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Businens Notice. MONARCH OF AERATED BEVERAGES. rz O E ~D O N E. From tho Lancet, October, 1878. "Zobdonh contains tho |Solublo Phosphates o' Ltmo, Iron, Soda, and Potash in medicinal quautltlos. Zokdonk is a very efficient and pleasant vehlclo for tho administration of tho but little solublo phosphate of iron." {A Sparkling Effervescing; Tonio and Life Reutorkr. Is non-alcoholic, but more exhilarating than tho finest champagno. May bo takon alono, or mixed with wlno or beer in equal proportions. Strengthens the Brain and Norvo Tissue, and should be takon in every case of Nervous Disorder. Produces sound and refreshing Bleep during hot nights, with an unfurred tonguo, and a koon appetite for broakfast next morning. Is a delicious drink for daily uso, enZOEDONE tirely obviating tho nood of any other liquor. Must, as a natural consoquenco, take tho placo of the various Minoral Waters, which weaken tho system, ruin digestion, and lower tho vital tone. Weekly ncreasinz gales now equal Ten Million Bottles Yearly. Supplied by Chemists, Wina Merchants, Orocers, and Ilotelkoopors. Patented alfoveV tho World. Patentee-David Johnson, F.O.S. Manufacturers—The Zoodono Company (Limited), Wrexham. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand, KEMPFHORNE, PBOSSER, it CO. (LIMITED). rr WMPTHOKNK, PKOSBUK, « CO. Obtained at tho Sydney International Exhibition 1870, a Medal and Certificates of Merit for CORDIALS, CHEMICALS, AND KNIFE-POLISH The First Order of Merit was awarded by the Dunedln Industrial Exhibition in 1881 to Messrs Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'b New Zealand Drug Company for the following Manufactures, vie. :— CHEMICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL, AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS AND PERFUMKRY, Consisting of— PERFUMER Yl Essence of Rondeletbt Czar Violet Powdoi Kiss-Mo-Qulck Jockey Club Patchouli Franglpannl Wood Violet Tonquin Musk Spring Flowers Moss Rose Opoponax Ess. Bouquet Homer's Lime Juice tnd Homer's Toilet Vinegar Glycerino Cold Cream Alexandra Chorry Tooth Hair Oil, ruby and golden Paste Senior's Fuller's E»rth. Kruse's Fluid Magnesia Kruse's Insect Powder The Rajah Currie Powder Senior's Washing Powder Pepper, white Pepper, black Pepper, Cayenne Greenfield'! Liquid AnVolkner's Ess. of Rennet natto Zealandia Knife Polish Mirror Blacking Essences, flavouring Guest's Table VlnegM Senior's Marking Ink Essences, cooking Liquid Gum Senior's Rat Paste - Electric Furnituro Polish Poisoned Wheat Universal Diamond Ce. Globe Diamond Cement ment Lemon Kail or Sherbet SeldlltiPowders Gingerbeer Powders. Lemonade Powdsri Tho public Ihould ENCOURAGE by their LSBBRAL SUPPORT the Munftctare of COLONIAL PRODUCTIONS, and Ihm landai onneceMary prohibitive protective dutlei, ZIALVERT'S OARBOLIO PREPARATIONS have been tested, and with what result* " To Messrs Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co., New Zealand Drug Company Limited). " Gentlemen,—l have, in the presence of anothei medical man, carefully tasted the relative merits of Calverfs Carbolic Powder and Hunter's Patent Disinfectant. I have found Hunter's Powder to be a good deodorant, but that Calvert'g Powder ac >uch !s decidedly superior, while it has the additional advan-" tage of being beyond all comparison the best general disinfectant. (Signed) "J. GILLIES, M.D., ' Law Medical Officer of Health for the „ , ' o^ City o! Dunedin.' "July Bth, 1881." W. OROOKES, Esq., F.R.S., Editor of the Chemical News, says:—" Fresh, strong-smolllng nightsoil was covered with Calvert'a Carbolic Powder; the odour almeet Immediately disappeared, and could not aubse quontly be detected. It is pre-eminently adapted for general use." M. DUMAS, of the French Academy of Sclencee says:—"The action of Carbolic Acid is twofold, averts the decomposition of organicalbumonoid matters and further possesses the power of killing the germs whose development engenders or propagates epidemic diseases. Carbolic Acid vapour destroys the miaema and morbid germs in a vitiated atmosphere." The Editor Medical Times and Gazette, October 19th, 1878, says:—" Carbolic Acid has probably saved, and is saving every day, more human lives than any other drugs, except, perhaps, quinine and Wholesale Agents I KKMPTHORNE, PROSSER, A CO. KRUSE'S FLUID MAGNESIA Is highly approved and