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Sept. 25.-Wind, light, easterly. Weather, fine, cloudy. 8 a.m.- Barometer, 30.22 ; thermometer, 43. 1 p.iu—Barometer, 30.22 ; thermometer, 63. sp.m. —Barometer, 30.19: thermometer, 52. Hish_ water on the 2Gtn September :- At tho Heads, 4.0 i; at Port Chalmura, 5.34 ; at Dune Jin, 6.19.

PORT CHALMERS OBSERVATORY. : Latitude, 45.45.55 .south; longitude, llh. 22m. 375. . Time ball drop 3 daily (Sundays excepted) at 1 p.m. Port Chalmers m<-an time, or lb. 87m. 235. a.m., Greenwich mean time. ARRIV&LS. • Samson, p.s., 124 tons, Jones, irom Oamaru. Union Company, ageut. Passengers : Rev. Mr and Mrs Bates, Mr and Mrs Grant, Misses O'Brien, Thomson, Messrs Jones, Thomson, Stewart, Stenz, Martin, Morton, Slayter, M'Callum, and 5 steerage. • Ringaroonia, s s., 623 tons, Whitburn, from Melbourne (September 19th), vii. Bluff. Dalgsty, Nichoti, and Co., agents. PHSsenerers: From Melbourne-Mr md Mra Soloman; Mrs Phillips and chi d, Miss Kneen, Messrs Neivan, Barton, Collins, ani 10 steerage. From Bluff—Mrs J. F. Smith, Messrs Adaui3, Ellis. Arawata, s.s., 623 tons, Underwood, from Lyttelton. Dalgety, Nichols, and Co., agents. Passengers: Mr and Mrs Majeroni, 2 children, and servant, Mrs Levy and child, Aliss Cook, Messrs E. Nation, Snoulday, Duncan, Dividson, the Hoskins Dramatic Company (23), and 4 steerage; 60 for forward porta. Beautiful Star, s.s.. 146 tons, Chrisfan, irom Timaru. Union Company, agents. Defiance, ketch, 22 tons, Burke, from Oamaru. Keith Kamsay, agent. DBPARTCRKS. Waitaki, s.s., 223 tons, Edie, for Oamaru. Union Company, agents! - Ringarooma, s s., 623 tons, Whitburn, for Lyttelton. Dalgety, Nichols, and Co , agents. Hally Bailey, schooner, 113 tons, Crone, for Hobart Town. W. and G. TurnbuU and Co., agents. Grac,>, ketch, 10 tons, Dixon, for Waikouaiti. Master, agent. Jane Scollay, schooner, 50 tons, M'Lean, for Moeraki. Keith Ramsay, agent. CUSTOMS EKTRIES. INWMUS. Ringarooma, 623 to'is, Whitburn, from Bluff, with cargo. Dalgety, NiJi-ild, and Co., agent 3. " Beautiful Star. 14J tons, Olnls'tian, from Timaru, ■with cargo. J. Mills, assent. Arawata, 623 tons, Under.vood, from Lyttelton, with cargo. Dalgety, Niclnls, cnl Co., agents. - SUas Fish, 702 tons, w iiiiatns, from New York, wi.h cartjo. Oliver and Ulph; rgenfci. " Samson, 124 tons, Jvucs, from Cft'mru, with cargo. J. Mil's, agent. '- Dauntless, 12 tons, Mus.sen, fro Waikouaiti, with cargo. , Master, agen-. Wanganui, 179 tons, Fraser, from BluS, with cargo. H. Houghton &nd Co., ageuts. OUYWAKDS. Hally Bailey, 113 tons, Crone, for Hobart Town, ii ballast. W. and G. Turnbull and Co., agent}. Ringarooma, 623 ton?, Whitburn, for Lyttelton, with cargo. Da'gety, Nichol-, and Co., ageu't*.Endeavour,79 i/^ns, Dice, ior Oaimn-u, with cargo. Master, agent. ' IMPORTS. Per Ringaroomi, from the Bluff: 1 package, T Dodson ; 2 do, Beaver Bros and Salomon; 12 do, W Melville ,- 2 do, Bright Bros; 19 do, Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co; 25 do, P Hayman and Co ; 1 do, Quong Sing Wing; 4 do, JI Murphy ; 9 do, GM Aldridge; 136 do, order; 318 do, Mackerras, Hazlett, ond Co; 70 do, Russell, Ritchie, and Co ;30 do, R Hudson; 70 do, W and J Scoular and Co; 1 do, Haig and Bramwell ; 5 do, A Lees; 4 do, M'Leod ' Bros ;. 1 do, Marshall and Copeland; 30. do, Reid and Gray; 189 do, A Briscoe ; ,65 do, Lange and Thoneman ; ; 2 do, Sargood, Son, and Ewen; 40 do, A Kimbell; 1 do, H Lariiei-; 14 do, W Bull: 27 do, J Pryor; 2 do, Hallenstein B others; 2 do, H Wise; 1 do, A H Levy; 2 do, Braithwaite; 1 dc, Bank Australasia; 2 do, Neill & Co ;ldo, Pell & Co; i do, H Anderson ;1 do, Dalgety, Nicholl*, & Co ; 1 do, Matheson Bros ; 1 do, De Betr <s Co; ldo, Weir and Kamson; ldo,A Ferg asson; 1 do, Mr PhiVip3; 2 do, A Sli?o; 3 do, Law, Somner, an-l Co; 1 do, Smith; 1 do, Dr Smith; 1 do, Russell, Ritchie, and Co; 2 do, CargiUs, Gibbs, and C>. For Oamaru—2o de, D Booth; 16 do, J H Brown ;15 do, Ireland and Esther; 40 do, Bailly and Humphry; 10 do,-Hamilton.- For Timaru—6B do, MHis, Areher,aud Co.-,.' •.-,- :. :-.-:. ■ ...'■■ ■ -.. , :':-;

