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Business Notices. j£EMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO.'S NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY (LIMITED), WHOLESALE STATIONERS, . AN GENERAL MERCHANTS, DUNEDIN, CHRISTCHURCH, WELLINGTON, AUCKLAND, Have the pleasure to call the attention of the Public to the following list of FIRST-CLASS' PREPARATIONS, and beg to solicit a trial of the same, which they feel sure will give satisfaction :—--" The public should ENCOURAGE by their LIBERAL SUPPORT the Manufacture of COLONIAL PRO DUCTIONS, and thus render unnecessary prohibitive protective duties. mHE CZAR VIOLET POWDER quVsitely peSef « the -gredients, and exTTOMER'S TOILET VINEGAR =4^!CSK?S^M pleasant 'cooUnsIs beneficially used for chaps. handkereWeV^ 68111115 and PleaSant perfume for the HOMER'S LIME JUICE AND _ . „ GLYCERINE . irritationf SeS the Skin Of the head and allays h _Produces a fine, brilliant, and silky texture to the rpHE ALEXANDRA CHERRY TOOTH tefS yanl^ emed .fo. r clea°sin'g and preserving the Wrfi, f^f 8 ' glnne ** aSTe(»We fragrance to the }2£V^%%^-*°*^ "tut C< ENI OR' S FULLERS' EARTH poses.' 8 beaeficiaUy used for nursery and toilet purA B°ftenS the *""•-•"* im P'°^ the SENIOR'S INDELIBLE MARKING INK JNDIAN CURRIE POWDER WILLIAMS' AUSTRALIAN YEAST OR BAKING POWDER ufvictoriSf 6* 1 *"* "«««•«*'«? tew, 20yea la !^«™»ntSd^^;" ZEALANDIA CELEBRATED KNIFE-POLISHING POWDER steefwark «»4 lastfasr poUsh upon knives or moll^lT 3,' «?«H«?«j*to should^convince^e most sceptical of its superiority over all others. SENIOR'S WASHING POWDER fhP n^- 0! 03 not l v i*?? the most de»cate fabric, whitens the articles washed, is composed of concentrated ingredients, and therefore goes further than most other bu?kTC r n S°f P t po^ ci? 7^ in are more «^'J?» yto be, tned to be appreciated, is highly SbouTsaver Ma■* "^ <*°™™** time.'soapfand TirrRROR BLACKING rviA ?w bel? most carefully prepared to suit the Colony of New Zealand, gives a most durable and jet. black polish. In its manufacture particular care has ?t softer n Pr + T nt n? during the leather, which it softens. It is the most economical in use. J£RUSE'S INSECTICIDE. Persian Insect-Destroying Powder. This powder is unrivalled in destroying fleas bues ante, flies, cockroaches, beetles, gnats, mosquitoes' moths (in furs, &c), and every other species of insect in all stages of metamorphosis, whilst it has no qualities deletenous_to human beings, and is quite harmless in its application to dogs, cats, poultry, &c. We ask but one tnal for this powder to secure confidence: no other brand will be wanted hereafter.. DR CHURCHILL'S CJYRUPS (HYPOPHOSPHITE OF KJ LIME OR SODA) TOBCOJfSTJMPTIOIT- — These SYRUPS, which have the confidence of all medical men, are especially recommended in cases of Consumption Chronic Cough, and General Debility. They contain two of the principal ingredients necessary for building up the human frame, and which are considered deficient in the above complaints, viz., phosphorus and hme. They are also admirably adapted for children of a weak and delicate habit. ' luaPtea lor DR CHURCHILL'S SYRUP of Hypopliosphite of Iron is particularly recommended for the restoration of the constitution when debilitated by the effects of a warm climate. " ■ DR CHURCHILL'S COMPOUND SYRUP of Hypophosphites is a compound of the Hypophos-' phites oi Lime, Iron, Soda, Potash, &c, and as"a general tonic cannot be too highly estimated The above are prepared only by SWANN,'Chemist, 12-.