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Special Advertisements COMMERCIAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED). RISKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION At LOWEST RATES. NEI L L BROTHERS, AGENTS, HI<JH STRBBT. 12----■ijmi'ABLISHSD 1861.-G. B. WKffl SjJ AND CO., Pianoforte, Harmonium, and Muni Warohoiwe, Wmcoe stroefc, Dunodlri. livery artteii connected «.ith the Music Trade of eupeno reality or.-v kept st thio establishment, rh. largest and moat comphto fltoek ol Atom m the Colo nio9. HO.OOO wmrs and pieces in select froru m nov popular and standard works. In toe PreßO-orcon now being recoived-N.Z. llngiwtoo Ho .., contalnin, now danco music, with uccnniraulmnnto for violin am ATAGO LOAN OFFICE. V? JfORAT PLAOB. (Opposite Criterion Hotel, Dunodln.) CASH ADVANCED IN~SI7MS 01' £6 TO £500 On Personal Security, Ropayable by Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly total tnentu, to suit tho borrower. flaah Advanced on Gold Watchoa Cash Advanced on Silver Watches Cash Advanced on Gold Chains Cash Advanced on Diamond Good! Cash Advanced on all klnda o( Valuables Interest ] One Shilling In the Pound per Month Office Hours-9 ».m. to 8 p.m.; Saturdays, 5 p.m', tc B p.m.; Mondays, 8.30 p.m. Proprietor - .. M. MOSS. Note the Addrosa-Moray place (opposite.i tho Crl torion Hotel). Private Communications- Box .20, Post-office! IZ? OXIDE OF IRON PAINT, Prepared by tho THAMES PAINT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Thames, Now Zealand. CHARLES UILL, ManAqhr. This Paint ia tho most durable, tho cheapest, thi purest, and best that can bo used lor all kinds of lror and Woodwork. It preserves all matoriala coveroc with it from docay and the action of the weather, ant ia unsurpassed for all FARM BUILDINGS, BRIDGES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &0. MACHINERY, BOILERS, and all descriptions of Ironwork. It has also tho ad vantage of being free from all poisonous or noxiou! Jmrredicnts, being made from peroxide of iron ore. Weatherboards, Shingles, to. served with it wil resist Dre. Is supplied ground in oil or in powder. "We havo used this Paint on Iron Castings ant Steam Boilers, and approve of it very highly.—A. am G. Price, Engineers, Thames." _ " For Woodwork I consider it superior to JJelaor Hematite, as it possesses greater body, and leave! neither sediment nor waste.—W. FIUCKHR, Painter, "It has good drying qualities, and a ver intonsc body.—C. IiiiOOMFiBW), Painter, Auckland." Agents lor Otago:—Batsb, Sisk, akd Co., Dunedin. 21f ENOOEE WHISKY (The Doublo Distilled). This Whisky is guaranteed entirely freo from Fusel Oil or other injurious substance, tho presenco ol which in moat Whiskies makes them bo dangerous tc health. Lancet: "Wholesome and pleasant." British Medical Journal: " A safe stimulant." Medical Times: " May bo safely used." Medical Press: " Invaluable alcoholic stimulant. Medical Rocord: " Purest alcoholic stimulant." Practitioner ; " A safe stimulant." Sanitary Record: "An excellent dietetic stimulant.'' Public Health: " Should bo in general use." Food Reformer: "AH who valuo health should use it." Dr Bartlott: " Purest Whisky I ever examined." Dr Paul: " Free from all injurious substance." Dr Macadam: " Very wholesome and flno quality." Dr Tichborne : " Wholly free from all Impurities." Awarded PRIZE MEDAL Sydney Exhibition, 18S0. N E I L L & CO., 22a Bond street, Wholesalo Agents. EO B I N & 0 0., OOAOHBUILDKRS and IMPORTERS, Octagon and Swart Stbhet, have for sale i— Family Waggons Waggonettes Doublo Buggies Ladies' Driving Phaetons, &c. All Sold at Prices to correspond with tho times. QTANDABD INSURANCE COMPANY. H«iJ) O?y<oa i Plimcss stair*, Dtrsa ik. FIRE, MARINE, AND FIDELITY GUARANTKK RISES TAKEN AT LOWEST CURRENT EATE3. m THOMAS R. FISHKF., Gonern! Kna»sr MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. mHE EQUITABLE INVESTMENT JL COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED) is prepared to LEND money, in any sum to Bui borrowers, on Freehold or Leasehold Securities; or to make temporary advances on Shares, Bond Warrants, or to Discount Bills of Exchange. W. P. STREET, Offices: Manager. Liverpool street, Dunedin. 