- .Per Samson, from Qamarii and Kakanui: 132 bags, Esther and Low:; 108 do", ■ Vf and J Scoular;; '4 pkgs, M'Liskey; 7 do, Strachan; 1- do,"W and G TurnbuU ana Co; 414 do,'- Cargiils, yibbs.'and Co. " Per Arawata, from the Coast: 1 packa?e,: Railway; 1 do, Captain Hutton; 3 do, M'Gregor; 8 do, Campbell; I do, Macassey;.B do, lightband. Allan, and Co ; 2 do, Linge and Thoneniin; 2 do,"Pearson ; X do, order. " Per Defiance, from Oamaru: 30 tons stone, Munro. : : ' EXPORTS.

; Per, Endeavour, for; Oamaru: 700 s-cks, J and T Meek; .....


Auckland, September 25th, Arrived: Hero, from Sydney, at 6.30 a.m.

Lyttelton, September 25th. Arrived: Hawi, from Poy; Chalmers, at 5.50, tailed: Taupo, for Port Chalmera, at C.15 p.m. Hokitika, September 25th. A rrived : Mabel Jane, from Dunedm.


After the steamer Iron Age had towed out the schooner Hally Bayley last evening, she fell in with Messrs Thomson Brothers' schooner Friendship, just cometiptothe Heads from' the Macquarrie Islands. The schooner edged towards her and communicated, announcing the totalloss of the schooner Bencleuch, belonging tothe Thomsons, at the Macquau'ie Islands, on tho night of August sth. Both schooners were caught by a heavy gale, and whilst the Bencleuch remained at her anchor, the Friendship put to sea. and did not fetch the.lslands again for three weekj. When she returned, she: found, the Bencleuch had been driven ashore tho rujrht tho, Friendship cleared out, and had become a totaF wreck. One of her hands, aMaori; had died, and another had broken! his leg. The others had remained on the Island. This was the substance of the- Friendship's report. She was making for the harbour and got inside the Heads, but meeting the ebb-tide, and the wind falling light after the iron Age left, her, she would probably anchor and wait for the next flood. Fuller details ofthe loss of the Bencleuch'will be forthcoming to-day. It will be remembered that the Friendship and Bencleuch left the Port on a sealing cruise some four months ago. y ' y ■

