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SALES Bg AUCTION. WEDNESDAY, Bth JANUARY, At 2 o'clock. CLEARING SALE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &0. MONTAGU PYM has received instructions to sell by auction, at his Booms, High street, on Wednesday, Bth January, at 2 o'clock, A large quantity of new and second-hand furniture, Consisting of— Horso-hair suite, gilt pier glasses, tables, cheffoniers, wardrobe, drawers, washstands, carpets, fenders and irons, chairs, looking.glasses, crockery, glassware, &c, &c, &c. No reserve^ 4Ja VAUXHALL. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. DONALD REID & 00. have receive J instructions to sell by auction, at an early date in January, of which due notice will be given, 100 SECTIONS Iv that portion of tha TOWN OF VAUXHALL, Formerly known as Lothians. None of these sections havo previously been offered, and in order to secure a bona fide sale to Improving purchasers, they will be put up at a very low upse price, on remarkably oisy terms of payment, and sold Without the slightest reserve. These Sections have a beautiful sunny aspect, they command a charming viow, and there are two excellent sprlngß of water on the ground. They are in oloae proximity to the ANDERSON'S BAY RAILWAY STATION, and are therefore suitable for residences for persons having business in town. The main road to the Township has been formed and metalled. 1* POSTPONED TO THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, At 3 o'clock. FIRST WOOL SALE. HENRY DRIVER (tor the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company) will offer for sale by auction, at the Company's Wool Stores, Rattray street Jetty, Thursday next, 8 o'clock, 600 BALES WOOL. Terms cash, 4Ja TOWNSHIP OF CLIFION. THE undersigned beg to intimate that on an early day they will soil by auction that magnificent property, known from tho earliest days of the Province as THE FORBURY ESTATE, which was selected by the late Mr Valpt aB one of the first choices. The property 1b now being surveyed Into suitable allotments, and will be offered under the name of CLIFTON. Whether for convenience of access by road or rail, exquisite scenery, fine sea bathing, rich Eoil, or any advantage whatever that will make a desirable and pleasant residence, it is confideutly believed that nothing equal to Clifton has evor been offered to the □üblic. WRIGHT, STEPUENSOS', & CO, GILLIE.S, STBEET, & HIsLOP SAIUftDAY, Bth FEBRUARY, At 12 o'clock. IMPORTANT SALE OF AGRICULTURAL FARMS. TOKOMAIRIRO DISTRICT. UNPBECEDENTEDLY EASY TERMS. Small Deposit in Cash; balance up to 21 YEARS AT 5 PER CSNT. PER ANNUM for first 3 yoars, and 8 por cent, aftervyards. lyf AOL EA N B ROTHERB i-VJI (in conjunction with Mr Henry Driver), instructed by Frederick Wayne, Esq , of Akatore, will submit to auction, at Watson's icooms, Hiah street, on the above date, Onc-lia'f of his AKATORE ESTATE, Consisting of 22 farms, varying in extent FROM 60 ACRES TO 660 AOKfciS EACH. This property Is one of the choloest on the covt line of Otago, the soil beinj; of excellent quality, and the climate all that can be -Josired for the growth of cereals, root crops, oi English grassts. A large portion of the land to be sold is at presont under crop, and intending investors are respectfully requested to pay an early visit of inspection. The situation ia very cjnvenient, [boing from six to ten miles off the Milton railway station. Tha exposure is really good, and no part ot he property has ever been effected either by floods or droughts. Crops of all descriptions have been grotvu with lha greatest lucce^s and, a^ regards yield por acre, comparing favouiably with that of any other district in the south. THE TERMS uF PAYMENT fixed by tho pi opdetor are a convincing proof of his cstinmto of the values aud capabilities of tho farms. One-fourth cish, the balance on mortgage for a term of youra at 6 PER CENT, for first 8 years, an'! 