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Situations Vacant. WANTED, for tho Kudu-ift. Scliool, a Malo TEACHER; salary, £100. - Apply Guo. Oliver, Wailnki Noitli. WANTKD, a WAI CHESS; 0110 ua«l to the bur proferrmL-Apiily Siwaox Hotel. DRAPEUY.— Woll-cclucatal Youth ami two Youir; Ludica a? APPRENTICES.—Carter and Co, Ruady-money Drapcm, CO and 02 George atruet^ WELL'NQTON GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL. THE QovcrnoH of Wellington Collega REQUIRE the services of a I AUY PRINCIPAL f .m Girls' High Scliool about to be opened in Wellington. Applications' will be received liy the Undersigned up to the 20lh SEI'TKMISER utxt. CiIAS. P. POWLES, Secretary. Wellington, 17tR July, 1882 21Jy Situations Wanted, Ailvurtlsemonw undci tlila head, ncn oxcoc«ilu« tourteun woWs, will be chargoJ SIXPENCE.! GOVK RNESS(University certillcatcd) recently from Home, wishes daily or resident iITUATION.Apply X. Y. Z., Daily Tiuica Olllce. 2Sjy WANTED, SITUATION by experienced Nurso ; highest testimonials; town or country. Apply Nurse, Timca Ofllco. ;;__ WANTED, by an established Engineering andlin plement-makitig Firm, a Silent or Active PARTNER, who Would be willing to undertake otllco or shop work. Moderate capital required — Address P.O. Box 07, Oainarn. Ejy Miscellaneous Wants. Oash advertieeniouta under thla head, not exceeding fourteou words, will bo chargod SISPENCB. WANTED to CHARTER, VESSEL from New Zealand port to Melbourne. Capacity, say, SOP tons. - Francis Fulton, Crawford street. 27jy WANTED KNOWN,— Campbell invites every lady to Inspect the Bargains at his Bazaar, for cash. - i^AMPBELL'S Great Wonder of the Day.—Never too \j -late to eouio and get great bargains. WANTED KNOWN,— Campbell has for sale 9000 dozen Cups mid Saucers, at -Is per dozen. WANTED KNOWN,- Campbell has 100 dozen cut Nobblers, specially ruado for the trade, at his Bazaar^ WANTED KNOWN,-Campbell has 600 Dinner Sets of every description for sale, cheap; your own prices. WANTED KNOWN,—Campbell has 11 Farms to Lut on deferred payments, near town ; frcoholds for everybody. WANTED KNOWN,—Watson's New Ladios' Dining-room. This olngant ltoom is now Open for Ladies, and Gentlemen accompanying Ladies. Bedrooms. Night Porter. Travellers called for early trains and coaches. WANTED to SELL, Nine-horse Power Vertical STKAM-ENGlNE.—Marshall aid Copeland. WANTED KNOWN,—Where to buy Good, New, Cheap DRAPERY-Tone Duck and Co., Farley'a Building*, (H Priucea street. ■ '_ WANTED KNOWN,—Tone Duck and Co. havo opened an assortment of New FANCY GOODS, cheap for cash. lOmy PIANOFORTE.— PUPILS Wanted, good tuition. Concerts, privato parties attended; terms moderato.—Mra Barrasa, St. David atrcet. WANTED, the Working Classes to Purchase their BOOTS and SHOES from the Manufacturer at Wholesale Pricea. TBUCKLAND, No. 117 George street and Nd. 6 , Royal Arcade, WILL in future make all his Youths' Boots Pegged instead of Riveted, at the same prices. WHOLESALE Prioea for Cash only. T. Buckland's Boota and Shoes are Guaranteed for Quality and Neatness. ,■ STOCKMEN'S Bush Legglng6 and Children's Ankle • Straps, own manufacture. Remember I a BhilImg saved ia a Bhilling earned. . A PAIR of Boots made to Measure in a few hours. T. Buckland's 16d Watertights are second to noue in the Colony.—Note address: 117 George street and 5 Royal Arcado. ANTED KNOWN,—That Mr;Morria, 164 George atreet, REPAIRS Watches for 6a, and guarantees them as well corrected as if he charged £1. 4jy WANTED KNOWN,—Great Reduction in Price.— Drain-pipes of all descriptions, Flower-pota, Vases, Chimney-tops, Flooring-tiles, Briokß, &c— Lambert's N. E. V. Pottery Works. WANTED, THEATRICAL MANAGERS and Others to know that the Otago Daily Times undertakes the Foatiug of Woodcuts (any size), Streamers, Posters, and every description of Printing en the most prominent positions In the City, on the , shortest notice ' BPKOTAOLKBI SPECTACLES I BPEOTAOLSS WANTED, the Weak-Bighted to know that they can have spectacles properly adapted to salt their Bights, m PEROIVAL'S, Optician and Spectacle-maker to tho Dnnedln Hospital, No. 9 George stioet. Pure Bi'^illan Pebbles, highly rocommendod for defective visions. Also on silo—Sykes' Hydrometers, Qlasi do, Saocharometara, Thormomo. tore, Aneroid Bmoinctors, Sextants, Quadrants, Shlpi' OompMsea, SJinomoton, Lactometers, M»&ematlc»l Instruments, Field Gbmes, Telescopes, 6c. N.B.