The steamer Samson, Captain Jones, returned from Oamaru early yesterday morning, and went alongside tlie ship Invercargill to tranship some 377 cases of meats and 37 casks of tallow. - On Monday af •ernoon i when- the tide served, the Samson: ran round to Kakanui from Oainaru, and shipped the ahove pro-: duce, and also a quantity of bacsn, the place again being worked easily aud smartly, her stay, there hot exceeding three-quarters of an hour. She then returned to Oamaru, shipped more caigo and passengers, and left at 7.15 pm. for head-quarters. The trip was a fine weaiher one. •; y

The Union Company's steamer Beautiful Star, Captain Christian, returned from Timaru yesterday niorn-^ ing, and pasted on to Dunedm. Two c7ays were again lost* at Timaru owing to the heavy sea that prevailed there ou Saturday, compelling the Star to wait till Monday to land and ship cargo. She finally got away on Monday evening, and is to leave again for Timaru this afternoon.- •'•:■■■

Messrs M'Meckan and Blackwood's steamer Ringarooma, Captain Whitburn, arrived, at the Port Clulmers Kailway Pier at 6 a.m. yesterday.- Her passage from Melbourne to the .'Blufi was* reported by telegraph in yesterday's issue. At the Bluff she discharged a quantity of cargo/and left at 4 30 p.m., arriving as above. Only some seventy tons of cargo were brought by her for Dunedin, which were discharged betimes yesterday. In the afternoun the Ringarooma left for Nehon, via Lyttelton and Wellington, and will retorn here to leave for Melbourne, via Bluff, on Wednesday next. : The report of the Ringarooma having brought two shor.horn bid's for Auckland was. premature, as the animate were not shipped in her. y

Mesars M'Meckan and Blackwood's mail steamer Arawata, Captain Underwood, arrived at the Port Chalmera Railway Pier at 9.55 a.m. yesterday from her monthly intermediate trip to Nelson and other ports. Her qualities as a heeler- were again demonstrated, this tims under the favourable circumstances of a clean bottom, inasmuch tliat leaving Nelson at 9 a.m. on the 22nd, she steamed to WeUington in 7 houw 40 minutes ; and, leaving Wellington half-an-hour after noon next day, the fetched Lytttlton ia 14 hours 45 minutes, and vras fay from being driven at that. At LytteHon she shipped 100 tons of grain, and left at 5.15 p.m., and made the run up in 16 hours 20 mins.~ Irght variable wind* and pleasant weather prevailed allrjund. The Arawata leaves this afternoon for Melbourne via Bluff, and tikes out the mail via Suez, shipping it and passeDgers by the 2.30 train from Bunedin.

Since the s.s. Ringarooma was here last month, she has undergone a change in her rig b3" crossing tops al lower yards forwards. The lower yard is the topsail yard, and the topsail yard tlie topgallant yard, that constituted part of her hrig rig when s-he came out from Britain. We cannot say that the addition of the yards has at all improved her appearance, but square sail will be beneficial by helping to steady her .when sh<s is running bef ore it,'and will also tend to make her steer better. The Arawata's rig* is to be similarly altered when she reaches Melbourne. . ■ . , .

The Timaru Bank lightship has been removed from her moorings in order to undergo au overhaul and cleaning. She was taken into Fletchei's slip yesterday afternoon. In tbe meantime the steamer Jane does duty as a light-hip on the Timaru Bank. The Iron Age towed her.down yesterday morning, and brought the lightship up. . The ketch Defiance came in from Oamaru yesterday afternoon, and passed on for Dunedin. She sailed on Saturday last with a cargo of building stone, and had light variable winds up. The ke eh Frajklin Belle finished loading at the Martin Scott yesterday evening, aud will sail for the Coist this morning.

The ship Timaru waß hauled ever to the New Pier, and moored in a loading berth yesterday afternoon.

