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'■■•■■' I .,;.'?f*!_ J""i"t':" > *W" «'. i-'J^i-.-r Birfv.SbKii £ ■■:* .oirac. KNonnoss Ji»D jiDßVßroßßji;-. g '■/•■•. *r.«.'if.'i i-[~;[■^*}i>'»-.S'aiils,t i si^," i _'!:^: l, f r'^ | cV^H r;w^bl« ; .ud'fcrbiiUdiDtl£fl«edr,fefhf«toy 1 for BmSfaf ;ifeS'Ze«lWa Coil.1 "Worfci&ea' Mi'-ii 1. erect It' iequireai^ 'B»sh%e!ght«' *llJ;»lrasitl:ii%4lM Gtntei, ;Tomb Kulilnj.'Horßa-powen, IjiHds.KoTlerf :ierr»ted *ttdaplsln.!.Rep»ira and New:iyrork M;»U Knde; .loftnesr, jiqujrrtehti r ud Oeneiral^BUok HOKSE'SPAT)BSTiSYPHOJriGAB'iEKaXmk*riQ»Ki """-. '■•"'■-■■■■'^.•!!J- :(.: W .i!ij :■; lu/i-x-r.d I. ' .ttufj. ■ .■;-:,-;W<i'^. fJl f s ;>__, %1 , !v y .^g vii-£,. l i iifrs .j ' •V* -;;! i C:.lii<t ..J ■S',i:i- ) ,-v.-iV,.jf> j-.i-j'fjv* ■!£ ■ i>'j;.l .'ji:'!. ,'i ■avijbojmm<mk::A- : -, unav Uci ; ::■'"'■ ■':. \>:r.n'i. vi-j; ■■,(. A.:*-i. r:-Ai^i<;sr^ evsJ. i i, : Me^derßlgneli»vi^^ecWed'tiie S(jK%AGENpjrI ,i^a^w-'ZaAtA]to:te;tW|&'^s!or'fto%^&tf^ . tATQItS,' »r«! now prop»red to;»tt»oh them1 to (tenB^er^Kp»;X^'^i^&^iJ *lil^p^ j / ; y'-;'* '■•"OBOKi^KIbKmT A»IKNM»,.TOJW'":'. ;,'.! .1" ;i, ZUiujbnttras > Mut;Jbjr£Ba)^ BirbiMi'«i r ii^B«»iiM«i.;-'il r r J. •;;■!-«■*;. <it>;: r..v.ij.r4f.' T.«16.U ftT.i:i',«-. ■■■ •"• :•" J . "!';..•: i...,.;;,: ;. ~ 1,.',-; ;jJ J . ,■'■ fiij SILK* JkGEBTSiVpiAtS the> sUr^y! ■ S«lo60 Silk J»(Jk«U, rsdttcftd'from 25» ;to Ti Jd.-1 and B6 formerly sold at: 608 now reduced ito gls. Ia lewFowguineftJ«cltet««r« tiow «ff«rlng at 80sr, • .v.fa..vit.'.^f/ fl, \^HftlitSoN,'/BtSA|tCI,,& ; COI--<; V/,'■ tfmnoy■,S»V« . 26'Superior*£toir* ■'boitliunes,. lined thrpughont, reduced from 87i fii to 22« 63. i ' ' TPHE ;URGBNOY SAIiE continues |tq. i*.«p]*be bsfor* the BuytoffPuWlobetW yWa«tliiil,! hM ever before'been-obtalnabls-In Diineain. >Bale ■fcbßOlUte.' ,J? ,':,«.: .• i. [>Q: t;-/-i ■j,1.-. t ,,i te-, ■.■,'; fll ■rtfiHE 'BEDDp]ffiD;;T^[C!BS ,if :,■ JL'.-, aoodg aro ole»riosr o.S ißrge 'pircels; but' to la-' oreue tho amoaat'and T»ccelerate the.'upeed, of ph» ott»r»ii(ie,\wearoprßJitfott^tfr Bujply/initttt at'emer; .!i;:.Urf:enoyS»lßforotir superior, utockoljtanind Boy«; Oloth'D* luoosed In erery ttjtuice in courlnolog Tjilt«r».tliat this J| opportunity not-to b«. t «ajaa»pit. j-^pjopdß^aa^Us^ Ve^jr Jtaiay,- ;^ - f ?^"^ A. *-"»"- *: ?^= A-^^f -f = * ■*¥ X! IClß»rinc6^-Manlfeßt»qd .:Über»l,ReanotlOD» '■^Pi«flt';":Bl**Hed^Prf^i'ae«iSth»tf-,W4lMal»iis^ Kr^lUh CMt accjptßd. ' TaOMaONi BTKA.NO,;* CO. ■;{i.* 6; j a l?;i^SrHUJS«,;..|«p i Fiuii9Kj ]1 ",: i:^ j fei .torf'ani'otoncinUWplledwUh'aMnaiDg;^.*^ bwrdOjKougtLtebgVanf ••rn;a i,;liu;.>.-ii^, "OOIOPAHT4i>''1-'J -» iUoVf::'!-!?.'-IBON ' JIAI^TrAOTUREBS; AND- OAItVAMBKH c ;£«Hiiißrwii,£ i'AiMK' i;i-i\K!