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For Bals Cash advertisements under this hoad, not exceeding fourteen words, will bo charged SIXPENCE. FOR SALE, Section, |with neat threeroomed Cottage, Forth street.—J. and W. Gage. CASTLE Street. — Seotion, 6G feet frontage, with superior seven-roomed Family Residence.-J. and W. Gage. ATHOL Place. — Substantial fireroomed Cottage, cheap.—J. and W. Gage. /^AVERSHAM Rise. - Section clobb \_/ to Main road, with good four-roomed Cottage.— j. and W. Gaga. f*i LEN.—Small Cottage, and Section, \JX close to Poat-offlco (a bargain).—J. and W. Gage, 10 Rattray street. SHARES Por Sale :— OKA.UNION Inuuiance. -6 6> A NATIONAL Insurance. JL/V\F fJ f\ <Th COLONIAL Insurance. /5\J\J _; l«yp? WELCOME Quartz Co. 8 O TJ PLf\ ALPINE Quartz Co.—J. and H OV/ W. Gage, sharebrokers, 10 Rattray st. TTIOR SALE, live-roomed Cottage, and Jj quarter-acre, Mus3elburgh'; £310.— R. and A. J. Park, High atroet. • to FOR SALE, a well-fenced Quarter-acre Section, with two-roomed House, noxt Pollco Station, with a full view of Lake.—Apply for particulars to Mr Paterson, Lake Hotel, Waihola. IGau FOR SALE, n\x acrosof Land, situated at Coal Creek Flat, near Roxburgh. Ono acre ill fruit trees; reumindor in English gran; securely fenced.-Apply to P. M. Broad, Roxburgh ; or to T. Cornish, Royal Hotel, Dunedin. Board and Residence. Cash advertisements under this hoad, not exceeding fourteen wordß, will bo charged SIXPENCE. . __ — A CCOMMODATION for one or two i_L Gentlemen.—Clarenco House, Scotland street. QUPERIOU Accommodation fora Lady kj and Gentleman.—Apply Mrs Blnnie, confectioner, George street. 20au Corporation Notices BOROUGH OF NORTH-EAST VALLEY. ■VTOMINATTONS to ELECT one i_\ COUNCILLOR for each Ward will be received at tho Borough Office till TUESDAY, tho 30th day of August, before 12 noon. The POLL (if any) will be taken on THURSDAY, the Bth day of September. HUGH JI'FADYEIT, 20au Returning-offlcer. Prospectu.B. PROSPECTUS OP mHE TRUSTEES, EXECUTORS, X AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). Incorporated under "Tho Joint Stock Companies Act, 1860," and Amending Acts, and to be incor porated by Special Act of Parliament. CAPITAL, £50,000: IN 10,000 SHARES OF £5 EACH ; 5s por sharo to bo paid on application, and 16s In three quarterly payments of 5s per share, tho first Instalment to bo paid thrco calendar months aftor allotment, sad tho two romaining Instalments at Intervals of threo calondar months; no further call being at present contemplated. DIRECTORS: E. B. CAROILL, Esq. (Messrs Cargilla, Gibbs, and Co.) T. S. GRAHAM, Esq. (Messrs Hoymanson, Low, and Co.) GEO. JOACHIM, Esq. (Mcßsrs Cargills, Gibbs, and Co.) JAMES MILLS, Esq. (Union S. S. Company) P. C. NEILL, Esq. (MessrsNeill and Co.) JOHN ROBERTS, Esq. (Messrs Murray, Roberta, and Co.) E. J. SPENCE, Euq. (Messrs Dalgety and Co.) (With power to add to their number.) BANKERS: Tho Bank ol New Zealand. Tho Company will, at fixed rates of commission, act as Executor, Trustoe under will or deed of settlement, Administrator, or Itecciver.' General Agont, and will take over from other Executors or Fiduciaries the management of trust estates or business. Tho Company will also act as Attorney or Agent for those who, by reason of abßenco, ill health, or other cause may deem it dcsirablo tn eHtrimt others with the management of their property or affairs. Acting in this capacity, the Company will sell or let land and houses, collect rents, invest moneys, nogoclato loans, effect insurances, and act generally for its constituents as fully and effectually as an Attorney acting under tho most comprehensive power could do. Tho advantages of such an institution will become manifest when the difficulty, risk, and uncertainty attendant upon tho management of trust properties by private individuals are considered. It is sometimes impossible to procuro competent, willing, and trustworthy persons to act as Executors or Trustees : those who aro-'qualifled havo a natural reluctance to undertako a duty generally arduous nnd responsible, and which often becomes a thankle9< and ungracious task. There is also this furthordifficulty, that Trustees and Executors sometimesdie about thosamo time as the Testators or other persons creating the trusts, and moßt frequently before the trusts aro fully executed, and In such cases tho trusts have to bo administered by others, who havo not been selected by tho person creating tho trust, or through tho costly ruachlnory of the Supreme Court; and it is not to bo overlooked that trust property