A telegram received at tbe Port yesterday morning, announced the ketch Palmerston's arrival at InvercargiU on Monday morning. The schooner Endeavour wa3. taken off Isbister's slip yesterday, after having been repaired and generally looked to. She is, we understand, to go hence to Allday Bay, t'anwru, and Greymonth. The barquentine Estille commenced loading for Auckland yesterday. During the ketch Prince Rupert's st*y at Dunedin, she ha 3 been closely attended to and made fit as a fiddle for further service. She was caulked in the top sides, and thoroughly overhaulded aloft, all her standing rigging being lifted and refitted, and the lower rigging rerattled. • Mr Keith Bamsay informs us that the tchooner Maggie Paterson hence arrived at Greymouth on Saturday last, and the schooner Cre>t oi the Wave, also hence, on Sunday. The Martha Reid, from Greymouth, arrived off Jimaru on Saturday iast, after a very rough passage, durii.g which she had her galley washed overboard. The schooner Elibmk Castle, whicihad heen bar-bound at Greymouth, got away on the 20th for Tiinaiu.

Mr H. Gu'hri*! ha 3 received advices of the arrival at Catlin's River, on Friday last, of the whole < f tbe fleet which, bound thtre, were so long detained at the Heads by the late heavy westerly weather.

Respecting the barque Palace, which we stated yesterdvy had been purchased by Mr Paxerson, of this City, we may further temark that she is to be placed inthe trade between this port, Kaipara, and Melbourne, and occasionally will call at Hobart Tcwn. From Melbourna and Hobart Town she will bring geueral targo hete, then proceed to Kaipara and load -kauri timber for the Melbou ne market. The barque is eminently suited to trade here, as she tan take 510 tons of cargo to .Battray street Wharf. She is 339 tons register, and -was'bu-lt at Miramiihi iti 1860. She wa« refastened aU "over at .Melbourne, a.d sailed thence for Uuricdin on Saturday last. The steamer Waitaki left for Oaniaru yesterday morning. The schooner Hally . Bayley, •. bound, to Hobart

Town, was towed to sea yesterday morning by the Iron Age. The schoones Jane Scollay, bound to Moeraki with a cargo of railway iron, and the ketch Grace, for Waikouaiti, sailed yeaierday evening.


Great stress is laid by the Melbourre Argus upon tho fact of the P. and O. Company having placed some of its finer steamers in the Amtraliau trade, and that the delivery of the mails io advance of timo his thereby been much facilitated. Tho Tanjoro's splendid delivc y in 39 days is again qnotcd, ami in its ropoit of the steamer Siam's passage, the Argus gives her credit for a performance second only to that of the former steamer. She deli vert d the last Suez mail s.x days in advance of time. She is described as a splendid ve>sel, built for North German Lloyds by Messrs Caird and Co., of Greonock, registers 1871 tons, is 500 h.p. nominal, and can in ordinary weather steam 12 knots easily. The P. and 0. Company is praised for its liberality in departing from the stvict letter of it 3 contact in order to shorten the period allowed for the conveyance of mails. No doubt the probability of establishing another mail route via the Cape of Good Hope has prompted the old mail company to bestir itsplf. This quite as much as any desire to convenience colonists. The clipper ship Mermerus, from London, made a good run of 78 days to Melbourne, arriving there on the 14th She had steady winds and weather right to Cape Otway, and then encountered a gale and high sea.