8 par cont. afterwards. Or the purchaser of any farm may, if he desirej, convert the purchase into a LEASE FOR TWENTY-ONE YEARS, with purchasing clause; at 3, 7, U, and 21 years, at a rental of 5 per cent, on the purchase money for first 3 years, and 8 per cent, afterwards. Mr Wsyne, who desires to proceed to Europe, has had the various farms valued by Mr Henry Driver and Mr John Maclean, to whose judgment be lies left tbe fixing of upset prices. Intendta? purchasers may therefore r«ly upon it that fair and reasoiub o values will be accepted. Plans and conditions of sale and lease may be seen at the offices of MACLEAN BROTHERS, Dunedin and Balclutha; Or, HENRY DRIVER, Bond street. 21d THURSDAY, 6th MARCH, At 8 o'clock. MAGNIFICENT FREEHOLD ESTATE IN OTAGO FOR SALE BY AUCTION. MACLEAN BROTHERS, instructed by the Executors of the late W. A. Tolmie, Esq., will submit to public competition, at their Rooms, Manse street, Dunedin, on the above date, THE WAIRUNA ESTATE, Consisting of 1 2 081 ftCres ot roono^ k&nd> This valuable block, an early selection by the lata Mr Tolmio who, at tho time, had any quantity of the best lands in the Province to choo3e from, is situate in the Walruna District, within 1J mile, of tho Southern Trunk Railway, and about 5 miles from Clinton. The whole is beautiful undulating country of low elevation, watered by numerous Btreams, and in is native state, ia without exception the best grassed land in Otago. The Pomihuka River forms tho northern boundaiy for about 6} miles, and tho other boundaries are fenced substantially with sod, ditch and bank, or wire fence. Tho Wairuna strtam (feheep proof throughout its length) runs through the contre of thoGßtatoin the line of its groate3t length, and with cross-foncos of wire and standards subdivides it into six ruddocks, with the exseption of about 1000 acres, the whole property ia fit for the plough, aad the so.l throughout 13 of excellent quality, and admirably suited for the growth of cereals, root crops, aud English grasses. The proximity of this property to the railway, its excellent exposure, combined with the fact that the streams aro stocked with English trout, aud that pheasants and partridges abound in the district, ronder it a most desirable luvostmoht for a rosident proprietor ; while on the other haDd, from its excellent natural boundaries, and the numerous atreamlets which intersect it, it is well worthy tho attention of speculators with a view of cutting it up into m jdorato-aized farms. Gentlemen debirinj; to inspect the property will please communicate with the Auctioneer:!, in ordor that a man andlursea miy wait them at C; in ton on arrival of train or coach. Wans are now in preparation. Terms in future advertisement; MACiiEAN BBOTHEB3, 7d Auctioneers; _____ TUESDAY, 7ih JANUARY, 1579, At 2 o'clock. By order of tho Trustees In the Bankrupt Estate of Scaly and Sturkoy. HOTEL PROPERTY IN CROMWELL. CHARLES "OOLCLOUGH \y will sell by public auction, without reserve, on the Premises, by ordor of the Trustees, on Tuesday, 7th January, 1870, at 2 o'clock, All that desirable hotel property situKte In llelmore terrace, (Jromwcll, and known as the CROMWELL HOTEL, lately in the occupation of Messrs Scally and Statkey. The Hotel contains about 20 rooms. The Billiard-room is the largest in the town, and Is conveniently detached from the Hotel. Tne Stable is a superior atone building, fitted up in a superior manner with Btal's, boxes, &c. There are also Carriage Sheds, Store-rooms, &c. A well-stocked Garden adjoin? the Hotel, tho whole forming the moat desirable ho;el investment ia the district, and at present eujoyiug a respectable and remunerative business. The Furniture will be Bold the same aad following days, and the purchaser of the Hotel wilt be recommended for transfer of the liconto. £1000 can remain on mortgage. Terms will be declared at sale. For particulars, apply to the Trustees, or CHAa. COLQLQVOtH, jld Auctioneer,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5268, 7 January 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5268, 7 January 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5268, 7 January 1879, Page 4