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■fc •pTEMPTHOENB, PBOBS3B, £a 00. Obtainod ad the Sydnoy International Exhibition 1870, a Modal and Certificates o( Merit foi CORDIALS, CHEMICALS, AND KNIFE-POLISH. , Tho First Ordor of Morit was awarded by tho Duncdln Industrial Exhibition In 1881 to Moasra Konjpthorno, ProBSO», and Co.'s Now Zealand Drug Company for tho following Manufactures, viz. :— CHEMICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL, AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS AND PERFUMERY, Collating of— PERFUMERY: Essonco of Rondclotla Czar Violet Powdoi Klßa-Mo-Quloli Jockey Club Patchouli Frangipannl Wood Violet Tonquln Musk Spring Flowors Moae Rosa Opoponax Ebb. Bouquot Homor's Llmo Juloo and Homor's ToUot Vinegar Glycorlno Cold Cream Alexandra Chorry Tooth Hair Oil, ruby and golden Pasta Senior's Fullor'a Earth. Kruse's Fluid Magnesia Kruno's Insect Powder Tho Rajah Currio Powder Sonior's Washing Powder l'eppor, whlto Popper, black Poppor, Cayonno Groonnold'B Liquid AnVolknor'a Ess. of Rennet natto Zealaudia Knifo Polish Mirror Blocking Sssencos, flavouring •. Guest's Tablo Vlnogar Senior's Marking Ink Essences, cooking Liquid Gum Senior's Rat Paste Electric Furniture Polish Poisoned Wheat Universal Diamond Co- Globe Diamond Comont mont Lemon Kali or Sherbet SoidlitzPowdere Gingorbccr Powders. Lemonade Powders SLESINGER'S nORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES, RHEUMATIC BALSAM, AND COUGH SYRUP. Th« pnbllo should ENCOURAGE by their LIBERAL SUPPORT tho Manufacture of COLONIAL PRODUCTIONS, and thaa rondei unnecessary prohibitive protective duties. ZIALVERT'S CARBOLIC PREPARATIONS have boon tested, and with what results J " To Messrs Kcrapthorno, Prosser, and Co., New Zealand Drug Company (Limited). "Gentlomen, —1 have, in tho presence of another medical man, carefully tested the relative merits of' Calvort's Carbolic Powder and Hunter's Patent Disinfectant. I have found Hunter's Powdor to be a good deodorant, but that Calvort's Powder as such la decidedly superior, while it has tho additional advantugo of being beyond all comparison tho beat general disinfectant. (Signed) "J. GILLIES, M.D., " Late Medical Officer of Health for tho City of Dunedln.' 11 July Bth, 1881." W. CROOKES, Esq., F.R.S., Editor of tho Gnomical News, says :—" Fresh, strong-smolling nlghtsoil was covered with Calvort's Carbolio Powdor; tho odour almost immediately disappeared, and could not subsoquoHtly be detected. It Is pre-eminently adapted for general use." M. DUUAS, of tho French Academy of Sdonces, Bays:—" Tho action of Carbolic Acid is twofold. It averts thodocompositiou of organicalbumunoid matters, and further possossos tho powor of killing tho gonnv, whoso development engondcrs or propagates epidemic diseases. Carbolic Acid vapour destroys tho miasma and morbid germs In a vitiated atmosphere." Tho Editor Medical Times and Gozetto, October 19th, 1878, saya :—" Carbolic Acid has probably saved, and is saving overy day, more human lives than any other drugs, except, perhaps, quinine and opium." PROFESSOR WALLER, of Columbia Collego, U.S.A., Bays:—"After exhaustive tests of over 60 disinfectants I find that Carbolic Acid is the best. I advise its use In 1 por cout. solutions." The SANITARY INSPECTOR at Leek (Mr Farrow) reports:—" I know of no othor agent that can bo compared with Carbolic Acid (Calvort's No. 6) In point of eiliciency and price. In disinfecting rooms, bedding, and clothes I uso a small convenient apparatus wlu'ch will ovaporate from 1 to 20 ounces of Carbolic Acid in about five minutes. I have novor known an official attending upon or engaged in removing persons sufforing from smallpox, &c, or infected articles, whoso clothes wore dealt with in the manner described, to convoy infection to his family or others. We have no instanco hore of a person Butfering from smallpox being removed to the hospital, and tho house, bedding, &c, disinfected in tho manner referred to, whore a second cose of tho disease occurred.' Wholosalo Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSEE, & CO. KRUSE'S FLUID MAGNESIA. IB highly approved and prescribed by. the leading inembere of the Medical Profession for Indigestion, heartburn, flatulonoy, irritation and acidity of the