^ Castjghone Paris—Each bottle bears DR CHURCHILL S Signature. AGENTS : KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO. DR BUCHAN'S CONCENTRATED COMPOUND , EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILT-A Dperates as a mild but efficacious alterative and tonic SoS*?^ 'g'dvifrour to the system, renovates the alood, and affords protection from attacks arisin" from ihanges of season, climate, and life. This veryVreeible and beneficial beverage will be found in c"very respectable hotel bar, and to those who value health md long life, ask for and drink this article. SeeTou jetDrßuchan'sSarsaparilla. ' g^-BU'SE'S FLU ID MAGN ESI A. ?, eo^i urors of the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866 Accompanying their report is the result of Mr J .osmoNewberry's analysis, by which it appears that me fluid ounce of Keuse's Maqnesu contains 50 per kl^ne^ia eSSbftei 0' Magnesia . ta ekeess ot •% other KRUSE'S FLUID MAGNESU, : or upwards of 20 years, has been approved and pre icnbed by the leading members of the medical proession. Its almost universal use affords sufficient Jroof of the high estimation in which it is held by the mblie generally. It is carefully prepared of uniform Jrength. Each fluid ounce contains 10 grains of pure 3arbonate of Magnesia. In the followin"- cases of Uneas it is found particularly beneficial as a pleasing edaUve and aperient in all cases of irritation or .cuWy of the stomach (particularly during pregnancy) rebnle Complaints, Infantile Disorders, or Sea-sick-The Solution speedily removes Heartburn, Acid ISSS^dcSBSSf1 or Irre<rular Di(festion of IT COMPOSES.THE STOMACH AFTER ANY EXCESS'OF EATING OR DRINKING. The numerous medical testimonials will be found rrapped round each bottle. pHE ELECTRIC POLISH. IS USED FOR POLISHING furniture, Fittings, Doors, Floors, Cabinetware Papier lache Goods, Picture Frames, Patent Leather Boots hoes, and other articles. ' By the use of this elegant article a most brillian olish is obtained with little labour. IS USED FOR CLEANING Lrtioles made of Iron, Steel, Copper, or Brass, Feners. Fire-irons, Electro-plated and Silver Ware ewellery, Toilet Glasses, Mirrors, and Windows It preserves many of these articles from rust Sold retail at Is per bottle. NOTICE TO FARMERS. DAY'S FARMERS' FRIEND AND WHEAT PROTECTOR, 'ouiid to be a certain and never-failing REMEDY for . The Best, Cheapest, and Easient Remedy yet pro lucedas a Dressing for SEED WHEAT, and the 'revention of Smut, &c. Six bushels of wheat can ie dressed fit for sowing for Futbkn Pencb . Protected by Royal Letters Patent, and under the atronage of the Members of the Royal Agricultural society, &c, &c, &c. See testimonials at K. P. and Cos. rHE TRADE SUPPLIED WITH— Drugs, Chemicals, Druggists' Sundries, Stationry, Account Books, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Store-' :eepers Sundries, Cordialmakers' Materials, Corks iorner's and Ilogben's Patent Sodawater Bottles, so., Brushware, Combs, Sponges, Medicine Chests, lomoeopathic Medicines, Photographic Chemicals and latenals, Dyera' Materials, Noble and Hoare's Maners", and Bigsby's Varnishes, Calvert's Carbolic Sheep )ip and Foot-rot Ointment, and Cooper's Sheeplppmg Compositions. AGENTS FOR FELTON, GRISIVVADE, & CO., Melbourne, Whoaro lANUFACTURERS OF GLASS BOTTLES AND SULPHURIC ACID, pedal Contracts for large quantities can be made with LEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO.'S NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY (Limitsd). »UNEDIN, CHBISTCHORCH, WELLINGTON, and AUCKLAND

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5949, 5 March 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5949, 5 March 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5949, 5 March 1881, Page 4