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Business Notice. KEMPTHOBNE, PROSSER, & 00. Obtained at tho Sydney International Exhibition, 1879, a Medal and Certificatea of Merit for CORDIALS, CHEMICALS, AND KNIFE-POLISH. The First Order of Merit was awarded by the Dunsdln Industrial Exhibition in 1881 to Messrs Kemp-' thornc, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company for the following Manufactures, viz. :— CHEMICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL, AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS AND PERFUMERY, Consisting of— PERFUMERY: Essence of Rondeletia Czar Violet Powder Kiss-Me-Quick Jockey Club Patchouli Frangipann! Wood Violet Tonquin Musk Spring Flowers Moss Rose Opoponax Ess. Bouquet Uoiner's Lime Juice and Homer's Toilet Vinegar Glycerine Cold Cream Alexandra Cherry Tooth Hair Oil, ruby and polden Paste Senior's Fuller's Earth. Kruse'a Fluid Magnesia Kruee'a Irsect Powder The Itajah Currie Powder Senior's Washing Powder Pepper, white Pepper, black Pepper, Cayenne Greenßeld's Liquid AnVolkner's Ess. of Rennet natto Zealandia Kuifo Polish Mirror Blacking Essence.-:, flavouring Guest's Table Vinegar Senior's Marking Ink Essences, cooking Liquid Gum Senior's Rat Paste Electric Furniture Polish Poisoned Wheat Universal Diamond Cc- Globe Diamond Cement nient Lemon Kali or Sherbet SeidlitzPowders Gingorbeer Powders. Lemonade Powders SLESIKGER'S HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES, RHEUMATIC BALSAM, AND COUGH SYRUP. The public should ENCOURAG2 by theli LIBERAL SUPPORT the Manufacture ol COLONIAL PRODUCTIONS, and thus render unnecoßeary prohibitive protective duties. /IALTEKT'S CARBOLIC PREPARATIONS have been tested, and with what results ? " To Messrs Kempthorno, Prosser, and Co., New Zealand Drug Company (Limited). "Gentlemen,—l have, in the presence ol another medical man, carefully tested tho relative merits o[ Calvert'a Carbolic Powder and Hunter's Patent Diaindeodorant, but that Culvert's Powder as such is .decidedly superior, while it has tho additional advantage of being boj ond all comparison the best gonoral disinfectant. (Signed) ",T. GILLIES, M.D., " Late Medical Oliiecr ol Health for the City of Dunedin." " July Bth, 18S1." W. CROOKES, Esq., F.R.S., Editor of tho Chemical News, says:-" Fresh, strong-smelling nightsoil wa covered with Calvert'a Carbolic Powder; the odoui almost immediately disappeared, and could not subse quently be detected. It is pre-eminently adapted foi general use." M. DUMAS, of the French Academy of Sciences says:—"The action ot Carbolic Acid is twofold. 11 avertsthedecompositionof organicalbumenoid matter? and further possesses the jiowcr ot killing the germs diseases. Carbolic Acid vapour destroys tho miasini and morbid germs in a vitiated atmosphere." The Editor Medical Times and Gazette, Octobci 10th, IS7S, says :—" Carbolic Acid has probabli paved, and is saving every day, more human livci than any other drugs, except, perhaps, quinine am opium." PROFESSOR WALLER, of Columbia College U.S.A., says :—" Alter exhaustive tests ol over 51 disinfectants I find that Carbolic Acid is the beat. advise its use in 1 per cent, soluiions." The SANITARY INSPECTOR at Leek (Mr Farrow reports : " I know of no other agent that can be com pared with Carbolic Acid (Calvert's No. 6) in point o efficiency and price. In disinfecting rooms, bedding and clothes I use a. small convenient apparatus whicl will evaporate from 1 to 20 ounces of Carbolic Acid il about five minutes. 1 have never known an ofricio attending upon or engaged in removing person Guttering from smallpox, &c, or infected articles I whose clothes were dealt with in the manner dc scribed, to convey infection to his family or others We have no instance here of a person suffering Iron : Biuallpox being removed to the hospital, and th house, bedding, &c, disinfected in the manner r( fcrred to, where a second eaao of the disease occurred. Wholesale Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO. X RUSE'S FiUID MAGNESIis highly approved and prescribed by th lending members ol the Medical Profession for md ire-tioii, heartburn, flatulency, irritation and acidit of the stomach, bilious headache, gout, gravel, an febrile