—All kinds 0! Optical and K»them»tlc»l Inelm* mento bonght SHOOTING SEASON. WANTED TO SELL, by A. SOEOMON, Pawnbroker and Gunsmith, 27 George street, and National Pawn Office, Rattray street, Dunodin :— Single-barrel Guns, back action, bar locks, from 46s to 753. Single-barrel Guns, bar locks, from BOs to 82s 6d. . Double-barrel Guns, bar locks, plain finish, from 60s to 85s. ' Superior double-barrel Guns, bar locks, best finish, £4 10a to-£O. Doubleirarrel breech-loading Guns, back-action locks, wedge action, 80s to 115 a. Double barrel breech-loading Guns, rebounding bar locks, top-snap action, twisted steel barrels, plain finish, £7 10a to £1010 a. Double-barrel breech-loading Guns, top-snap action, rebounding ha locks, patent lore end, Damascus steel barrels, ehoko bore; in oak ease, with fittings complete, £1016s to £25. Single-barrel breech-loading Guns of best quality. Light breech-loading Sporting Rifles in great variety. Strong Pig Rifles for station hands, cheap. A large number of second-hand breech and ruuzzleloading Guns of best British makers on band. Breech and muzzle-loading Revolvers, cheap. Breech-loading Ammunition. A. SOLOMON, National Pawn Office, Rattray atreet, and Dunedin Pawn Office, 27 George street, Dunedin. 28in WANTED KNOWN, HUTTBI JOB-PRINTING DEPARTMENT or ih» OTAGO DAILY TIKES OFiflOK Is now turnlshed with ono ol the most coinpluta Printing Plants In tho Colony, a woll-selectod an extensive assortment of type and material having recently hcoD added to tho Jobbing' Plant. Every description of Commercial Printing undertaken sad executed In the beat stylo, and at cheap rates. Show Bills, Strainers, Fosters, and theatrical work of every doacrlplioaoxeoukd, and displayed on tdl the prominent hoardings In the city. The Proprietors of the Times having gone to great expense In the purchase and erection of a large number of hoardings or the display of poßtere la all parts of tho city, c*n now give ft publicity to this class of work unttt»ln»ble elsewhere In Dnaedln. Board and. Besidence. Cash advertisements? undor this head, net oxceedlng. fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. BOARD and RESIDENCE, 18s per week, washing included; bath; single rooms.— Second house past Sawmills, Georgo street. 26jy For Sale Cash •dverttßemcnts under this head, not exceeding fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. FOR SALE, Thoroughbred BEAGLE SLUT; recovered from distemper; ready lor work; £I.— Wood, 23 Royal Arcade. FOR SALE, superior-finished Five-roomed HOUSE, with bathroom, kitchen, and washhouse; gas laid on; situated in Albany street, one door below Georgt street;— Apply Mr J. Mosa, Stuart street. ■ 28Jy TTIOR SALE, one of Andrews and Bevan'a lar«e-aize JJ patent Australasian CHAFFCUTTERS. It is as good as new, having only been used for three weeks, and will be sold a bargain.—Apply Hendry and Turner, engineers, Oainaru. TiWR SALE or to LEASE, FELLMONGERY, situJD ated North-East Valley; in working order, and with constant supply of pure water.—Apply Noil! and Co. (Limited), Bond street. 26jy FOR SALE, a newly-erected Five-roomed HOUSE, with Quarter-acre garden, at Caversbam Rise ; cheap, on terms.—C. White, Temple Chambere. TOHN HERCUS' ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE, Boven-roomed House and Section, £240; four-roomed House and Quarter-acre, £200; eight-roomed House, £800; seven-roomed House, Royal terrace; four-roomed House and section, £250. — John Hercus, 5 Hialop's Exchange Court. 2yjju Epysl Mail. "OOYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES (COBB & CO.) Tho above Line of Coaches leave Lawrence for Roxburgh, Clyde, Cromwell, Queenstown, and all intermediate places every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival ol first train lrom Dunedin, returning 911 the alternate days. Leave Palmorston for Naseby, St. Bathana, Ophir, and Clyde on Mondays and Fridays. 11. CRAIG & CO. Head Office. Peel street, Lawrence d ASALIEES.— GOLD MEDALMELV3T BOURNE EXHIBITION, AGAINST THE WORLD. 200 designs. Best value In New Zealand. A. & T BURT

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6383, 28 July 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6383, 28 July 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6383, 28 July 1882, Page 1