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.Oaily Tiffi^ Office, Wednesday evening,

Hie »monnJ Of Customs h^venue rocelved to-day on goods toietad toi consnmpttod was £1383 13a 3d. Gold, £48714 a 3d.

Mr Donald Stsojuch (on behalf of tho Kva Zeiland Loan and Mercantile Agency Company; Limited) reports for the week ending 28th September :— Cattlo.-A fair supply of 105 head was yarded, of which about 48 were stores and dairy cows. The do-| mand was brisk, especially for primo quality, and prices were firmer, best beef being worth fully 25a per 1001b. A prime draft from tho Gladbrook herd topped the market at £13 2s 6d for bullocks anil £9 103 for cows. Wo sold a draft of tho Seadown bullocks at £8 23 6d to £9 10s ;on account of Messrs Wilson Bros., bullocks at same prices, and oows at £5 10s; on account of Mr W. K. Thomson, cows at £3 to £s '}&?■ Fat Sheep.—l44s head were penned, of whlen 801 were merinos. The last quotations were more than KCAintained, and croßsbreda brought up to 16s 9d; «cerinos, 12s. We disposed of drafts on account of .Mr F. Wayne at 10s to ISs 3d, Mr J. G. Grey at 15s Dd, «nd Mr J. J. H'Aulcy at 13s to 16a (id. Mutton is <v»luod at 23d per lb. •Fat Lambs, Forty-nine were received. We sold ;89,.0n account of Messrs Win. Shand and J. Q. Grey, ,atiostol4s. .Fat Pigs were again iv full supply, 88 being far*yard and selling at 12s to 62i Od. Bhccpskins.—At our weekly cale on Monday a fair catalogue was submitted for competition. The atten. <J»noe was'good, and prims obtained were about equa.

to last week's values. Butchers' green ■ erossbreds brought from 48,9 dto 6s 3d ; dry, 3s to 4s 6d; ■ grcidn meriro3, 4s,to 5s 7d ; dry, 2s 3d to 3s 6d. Skins in bales sold at sjd per lb. "\; -' • i Rttbbitrfkins.— A fow lots wero offered, elicited sniritedMildding, and worn sold at the following Dricea :—Good well-saved skins, Is 4Jd por lb; medium to fair, Is 2Jd per-lb.": I can still place at fullratea all prime winter.skins that coino forward. ' ' Hide's.—Wo cleared every lino of tho cataloguo at -.a per ib, which may bo quoted as the value for wet--BttTallow.-Compotition for the lots wus brisker, but prices do not show a corresponding rise with the London market. Beßt mutton may be quoted at 27si; medium to good, 24a to 2tis; inferior to ordinary, 21s to 235; rough fat, ISaSd per«wt. ■ Qraiu.-Wheat: Choico milling is not so firm, and the domand has slackoued considerably. . With toy transactions to report, prices rulo as follow :—Pnme milling, 4s 3d to 4s od.; medium, 3s 6d to 4s ; inferior and fowls' feed, 2s to 3a 4d. Oats have been coming forward freely, and are in less domand at following quotations:—Prime stout milling, 2s to 23 Id; good bright feed, Is lOd to Is lid; inferior, Is 9d to Is lid; Barley : We have to report sales of ordinary malting at 3s; medium quality, 2s 9tl, with a very limited in demand.

Messrs, Whwht, SfKPiiENSON, and Co', report for the week ending 2Sth September as follows :— Fat Cattle.—Only a moderate supply came to banJ, 147 head beingyardcd, the quality of which(with theexceptionof the draft fromGladbrook, which was.asusual, extra prime) was only ordinary. Butchers'stocks being low, tne demand was keen, every lot being cleared at prices fully equal to last week's rates, and in some few instances an advance of nearly 23 Od per 1001b was obtained. We sold 64 head as follows:-On account of Messrs Hurray, Roberts/and Co. (Gladbrook), 21 very prime bullocks at from £10 7a Cd to £13 1i 6d (average, nearly £12), and 14 spayed heifers at from £7 5s to £S 12s Cd (average, nearly £S); on account of Messrs Ross Brothers (Meaddwbank), '20 bullocks at from £5 12s Cd to £10 lOi, and 3 cows up to £9 103 ; on account of Messrs W. Geary and others, 6 cows at upro£o 15s. We quote prime beef at from 25s to 27s Cd per 1001b. Fut Sheep.—A small supply came forward, only 1J45 being penned, of which 601 were merinos, the rest croasbreds. Competition was brisk at price.-, showing an advance of Cd to Is per head on recent quotations. Wo sold 91S as follows:—On account of Messrs Murray, Roborte, and Co. (Gladbrook), 193 prime halfbred ewes (small) at 14s Cd, and 321 prime merino wethers at 12s Od; on account of James Shand, Esq , 244 prime crossbred wethers at from 10s to 10a 8il; and on account of A. W. llorris, Esq. (Bushy Park, Southland), 100 merino wethers at 10d. We quote prime mutton at fully 2£d per lb.