-»« »f,;B««md*r«iiil™ Tlcaiedlron'irisfiret mKdelit Uie»»WorfitoUieyeV? 18iJ.^ThU Ircnobtaiuea thi Prize Medal Icr, ".eioei'lentqiulity?* at fee Great KxhlbHlon 611882, it | :od ijßM.^.pdM nedd a^rdi^ihe^eT^^j h<>;j ('ij'.v .■■-i-lKif,'BeKenV#Ciuuii!lii»Bhoißejioiido!iC'''i' ; iWarehotws—Sfl.trpperThajaejirtTeettl^ado*.l' fii ;]g,. gr| iiJa^Jfo,;! , ijjK0,.'.^,;.,;;,;.,, : , ( , - ¥ ;' l ;,.,jlvr ■>ri■ ifv/■^ l #» yfvata,m\ww,tt^mkmmi. ~;:*.• attenUon;an4arrafcgemeiita'haT»>jen made ■ '-^.J to , i«teple^'Loo»l}«atteii6»iA!: J ■ "\ > « ntel,' ■ iii'd';' Home'- Bpontng. •InWlligeno* ti^.1 > ;:", curable, rendering Utl« .popuUr,newsp»per '. >sSt5 a; ?■!'; ytiitflrt/sv .tT~?i.i:■«,«:{.>(>i -ji-i»' ''w*l . ~A8»r««nltoMh« great lmpoveinsnts .which1 hare ■t v;(;,»--ir t ; j.beea,*^^^!}*.^^!^'^':;.'; j ■;;.;<;.: ■?i:3 t :in-i :-las li'nowiMJknowlecl(ted,to.ibe rj ', a .[ i"'i 4'j;'\'-:''^^.A^raßTisracf mbdWmJij ! lie WITNESS BtindiuiirlTOUoaacionflto.ooatempfl, nrfei, being, ia' Uct,-the'bnly Be^i«pef: la Otaco' ',%'s'*'■"" n'';i''":':'^''*?**'''' "'■"■;''";;;'!"-!-!':.7 ■.«■ ,'?ii'):;:'t'i\»!«t«W^i««, ; of i tb.e"Cq!o!J3r^'■'*;"•[ ■; -."V'j '.. Sub«(^'tion (Uioiuding.;rx)iUi;ei £1>! aitSd per .•anuni."; ; ' ■■/',;.';■'"■■':>:■■. -■■• J —'-;'- r- >"••;.,,, " '■': Town Bub»orlpUon,£l per annum,-ii and Thoatrioal informatiOD,1 and!jPun tor the' OTA&O' 'WITNESS;—Best 'iWeeßy? ' Paper for minors, jroolgroiroro; andfarmeiß. ' ; , ■iT|TA€ft).: WlTNESS;—NewiaS^riegfr V-' " largo amount of Original Matter. ■ Price/ <W-.. ..' Q' ifACK) ■nWITNESS^&Msest [ r WeeMy PaperlKiS'aTß ■ j ;'.';";''. /^TAGMS'JWiTl^BSi^To'beiiiipf iLL >V/ New»-ag«nte »t 6d foralngle oopleaj..'Seat Irom' Qgo«-pr6a6dp(>r<jnart«r.ocjei3«9dp«r : <pnHm. \^,-tlon given to the Bural,and Jlowholii&'i-i •i|)V£AGrO " N Wl^l^Sli'—.Bealil We"eUy' . Vr ,;I|lter»iy'«nd Commercial Paper'lniNew .ftef-i land.-, ~ ■ ~;U-'.,".'.;.!?f.'-j..'.'. ■'■"':^;" i' I i,. ■-,> STEEDMAN'S SOOTfiE^aPOWDBR r ->i>••■■•'cAtmoNtoT^rohaskkb, r "The value of thl« well-known Family Hedlolnehai' been lirfely tested la all. part* of the world, and by all eradeg of society, for upwards. o( Flftjr ytarii iilta. well-earned eitendve '••ale' hat .Induced. Spuriotu, Imltation»7-!'ome of which In outwwd appearance so closely resemble the oriffnal as to have deceived many' purcJusers.'Th* Proprlotdt thorefore,feel»itiiue tetke publio to Kiva a «p«ciaLc«utljn against the tW Of - •uchimitation*... <-.>.-'■„, 'V- ■.'{,:',,- ■ ';'.;...■ 'yAtei 'id ~.Purchaaen are therefore requested carefully toebMryeMn four following diitinctive characterlatlai^ without irhieh none are genuine:— ■'■'' ,-rs ■)■"", '"■'■■;? ; ••!&■•'ln every ca«e the words-JobxßtmdMm,'-Oaunai, Wai.Wo»th, Suiuiir, art engraved on'the'' -. Oovernment Stamp atfixsi to eaci packet ■ ■ i: . 