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Miscellaneous 'Wants. WANTED KNOWN,—Central Restaurant, Manse Btreet. Meals, fld; Beds, 9d; Board and Lodging, 15s per week. 180 WANTEB to SELL-Spring-cart and Harness, second-hand Express-waggon, Garden Barrows.—Shcnvin, Frederick street. < 170 WANTED.STENDERS for building HOUSE, until noon, Wednesday, 19th—J. Banr, Market Btreet. Ho TTTANTKd'kNOWN,—GRAVEL, garden walks.deYV livered cheap, town, suburbs.—Brenchley, Athol place, or Maclaggan street Quarry. 170 WANTED KNOWN,—Great Reduction in Price.— Drain-pipes of all descriptions, Flower-pots, Vases, Chimney-tops, Flooring-tiles, Bricks, &c.— Lambert's N. E. V. Pottery Works. __ WANTED, few PUPILS to learn Piano; terms moderate.—Mrs Barrass, St. David street (two doors from King street). WANTED, for Cash, PORK PlGS.—London Pork Shop, 171 Georgo st-eet. 140 "XT/ANTED KNOWN,—Bailey ond Ken's American VV Novelty Store, 65 Princes 'itreet, noxt Queen's Theatre, Dunedin. Tho trade supplied. WANTED KNOWN,—James Murray, Bootmaker, Removed to 163 Princes utrcot South, nearly opposito Cargills-Gibbs'. . 23s WANTED KNOWN, - Large Glass Marshall's Sparkling Alo, Bar of Dauiol Whlto's Hotel, George street, Sd. WANTED, second-hand ENGINE and BOILER, about 12-horse power; also, four-foot French Burr Stones, with or without gear.—J. K. Roes, New Plymouth. 180 WANTED to LET, a threo-roomed HOUSE, situate in Russell street—Apply Drjden's storo. 15s WANTED KNOWN,—Tho LONDON PORK SHOP Is now open, 171 George atreot. Cured Checks l£ a pair; real Pork Sausage, Pork Pics, Scotch Pies, WANTED KNOWN, — Watson's Now fcadies' Dining-room. This elegant Room is now Open for Ladies, and Gontlemon accompanying Ladies. Bedrooms. Night Porter. Travellers called for early trains and coaches. WANTED KNOWN,—Waste Papor for salo.— Apply to tho Publisher of this Paper. WANTED, THEATRICAL MANAGERS and Others to know that tho Otago Daily Times undertakes tho Posting of Woodcuts (any size), Streamers, Posters, and ovory description of Printing on tho most prominont positions in tho City, on tho ahortost notice. BPECTAOLEB I SPECTACLES I SPECTACLES'! WANTED, tho Weak-sighted to know that they can have spoctacles proporly adaptad Ho suit their eights, at PKRCIVAL'S, Optician and Spectaclo-maker to the Dunedin Hospital, No. 6 George street. Pure Brazilian Pebbles, highly recom. mendod for defective vlalonß. Also on eale—Sykes Hydromotcrs, Glass do, Saccharometers, Thermometers, Aneroid Barometers, Sextants, Quadrants, Ships' Coinpaoses, Sallnoaietore, Lactometers, M»ttem»Jlc»l Instruments, Held Glasses, Telescopes, fee. N.B.—All kinds of Optical and Mathematical Inotramonta boughs. "VTTANTED SPORTSMEN TO KNOW. GUNS. GUNS. GUNS. A. SOLOMON, 27 George street, ,noar Moray place; »nd National Pawn Office, Rattray stroet, opposite Otago Hotel, Has In stock Double and Slnglo brceeh-loadlng duns In cases, with fittings completo—by Wostloy Richards, Purday, Greener, Howott, Hughes, Tiuiock and Harriss, and other eminent makors. Double and Single muzzle-loading Guns, ol first-class quality—by Blanch, Cobb, Mortimer, Manton, fee. Breech and muzzle-loading Revolvers of all Blzos and patterns. Brceeh-loadlng gun and revolver Cartridges of Ml sizes. Shot-belta, Powder-flasks, and sportsmon's sundries of all descriptions. Breoch and Muzzle-loading Rlflos. A. SOLOMON, National Fawn Office, Rattray stroot; and Dunodin Fawn Office, 27 Georgo street. Country orders promptly and carefully attended to. 22]u WANTED KNOWN, mi inn JOB-PRINTINO DEPARTMENT of ra» OTAGO DAILY TIMES OFFIOK Is now rumiahod with one of the most complete Printing Plants in the Colony, a well-selected an oxtcußive assortment of typo and material having recontly hoen added to the Jobbing Plant. Every description of Comtnorclal Printing undertaken and ezeeuted In the best style, and at cheap rates. Show Bills, Stroamora, Pouters, and theatrical work of every description exocuted, and displayed on all the promlnonS hoardings In the city. The Proprietors of tho Times hiving gone to great expense in tho purchase and erection of a largo number of hoardings for tho display of posters In all parts of the city, can now five a publicity to this class of work unattainable elsewhoro in Dunodin. To Let Cash advertisements nndor this head, not excoodln fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. TO LET, 10-roomed HOUSE, latoly occupied by Mra Duncan, High street. — William Inglis, Dowling street. TO LET, 4-roomed HOUSE, Serpontino avonuo. llaclaggan street.