Fat Lambs,I—Sixty-nine1—Sixty-nine penned, and sold at from 6s 9d to 14g.

Fat Pigs.—Eighty-eight penned. We sold 07 m follows: 6 bacon pigs at from 40s to 62a fld; DO porkers at from 24s to 34s ; and 12 suckers at 6s Cd. Store Cattle.—We bog to call attention to our sales at Mosfricl next week. On -Monday (Srd October) we shall sell on account of Messrs M. and J. M'Leod, 130 bullocks and cows in forward condition ; and on Tuesday (4th October) we shall offer tho Rocklands herd, consisting of about 400 head mixed cattle. Store Sheop.—No transactions to report. Horses.—For both draughts and first-class saddle and light-horncss horses thore is at present an active inquiry ; the number offering ia, howover, limited. On Saturday next we shall sell, on account of Mr Hawkins (M'errivale), a draft of 18 draught and lightharness horses. We quote first-class draughts at from £30 to £35; medium, £20 to £25; good hacks and light-harness horses, £14 to £20; medium, £8 to £12;

light and inferior, £3 to £5. Pure-bred Stock.—At the Provincial Yards, by auction, on Saturday last, we sold tho following purebred lioreoa—viz.: On account of J. Grigg, Esq. (Lonfbcach), tho carriage stallion Spot (Caledon—Gentle Annie), to Mr David Proudfoot for 81 guineas; on

account of Mr David Wood, tho cart stallion Young Thumper (Thumper-Dummy), to Mr A. Inprlis for 76 guineas ; on account of Mr Knox, tho pure CI3 desdale entire colt Prince Charlie, by Taieri Lad out ef Maggie Watt, to tho same buyor for 42 guineas; and on acaccount of Mr D. Jenkins, the Clydesdalo entire horse Young Major (Major—Nimble), to Mr A. Dornwell for 2;J guineas. Privately, during the week, we have placed the following horses at satisfactory prices—viz., On account of Mr R. Blair (Waikouaiti),

tho pura Clydoudale entiro horao Rab-th>Ranter, by Emperor, out of Maggie Lauder, to Mr Geo. Martin, Clyde; on account of Mr K. B. Forgusson (Blueskin),

the Clydesdale entiro colt Duncan Gray, by Sir George Grey, to Mr James Lewis; on account of Mr James Lewis, tho puro Clydesdale entire horso Comet, by .Marquis, out of Jean, to Mr K. B. Fergusson; and on

account of Messrs Nichol Brothers (Outram), the trotting stallion Prince Alfred, to Mr AJox. Cameron of Waikouaiti.

Sheepskins.—Our weekly auction sale took place on Monday last as usual. There was a good attendance of fellmongcrs and others, but bidding was not very animated, prices on the whole being a shado easier.

We catalogued and sold about 2200 skins as follows :— Butchers'green'Bkins, crossbreds, sold at from 4s 8d toOs; merinos,'from 4s lOd to 5s 7d; station skins,

from 8d to 5s 4d each. Hides continue in fair request. On Monday we disposed of 73 at from 3}d to 4Jd perlb for wot-salted, according to condition.

Tallow ia in slightly better inquiry, there being an improvement in the demand for export. On Monday we placed several lots as follows:—Prime mutton, £27 per ton ; medium, £24 to £20 ; and rough fat, at £17 per ton.

Grain.—Wheat: The quantity offering is limited. Prices, however, are scarcely so firm. We quote primo milling at from 4s 6d to 4s 7d ; ordinary, 4s 3d to 4s 6d ; fowls' wheat, 2s Gd to 3s. Oats :We quote choice milling at 2s 2d ; good feed, 2s to 2s Id. Barley : Transactions nil.

