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Thursday Evening. Since the despatch of oor last mail summar}', business in tho import markets has continued extremely quiet. The race days and other holidays occurring during the month interfered toaconsiderablecxteut with the transaction of business; but apart from that, the goacral tightness of money has had tho effect of restricting trade operations, making holders chary of pushing Bales, and buyers unwilling to unnecessarily increase their indebtedness. The arrivals during tho month include the Wellington from Glasgow, the E.ialto from London, tho Buttermere from Calcutta, the Frederica and Carolina from BostoD, the Marie and Floral Star from Mauritius. KEROSENE. As usual at this season, the consumption of kerosene is small, and purchases unimportant. Ths market is well supplied with oils of various brands and tests, and prices are mostly regulated by the srz3 of parcels sold. "Diamond" can be bought in lines at Is to la Id ; Devoe's, at Is 2d ; while for ordinary lots an increase on these price 3is asked. "Noonday" rella at Is 7d, and branos of high tsst (150 to 156 dog.), at Is 8i to Is 9d. CANDLES. The market for imported candles continues very unsatisfactory, the prices obtaiuable not covering cost to importers. De RoubaixJenar's sell at 9*l per lb ; other brands a shade lower. SUGAR. Since our last, t«o further shipments have ariived at our port from Mauritius—ihe Marie and the Floral Star. The former was offdred at auction by Messrs M'Landresa, Hepburn, and Co., when the following lots were disposed of :—SOO pockets snowdrops at £35, and 500 at £34 15s; 700 pocket 3 fine whites at £33 5s ; 400 pockets finest greys at £33, 400 at £32 15*, an 1 400 at £32; 1000 pockets fine greys at £32 ; 450 pock<-.ts finest ytlbws at £31 03 ; 4SI pockets yellow counters at £29; 140 bags white brewing crystals at £32 153 ; and 350 bags yellows at £32 7s 6J. Whites are now in moderate supply, and prices for these are slightly firmer. Wn quote snowdrops, £35 10s; firit whites, £35; fine whites, £34 and £34 103. Yellows are in plentiful stock, and sell at £32 and £32 10a for finest, and £31 and £31 103 for ordinary. Rations are quitted at £29 and £30. The exports from Mauritius to the 31st December last, as compared with previous seasons, are as follows :— Croo Crop Crop 1878-79. 1877-78. 1876-77. To New Zealand 4,621 tons. 3,903 tons. 3,328 tons. To Dunedin alone 2,081 „ 2,187 „ 1,102 „ TEA. The usual trade demand for tea lias continued during the month, and sales have been chiefly to meet this. There are no alterations in valuoo t. n rp.norfc. . ■---_"■- -AIM AND STOUT. Bottled ales have been in good demand during the month, and favourite brands are very low in stock. We quote Foster's, 12s Cd ; Bulldog, 11s to 11s 3d ; Tennenfs, 10a lmov° ll3; M' Ewatt's. 10i61to IK Stout GuiDness>;'BoFfte? l Io. w,lyjifcns 6d to 12s for fordo, bottled by Johnston r^/V-tlLtoJ Is for Bulldog and Pig brands. WINE. The summer demand for clarets continues, and during the month Jioos of the best-known brands have been taken up at the usual rates. Champagnes are more difficult to quit. A few sales of ports and sherries have been effected, principally of the lower and medium classes. SPIRITS. A fair business has been done in spirits during the month, and prices are firmly maintained. Hcnneesy's brandy, in case, is in bare supply, and prices have an upward tendency. Sales are freely making at 345, and vety little under that price has beea refused for a parcel landing. Bulk is difficult to quit, and does not command over 9s Gd and 9s 9d. Th.3 scarcity of Hennessy's case has helped to increase the s»le of secon' dary brands, which move off very freely, according to the positions they occupy in public favour. We quote Bisquit dv Bouche and Co.'s at 22a and 23s cate, and 7s 9d and Ss 3d bulk; Associated Vineyards, 21s and 22*. and 7s and 7s 6i ; Champagne Vineyard, 223 to 235, and 7s to 7s"6 i; Milller Fieres, 18s to 20s. Whisky is in good demand, and moves off at—for Dunville's, 5s 6d to 6s for bulk, and 17s to ISs for case ; Ardbeg, 5s 91 to 6i; Glenury, 5a 9d to Ca ; Long John's, 63 to 6s 3d, and 163 Gd to 17s CJcise; MvKecz'e Brothers Dalmoie, 6i 3d to 6j 9i, and 21»; Greenlees', 5s 6d to 5s 9d ; Lome, 18s cisc ; Bernard's, 5s to 5s 3d, and 133 6d ti 14* 6J. Geneva keeps moving, at from lls 6i to 15a 6i for JDKZ, according to contents; Key geneva commands 10s to lls. Burnett's old torn is scarce, and sells at 13s to 13s 3d. Rum is in fair demand, and stocks low. We quote Lemon Hart and Co. 