prescribed by the leading mombers of the Medical Profession for indigestion, heartburn, flatulency, Irritation and acidity of the stomach, bilious headache, gout, gravel, and febrile complaints. For invalids, children, delicate females, and the sickness of pregnancy, it ia a safe and reliable medicine, in full doses acting as a gentle aperient. It composes tho stomach after excess of either eating or drinking. For medical opinions and testimonials ace bills around each bottle. WILLIAMS' AUSTRALIAN YUiAfal OR BAKING POWDKR has been used with gieii satisfaction foi over 10 yean In Victoria. It makeo light wholesome brosd without yeast, and biscuits, cakea, and ali kinds of pastry without eggs. Avoid using Inferior kinds, which cannot give satisfaction. Ask for Williams' only, and take no* other. STEALANDIA CELEBRATED £A KNIFE-POLISHING POWDER produces a brilliant and lasting polish upon knives 01 steel work, pats a nice edge upon the knives without scratching or unnecessarily wearing the came; can be used with any kind of knlfeboard or machine. One trial of this most effective Powder ihonld convince the most Bceptica its superiority over all othori. SENIOR'S WASHING POWDER does not Injure the most delicate fabrlo, whitens the articles washed, is composed of concentrated Ingrediento, and therefore goea further than most other washing or noap powders which In appearance are more bulky, haa only to be tried to be appreciated, In highly recommended aa a safe and economical time, soap, and labour saver. jUTIRROB BLACKING «-•-*- has been most carefully piepared to anlt the Colony of New Zealand, gives a moat durable and Jetblack rjollsh. In its manufacture particular oare haa been taken to prevent lta Injuring the leather, which It aolteua. II la tha moil economical In nte. JTRUSE'B INSECTICIDE Persian Insoct-Dostroylug Powdei. This powder la unrivalled In destroying fleaa, bags, uits, flies, cockroaches, beetles, gnats, mosquitoes, moths (In furs, lie.), and every other species of insect in all stages of metamorphosis, whilst It haa no qualities deleterious to human beings, and Is quite harmless in Its application to dogs, cats, poultry, lie. We aek but one trial for this powder to secure confidence | no other brand it HI be wanted hereafter. DR CHURCHILL'S BYRUPB (HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME OR SODA) FOR CONSUMPTION. These SYRUPS, which have the confidence of all medical men, are especially recommended in rases of Consumption, Chronic Cough, and Qoneral Debility. They contain two of the principal ingredients necessary foi building up the human frame, and which are conaldored deficient in the above complaints, vie, phosphorus and lime. They are also admirably adapted for children of a weak and delicate habit. DR CHURCHILL'S COMPOUND BYBUP of Hypophoßphites is a compound of the Hypophosphltes of Lime, Iron, Soda, Potash, fee., and aa a general tonic cannot be too highly estimated. The above aro propared only by SWANN, Chemist IS, Ruo Castlghone Paris.—Each bottle beara DR OHURCHILL'S Signature. AGENTS I KSMPXaOKNB, PROSSBR, ft 00. DB BUOHAN'S CONCENTRATED COMPOUND EXTRACT OF BARSAPARILLA operates as a mild but efficacious alterative and tonio, /iven tone and vigour to the system, rcnovatea the blood, and affords protection from attacks arising from changes of season, climate, and life. Thlß very agreeable end beneficial beverage will be found In every respectable hotel bar, and to those who value health and long life, ask for and drink tola article. See yon get Dr Buchan's SarsaparlUf. THE TBADE SUPPLIED WITH— Drugs, Chemicals, DrngglstB1 Sundriea, Station ory, Account Books, Perfumery, Fancy Goode, Store keepers' Sundries, Cordlalmakers' Materials, CorkßHomer's and Hojrben'B Patent Bodawater Bottles, fee, Brushwaro, Combs, Sponges, Medicine Cheats, Homcoopathic Medicines, Photographic Chemicals and Materials, Dyera' Materials, Noble and Hoare's, Man. lers', and Blgsby's Varnishes, Calvert's Carbolic Sheep Dip and Foot-rot Ointment, and Cooper's Bheeplipping Compositions. ¥7" EMPTEOHNB, PROSSER, A 00. S Sew eeai/Anu HRUa company • (L1K1179) 9 )ON«;DTS aailtsrOHCEljfl \"!'BLL3»s''ON ami AUCKLAND.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6383, 28 July 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6383, 28 July 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6383, 28 July 1882, Page 4