Jlcsßre Maclban and Co. report for the week ending-

!Bth September as follows :—

Fat Cattle.—An ordinary supply of 195 head was yarded to-day at Burnside, the quality of three-fourths of the lot being fair to prime, and" comprising an extra prime draft of bullocks and cows from Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co.s, Gladbrook Estate, and which commanded the top price in the market. Prime bullocks brought from £10 to £13 7s 6d ; medium and ordinary, £0 to £9 158; cows, from £6 15a to £9 6s. We yarded

and sold BO head as follows:—On account of Mr Johi Bruce, 11 head bullocks at from £7 7s 6d to £9; oi

account of Mr E. Bagrie, 12 head at for bullocks, from £6 12a ed to £3 10s, and for cows £6 2s Cd to £7 16s, and 26 head from Balclutha at from £3 7s 6d to £10 6s ; and on account of other vendors, 10 head at quotations. Wo quote primo beef 25s per 1001b. Store Cattle.—Forty-eight were yarded at Burnsido Saleyards to-day, and Bold at, for low-conditioned bullockß and heifers, up to £5 63, and cows £3 5s to £4 16s; yearlings, 85s to 42s 6d. We yarded and sold 24 head at quotations. .

Fat Sheep.—An average supply of 1446 sheep was penned to-day, consisting of 501 merinos, and the remainder crossbreds. The quality was principally good, and the prices obtained showed a slight improvement on last week. Prime crossbreds brought from 15s Cd to 17s ; fair, 12s 3d to 16s 3d; merinos, 11s 9d to 12s 9d. We sold drafts on account of Messrs Ayson, Balclutha, at from lCs 3d to ICs 9d; and Messrs Fraser and M'Lcan, at quotations. We quote primo mutton 2Jd per Ib.

Fat Lambs.—The number penned to-day waa 49, which were cleared at prices from 09 9d to Us. Fat Pigs.—Eighty-eight of all sorts wore forward, and sold at from 6s Od to 375.

Horses.—We have to report the ealo of the Clydesdale entiro horsa Glengarry, by Knockdon out of Rosie, on account of Mr A. Copcland, Otaio, to Messrs Miller and Bews, at the sum of 150 guineas. Country Sales.—On Friday first, tho 30th Inst., at Balclutha, immediately after the horse parade, we shall hold our usual monthly sale of cattle, sheep, horses, &c. At Kaihiku, on Thursday, tHb 6th prox. we shall hold a clearing sale at Mr Thomas Fleming's farm, when we shall offer a number of first-class hores, cattle, implements, &c.; and at Mr Malcolm Morrison's farm, Kaitan<ata, on Friday, 7th proximo, 100 head of first-class cattle, dairy cows, and horses.

Sheepskiiiß.—We held our usual sale on Monday last. There was the ordinary attendance of the trade, and tho various lots catalogued were disposed o( with good competition at prices similar to last week. For full-woollcd butchers' crossbreds 4a 8d to 69 was obtained ; medium, 3s Od to 4s 6d; inferior, Is lOd to 3s 3d; full-woolled merinos, 4s Od to 6s lOd: ordinary, 3s 6d to 4s 2d ; inferior, Is 9d to 3a.

Wool.—The following are tho latest cablegrams from the Home market, dated London, 20th September :—'' Afc the wool sales to-day 10,000 bales were offered. A firm demand was experienced. Fino to finest qualities now rule Jd higher than at the close of the last sales, and coiripctition i 3 increasing; the market is firm, and competition by both Home and foreign buyers iB active."

Hides.—Tho quotation of last week—viz., for sound wet-salted—remains at.4d per Ib, at which price we havo cleared lota on hand. 1

Tallow.—We did not offer any this week. Quotations of previous week are unchanged. Grain.—Wheat: There has been little business doing in this cereal, millers operating cautiously in consequence of growers being disinclined to reduce price. The quotations of last week are barely maintained, and we cannot quote to-day over 4s Od for

prime samples of milling parcels; ordinary, 3s 3d to 4s; fowls' feed, 2s 3d to 43. Oata havo been less inquired for, but values are without material change. We quote feed, Is lOd to 2s ; milling, to 2s 2d. Barloy: No change to report.