's, 10 0.p., 3a 9i; RWP, 3s 9d; Mauritius, 3s Gd. TOBACCO. This market, so long disturbad, wears now a more settled look, and prices have an upward tendency. Cameron's tens move off freely at Is 4d; twist at Is 4d to Is sd; Over the Water, tens, at Is to Is 2d ; Black Swan and Stonewall Jackson's twist at Is 3d. Aromatic tobacco* are in good demand, and realise fair prices—la Gd to 2s Gd per lb. Considerable shipments of cigars are just to hand and on the way, but the demand for these is pretty steady. Havannahs command from £10 to £15 per 1000 in bond; Germans from 30j to IGOJ ; Manillas are in. good inquiry, especially the-heavier sorts. FISH. The demand for fish has not been so brisk as usual during this Lent. Ling sells at 4;V 1 to s<i per lb ; American salmon at S« 4|'ltoßs6l; oysters at 4s to 4a 31; sardines are getting low in stock, and command 8j Gd for halves, and 53 63 for quarters. DRIED FRUITS. have undergone but little alteration during the month. Currants are being quitted at 4d per lb ; a parcel on the wharf was placed at 331. Sultanas sell at 4^i to 5d ; muscatels at 10^1 and Is. Figs are scarce, and wanted. iiors. Prime samples of hops are scarce, and command high prices; but the market is full of hops of inferior quality, which holders will accept low prices to, quit. We quote prime Kent goldings, Is 9>l; ordinary, Is Gd and Is 7d; prime Oalifornians, Is Id to la 2d; Nelsons, lOd to Is. CORA'SACKS. Stocks have been increased by the arrival of the Buttermere, from Calcutta, and the mirket is at present somewhat unsettled. Quotations for ordinary trade lots are from 83 tv 8s 3d, but less money has been accepted for parcels ex ship. Castor oil is being quitted at 4s Gd. GRAIN. This market has shown little animation during the month. Some business in new wheat has passed at 33 3d and 3* 4d for piitne, but the demand is very slight. Oats are in slightly better demand, and move off, for new, at 2a 7d to 2s 91, according to sample ; old are quoted as high as 3s 31. In malting barley there has been some business doing with the brewers, at from 5s Gd to 6a per bushel.

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. • On tho 10t,h February, at her resilience, <">bs tenaos, (Janongate, tho wife of Thomaj Brovvn, of a diugliter. On the 10th February, nt her residence, CJrde street north, tha wife ofW. J P rcival, 11 as •« On tlie 15th February, 18/9, at her residence, Heiiut row, tho wife of Samuel Birdsley, of a daughter. On Sund»y, the 16tli February, at Waikouaid, the wife of David Wilson, of a son—stll-born. on the 19th February, at the School-ttouae, Hampden, Mrs John Wait, of a daughter. On tha 20th February, at Kosebank. George street, tho »ife of T. W. WhitS'jn, of a daughter. On the 20tli February, at George sireet, tho w U of Captain i). Fiillanon, of a daughter. on tlio 20ih Fe'iru .ry, at her residence, Loith street, Mrs D. >!. JUoGou i, ol a daughter. On tho 21at February, at Her reaidence, Head street, Oiinaru, the wife of il. A. de Lautour, KEg , M.U.C.3., of & daughter. On the 23rd Feliruary, the wife of William Barnes, cotittaotor, Forth etrett, Dunodiu, of a eon aud daughter. LauCishiie and Cheshire papers plcasa copy. On the 21th February, at Sm!th ftreet, Mrs Kobejt Fenwick, of a son. Ou Monday, 24' h February, at Opohl, Mrs Job Wain, of a daughter. On the 24tU February, Mrs Joseph Mlrama, Oam-iru, cf a daughter. On tlie Ist March, 187 i), at Land's Terrace, Mic- | laggan stre t, Mrs Johu 11. Patrick, of a son. Ou tlie 2nd Mar. h, at her resilience, Tootoowa. Cliristchuich, Mrs W. Uevenish Meares, of a daughter, On the BrJ March, at London street, the wife of John r. Wright, of a daughter. « On the 25th January, 1879, at iho Schoothouse, Cambrians, Otago, Wew Zsalaad, by the Hey. J. 0. ll'Oobh Smith, John P^uley, second son of Jsun«s Piuley, miner, cf Cottyngham, Cambrideeshire, England, to fc'arah Ann,« ldest, daughttrcf John Jilorj^in, ol Cambrians. On the 4th February, by Hid U?v. Dr Ro«eby, LL. IJ., at the residence of Edward N. HuUnd, Eg,, Nevada, Uuncdin, Th imas Cuiling, to oarah Anne Wultoa, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Joshua