26au SMITH & SMITH, IMPORTERS, OCTAGON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Genuine White Lead, Oils, Hessians, Paperhangings, Composition, Centre Flowers, Painters and Coachbuildera' Varnishes, Glass Shades, Sheet-glasa, Gilt Mouldings, Brushware, and trade requisites. ?lju OTAGO STEAM COFFEE MILLS WG B E G G & 0 0., a COFFEE, PEPPER, SPICE, AND CHICORY MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS. Established 1801. Sole Manufacturers of the registered " EXHIBITION" Br&nd Coffee " EAGLE" Brand Coffee "CItOWN" Brand Coflee " ELEPHANT" Brand Cofloe ; And Manufacturers of PURE Ground COFFEES, PEPPERS, SPICES, and CHICORY. Tho keen competition at presont existing in New Zealand for the supply of Coffees, Poppers, Spices, and Chicory has caused many of the manufacturers to reduco their prices to an unremunerativo rate, and in some cases to such an extent has this been carried out that either they are losing by their sales or lowering the quality of the goods by the admixture of dcloI terlous substances. Whilst we are reducing our profits to a minimum I rate, yet it is not our intention to Bupply customers with other than the well-known qualities of our several brands of COFFEES, Guaranteed Pure PEPPERS, SPICES, and CHICORY manufactured by us for more than 20 years, and which have been recognised by tho Trade and Consumers for tho (superiority of their quality over thoße produced by any other firm in New Zealand. W. GREGG & CO. Offices and Warohouse, Princea streot, Dunedin. Factory and Stores, Rattray street, Dunedin. Chicory Worka, Inch-Clutha. 28 LETT'S; DIARIES, 188 2, Just Arrived. KHBRGUSSON & MI TOE ELL, Jj MERCANTILE STATIONERS, MANUFACTURERS OF ACCOUNT HOOKS, BOOKBINDERS, PAPER RULERS, ENGRAVERS, MTEOGEAPHEKU, AND PRINTERS. RU3BER STAMP MAKERS. AU the Latafi Novnltles In Stationery kept In alack. T B. B R -A D 8 H A W, tj o FINANCIAL AGENT, SHARE and MONEY BROKER, Temple Chambera, Dunedin, N.Z. Transactions In Shares on Commission only. Money to Lend on Freehold Socurlty *t lowest current rates of interest. Loanß negotlatec. 7 LEA AND PERRiNS' SAUCE. In consequence of Imit&tions of tho OROESTERSHIRE S A U 0 E, which aro calculated to deceive the public, T BA AND PERKINS have to request JLi that Purchasers see that the Label on every Bottle bears their signature—" LEA and PERRINS," without which no bottle of the original WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE Ask for LEA & PERRJNS' SAUCE, and eeo name on Wrapper, Label, Bottle, and Stopper. Wholesale and for export by the Proprietors, Worcester ; Croaso and Blackwell, London, &c., &c.; and by Grocers and Oilmen throughout tho world. Agents: Messrs NEILL & CO., Dunedin, New Zealand 191 \ST RIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. "SAPO CAIIBOSJS DETERGENS." Notiob.—This Soap has enjoyed tho highest reputation for many years In England and the Colonies for .its unequalled medicinal qualities. It is recom mended by all leading Medical 'Men as being tho only truo antiseptic, detergent, and disinfectant Soap. All Dark Soaps should bo refused, aa they are Bpurious and dangerous imitations. WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP la of a delicato colour and most agroeablo fragranco. It is a luxury for shaving, and no household should be without it. Sold in Tablets by all Chemists and Storekeepers throughout tho world. 18J_ OLD GLENFORTH WHISKY. — PURE, MELLOW, AND MATURED. DHS HUNDRED Q U ATRT KK-0 AS X LAOTING AND TO LAND. This fine Whisky has been carefully solectod at tho Distillery by Mr Esthor, senior,' to our 'order for a ■oaily superior Malt Liquor, and Id guaranteed three ?ears old before 'shipment! " ' ' We place the genuine article before our customers md can recommend it with every confidence. ESTHER b LOW, .Importers*

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6149, 24 October 1881, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6149, 24 October 1881, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6149, 24 October 1881, Page 2