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• Business Uotioa. : i MONARCH OF AERATED BpIVEBAGE3. ' ZO • E -~D 0 N E. From the Lancet, October, 1878. "Zoedoxe contains the ISoluble Phosphates of Lime, Iron, Soda, and Potash in medicinal quantities. '• zokdosh is a very efficient and pleasant vehicle for • the administration of the but little soluble phosphate ' of iron." . % /A Sparkuso Effervescing Tosio asd I LIFB HKSTORKR. • • Jls non-alcoholic, i.utmore exhilarating I than the finest champagne. " /OEDONE^ May betaken alone, or mixed with'wine \ or beer in equal propoi ttons. I Strengthens the Brain and Nerve Tissue, I and should bo taken in every case of \ Nervou3 Disorder. Produces sound and refreshing sleep during hot nights, with an unfmred i tongue, and a keen appetite for bieakfast next morning. 13 a delicious drink for daily use, enZOEDONE^ tirely obviating the need o£ any other liquor. . , , Must, as a natural consequence, take the place of the various Mineral Waters, , which weaken the system, ruin digea- ' ; \ tion, and lower the vital tone. Weekly ncreasing sales now equal Ten Million Bottles Yearly. . Supplied by Chemists, Wine Merchants, Grocers, and Hotelkeepers. Patented all over the World. -•""' Patentee—David Johnson, F.C.S. Manufacturers—The Zoedoue Company (Limited), Wrexham. •-""" Wholesale Ageßidfor New Zealand, KEMPJHORNE^EOSSES, & CO. (LIMITED). p^EMTTEOKNE, FBOSSEK, & GO. Obtained at the Sydney International Exhibition - ' 1879, a Medal and Certificates of Merit fox ; CORDIALS, CHEMICALS, AND KNIFE-POLISH. . The First Order of Merit was awarded by the Dunl edin Industrial Exhibition in 1831 to Messrß Kemp- '. thorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company 1 for the following Manufactures, viz.:— L CHEMICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL, AND MANUFACTORED PRODUCTS AND PERFUMERY, ' Conglgting of— I PEBFCMERTi I Essenco of Rondeletla Czar Violet Powder Kiss-Me-Quick Jockey Club Patchouli 'Frangipannl Wood Violet Tonquin Musk ; Spring Flowers Moss Rose . Opoponax Ess. Bouquet Homer'B Lime Juico and Homer's Toilet Vinegar « Glycerine Cold Cream . Alexandra Cherry Tooth Hair Oil, ruby and iroldcn Paste . . Senior's Fuller's Earth. > Kruse'a Fluid Magnesia Kruse's Inscet Powder The Rajah Currie Pcwdei Senior's Washing Powdor t Popper, whito Pepper, black Pepper, Cayenne Greenfield's Liquid' Anj Volkncr's Ess. of Rennet natto p, Zealandia Knife Polish Mirror Blacking Essences, flavouring Guest's Table Vinegai II Senior's Marking Ink Essences, cooking i Liquid Gum , Senior's Rat Paste i Rlectric Furniture Polish Poisoned Wheat' 'Universal Diamond Cc- Globe Diamond Ceineni 1 ment Lemon Kali or Sherbet Seidlitz Powders Gingerbeer Powdera. Lemonade Powders 5 The public ehonld SNCOOKABB by their LIBSBAL t SUPPORT the Manufacture of COLONIAL PKOQ OCCTIOKS, and thua reader ennecegsuy prohibitive protective duties. . c _ . _____^_^^__ — ___^ e^iALTEET'S GARB OLIO PREPABATIONS c have been t«3ted, and with what results is . : ' [. " To Messrs Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.', j New Zealand Drug Company ( Limited). "Gentlemen,—l have, in the presence of anothei g inedieal man, carefully tested the relative merits ot a Calvert's Carbolic Powder and Hunter's Patent Disiufectant. I have found dilator's Powder to be a tjood ' b deodorant, but that Calverfs Powder as such 's 0 decidedly superior, while it has the additional ad van- _ tage of being beyond all comparison the best general " dismfcctent. . (Signed) rtj. GILLIES, M.D., ' • ' kit* Medical Officer of Health for tha * "July Bth. 1881." • Clt>-°'D-^-1 P : 1, W. CKOOKES, Esq., F.R.S., Editor of tU Chemical : ,f News, says:-"Fresh, strong-smelling-nightsoil ct=. . covered with Calvert's Carbolic Powder; the edouf'■B almost immediately disappeared, and could not subse--e quently be detected. It la pre-eminently adapted tow general use D ■ 1" . ' - —~ . . -. _ c M. DUMAS, of the French Academy of Sciences' says:-"The acUon of Carbolic Acid Is twofold s avertsthedecomposicionoforganicalbumcnoidmattera Q and further possesses the power of killing the .'srms