses with an appliance eupplied gratis; lay the small cords in hoods and stays; do large cording; gather with or without a band, and generally do all kinds of straight sewing upouany material whatever. The WERTHEIM will pass from eight folds of tweed, or 20 of cilico, to tiro of thinnest muslin, or even mosquito-net or tulle, without the operator changing needle, cotton, stitch, or tension, and the fine material will not be gathered in the slightest. Any of these performances will be shown at our shops at any time. The WERTUEIM makes a lock stitch, which cannot ravel; yet by a momentary alteration the sewing can be done ao as to rip from end to end, i( dosired. This peculiarity is sometimes useful when children's clothes are intended to be altered. Wo have a special word for husbands. When the day's business is over and the evening meal is finished, the wife (and perhaps tho sister or daughter) sits down to her sowing. With her hands alone sho cannot, as aforesaid, do anything like the whole of the work required. In a corner of tho room is, perhaps, an old fashioned machine, with which she may, by hard driving, occasionally stitch (with a noise like a sausage-machine) a simple straight seam ; but that is no great help. She ought to be able to do ALL the work with it short of stitching on buttons, which is a trifle. And we have known somo instances where the lady ef tho house is anxious to obtain a firßt-claes machine, that which will bo the greatest of all helps to her, but the husband demurs on the score of expense. Why, it is the only article of the household furnishing which will ever return you any part of its cost I If the lady will use it it MUST earn far more than the half-crown a week necessary to purchase it. On one little garment she will B»ve that sum, so that in addition to increased comfort your household expenses will not bo enlarged, but ought to be diminished by tho possession of a WEKTHEIM MACHINE. How often do we not waste money upon really useless knick-knacks, or upon needlessly expensive articles or indulgences? The Machine should far more than pay for itself during the timo you are clearing it off, and it will then become your own, earning or saving money as before. Is it not fairly to be called A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT You cannot, by fair usage, injure or damage our Machines; but to make sure that our customers shall bo satisfied, we undertake to keep any WERTHEIM MACHINE purchased from us in porfect order and repair for THREE YEARS entirely FREE OF CHARGE. We guarantee them for TEN YEARS, but they should last a lifetime, and you may pass them on as heirlooms. We Bhall be happy to Supply you with tho names of persons who are using tho WERTHEIM MACHINE Catalogues and samples of work will bo gladly given or sent post free. Information will be imparted at all times by our travellers, at our offices, or by letter. • With each machine is supplied a New Book of Instructions, for its uso and management. The preparation of this hag been eo3tly, and wo believe it will be found in all respects clear and copious. We have them also in tho French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Portuguese, Dutch, aud Russian languages. In the construction of tho WERTIIEIM NEW FAMILY MACHINE is a remarkable contrivance, simple, but most valuable. It is to the effect that if, whilst sewing, a button or other hard object should accidentally come under the needle and suddenly stop the needle-bar, no injury can result to the mechanism, for the driving-wheel will harmlessly revolve, without forcing the works, from the moment that the accident happens. No matter if it bo thus suddenly arrested when at full speed, no mischief will occur, whilst with ordinary machines the cois or the cams will break. Wo guarantee the WERTHEIM cogwheels and check springs against the possibility of breakage. With the NEW WERTHEIM MACHINES is sup. plien a self-acting Bobbin-winder, whioh fllla the bobbins as ovonly as reels of cotton, without the operator touching it or even holding the thread. A Balance-wheel ia provided, so that tho works are at rest whilst the bobbins are being wound. You can put 80 yards of cotton on one bobbin, being nearly twice as much as you can with tho machines of the old-fashioned makes. Thus you need not take out your shuttle so often, and you get a far more perfect stitch. » Patent Drop-rollers are provided, so that you may wheel the Machine where you wish; and our pate-1 consists in this peculiarity, that you can with a slight touch of the foot allow the Machine to rest SOLID on its feet whilst you sew. Machines which havo the old-stylo FIXED rollers shake about during sowing, because they do NOT rest solid. The tables a"c beautifully finished, and are stamped with a yard measure, which is useful. A host of other improvements in the WERTHEIM NEW FAMILY MACHINES will bo observed. It ia brought a? near to perfection as can bo accomplished by mechanical ingenuity, large capital, and minute supervision. Tho automatic machinery which finishes the parts is designed and patented by Joseph Wertiimm himself. The work is c .rried out by managers and operatives who have been scientifically trained in the German Polytechnic Schools—a system of manufacture which, in iron and steel, has been demonstrated to be the best and most successful. The magnitude of the trade may be estimated by the certified fact that last year tho German factories turned out over HALF A MILLION SEWING MACHINES, being mire than any other country in the world. Tho Wertheim Sewing Machine Retail Depot 3in Australasia: D U N E D I N, Corner of Princes and Dowlino streets. MELBOURNE-59 S*anston street, opposite Town Hall 126 Clarendon street, Emerald Hill 199 Chapel street, Windsor 186 Bridge road, Richmond. BALLARAT—Bridge street, next Messrs J. K. Baird aud Co. SANDHURST Pall Mall, next Lyceum Stores. GEELONG-5C Moorabool street. MARYBOROUGII-High street. STAWELL—Main street, next Aeschiuiann's. ADELA.IDE-10L Rundlo street. MOONTA—Commercial street. MOUNT GAMBIER—EIIen street. f 12 Market Buildings, near Market street. SYDNEY i 612 George street (BrickDeld Hill). (let Oxford streot. NEWCASTLE—Hunter street, near Bank of Australasia. BATIIURST—Opposite School of Arts. MAITI-ANO-lliijh street. PAURAMATTA, 'N.S.W. ROULBURN, N.S.W. BRISBANE—Queen street. MARYBOROUGH, Queensland, &c, &c, And Authorised Agencies throughout the whole of the Australian Colonies, Tasmania, and New Zealand. AUSTRALIAN REPRESENTATIVE: HUGO WERTHEIM, 39 FLINDERS LANE EAST, MELBOURNE. Factories and Branches : Frankfort, Carlsvuhi-, Barcelona, Madrid, Florence, Odessa, Constantinople, Coblcntz, Cologne, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, &c, &c, and authorised Agents throughout tho World. MANUFACTURER : JOSEPH W E R T II E I 11, Frankfort,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6384, 29 July 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6384, 29 July 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6384, 29 July 1882, Page 4