—Apply John Bunco, Stafford strict. ISO TO LET, Largo BOTTLING CELLAR, concrete floor; overy convenience.—David Ross, architect, Octagon. TO LET, SHOP and DWELLING, King streot. twenty-flvo shillings weekly. — David Ross, architect, Octagon. 180 TO LET, S-roomed Detached COTTAGE in Cumberland Btroot. — Apply Qeorgo Munro, Moray place. mo LET, a 6-roomed COTTAGE, Batoman's CotT C tages, Maclaggan Btreot. — lnquiro Gilchrist, painter, Octagon. TO LET, several HOUSES of two, throe, four, five, and eight rooms.—John Hercus, Rattray street. rflO LET, a Three-roomed COTTAGE.— Apply to Mr JL Simon, Kingston House, Castlo streot. 170 TO LET, a DRY STORE.—Apply to W. B&skett, buildor, at rear of Montagu Pym's, High Btreet. TDARKSIDE BREWERY, Caversham, to LET ; or JL Lease for Sale.—Apply W. G. Geddos, Octagon, Dunedin. 18° E CLINTON.—HOUSE, containing eight rooms, to LEl.—Apply Mrs Russell, Glen'road. 170 mO LET, PARLOUR and BEDROOM (furnished), X with or without Board.—Mrs Duke, Hale Cottago, Georgo etreot. ISO mO LET, seven-roomed and five-roomed HOUSES, X Upper Walker Btreot.—John Gardon, llaitland street ; 170 TO ILET, BHporior nine-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, scullery; £90 yearly, Inclusive of taxos.— Miss Hay, Georgo street. 160 TO LET, a comfortablo Fivo-roomcd Verandah COTTAGE; ovory convenienco. — Apply D. Smith, Clyde Btreot north. 130 TO LET, OFFICES, Doivling Chambers (next Garrison Hall) ; rents inodeiato. — Apply Mathcson Brothers, Dowling street. 120 TO LET, a GENERAL STORE, with Bottle License, In a good farming district. Good opening for man with small capital. Present occupier 'slvlaz uD-businesa for satisfactory reasons.—Apply to fa A. DURIE, Grocer, 120 Georgo stroot, Dunodin. TO LET 10-roomed HOUSE, in tho Kaikoral; water laid on.—Apply B. C. Calvcrley, Kalkoraimo LET, Offices, Union Chambers, Princes Btroot.— I Wm. Brown and Co., 101 Princos Btreot. TO LET, Offices In High street.—Apply Alex. C. Bcgg, High streot. 21s m;O LET, STORE AND OFFICES In High Btreot | also SHOP In Maclaggan Btreot. S7n W. & G. TURNBULL to CO. For Ssle. Cash advertlsemente nndor this hca<l, not exceeding fourteen words, will bo charged SIXPENCE. XnOßfl SALE, Light Double-seated Wnggonotto, D Horse, and Harness.—Walker, draper, George street. Any trial. 18° T7\OR SALE, Fivo-roomcd HOUSE, with pantry and D outhouses; garden well laid out—John Horcui, Rattray street. 18° XHOR SALE, 1} acre LAND, upon which ia orected D an old-established Brick Kiln and two Cottages. Easy accosu from town—John Horcuß, No. 2 Kattray Btrcoi. TTIOR SALE, Three-roomed HOUSE and SECTION, U Forbestown, on deferred payments if proferred. —John Hercus, Hattray Btroot. _ EOR SALE, an American ORGAN, sovon stops. - John Horcus, llattray street. EORSALE, four young COWS-threo near calving —Apply Robert liill, Caversham and Glen-; dermid. i°° FOR SALE or LEASH,' FARM of upwards of 80 acres, with substantial nine-roomed dwollinghouso, outbuildings, _c, and largo orchard. Only three milos from Town. — Cauipboll Bros., Athol place. ' . 12 F" ORBALE now Fivo-roomcd HOUSE, with Three Sections, Suunydalo. Prico, £100.-Andrew Hogg, Albort Buildinita f O. QHARES FOX SALE. 900 COLONIAL BANKSTANDARI> INS-KANCE. . O P.Ci NATIONAL INSURANCE. OKrV COLONIAL INSURANCE. UNION INSURANCE. ■jKA MOSGIEL WOOLLEN FACTORY CO. KQ NAPIER GAS CO. 1 QQ ALPINE QUARTZ CO. JUST QUARTZ c - (keefton;. J& W. GAGE, Sharobrokers, 10 Rattray stroot.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6143, 18 October 1881, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6143, 18 October 1881, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6143, 18 October 1881, Page 1