stomach, bilious headache, gout, gravol, and febrile complaints. For invalids, children, delicate females, and the sickness of pregnancy, it la a safe and reliable medicine, in full doses acting as a gontlo aporiont. It composes tho stomach after excess of eithor eating or drinking. For medical opinions and toatimoniala sea bills around each bottle. WILLIAMS' AUSTRALIAN YEAST OR BAKING POWDEE has beon need with great satisfaction for over SO yean In Victoria. It makos light wholesome broad without yeast, »nd biscuits, cakes, and all tdnde of pastry without eggs. Avoid using Inferior kinds, which cannot give satisfaction. Ask for Williams' only, and take do other. S/EALANDIA CELEBRATE! M-l KNIFE-POLISHING POWDER produces * brilliant and lasting polish upon knives oi •tool work, pttfe a nice edge upon thu knives withoul Boratchlnj; or unnecessarily wearing the same ; can b< used with any kind of knlfeboard or maohlne. On< trial of this most effective Powder should convlnc* thi raoai sceptlcM o! Its superiority over all others. SENIOR'S WASHING POWDEB doca not Injure the most dellcato fabric, whiten! tho articles washed, is composed of eoncentratod in< gtedlents, and therefore goes farther than most othei waoblng or soap powders which In appearance are mor« bulky, has only to be tried to bo appreciated, Is hlghlj recommended ao a safe and economical time, soap, ant labour saver. MIRROR BLACKING has been most carefully piepared to Butt tht Colony of New Zealand, gives a most durable and jot black polish. - In Its manufacture particular care hai been taken to prevent Its Injuring the leather, wltld It softens. It Is tho most economical In uso. TTRDBB'S INSECTICIDE, Persian Inseat-Deetroylng Fowdet. This powder Ib unrivalled In destroying fleas, bnge ants, flloa, cockroaches, beetles, gnats, mosquitoes, moths (in furs, fee), and overy other species of Insect lr all stages of metamorphosis, whilst It has no qualltlei deleterious to human Doings, and ia quite harmless lr lta application to dogs, cats, poultry, &c. We ask bul one trial for this powder to secure confidence I nc other brand Bill be wanted hereafter. DR CHURCHILL'S SYRUPB (HYPOPHOSPHITE OB LIME OR SODA) POR CONSUMPTION. Those SYRUPS, which have the confidence of al modical men, are especially recommended in cases ol Consumption, Chronic Cough, and General Debility, They contain two of the principal Ingredients necossarj for building up the human frame, and which are con> ildered daflclent In tho above complaints, vis., phoa phorus and ltmo. They are also admirably adapted foi children of a weak and delicate habit. DR CHURCHILL'S COMPOUND SYRUP of Bypophosphites la a compound of the Hypophos phites of Lime, Iron, Soda, Potash, fee, and as I general tonic cannot be too highly estimated. The above are prepared only by SWANN, Chemlflt : 18, Rue Caetlgllone Paris.—Each bottle bears. DE OHUKCHILL'S Signature. AGENTS I KEMPTHORNE, PROSSEB, b CO. DR BUOHAN'B CONCENTRATE! COMPOUND EXTRACT OF BARBAPARILLA operates as a mild but efficacious Alterative and tonic givos tone and vigour to tho system, renovatea thi blood, and afiords protection from attacks arising fron changes of Beaaon, climate, and life. This very agree able and beneficial beverage will bo found In even respectable hotel bar, and to those who value healtl and long life, ask for and drink this article. Bee yoi get Dr Buchan's Barsaparilia. THE TRADE SUPPLIED WITHDrugs, Chemicals, Druggists' Sundries, Station cry, Account Books, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Store> koopers' Sundries, Cordiahnakors' Materials, Corks. Hornor's and Hogbcn's Patent Sodawater Bottlosi &c., Brushware, ■ Combs, Sponges, Medicine Chests. Homoeopathic Medicines, Photographic Chemicals ant Materials, Dyers' Materials, Noble and Hoare's, Man dere1, and Big-shy's Varnishes, Calvart's Carbolic Sheej Dip and Foot-rot Ointment, and Cooper's Sbeep dipping Compositions. XT EMPTHORNE, PBOSSEH, & OO.'g NSW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY (LiMreas). DUNEDIH, OHRIBTOHCBOH, WELLINGTON, and AUCKLAND.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6143, 18 October 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6143, 18 October 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6143, 18 October 1881, Page 4