2nd.,E«ch Stable"Powder hai dlroctlons fof Uw idoee, and. the words,' "John.Steodman, Chemirt, ■; '.ynbntOii Surre^." printed thereon - i . V V . :'Brd. Th» name Steed man U always »pelt with' .' twoeeV •.■'•'' .")■■.':;■, :r-j ;j ;•!.<:•'.-■.-;.■,:■.'-; ;::. ■''■■.■>>■" : : "4th, The manufacture la'carried^n. ioltly at WW-1 .;-:-worth,'SuiTer.:-.«jl'. ■~<.< '•■-"■ ij- ~- * .". r ""' ;■'.-.* i;ii>'-: .Sold in pickets by all Chemists and Medldne Yen > aora at li lid sad 2a 9J each. - gold by Kempthorne, - Prower, anlCo.,lhinodln, Otaro. ■■:!■■■;& j ..;,.;.;',;., ? RATE'S JiWOKSDELtSj^LLS;^^ JLV.' The good old English "remedy for aUdbeatei.1. KitablUhed over 50 yoan. Knowu all over the-world.. ' For unwardi of halt a century KayeV iforadell'i Pilll hav6 beon esteemed as the bert temedy for, the. prevention and cure of disease. Their use rendom the • doctor unnecessary in the family. .'■;,-.:» i.---..T:.C"J ■ ■' Acting on the blood, they purify It Dram ill hnntinn,' • rendering :th» life-giving fluid healthy la U« action, and consequently ratortng and etjtabliahuig the he«Jti - of the invalid. ,'.(,-, ;;•■ „■-.,. ':'■,• ._..'" >• ' r ;:.l>,\..>■*;:■? -h . Theae Pills are invalnaMa to emiirriihta,1 belnf a c«ralo remedy' for .all dUoaSee 'of thentoamch, lnnge, liver, 40. Are oqaally adapted tor nil dffet said elthei sex. Persons residing In the. Oolonien who ouinot have' recourse to medical 'advice, willi therefore, find them indispensable.;,...;,■_.:.. ■~ ■ ....•, \. ~'( i '."f -i..'■>.■:;••'.; <tu i 1' lie Proprietor has In hla poe>e«slon tbouaandi 01 - teitliiaonlali'.' bearing witnejs to the wbh'derful efflcaej, of thUlav»lu»ble" medicine, a teleotton of whlob «•/ companloi each box. ;f?5-'.'>'Hf,i -.tkf'- i<.?&'\ r - • Sold by all Chemirts and etherDealeninPateai Mediclntl throughout the world, at la lid. Si 9d, a*d ■•4g6dperboa --„.;?,;;■ 'f;.v:;^..;;';,,-";*? { jj-o^^ri )>, AJ; THK OOLONIKS.-Dr KING'S DANDKLIOH,: aid.QUININE HVifVPftW(wlthontmercury) ar», ie!;^ remedy *«*■ bile;,wind, ilidigMtlon/'^: teadacbe, nfnionv, all dlwrderi of thtitoroaohitwl liver. Tney, «*Wt* tnlldneM-itt-operstion, Tlth thj Bostad--mhrabl* tffocn,vand aa an;aperient;_o»nnot-.b» *us ■mmtd KanSaotured*)ljrSA«Ks^«S «• «S««-3 war street, Wdon, W'andsold aUbwrthe world by , moat OMmbtTttia itWdotfWndfafWli lid, Sm M, U «dj and ns.-Ag«nU:*K«Kmp)iiii», P«o(iM*,>»« W-HH4 ? '!.i..]^..W. •Wi : 3; < £ JDS M»T J.I Jifi j,^. .J fi|^Al j ~,f e ■].-, j^

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5468, 28 August 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5468, 28 August 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5468, 28 August 1879, Page 4