complaints. For invalids, children, delica! females, and the sickness of pregnancy, it is a saf and reliable medicine, in full doses acting as a gentl aperient. It composes the stomach after excess ( cither eating or drinking. For medical opinions and testimonials Bee bil around each bottle. WILLIAMS' AUSTRALIAN YEAS' OB BAKING POWDER has been need with great satisfaction foi over SO yea) In Victoria. It makeß light wholesomo bread without yeast, an biscuits, cakes, and all kinds of pantry without eggs. Avoid oalng Inferior kindß, which cannot give nati faction. Ask (or WUliama' only, and take no other. ZEALANDIA CELEBRATE] • JU KNIFE-POLISHING POWDER produces a brilliant and lasting polish npon knives ( steel work, puts a nice edge upon tho knives withot scratching or unnecessarily wearing tha same; can I - usod with any kind ol knlfeboard or machine. Or trial ol thin most oflectlvo Powdor should convince tl moat sceptical of Its superiority over nil others. QENIOF3 WASHING POWDE KJ docs not injure the most dollcate fabric, whitoi i the articles washod, Is composed of concentrated li gradients, and therelore goes further than moat oth< washing or Boap powders which In appearance are moi bulky, has only to bo tried to be appreciated, la high] recommended ag a sale and economical time, soap, an labour saver. MIRROR BLAO XI N ( has been most carelully piepared ta suit tt Colony of Now Zealand, gives a most durable and Je black polish. In Its manulacture particular care hi boon takon to prevent Its Injuring tho leather, whlc It softens. It Is the most economical In use. Y7"RUSE'B INSECTICIDE Persian Insoot-Dratroying Powder. This powder Is unrivalled lv destroying fleas, bng unto, flies, cockroaches, booties, gnats, lnoßqultoei moths (In turs, &c), and every other species of Insect 1 all stages of metamorphosia, whilst It has no qualltli doteterious to human beings, and is quite harmless i Its application to dogs, cats, poultry, &c. We aek be on 6 trial for thla powdor to secure confldenco; n other brand will be wanted hereafter. DR CHURCHILL'S SYRUPS (HYPOPHOSPHITE 0.1 LIME OR SODA) FOR CONSUMPTION. Those SYRUPS, which have the confidence of a medical men, ore especially recommended in caeeß I Consumption, Chronic Cough, and Guneral Debllltj They contain two of the principal Ingredients noceesar for building up the human frame, and which are coi sldorod doflcient in tho above complaints, vii., pho: phorus and lime. They aro also admirably adapted fc children of a weak and dcllcato habit. DR CHURCHILL'S COMPOUND SYRUP ol Byyophoaphites Is a compound of tho Hypophoi phitea of Lime, Iron, Soda, Potaeh, 4c, and as goneral tonic cannot bo too highly estimated. Tho abovo aro prepared only by SWANN, Ohonilßl 12, Rue Castlgllono Paris.—Each bottle bears DJ CHURCHILL'S Signature. AGENTS ! KKHPTHORNE, PROSSER, ft CO. DR BUOHAN'S CONCENTRATE! COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA operates as a mild but efficacious alterative and tonU gives tone and vigour to the system, renovates th blood, and affords protection from attacks arising Irot changes of season, climate, and life. Thla very agret able and beneficial beverage will be found la ever rospectahle hotel bar, and to thode who value heult and long life, ask lor and drink this article. Se6 yo get Dr Buchan's Sarsaparllla. THE TRADE SUPPLIED WITHDrags, Chomlcals, Druggists' Sundries, Station cry, Account Books, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Store keepore' Sundries, Cordlalmakers' Materials, Cork: Homer's arid Hogben's Patent Sodawator Bottle* &c, lirushware, Combs, Sponges, Medicine ChestE Homce-opathlc Medicines, Photographic Chemicals an< Materials, Dyers' Materials, Noble and Hoaro's, Man [ders1, and Bigsby's Varnishes, Calvort'a CarbolicSheo] Dip and Foot-rot Ointment, an* Cooper's Sheef ; dipping Compositions. TrEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO.'S NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY (LlllllIB). DDHKDIH, CHRISICHOROH, WELLING! N, n< AUCKLAND.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6092, 19 August 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6092, 19 August 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 6092, 19 August 1881, Page 4