Messrs Donald Rbid and Co. report for tho week endinj* 28th September as follows: —

Fat Cattle.—An average supply camo forward, 195 Doing yarded. Except some 48 stores and dairy cattle, these iwere mo3tly good and prime, and included a draft of splendid quality from the celebrated Glad■brook Estate. There was a rather better demand throughout, and prices a shade higher. Best bullocks brought £10 to £13 2s 6d; good do, £8 2a 8d to £9 17a Gd; others, £6 17a Gd to £7 15s; best cows, £7 to £8 17a Od ; others, £3 12s Cd. to £6 lOs-or equal to 22s Cd to 26a per 1001b for prime. We sold drafts on account o( Messrs E. Elliott (Lovcll'a Flat) and J. Sangster (Walmca) at £8 12s 6d to £10 12s 6d. Fat Calves.—Only three yarded. These sold up to 37s 6d each.

Fat Sheep.—To-day's market was supplied with 501: prime merinos and 944 crossbreds. These wore nearly all heavy, and in prime condition. 'The supply, although a small one, proved quite equal to tho demand, the whole finding buyers at a slight-advance on last week's rates. Best crossbrods sold at 16s to 17s;

lothera, 12s Dd to 14s 6d ;' best morino wethers, 12s 3d to 12s 9d ; others, 11s 9d to J2s. We sold on account of J. M'Culloch, Esq. (Clinton), 134 primo crossbreds! up to 16s 6d. We quote prime mutton at 2Jd per lb. Next weak wo ehall offer n draft of prime crossbreds and merino wethers from tho Waipahl Estate, Fat Lambs.—Forty-nine were penned. Some of these were fine quality, and sold well. Best cross-1 breds-fetchod 12a to 14s; good do, 9s to 12s 6d; merino lambs, Cs Od each. We sold on account of Mr J. Allan (Holmes) 10 at quotations.

Pigs. — Eighty-eight were yarded. These woro mostly useful sorts. Bacon pigs sold at 40s to 465; porkers, 21s to 37a Od ; stores, 6s 6d to 17s 6d each. We sold 21 on account of Mr T. M'Lean (Allday Bay), and others at quotations. We quote pork at 3Jd perlb. Storo Cattle. —There oxi3ta an active demand for all sorts, with but few offering. Store "Sheep.—We have 500 merino ewes with crossbred lambs at foot, for sale privately.

Woo).—At our sale on Monday wo sold small lota crossbred at B£d per lb. i* Sheepskins.—Wo submitted afujl catalogue on Monday. Butchers' green crossbreds were not in such good request, and prices wero easier; but for wetlwoolled merinos there was active bidding and higher prices ; green croaabreds fetched 4s lOd to 5s lOd; dry do, Is 6d to is lid; green merinos, 4s 6d to 5s sd; country do, la 4d to ss; skins in bales, si\d to 6Jd per lb. Hides aro in fair request at recent quotations—viz., for best liGavy sound salted, 4d to 4}d; inferior and damaged, 3Jd; green bides, 20s to 22s 6d each. Tallow. —The market is quite bare, and any coming to hand Is readily sold at—for prime mutton, £2« to £27; raixod, £24 to £26 10s; inferior, £21 to £23 15s; butchem' rough fat, £16 to £18 10s per ton. Grain.—Wheat: Choice milling sorts are firm at lost quotations, inferior and fowl's feed are very scarce. Oats, which arc coming to hand freely, are a shade easier. Bariey: Maltsiess inquire for prime samples, but jipnQ offering.. Potatoes: Thia njarket la fairly glutted, and prices very low. At auction several lota changed hands at from 30a to 40a. Wo quote prime whoat 4s 'Id to is'ld; medium, 3s 9d to 4s 2d ; inferior and fowl'a feed, 2a 6d to 3a 6d. Oats : Bright milling and feed, 2s Id to 2s 2d; interior and Q ';?coloured, Is lOd to sa. Barley: Primo malting, 2a 6d to Sj; milling, 2a Id to 2s 4d; feed, Is lOd to 2s. Potatoes', SE? to sfiß Por '0B j ryegfass, 6s to 8s 6d; Italian, 8b 6<j to J. n 9 per bushel.

Messrs 0. T. Clarice anjj Co. report having sold privately allotments 2 and 3, ino;k VI, township of Forbury, with three-roomed versiiidftl. fottage thereon, for the sum of £210 each.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6127, 29 September 1881, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL Otago Daily Times, Issue 6127, 29 September 1881, Page 2

COMMERCIAL Otago Daily Times, Issue 6127, 29 September 1881, Page 2