Onthe 13th inst. the Aberdeen clipper City of Mcl- i bourne hoisted the colours half-mast in respect to the memory of Mr Stephen Thompson, of the firm of George Thompson and Co., tho owners of the fleet. Whilst the steamer City of New York was entoring Darling Harbour, at Sydney, on the 13th inst., she ran into the wharf and boat buUdors'shed at Balmain, doing considerable damage A ferry steamer with passengers narrowly c. caped b;/ing crushed. I The ship Theophane arrived at Melbourne on the 16th mat.—made a good passage from Liverpool of /a da\s. She encountered heavy southerly weather wh Ist makinsr her easting:, ant had her decks swept forward and the forecastle gutted. j The barque Edward May, arrived at Melbourne on tho 16th inst, maae a good fine weather passage of 84 days. In connection with the departure of the steamers Lusitania ahd Somersetshire, the one via Suez, the other via Cape Horn, both on the same day, the Argua says the Somersetshire "ia full even to the rejection ot cargo, but passengers on this trip are scarce, the other steamers and ihe Suez route having carried the day." The Lusitania called at Adelaide, and had to refuse 1000 bales of wool offered her as cargo. The steamer Adela; bound from Melboure to Newcastle, broke her shaft off Montague Island, and wss picked up and towed into Sydney by the steamer You Yangs. The brig Emily, which grounded at Queenscliff, has been examined by divers and fouud to be seriously damaged, 6ft 61 her keel forwards and part of her garboard streak being carried away. The ship Antelope, from New York, arrived at Melbourne on the 18th inst., after a passage of 97 days. The ship Milwall, lrom Liverpool, passed Cape Otway for Melbourne on the IGth inst. The barque Bobycito is reported to have sailed (rom Newcastle for .Lyttelton on the 17th inst. SUPPLEMENTARY SUMMARY. Since the Summaiy elsewhere was put together, sundry vessels have arrived and departed—the most noticeable amon<r the arrivals be'ng tho barque Silas Fish, from New York, with a full cargo, of which only a small portion is for Dunedin. .These bring the business of the month up to a tonnage cf 43,912, of which 22,153 tons belongs to 93 arrivals, and 21j759 to 104 departures, Last month* returns were : Arrivals 99, tonnage 16,500; departures 9S, tonnage 19,800. VESSELS IS TORT. The fleet in port comprises the following vessels :— The Albion Company's ship Invercargill, 1246 tons, Capt. Muir, on the berth for London, and loading. She has shipped between one and two hundred tons of preserved meats and tallow,. and will be. docked to be, cleaned and recoated before cargo rushes ia. She will be the first wool ship of the season. The,same Compiny's ship Timaru, 13CJ tons,: Captain Taylor, from London, discharging. : She is clear of measurement goods, and is putting ont coal, and is to follow the Invercargill on the berth for London.. The New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered ship Martin Scott, 138S tous, Captain Kerr, from London, discharging, has delivered nearly all" her measurement goods in' good order, and is working into'dead weight. Messrs Shaw, Savill's barqne Helen Denny, 728 tons, Captain Huth, from London, has discharged all her Otago cargo save some ten tons for the-Bluff, is ballasting, and will probab'y sail for Napier with original cargo on Friday next. The American barque Herbert ' Black, 573 tons, Captain Treat, from New York;.' discharging. The American barque Silas' Fish, .702 Wns,y Captain. Williams, from New York, -■ discharging. .Messrs M'Meckan and ,Blackwood's 'steamer Arawata, '623. tons, Underwood, : leaves for Melbourne with the Suez mail td:day. The: : schooner Endeavour, bound coastwise. The steamer .Lady Bird inordinary, and-.harbour steamers Tug Koputai and Iron Age.l At the Upper Harbour are the barquentine Estolle/^195 tons,, Captain Miller, jloadins-ior:Auckland ; the schooners Clyde and; Wan-, ganui, forrtbe Coast, discharging ; ketch Prince Rupert and schooner Ma:y Ellen, for the Coast; the Union Company's steamer Beautiful' Star, loading for Timaru; steamer, Shag, loading for Moeraki; schooner Maid of Otago,'barque Amateur, brig Tower Hill, and ■ steamer Comerang, in ordinary.


The approximate'returns under this heading were— Arrivals, 763 sou's; departures, 643.


. Of tho round- dozen 61 vessels expected here from British and American ports; the thips Jessie Readman and Lechnagar, from London, are 82 daya out to-day ; ■the Waimea, from the sains poit, is 77 days out; and the James:Nichol- Fleming, from Glasgow, 73 days out. The R. S. Lyman, from New York, is 69 days at sea. .'■-........-.•..

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4870, 26 September 1877, Page 4

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SHIPPING Otago Daily Times, Issue 4870, 26 September 1877, Page 4

SHIPPING Otago Daily Times, Issue 4870, 26 September 1877, Page 4