ia occasionally lost through the neglect, incompetency, or dishonesty of trustoos. Tho advantago which a Board having porpetual succession would sccuro over an individual, subject to tho ordinary vicissitudes and uncertainties o( lifo, in acting aslKxccutor or other fiduciary aro very obvious; while tho combined judgment and enlarged experience which tho Directors would bring to bear in dealing with tho custody and. Investment of their constituents' money and managoment of their property would bo of incalculablo value to tho constituents themselves. Similar associations exist in Capetown, Now South Wales, and othor parts of tho world, and havo boon attended with unqualified succesa. A company having tho like objects has also beon recently established in Mclliourno, Victoria, and has fully realised tho expectations of its founders. The aharos in the Victoria company are at a premium, and aro now difficult to obtain. There can be no doubt that a Blmilar association, possessing the confidence of tho public, would supply a great social requirement In this Colony, and would pay a haudsomo return to its shareholders. Tho nominal capital of the Association is £50,000, of which it iB only contemplated to call up £10,000. Thowholo £10,000 (after payment of the preliminary expenses) will be invested for tho benefit of the shareholders, and used only as ft Rcservo Fund. It is Intended to apply for a special Act of Parliament to incorporate tho Company, and to oxtond its poworn to the administration of Intefitato Estatos. In tho moantimo tho Association has been registered under " Tho Joint Stock Companies Acts," and tho liability of the sharoholdors will bo limited to tho amount of thoir Tho Memorandum and Articles of Association may bo seen, and forma of application for shares and all further information can bo obtilned on application to W. 11. Quick, Princes Btrcot, Dunedin, the broker of tho Company. lOau PROSPECTUS OK TUB DUNEDIN FINANCE, LOAN. AND AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED). Capital .. .. .. £260,000, IN 60,000 SnARKB, or £6 RAon ; Of which it ia proposed to call up £1 per share payable an follows :--6ii por share on application, 6a por sharo on allotment, 5a ono month after and 5s two months aftor allotment. First Boaiid op Dirkttoiuj : ROBERT WILSON, EBtE. C. STRODE, Esq. DANIEL BRENT, Kso,. H. J. WALTER, Esq. JOHN LOGAN, E»i). E. E. O. QUICK, Esq. JAMES SOOULAR, ESQ. B. SISVWRIGHT, Eao, Baskriis : THE BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. Solicitors : MESSRS SIEVWUIGHT & STOUT Gbsbrai. Slakaoer : MR RICHARD H. LEARY. This Company has been prejoctod for the purposo ol carrying on a Gbnkrai, Financial, Trust, Loan, ahi* Aobnot businoss, and tho Diroctors havo taken powoi In tho Articles of Association to act as Trostbh and Kxbcutor under wills, and generally to act in any fiduciary capacity.. Tbo operations of tho Company will include tho receipt of depoßite, boaring interest at curront ratos ; tho investment of its funds upon mortgage of propcrtlea for fixed periods and othcrwiao, according to arrangement; and general loan, Unancial, and commission agency business. Tho Diroctorß have ontored into an agreement with tho Permanent Building Society of Otago to take over Ita investments and deposits aa from tho Ist March last, having satisfied themselves of tho genuinonoes ol the Society's balance-sheet and of tho value and pro fltablo character of ita securities aud investments, amounting to £63,880 7s sd, and which are taken over at that price. The prollta nnulo by tho Society since March Ist, 1881, will be transferred to tho Company. ■ The shareholders In the Building Society aro to have the privilege of either taking up SUaresin tho Company at par to the valuu of their interests in tho Society, or dopo-iting the amount thereof with the Company for t 'i montha. An it is anticipated that a large number of tho shares will bo subscribed for by meiubeia of tho BullJ.'ng Society, and only a small proportion will he available for allotment to tho trenural public, tho Directors have dotarmincd to cloao tlio share-list at an early date. Applications for shares will bo reooivod by tho General Managor of tbo Company, at tho Offico of tho Ponn&nont Building Socioty, Colonial Bank BulM!r-.i, Dunedin. Tho Shata List will be CLOSED on th« Slut AUGUST.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6093, 20 August 1881, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6093, 20 August 1881, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6093, 20 August 1881, Page 1