whose development engenders or propagates eiademio 7 diseases Carbolic Acid rapour destro? B the mSS« ti and morbid germs in a vitiated atmosphere." " i Q ?? e,^L tor Medical Timea and Gazette, October y 19th 1878, says :-" Carbolic .Acid ■ has probably saved, and Is saving every day, more hunSn liveopining SB< eXCBpt' porhaP 3 ' quinine Vai' * • Wholesale Agents j-' ;. KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, * CO : '- " : -^—^ " , '■ K^FTO FLTiED MAGNESIA, !e \fZv~ J ' y "-VPravei and prescribed by the-. rf& I'l irritation and acidity - of-the stomach, bihoua headache, gout, gravel aacEU .o ebnle oomplainW. For invalids children, &®atiL n .eaaalos, and the. sickness of pregnancy, it is. a/safe t !; aroun (l^| tbot«e PiniOaS "* ***«»** »c. bills", WILLIAMS' AUSTRALIAN Y&»83& : OR BASINS PQWOS& *-**>*•>■ ' taTtaS&T 1 'ith *"**3*t!s!so-!oB i0> °™ar^im: It mato Ilghi wholesoae bread without r «4 « n^i bSsenlte, cakea, and ail kinds oJ pastry with- f 'Jt ZE AL ANDIA Vi i? r i=risM KNIFE-POL ■ waLll'iSKiiaW aairA,rwi, JHIHQ pOWDEa proauceo a billliar' 3 , „ „■ . ■ ~ ateol work new " and lasttn 2 poliah apon kaWca nf-acratohln-'or ' » nice edge cpon the knives w'.thout-i ssod wita ' unnecessarily wearing Shu same; can be-1 ■ Wai otV -ny kind of fenifeboard or mtchlue. Ou6" ajoji r ala moat effective Powddi ehoold convince th&J > .osptiea Ite BupsrlgrlSy over ail oShe^a. de DENIOS'S WASHING : :.'POWD2& kJ docs not Injure the most dellcata fabric, whitensl She articles washed, 13 coiapo=6d of concentrated in-" and therefore goes further than most other washing or soap powders which In apj-iSKiace are mcie1 bulky, has only to bo tried to ba appreciated, Iff highly rccommssded as a Esie and 6CC>ucmlc&! tlzsa, Bcap r and; isfcou? Bavo?. MI R S 0-B BLACKING' iisa been niqai cursfnlly p;e::ara3 So suit lift? Colony 05 Kcw Zealand, gives a aiosr, dujafcle asi jefsides poli3h. lv Its manufacture particu!&» csr« JSsssi icea taken feo pravsnS Ua tcjuTing Shs loathei, vhlclf !J 30-teas. 1% 13 ifeo s3OsJ tsoaoajlcal in ase. I?" RUSE'S. IKSBJQTIGIDE Peraiiua Ingeat-D^strcytng Powder. ?bla powder le mmvailed in destroying Boos, bagi, »ats, flies, oockroauhes, .- beetles, gaata, moequlwea, aiot'cs (in hite, Sc), and every other apecios of Insect la all stages o! mGtaincrphcsis, whilst it nag uo c-ialStiss deleterlouß to human beings, »ad la quite harcileas in It 3 a?pUc3tlou io dogs, cats, poultry, *c. Ws ask buj one ttlsl for this powder So secure confidence j co other brana wiii be wanted heraaiter. CR CHCRCH^L'S GYBUPS -(HYPOPHOSPHITE. o^' KJ LIME OR SODA) FOR OOKSUifFriON These SYBUPS, which hsve the confidencs of sit; ~ medical men, are especially racomaiecdsd in cases oV! Consumption, Chronic Cough, and General DoblllSv.. Tfcoy couwln two ol She prlnclpsl Ingredients necessary • , (or building ap the hnman" frame, and which are coa- - i. sldered u3Uclant In the abovo complnlntß, viz., phot- - )l phorua and lime. They are also admirably adapted forr children of » west snd d;i!cats hxb'S. 5 DS OHURCHILZ/'S COMPOUAT) SrKUP Ji of Eypophosphites Is a compound of tho Eypophtfa" r phitea of lilme, Iron, Soda, Potash, fee, »ad »g a , general tonic cannot be too highly estimated, c Tho above are prepared only by 3WANN, Chemlaß * 12, JSua Caatlglioaa Parb.—Bach botUe boura na i CHCBCHiLM Signatee. •»» Daaia US f AGESTSI KSKPTEORSS, PSO3SSB, & CO. ! D 3 BUOEA^OONOTWTBATJBD. o™. » KITRAOT OF SASSAPABILtA respectable hotel baj, and to those wba ra'.ce heal* get Dr Buchan'a Sarsapsjilb,. rgIHE TRADE SUPPLIED WlTff— JL Drugs, Chemicals, Di-ugslbtB1 Sundries, Station' cry, Account Eookß Perfumery, Fancy Goods. Store* keepers' Sundries, Cordialmakers' Material^, Corksfc?^^ 0 a, saa a^«SS idjn', and Bi^sby's Varnishes, Calvert's CwboUcSb^p jg^EMPTHOBNB, PROSSER, & QQ g HSW ZEALAND DRUG W iPAf(Y (LIMItCB). . ' . OOHBDEB OHBjisiOBOBaF. mffiMKOTOH and W^ AND

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5247, 18 February 1882, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5247, 18 February 1882, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5247, 18 February 1882, Page 2 (Supplement)