Tunst nl, Liverpool, England. On the Mil Feoruary, at tho Manse of Roxburgh, by the Key. Ilobeit Telford, ttep-fathor of the b dj, aasitted by the Key. James Skinner, of WaiUhima, Kenneth M'Lcnnin, Bank < f aew Zealand, Hoxburgli, to W i!lmm;n:( A. J. Muckay, daughter of tho late Mr Wi liam ilickay, Kdinburgh. On tlie 13th February, .t All Saints' Church, by He Yen. Arctirimcon Edwards, Silaa bpraffg, to Alice Kubertine Fenwick. On the 13tli February, at Woodstock, tho residence of the bnde'a brother, by the Key. \V. A". f£.inier, Houry Augustus Gille-, of Dunedin, to Ang« ica Kilenor, youngest daughter of the late Neils ■ asstiau, of Tasmiiiia. On the 18th February, at Trinity Chuich, Dunedin, by the Hey VV. Tins ey, water Fry to Betsio Arnold. On the 19th February, at Hope Hill, Eist Taieri, by the Rev. VVm. Will, J. C. Thomson, of Ouneaia, to Agnes, second daughter of James Allan, Esq On the 25th February, at tho Churuh of iho Moat Holy Trinity, Lyttelton, ov the Key. G. J. Cholm mdeiy, incumoeiit tf StMaik'-i, Opawa, uncle of the tiridi-, assisted ty the Kov. J Townsend, incumbent i;f Lytte t«n, Low's Nevi le, fourth son of Kalph Ntvillo Grenville, J.P., of Bulleigti Couit. GJastonbur.v, Momersetshire, to Ada Isabel, eldest daughter of J. T. Rouse, Lytte ton. On lid 26th February, at tho Panami Hotel, liy the Rev. B Licliteoßtein, Miuister of the Onnedin Jevvis ) Congregation, Ada younger, daughter tf iji.uuun lea-us, Ksq., to 1 Mmtigue, f'f Ohri-tshuici On the 27ih Februxry, at tha r.sidenee • f the bride's fatner, by the Rev A. Origg, Elizioeth, eldojt daughter of Jame3 M'Carcney, i*» rt-ibi.lo, io William Al'Uill, second eon cf James JH'olilt, Waikouaiti. Oa the 10th December, 1878, at tho Dunfdln Hospital, afte-: a severe itmesti ot' six dy-,, «Han M'Lean, a;el 32, native of Octifad, Isliy, rf.-otlaud Qliigovt papers phase copy. On tlio I3;h January lait. at|F u'tva'e, Oaklai.l, lioarSan Francisco, George Duncan, loraier'y uf this city, in the 63rd year of his age. On tiie 14tti February,at CVanmore Lodge, Dunedia Ellen Isabel, wife of A ill am Fraser, Eirnsolough On thelOth February, at Burwood Vil a, Bur»'ncd, Sydney, Jjne Kerr Rjiwrtsm, wife of Key James Chalmers, of Louuon Missiooary Society, New Guiriea, and last turvivinj; daughter of Peter Ktrcui, sen., Dunedin. On the 2)th February, at the Gridiron II tel, Piin-jes str et couth, Mary Jo cphini', ilnugh:er of Jatuej .vid Margaret Martin, aged 15 mouth 1. On tin 2Ut February, at the refidenee of Mr R Da<e, Hanover street, Gn.ce Lillian Daniels, only daughter of G. L Daniels, settler, Bueskin r-ad, aged fivo years and three inonfuß. On the 23rd Febuiry, at Upper York place Ennest Rowland, infiut son of Chi:!ts alii b'unoy Coote, aijed 9 moniln. On the 2t'.h DVb vary, at Athol p'ase, DuneJin, Will an Heary, the infant son of Wil iam F.eb.-ici; and llarga'et Jane Nixon ; aped 4 months. On the 27th February, at Queen sireet, Arthur G. Barter, agid i 3 years, only sun of Mm E. Birb^r, of Hamilton. On tho 28th February, at her f-it.hei's ro-idence, George street, Helen, the beloved wife of Cipttiti i». Fulliirton (ship Nelson); aged £9 tears. On the 28.h February, i.t her reridencj, W'a'.son'j Hot^l, High slreot, Margaret, wife of J.imea Watson ; aged 2'i yta^s On the 29 h December, 1878, at hjr residence, London, Hannah, the late beloved wife of Jamts May, Esq., aged 08, formerly of Wellington. Oit the 2nd Match, at the residence cf Mrs Charles Findlay, North Tuieri, Agnes Finnic, tha beloved wife of Mr Robert Barr J &i;ed 36 years. On tbe eveniug of the 4.h March, at hsr pa'enW residence, Clyda strett, Emily, only duugluer of William and Johanna Graham; aged 19 years. On the eth March, a*, the lcsdence of her gr'.ndfather, Mr ffm. M'Leod, George strett, Dunedin, Helen Margoret, infant daughter of Duncan arid Helen Fullwton. Ou the £t!i March, at his residence, Elm Row, Michael Donnelly ; aged 84 yesra. On the 11th March, sit Dunedin, Mary, beloved wife of William Pexraorj, lnt,j of the Orkney Islands, ScotUnd, in the 29th year of her age; dceilyregretied. Home papi w pleas 3 copy.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5325, 14 March 1879, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL SUMMARY Otago Daily Times, Issue 5325, 14 March 1879, Page 3

COMMERCIAL SUMMARY Otago Daily Times, Issue 5325, 14 March 1879, Page 3